Seeing Potential in a Superstar doesn't mean Skyrocket them to the front of the line.


Vipère Mortelle
So with the youth movement going on in the WWE, brand new faces are making their impact and their presence known by going after the big game. Del Rio has made a name for himself going after Mysterio. Dolph Ziggler, the guy who started as a male cheerleader and then walked around saying, "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler" has definitely proved his worth and ability by holding his own against Randy Orton, John Cena, and Edge, and a solid run as the IC Champion. Wade Barrett successfully ran a faction for 6-7 months that basically headlined RAW week after week. These superstars have definitely gotten some recognition... but does that mean they can skip ahead of the line?

I'm convinced that making an impact in the WWE is now more important then the achievements superstars make with actual skill, like how many championships are won or having a stunning career. In an era where championship accolades are dying out, we still have some superstars that fit the formula of main eventers of the past and present. People like Chris Jericho and Edge are sooooo decorated... While John Cena and Randy Orton, not so much.

John Morrison is a very decorated superstar, he is a 3 time Intercontinental Champion and a 5 time Tag Team Champion, and a 1 time ECW World Champion. He has been in successful tag teams, and he has held his own in grudge matches and feuds. So why should someone like John Morrison, who is on paper, more qualified and more deserving, take a back seat to someone like Alberto Del Rio?

Let's face it, the youth movement in the WWE is here, but all they have is youth. There aren't as many legendary veterans left. Undertaker is gone half the year and so is Triple H. Jericho is also on and off again. Edge is consistent but has periodical injuries.

Randy Orton and John Cena are seasoned veterans but they can still be considered part of the "youth" movement, as Randy is only 30 and John is 33...

So I pose the question, just about every superstar in the same age group that is considered "youth" why are the brand new faces, overriding the youth who have worked hard and deservingly earned a spot to showcase their talent in the main event and the grand stage. Something tells me its a little more then lacking of mic skills
Del Rio didn't make a name for himself by going after Mysterio.

Del Rio made a name for himself by working his ass off around the world and paying his dues.

Fact is, Morrison isn't more qualified than Del Rio, sure, Morrison has flashy moves and gets great pops, but Del Rio is excellent in the ring, when's the last time you seen a Germen Suplex look so good?

Del Rio is an excellent ring worker, much better than Morrison.
The WWE is dumb... that is the easiest answer. 85% of all of these young guys are not even worth having around. There is no ryme or reason to who gets pushes. It comes from a "let's throw it at the wall, and see if it sticks" mentality. Vince is sooooo desperate to find the next Rock, that he thinks he can "make" superstars by putting world titles on them. The only thing that he is doing is degrading those titles to the point that they mean almost nothing.

John Morrison is one of the very FEW guys in the youth movement that actually has any skill. He should be main eventing. The people who deserve to be big stars are held down and I am not really sure why. Maybe guys like Trips, Orton, & Cena keep guys like Morrison down so they do not "show up" them. That is just a guess... I don't know.
So with the youth movement going on in the WWE, brand new faces are making their impact and their presence known by going after the big game. Del Rio has made a name for himself going after Mysterio. Dolph Ziggler, the guy who started as a male cheerleader and then walked around saying, "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler" has definitely proved his worth and ability by holding his own against Randy Orton, John Cena, and Edge, and a solid run as the IC Champion. Wade Barrett successfully ran a faction for 6-7 months that basically headlined RAW week after week. These superstars have definitely gotten some recognition... but does that mean they can skip ahead of the line?

Of course it does.

I'm convinced that making an impact in the WWE is now more important then the achievements superstars make with actual skill, like how many championships are won or having a stunning career. In an era where championship accolades are dying out, we still have some superstars that fit the formula of main eventers of the past and present. People like Chris Jericho and Edge are sooooo decorated... While John Cena and Randy Orton, not so much.

Championships are a prop and nothing more. If you can make an immediate impact in a year while your counterpart has been in the business for five years, you deserve to be ahead of that person. This is a business and those who can produce go ahead of those who can't. It's kind of odd that you claim Edge is decorated while guys like Cena or not. What makes them different than Edge because Edge has benefited from the brand split just as much as the latter two have.

John Morrison is a very decorated superstar, he is a 3 time Intercontinental Champion and a 5 time Tag Team Champion, and a 1 time ECW World Champion. He has been in successful tag teams, and he has held his own in grudge matches and feuds. So why should someone like John Morrison, who is on paper, more qualified and more deserving, take a back seat to someone like Alberto Del Rio?

