Sexual Assault In Wrestling: Yes or No?

Sexual Assault In Wrestling

  • Yes

  • No

  • Wrestling is fake.

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The question was: Sexual Assault In Wrestling: Yes or No?

Below are the results.

Yes 16.22%
No 35.14%

Glad to see over a third say no. But there's 16% who think that that sort of shit is funny. Those are the sort of people who laugh at segments like the Hornswoggle one. And there probably the sort of people who dont think there would be anything wrong with ripping a towel off a woman and chasing her down the street.
Nowhere during both segment was melina rape in anyway so i don't understand why you're calling this rape. Have you ever saw or do you know somebody that got rape before? If you respond yes to this question you would know what rape his really and it wasn't anywhere near what like what happen last week with melina and hornswoggle. All i was a midget chasing somebody and taking her towel..

No rape isnt funny. This was an act of sexual battery on a television show viewed by young kids. So IMO and some knowledge of the law its a criminal offense.


What the hell is going on here? Who are these random newbies coming in here and taking us seriously and saying "OhM!y GAWD2 u guyz rape kids uR SICK!" If you don't understand the ever so sophisticated humour of men like myself and the Jake-man....leave.

Rape is hilarious. I stand by that statement. I also stand by the statement that Adolf Hitler made a damn fine batch of brownies.

Whats this sarcasm thing you keep talking about Jake?
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The question was: Sexual Assault In Wrestling: Yes or No?

Below are the results.

Yes 16.22%
No 35.14%

Glad to see over a third say no. But there's 16% who think that that sort of shit is funny. Those are the sort of people who laugh at segments like the Hornswoggle one. And there probably the sort of people who dont think there would be anything wrong with ripping a towel off a woman and chasing her down the street.

Horswoggle...Now that was some funny ass shit! But Katie Vick was just plain sick!

I can say that without a doubt if it had been a full grown man (body wise) It would've been very creepy I mean can you imagine Snitsky in Hornswoggle's place? ew...... But a leperchaun...that's funny!! I wonder why we think like that????
Real life rape: thats a big NO NO

Wrestling fantasy world rape: yes,i do enjoy the hornswoggle skits.
Has this world become so politically correct, that we can't enjoy the humor of a midget chasing a girl in a towel? "She was sexually assaulted" WHAT BS!!!!!!!

If your offended by the Hornswoggle skit, I suggest finding something else to watch on Monday Nights, I think there is a antique auction on PBS, maybe that won't offend you.
So just because a midget chased around Melina all the idiots are up in arms, but where were you when Moolah "raped" Vince McMahon?
So just because a midget chased around Melina all the idiots are up in arms, but where were you when Moolah "raped" Vince McMahon?

Pfft.. everyone knows you can't rape males. Rape is something that is forced, its something that you do to an individual against their will. You can't rape a male, because there isn't a male on earth who isn't willing to have sex.

In Mr. McMahon's case, since you wanted to use the MAE YOUNG (not Moolah) ordeal, watch it fully.. he liked it in the end. Melina, clearly, did NOT like being stripped & possibly felt up under the ring on Monday night. I didn't see McMahon screaming for help, & being completely vunrable after Mae kissed him.
how about this fake rape for comedy like hornswoggle is kind of funny but real rape isnt
Melina, clearly, did NOT like being stripped & possibly felt up under the ring on Monday night.


You really think Melina was naked??? ROFLMAO This is a work people! The bikini Hornswoggle came out with as a DUPLICATE!! Yes, you heard it here first it was ANOTHER bikini!!! That is why I am not the least bit offended in the skit because it was all ACTING!!! It wasn't real!!

Ok, I think I drove the point home, if not let me know and I'll do a "making of" for you :headbanger:
The wwe has know sexual harrassment i just think Vince McMahon is ****e and likes to have sexual segments on the show,,,,,,,,
The wwe has know sexual harrassment i just think Vince McMahon is ****e and likes to have sexual segments on the show,,,,,,,,

to quote the rock

what in the blue hell have you just said?

see what kelly's doing to us?!

Did you just call me a symbol used in writing? Of course I'm a mark, who on this forum isn't? If you love wrestling, what else would you be?

You really think Melina was naked??? ROFLMAO This is a work people! The bikini Hornswoggle came out with as a DUPLICATE!! Yes, you heard it here first it was ANOTHER bikini!!! That is why I am not the least bit offended in the skit because it was all ACTING!!! It wasn't real!!

GULLIBLE ALERT!!!!!! Have you even paid attention to this thread at all? Its littered with sarcasum & witty remarks.

Ok, I think I drove the point home, if not let me know and I'll do a "making of" for you :headbanger:

"Making Of?" We aren't scripting an MTV show here.. we're trying to discuss rape in wrestling & what place it has.
i have it on good authority that at the Raw TV show this coming monday in Grand Rapids there will be Grand Rapids police stationed in the Womens shower, at all stair cases with doors at the end of them, and under the ring to prevent anything funny/hornswoggley from occuring.
^ Best fucking post, ever. End of story. Close the forums, nothing can beat that post.

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