Sheamus & Ziggler: Double turn?

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
So it seems Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler will eventually happen. Well, what if a double turn occured?

On paper, it's perfect. Sheamus is worlds better as a heel, while I personally think ol' Ziggy would be better as a face.

Now how would this work? Simple. Ziggler vs Sheamus, Ziggler's about to win when Vickie hits Ziggler with a chair! Sheamus pins Ziggler for the win and Vickie decides to side with Sheamus.

Do you have a better idea? Post what you think.
I cannot stand the idea of Sheamus V Ziggler as it is so I would hope they did something on the lines of what you said to make it interesting for myself to watch. I could see Swagger coming to the aid of Sheamus one week & starting a face / heel turn for both men. Then having Swagger & Sheamus tag team up against Ziggler & a face the next week. Throw in a backstage segment with Sheamus telling Vicky to represent him the WHC instead of a guy who may or may not win the title & the ball is in motion.
Sheamus vs. Ziggler will eventually happen? It happened 3 or 4 times on TV in the last 6 weeks. Sheamus always wins. Poor planning on WWE's part. Ziggler should have been protected leading up to the MITB win.

I don't think face or heel matters much for Sheamus. His face character is not much different from his heel character, and perhaps a little better with his Irish folklore promos. The fans liked him as a heel, and basically made it so he had to turn. I don't see Ziggler being better off as a face. He's got his heel persona down now. But I think it's the same as Sheamus that the crowd might force a Ziggler turn eventually. The key is not to ruin what made the character so appealing.

I got nothing to offer as a suggestion on a double turn. Your idea is simple, and that's a good thing. Having a manager involved makes a double turn easy. I don't want to see it happen, though.
Sheamus grinning Irish Cena routine is not that over and I think they could channel the physically dominant way he's been booked into a heel turn that gets more momentum than his prior heel run that was strong on his work but badly booked.

Ziggler is probably going to turn face as the crowd are pushing things that way, however I'd like to see him just keep on being a cocky heel and let the mixed reactions build.
I doubt WWE is going to head this direction but watching MITB on PPV when Ziggler came down with the briefcase then Sheamus hit Dolph with the BROGUE kick, it did feel like a double turn didn't it? Ziggler was getting chants and cheers then Sheamus blindsided him in very heel-like fashion. Although some of that is the new-age fan these days (cheering for heels, booing faces, etc.) and the blurred character lines with the anti-hero face, perhaps this causes some confusion
A double-turn is a very real possibility.

The crowds have already taken their sides. Notably at their No Way Out match, Ziggler probably had 50% of the crowd on his side as a heel. And then take MitB for instance after the Sheamus vs. Del Rio match when it appeared like a set up for Dolph to cash in, the crowd was loving it, chanting "We want Ziggler. We want Ziggler."

Not a coincidence that they were cheering for a heel as a face was being beaten down to possibly lose his title. WWE universe wants this change to hapen now.
I don't think you need to turn Sheamus heel to turn Ziggler face. We know Sheamus can play an effective heel, that's how he won his first WWE Title. Now isn't the time to halt his progress as an emerging babyface. Sheamus is effectively playing the same character "Diesel" was, and in time I think he'll be really popular. Let Ziggler stay heel for a while and in time he will eventually win the crowd's full support. Look at how warm a welcome Miz got returning at MITB.
Well, it wouldn't make sense for a double turn for Sheamus and Ziggler; WWE creative is building Sheamus to be the next Cena. Well, when Cena goes through his inevitable heel turn, it has to happen within the next couple of years depending on how the company is doing, who would be there to be the poster boy of the WWE? From the looks of it, the Great White seems to be the next cookie cut face... And also, I am a huge fan of Ziggler, but I don't want him turning face, not yet at least. Creative/Vince has to make Ziggler a formidable and not constantly losing heel... Truth to be told, Ziggler is a glorified jobber, but he needs to put in matches were he would surprisingly win, and clean too. After a couple of clean wins, then let him start really showing off...
Due to the whole bullying campaign, I doubt Sheamus will turn any time soon. Maybe he is a better heel but he seems to be over with the kids now, so we'll see. As for Dolf, I like him as a heel. He's just one of those guys who's better at being the bad guy.
first of all I don't won't ziggler will get that shot now because 2 resaons:the first orton will return soon and I think he can have a great feud with sheamus for the world title {because it's look like there is going to be a feud between rey mysterio and alberto del rio like last summer}.the second one is I hope to see ziggler defend his MITB contract agianst chris jericho {to start a feud between them} at the end I think ziggler will have a feud with orton not with sheamus.
I think Sheamus MUST be a heel... But I'm not sure if Zigler VS Sheamus will really interest me. Except if they go to the extrem. I would like to see a table match for the WHC.

But please, don't make Sheamus/Vickie being together.
It’s possible. But I really dint want to see either one of them turn. Sheamus is a good face and Ziggler is an even better heel. Why do we want another power house heel? We already have Kane, Mason, Tensi, Big Slow (Show), and Swagger pretty big as well. Who do we have as face? Cena, that’s pretty much it. Kahli doesn’t count he is not an active wrestler. (And I don’t mean on the roster either)
I would LOVE to see Sheamus as a HEEL again. But, the kids really love him. (I know my little cousins do) So, atleast for now, I think the WWE will keep him as a Face. As for Dolph. I think he would be a even better Face than he is as a HEEL. I mean, he is so great why couldn't he get over as a Face? Of course these are just my opinions.

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