Apparently, Vince doesn't trust Morrison to be a draw in the main event scene just yet. Paying dues is irrevelant in today's WWE. They're striking while the iron is hot.

Let's face it, the youth movement in the WWE is here, but all they have is youth. There aren't as many legendary veterans left. Undertaker is gone half the year and so is Triple H. Jericho is also on and off again. Edge is consistent but has periodical injuries.

Guys like Cena and Orton will take the place of HHH and the Undertaker. That's why guys like Del Rio are and Sheamus and Swagger have been pushed.

Randy Orton and John Cena are seasoned veterans but they can still be considered part of the "youth" movement, as Randy is only 30 and John is 33...

I don't consider John Cena and Randy Orton part of the "youth movement" but maybe that's just me.

So I pose the question, just about every superstar in the same age group that is considered "youth" why are the brand new faces, overriding the youth who have worked hard and deservingly earned a spot to showcase their talent in the main event and the grand stage. Something tells me its a little more then lacking of mic skills

Nope. If Vince and the higher ups see something in you, then they're going to advance you up the card regardless of tenure.
I don't see any promise to Del Rio at all. He is being forced down our throats by WWE. I give him a year and he will be forgotten. Morrison is at least three times better than Del Rio and worth watching.

How is he being forced down our throats? He's an upper midcarder who has had some decent matches so far in his WWE career. His promos leading up to last night were about destiny and him winning the Rumble and he did just that. The WWE isn't forcing anybody down anybody's throats. If they see something in Del Rio, then by all means they are going for it. See if what you have now is worth keeping around for the long term instead of waiting and waiting for something and somebody who may never be what you want them to be.
I think the WWE has woken up and finally realized that it's a matter of striking while the iron is hot. When they debut a new superstar, if a strong connection happens with the audience, the WWE capitalizes on this moment in a way to earn dollars. If a potential feud can draw asses in the seats and money in PPV buys, they'll throw the superstar into the mix, regardless of their tenure with the company.

However, when i comes to guys like Morrison, the WWE missed the opportunity to strike while his iron was hot. Shame on them. But over time, Morrison's gained some steam and is now a reliable babyface that can get a legitimate push at any time. However, if the WWE buries a guy like Alberto Del Rio before he's made a name for himself, it's highly unlikely that he'll be able to elevate himself back to the heights he's achieved recently.

I highly doubt that the WWE said, "Ok, he's new and young... we'll push him first." Instead, the conversation probably went more like, "Del Rio is getting great reactions. While he's on his hot streak, let's use it to make some money." And here we are... Del Rio is your 2011 Royal Rumble champion and will co-headline Wrestlemania for a title belt.

I don't know why one method of mayhem always needs to point to one definitive direction or answer when it comes to superstar pushes or storylines. Why is there always an underlying rhyme or reason for every strategic move that the WWE makes? It's as simple as looking at a guy and seeing if, at this moment, he or she can draw dollars for the company. Remember everyone: The WWE's job is to entertain us, but more so, it's to make money for it's owners and employees.
Such is the ways on the forums, let a guy get the spotlight put on him for a second and it'll quickly be said "he's being forced down our throats." It happened with the Miz before Del Rio, Barrett and the Nexus before that, Sheamus before that, McIntyre before that, and so on and so on. The fact of the matter is that if the WWE thinks a certain superstar is worth pushing and is ready. They will push him, it's up to the wrestler to determine how sucessful the push is or not. From the looks of thing right now, they've done a pretty good job at picking the right guys.
Del Rio didn't make a name for himself by going after Mysterio.

Del Rio made a name for himself by working his ass off around the world and paying his dues.

Fact is, Morrison isn't more qualified than Del Rio, sure, Morrison has flashy moves and gets great pops, but Del Rio is excellent in the ring, when's the last time you seen a Germen Suplex look so good?

Del Rio is an excellent ring worker, much better than Morrison.

Completely Agree, 100%. Morrison got his 'spot' in the RR when he jumped onto the barricade, that's what he is good for. Imo, in no way is he more qualified than ADR. Morrison's 'Finisher' is constantly botched, (yeah, the SSP looks cool, but not when he misses the guy and still gets the pin...) (And yes i know he has been using a knee as a finisher also).

Del Rio was a great choice to win this rumble.
John Morrison is a very decorated superstar, he is a 3 time Intercontinental Champion and a 5 time Tag Team Champion, and a 1 time ECW World Champion. He has been in successful tag teams, and he has held his own in grudge matches and feuds. So why should someone like John Morrison, who is on paper, more qualified and more deserving, take a back seat to someone like Alberto Del Rio?

