Shield Triple Threat Post Mania


Championship Contender
Since the Shield break up I've read all over the internet about how people wanted to see the 3 Shield members fight in a triple threat at Wrestlemania for the WWE WHC. While I personally don't think 2 of the members are ready for the Main Event of Wrestlemania, I do think it'd make a great feud post Mania. Odds are either Reigns or Rollins are leaving Mania with the belt, so let's discuss how we set this feud up.

1. Reigns wins at Mania taking the WWE WHC from Lesnar with Rollins coming to cash in(maybe after a Lesnar beatdown on Roman). The match starts when the Lunatic Fringe runs down to the ring to beat down Rollins, thus Rollins wins by DQ, Reigns is still champ. With the Authority still in power, Rollins is given a rematch at Extreme Rules but maybe Vince steps in adding Ambrose in?

2. Reigns is about to win the WHC at Mania when Rollins cashes in and wins the strap from Lesnar. Reigns is mad at Rollins for costing him the title which he would have won. Maybe slide Ambrose in saying he wasn't done with Rollins.

So what are the thoughts on this, Ambrose/Rollins never got a clear finish and Ambrose never got his revenge. Ambrose said he'd cost Rollins whenever he'd try to cash in, why not reignite the feud through that?
I would be all for Ambrose cashing in his Intercontinental Championship (assuming he wins it) for a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Reigns can win at Wrestlemania only to be cashed in on by Rollins and Reigns will have a rematch clause as much as I hate those things. Then Ambrose slides in that way. Easy money.

Triple Threat at Extreme Rules in an Extreme Rules match would be awesome. Just give them 20 minutes to go balls to the wall crazy on each other. I also do agree that Ambrose vs Rollins should have gotten a better finish then the Wyatt theatrics to end it. They can have a couple months of them in singles matches for the title while someone (maybe Sheamus?) can cost Reigns the match keeping Reigns away from the title and main event scene if WWE has soured on him.

This is all assuming Brock doesn't resign. If he does and then retains at Mania it will be interesting to see what the WWE landscape will be for the next few months. Hopefully not them floundering around making thrown together main events until Lesnar shows again. This is the interesting thing about Wrestlemania. There are SEVERAL ways they can go, but they won't more than likely and have the most boring outcome possible like Reigns winning then feuding with Big Show for the title for the next few months. They went with the lamest outcome for the Royal Rumble so why not this time too?

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