Saturday Night's Main Event

I've been thinking about how WWE needs a show where midcarders and main eventers who aren't in the title scene could have mic time to expand their character and get over with the crowd. It could also add heat to their storylines and feuds.

For example, with Punk/Cena and Truth/Cena, The Miz seems to have been lost in the shuffle, and with a show like Saturday Night's Main Event, he and Alex Riley could keep heat on the feud without taking up show time on Raw. Same goes for Cody Rhodes situation on Smackdown, or generally any mid carder who isn't over, or needs to keep his character over. A show for the mid carders with main eventers in the main event is what I'm getting at. And unlike WWE Superstars, it has prestige.

Do you think Saturday Night's Main Event could work as a weekly platform for midcarders to get heat, or get over?
I dont think WWE would go through the trouble of starting a new show during the week. They have Superstars, where guys who dont make the main cut for RAW or SD go to gain momentum. They've been working in mic time to the show, which I'm really thankful for. Miz and Rhodes arent taking up time on RAW and SD, they are part of the main storylines and therefore need no extra TV time to get their rivalries over. SNME should continue being what it had been for the last couple of years, a show to further rivalries before a big ppv.
An upper mid card to maybe lower mid card show sounds great, but it wouldn't sell. The WWE can use the shows they have effectively if they wanted to do the same thing. Plus, people watch Saturday night Main Event to see the big stars. It's a show that was always based on the big names for ratings, so no it definitely wouldn't work for that purpose. If the WWE work on their writing and getting people over then they'll have enough time. Then in wrestling there will always be people or storylines that we feel should get a push and won't, that's the way it is.
They already had this idea. It's called WWE Superstars. I don't know if you watched the show when it first debuted, but it was exactly what you described. The first episode had Shane McMahon vs 1/2 of Legacy during the Orton/HHH feud. I believe Cena made an appearance or 2.

Superstars started off good, and then it turned into Heat. That's exactly what would happen here.
It's a simple formula that works.. Go live...
I rarely watch SD unless I heard X match is worth the watch (Orton/Christian I) the last time I watched a whole show was the Tuesday LIVE show from the start of the year.

WWE tapes shows and lets face it, you get the results and you rarely miss something special so who cares if you miss a show or three as long as you get the results. Go live and make it compelling to watch and I'd bet my wad ratings would shoot up because people would tune in to see whats going on. When SD first came into existance back in August 1999 the shows seemed to be AMAZING but in the UK we didn't get that. WWE needs to go live with every show minus Superstars.. or better yet get rid of that show and have 3 live shows, Friday- Monday and once a month special on a Saturday (before PPV ie Saturday Nights Main Event)
I'd just try and add onto Superstars make that a longer show or add half an hour to Raw or Smackdown and just give us some wrasslin.
WWE is trying to get SuperStars and NXT back on the air before they try to add a new show. If the opportunity presented itself to Vince to add another show on cable, he'd do it in a second. More shows equals more platforms to display your young talent. Win win for all involved.

Doubt it though. Like I said, SuperStars and NXT will get back on TV before a new show is pitched.

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