John Morrison can't cut a promo. I'm sorry, he really can't. He rambles, makes jokes that aren't funny, and simply does not connect with the crowd. Heading into Wrestlemania, you can't have one of the main eventers going in and be unable to hold his own on the mic.

I wouldn't have gone with Del Rio without better build up, but given his experience and the fact that he has legit mic skills, he is a *far* better choice than John Morrison.
I don't get wrestling fans sometimes. Everyone was bitching about how when for a few years straight no one new won the rumble and how the rumble use to skyrocket some midcarder's career. But now when that actually happens everyone is bitching about it. I don't get it. But Del Rio is the future and same goes for Barret, Sheamus, JoMO, and Ziggler.
:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: All I've heard for the past year or two on these forums is the WWE always has the same people in the main event (HHH, Cena, Orton, Taker etc..), now they finally start to elavate new and talented stars and people are now complaining why are they being ahead of (HHH, Cena, Orton) :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

And you wonder why Vince doesn't take the IWC seriously
:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: All I've heard for the past year or two on these forums is the WWE always has the same people in the main event (HHH, Cena, Orton, Taker etc..), now they finally start to elavate new and talented stars and people are now complaining why are they being ahead of (HHH, Cena, Orton) :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

And you wonder why Vince doesn't take the IWC seriously

I don't completely disagree, but...

There is a world of difference between giving somebody a main event match at TLC or the Survivor Series, and giving somebody a main event match at Wrestlemania. Somebody that has never headlined a PPV before is a hard sell to headline Mania.
I don't completely disagree, but...

There is a world of difference between giving somebody a main event match at TLC or the Survivor Series, and giving somebody a main event match at Wrestlemania. Somebody that has never headlined a PPV before is a hard sell to headline Mania.

I don't remember John Cena headlining a PPV before he beat JBL for the belt at WM 21.
I don't get wrestling fans sometimes. Everyone was bitching about how when for a few years straight no one new won the rumble and how the rumble use to skyrocket some midcarder's career. But now when that actually happens everyone is bitching about it. I don't get it. But Del Rio is the future and same goes for Barret, Sheamus, JoMO, and Ziggler.

Thank You!

People wanted, including me, a non-main eventer this year to win the Royal Rumble. Becuase, their in the middle in a youth movement and it makes so much sense to push a young, talented athlete who is good on the mic.

But of course, the usual internets douchebags bitching start's.

"He's bot ready, he should'nt win, Chrisitan should won, why did he win. He does'nt deserve it, Morrison does."

Hell, even if Ziggler, or Kofi, or Swagger, or Shaemus, or even Zack Ryder won people would be bitching.

It's sad when you can't enjoy something and just bitch and moan becuase what you fantasy booked didn't happen.

Get off Youtube, turn off your Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 videogame, and actually enjoy it for once.
I don't remember John Cena headlining a PPV before he beat JBL for the belt at WM 21.

He fought Lesnar for the title in 2003. I forget the specific PPV though.

You do raise a good point. However, I would say that John Cena had been pushed in such a way that a WM main event spot seemed perfectly feasible. I'm not entirely convinced that Del Rio has had quite the same push, weekly beatings of R-Truth notwithstanding.
While I do like the idea of a rising star to win the Royal Rumble, I don't think it should of been Del Rio. I just can't see Del Rio headlining Wrestlemania. I think a better winner could of been Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barret (Wrestlemania rumors aside). Guys who have something that the Champions HAVE to over come, like Wade Barrett's Corre or Dolph's girlfriend. Something that'll make the champs look strong if they win or give the heels good heat if they win due to some type of cheat. Del Rio doesnt have these factors to make him a big enough heel to headline Wresltemania. He has his ring announcer but it's more of an annoyance heat then real heat
I don't get you guys sometimes, you complain that if Cena wins your done watching, your tired of seeing the same guys in the main event and so on and so on. Well you got your wish Alberto Del Rio won, and yes he is a great talent, but you didn't know that, because you fail to do your research or have viable access to his wrestling past. I would trust him to main event WM anyday over jomo who could easily turn the grandaddy of em all in to the biggest botch fest in town. He hasn't been shoved down our throats either in anyway, no examples, no proof, and a lack of support make that argument invalid. From most of your post you I get the sense that most of you were pulling for orton to win, which would have had you guys back at square one bitching and moaning that the same guys always win. To relate to an earlier comment "no wonder Vince doesn't take the IWC serious", it's true you guys have not a clue to what you want, if you guys ran WWE we would be watching TNA Impact four times a week. With that being said, I'm going to go and enjoy watching a very deserving hard working wrestler head line WM....enjoy your bitch fest about the same shit every day.
The main reason they are pushing rookies (not necessarily youngers) so hard is that they realized the roster are getting old, and it was already a bit late to act when they realized. When Taker, Edge, Batista were feuding for WHC and Cena, HHH, Orton feuding for WWE Championship, they should have brought up younger talents and give them credible wins to make a name for themselves. Then we could be saying someone like Del Rio is worth winning the Rumble.

