Saw IV


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Appearently we are all wrong. The plot that you think you knew about: false. The people in the movie you think are going to be in it: wrong. So appearently the actual plot of the movie is still secret, even the producers are amazed that no one has guessed what the actual plot is about. Now i'm really interested to see this movie, and do you kno its only 4 months away!!! wow! I still remember coming out Saw III and thinking, "i cannot wait til Saw IV next year".

And this pic....i dont get it. Looks like a chick in a torture device and pics of probably her in front of her. and then it says, "See what i see" on the top left corner. and what is with the timer? i guess we'll have to wait for a Teaser Trailer. Cant wait!!! Anyone else excited or no?
I'm a big fan of the series, but part of me just thinks that they can only have so much blood and gore before it becomes old, as evident from the slightly disappoining, Saw 3. Nothing they put out after the first can touch the original, because that just had this low-budget charm to it, while the sequels have been packed with technology, and a bit too much gore.

I have admittedly, lost interest with the series, but hopefully they can find what made it work for James Wan in the first instalment. Obviously, one of the reasons that 'Saw' is so popular, is its innovative scenes of torture (or 'games') and so one thing that you can compliment the sequels on, is that the quality of those hasn't dropped, but gotten much better. I can only hope that we see more eerie scenes in this movie. I'll be watching Saw IV for sure, but part of me is setting up for another disappointment, and if it is, I can see this as the last in the series. They just don't seem to have much left in the tank, but they could pull out all the stops in this one, and hopefully they will, because I want to see an interesting Saw again.

4 months away? That's come quickly. Hell, I'll be 15 by that time, so I can go into the theatre without an adult this time. I'll probably see this one with some friends, because that can make a shit movie a good one. Interesting though that they are keeping a lot of things secret, and I look forward to seeing just what it's about, because the only thing I can recall was that 'cliffhanger' ending in the Saw 3 movie, that will lead to something in this one.
Well I too am a huge fan of the Saw series, I mean how can you not be??

But even though the last couple of Saw movies have been good, to me they have been nothing compared to the original. I am excited that Saw IV is coming out, but at the same time skeptical that they may in fact be overdoing the whole concept.

It will be very interesting to see what the whole plot is, and just who will be starring in the movie. Cant wait to see a trailer!
I'm a fan but I'm just curious how may years in a row we'll get a Saw film. They've all been good so far, but I doubt thay can keep up the quality of them for much longer. It's going to be one of those series' like Friday the 13th where they just keep making them and they become complete drivel. Until the inevitable Saw In Space.

But yeah I'll probably see it. Take a lady friend with me so if she get's scared I can give her a nice big hig.
I agree Jake. I'm huge fan of the SAW series, but they need to end it soon. I don't SAW to become the Friday the 13 and Nightmare in Elm Street as after awhile you get bored with it. I think it they end SAW at 5 then it will be ok but still no SAW compares to the first one as that one was a classic.

Though the first picture from the movie looks like we have a countdown as a theme for this one though.
4 months away? That's come quickly. Hell, I'll be 15 by that time, so I can go into the theatre without an adult this time.
Where do you live that you can get into an R rated movie at 15? I'm moving ;) lol... Gotta be 18 here.

I like the Saw series, although I'm not that huge of a fan... They deliver with some cool gorey stuff & on the Saw 3 DVD the special features were cool where they showed the traps & all that lol

Damn, it's only 4 months away? They must've been writing the script while making Saw 3 lol. Cool that they're trying to surprise everyone. Should be good... I just hope they use this as the last one, or maybe 1 more. I sadly think they'll try to bring it up to Saw 7 and end it there.
I can not wait for the new one to come out! I didnt know that they all came out with in a year of each other, but the whole series of films rocks.

The 3rd one wasn't as good as the other two, but how much did you want to throw up when the judge were in the tank with all the pig guts and stuff? Or when the doctor was sawing thru jigsaws skull?

All you need if a couple of really good bits that will make you remember the film.

Cannot wait for the trailer.
I still can not wait for Saw 4 though from what I have been reading it looks like Saw is the new Friday the 13th and etc as there are talks for a 5 and 6 and for me thats just over doing but i am excited for the fourth. They have released the official poster so here it is.....

The poster is good, but it duznt giv much away about the movie. I heard that they are only planning 2 make up to saw V (5).
Which saw does everyone else think has been the best so far?
Well I'm a huge horror movie mark, so I'm always excited about anything involving James Wan or Leigh Whanell. The original SAW was a masterpiece, probably the best American horror film in many years, but the sequels were very, very disappointing. I mean they're fun to watch once, but theres no replay value to them like the original SAW has. I mean when the original SAW came out you'd bring your buddies to the movies with you and just be like "You guys want to see some seriously disturbing shit?". After that it just got pretty lame (granted though that in the 2nd one when the girl falls into a pit of needles....ow times ten thousand. Also in the 3rd one when the guy is getting drowned in ground up pigs....awesome).

But now it's really gotten out of hand, with total shit like Turistas and Captivity trying to do the same thing SAW did. Hostel was great, but thats mainly because it was Eli Roth. Though Hostel also doesn't have too much replay value really, I still love it for Eli Roth.

Either way, I'll end up seeing this. Most likely not in theaters, but definately renting it when it comes out.
They showed the first few minutes of Saw IV at ComicCon 2007 and someone was smart enough to record that shiit! so watch it while it's still up!Fade into a man waking up, disoriented with a chain around his neck. His eyes have been sewn shut. On the other end of that chain is a man with his tongue cut out. As the no eyes man tries to assess the situation, the no tongue guy sees the key for the chain's lock on the back of the man's neck. After a pretty intense fight, the no tongue guy kills the other dude, grabs the key and unlocks the chain. Once he does that, blood starts pouring out of his mouth


Looks liked an interesting way to begin the movie so you all need to check this out but the quality is not great but still worth a quick view.
WOW!!!! Great start for the movie!!! I cant wait for the premiere!!!

I dont know about a part 5 and 6 though, as some of you said, after this one it's gonna start to lose credibility (something like Cena's title reign: The longer, the boring)
I already saw the movie and I can say that it's better than SAW 2 and 3, also I can say that it's the same level as the original SAW. But the end is somewhat confusing someone can explain it to me???? PLEASE:blink:
I've talked about this movie twice now lol, but it is great. Not as good as the original of course but still great. If leaves you with another great cliffhanger, and really excites me for what I hope to be the final installment of the SAW series.
Two words for Saw 4. Freakin Amazing. Probably the most unexpected ending of the Saw series to date. I know that they are coming out with a fifth installment, but im curious as to whose voice they will use for the traps, because i know it wont be a very good film if its not Tobin Bell doing the voice. His is just unbeatable, he does that scary eerie voice perfect.

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