Although not everyone wants to understand, Del Rio winning the Rumble, who has debuted 6 months ago is a high risk. He might be so over before WWE but it doesnt mean that he will be successful in WWE. There has been lots of superstars who have not been successful when changed promotions, or vise versa.

However WWE realized they don't have much choice but push the newcomers as much as they can, and as quick as they can so that we don't have to see Orton vs Cena headlining WM next year.
He fought Lesnar for the title in 2003. I forget the specific PPV though.

You do raise a good point. However, I would say that John Cena had been pushed in such a way that a WM main event spot seemed perfectly feasible. I'm not entirely convinced that Del Rio has had quite the same push, weekly beatings of R-Truth notwithstanding.

OO ya you're right he wrestled lesnar at backlash 03' for the belt. I feel like Del Rio has that "it" factor though. He's good on the mic and a good wrestler. And to comment earlier he headlined TLC in the fatal four way ladder match.

I feel like this is what the WWE needs to be great again, I watched the Royal Rumble from 99' and just the way they could capture the crowd and story swirling around was amazing. They need people who have charisma and spirit and I know a lot of people don't like the Miz but he does a great job of making you hate him, he is doing his job perfectly just as the rock did at the beginning of 1999. Another thing that I think would help is to end the branded shows, keep making stables, and be edgier I'm sorry but Hornswoggle's 15 mins has been up for a long time.

Sorry if I went off topic just a bit...
OO ya you're right he wrestled lesnar at backlash 03' for the belt. I feel like Del Rio has that "it" factor though. He's good on the mic and a good wrestler. And to comment earlier he headlined TLC in the fatal four way ladder match.

I feel like this is what the WWE needs to be great again, I watched the Royal Rumble from 99' and just the way they could capture the crowd and story swirling around was amazing. They need people who have charisma and spirit and I know a lot of people don't like the Miz but he does a great job of making you hate him, he is doing his job perfectly just as the rock did at the beginning of 1999. Another thing that I think would help is to end the branded shows, keep making stables, and be edgier I'm sorry but Hornswoggle's 15 mins has been up for a long time.

Sorry if I went off topic just a bit...

I don't disagree with your assessment. I think that Del Rio is amongst the best of the "new" class in WWE. I just wish that they had done a slightly better job at pushing him as a legitimate threat beforehand. A few (relatively) clean wins over guys like Orton, Show, Cena or Edge would have helped to cement him as a legit main eventer. Del Rio wasn't my first choice (I was kind of pulling for Barrett or Sheamus), but he certainly is better than a lot of other picks.
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't really want Del Rio to win. I'm not sold on him yet. But like a lot of people have pointed out it is something new and it is quite refreshing. But do you really think Del Rio is going to beat Edge at 'Mania? I mean come on. Edge hasn't won at Mania since Wrestlemania 22, and he is retiring soon Vince is giving Edge that big win at Mania. So now all you people who are complain about the idea of Del Rio winning Rumble, now you can go to sleep at night, because its gonna be awhile before Edge loses that title.
I like the "throw it at a wall and see if it sticks!" analogy.

But we've seen this sort of thing frequently and if you ask me it's very annoying. :banghead:
we saw Swagger win Money in the Bank, cash it in on a big star like Jericho, and show that he can handle the mic. But now we see him being a jobber to the stars on superstars against Kingston and so. I'd love to see new stars up there to keep it interesting, (especially since if I see one more Orton/Cena match I'll be sick), but if they pull another "cup of coffee" reign on us I'm gonna be pissed.

Can't say I know how to run WWE, but it seems like they could say to themselves, "Is this superstar ready for the main event?"
I like the "throw it at a wall and see if it sticks!" analogy.

But we've seen this sort of thing frequently and if you ask me it's very annoying. :banghead:
we saw Swagger win Money in the Bank, cash it in on a big star like Jericho, and show that he can handle the mic. But now we see him being a jobber to the stars on superstars against Kingston and so. I'd love to see new stars up there to keep it interesting, (especially since if I see one more Orton/Cena match I'll be sick), but if they pull another "cup of coffee" reign on us I'm gonna be pissed.

Can't say I know how to run WWE, but it seems like they could say to themselves, "Is this superstar ready for the main event?"

I agree with you about swagger but I felt like when I would watch Swagger wrestle that something is missing or I'm watching a kurt angle knockoff. Idk why but i've always felt that way with swagger like he doesn't have that "x factor" yet and idk why and i can't really explain it but I think Del Rio has it.
I'm gonna hope that the various shots at the IWC in general aren't also being targetted towards me. I did want a new person to win the Rumble, and in fact I'm glad Del Rio won it over Orton or Cena, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, no he doesn't deserve it. I think Del Rio is a great wrestler, but I don't think debuting in September and headlining WrestleMania in March/April is at ALL right.

But back to the original idea of the thread, I used Del Rio and Morrison as examples as it is the most recent, but last year I didn't like that Sheamus debuted 2 months in and won the WWE Title, Wade Barrett appeared on the scene and just stayed in the main event picture.

Now I'm all for giving new people the spotlight, but I don't think their dues are paid yet. Granted this is a new generation of the WWE and things are not run the same way, talent is scarce and needs to be thrown over into the crowd for everyone to like, but I don't think forcing someone down the fans' throats is the right way to do it. And yes I do mean that with Del Rio. Before people start arguing this, think about it. He came into the WWE and started feuding with Mysterio, went on to captain Survivor Series team, and had a GOOD continuing feud with Mysterio. All of a sudden he's thrown into the title mix at TLC and then he starts showing up on RAW and Smackdown beating people left and right saying he's gonna win the Royal Rumble. If that isn't forcing someone down our throats and making it pretty predictable whose going to win, I dunno what is.

I have nothing against Del Rio, I just think this is premature.

An example of someone who climbed the corporate ladder the ideal way would probably be Edge, Edge had a long career in the mid cards before he ever even won his first world title, and back then he was still OVER and still cared about.

Just because JoMo can't cut a promo, doesn't mean he's not over. Randy doesn't talk and he gets reactions. The ball has been dropped with many superstars is what I'm trying to point out. I think the "right" thing to do is to repackage superstars who have been here for awhile like Kofi, like Morrison, like Ziggler and bring them up, instead of jump starting people like Del Rio in front of them.
I think it's a combination of what D-Man said about youth movement and how you have to be quick about moving guys in to take the spots when the current titans move on, and this. Character building comes in many different forms, it's that simple. It makes sense to build some guys up slowly because it works for them in the long-run, Morrison being a classic example. He's been built slowly and has eventually risen to the point now where he is above the mid-card, people are looking at him to do things like win royal rumbles, or money in the banks and he has probably the fourth biggest face following behind cena, orton and santino, and only because they have built him up, but to enhance his character, to make it look like he's paid his dues and come up the hard way it has taken this much time.

We have seen Del Rio, Barrett and other guys come up quickly in the last year or so but it all started with Sheamus. And from the offset people would like to say it was his friendship with H, bullshit. Sheamus was recognized as being that damn good when he came into the WWE that you can ignore paying your dues, ignore the normal building process you have to go to, he was that good that he could go straight to the top and pave the way for the youth movement. Miz is not an example of this btw, he is a slow-built character also. But Del Rio is just another example of a Sheamus like guy, since his debut he honestly has been that damn good that he doesn't have to go through IC titles and low-cards feuds, he deserves to go to the top because he is as good as the other people there. And lets face it Miz and Morrison simply weren't. Miz was a green reality TV star and Morrison was even worse on the mic than he is now. These guys weren't all that when they started, they NEEDED the slow build to get them where they are now.

But Sheamus and Del Rio and Barrett, all of these guys were that good they could be trusted with the roles they were given, they wouldn't have done the nexus angle if Barrett wasn't the leader, it would have flopped because Barrett is legit and makes the angle real because he is that damn good. You seeing the pattern now, if a guy comes in and he's is better than the guys around him, why shouldn't he rise quickly. All we've seen is many recent examples of when this has happened. If this didn't happen then it'd be a waste of prime talent and that isn't clever. Paying your dues aside, if you make a push to the top work then you are paying your dues, I don't think too many guys will complauin that Alberto Del Rio isn't good enough to be where he is now.

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