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Ryder & Santino


Pre-Show Stalwart
So last night on Superstars, Zack Ryder teamed with Santino to bet the Tag Champs. I think it would be great if they kept Ryder and Santino together, maybe even give them the Tag Titles. Let me tell you why.

First off, this would give Ryder something relevant to do, and maybe we could see him wrestle on TV every now and then. Also this would cause a rivalry with Kozlov, I always thought he was better as a heel anyway. By giving to title to Ryder and Santino, I think it would give you more interest in the Tag belts. Both of them have great personalities, and the fans love them.

I think keeping them together would be a great move. I will give you another story line that’ll be interesting, and it will get Ryder on TV. I see more WOO WOO WOO signs in the stands every week; give the people what they want.

What do you think? Should Ryder and Santino stay a team?
NO!! This would be a bad idea. If Ryder was partnered with Santino it would make them a comedy team which would make Ryder a comedy segment. If you want Ryder to be taken seriously then its a bad move to team him with Santino.
no, i don't think ryder should stay in a team with santino and get the titles in my opinion the only deserving team in wwe are the USO's not anyone else at the moment as for ryder and santino even staying a team i think would be a bad idea since ryder isn't getting any t.v time how it is so teaming him up with santino woud just be a joke. if ryder really should be in a team then make it with someone he can work well with like curt hawkins

I know that Ryder will mostly not be a serious character, at least at first (look at Dolph Ziggler evolution) but you don't stick him with Santino. I know Santino can be funny and all but he is a comedic wrestler and it would be fun for Ryder to be more than that.
Like others above me have said - no thank you.

Singles run please WWE :)

On a side note, I think they are slowly, and I mean SLOWLY pushing Ryder. Ryder seemed to have gotten a lot of Cameos for his show this week. He's been on Superstars more regularly. He got a pretty big pop on the show (not as big as Santino, but was loud; and he got the hot tag in the match. All these are a good sign IMO.

But I'm hoping the Santino/Ryder team was a one off thing for this week. Maybe Vlad missed the flight and Ryder was a last minute replacement?
No we do not need a comedy duo tag team!! Bad idea IMO!! Its already too late for santino to be taken seriously its getting there for Ryder! Zack needs to be pused asap so his career doesnt just go down the crapper
Ryder's the only one who did anything remotely memorable in that match... I don't know if they keep them together or split them up (Josh Matthews mentioned that if they won, it would make them automatic contenders) but methinks this match was purely to build up Ryder.

Nice reversal to the Rough Ryder.
I think it's hilarious how Santino is sort of like, "he who shall not be named," to the IWC. All you have to say is Santino and we all immediately scream, "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!"
With that said, I don't like this idea. I am totally with everyone on this issue, except for one thing: do you really think that Zack Ryder can be a serious wrestler? He's gotten big off of a Jersey Shore gimmick, nothing more. Hell, if anyone says that they loved Ryder before his Youtube show blew up, they're lying and you don't even have to make them prove themselves. He has a couple of funny catch phrases, a unique look, and at the moment, a cult fan base. I want to see Ryder pushed as a single's performer, I really do, because of his strong points I listed. He's entertaining, and in a market where hardly anyone is truly fun to watch, he stands out. However, if you make his a serious character, he loses pretty much all of that; no one can say, "take care, spike your hair," or, "woo woo woo, you know it," and be menacing about it. He's good because he's funny, which makes him a comedy character by nature. I don't think it's bad at all if he actually starts winning matches and wins a singles title, and it took me a long time to even get to that point. But, if you want him to be a serious, athletic character, then that would just ruin the whole idea. Don't team him up with Santino; I hate to say that I almost sincerely hope Santino dies in a grease fire. Still, Ryder should be a fun loving, good times character, because that's how he's blown up in the first place.
So last night on Superstars, Zack Ryder teamed with Santino to bet the Tag Champs. I think it would be great if they kept Ryder and Santino together, maybe even give them the Tag Titles. Let me tell you why.

First off, this would give Ryder something relevant to do, and maybe we could see him wrestle on TV every now and then. Also this would cause a rivalry with Kozlov, I always thought he was better as a heel anyway. By giving to title to Ryder and Santino, I think it would give you more interest in the Tag belts. Both of them have great personalities, and the fans love them.

I think keeping them together would be a great move. I will give you another story line that’ll be interesting, and it will get Ryder on TV. I see more WOO WOO WOO signs in the stands every week; give the people what they want.

What do you think? Should Ryder and Santino stay a team?

I'm not much on the idea of those two teaming. I didn't watch Superstars but I don't feel as if they'd compliment each other well. The best comedy tag teams in wrestling (Rock n Sock connection, Bookdust) had one guy be the funny man and the other be the straight man. With Ryder and Santino it seems like they are both too similar.
Might as well since Ryder will never be serious contender for anything in WWE hes nothing but a fad and it drives me nuts how you guys are obsessed with him. how can you think he would be a legit contender for a title when his whole getting over thing is based around being a comedy act on youtube? I just dont see him as anything more than a comedy act with random cameos on raw and a few squash matches with the couple times that he upsets the heel that is on a losing streak. Hey wait a minute didnt santino do this with sheamus a few months back? these two would be a perfect team!!
NO!! This would be a bad idea. If Ryder was partnered with Santino it would make them a comedy team which would make Ryder a comedy segment. If you want Ryder to be taken seriously then its a bad move to team him with Santino.
Ryder is over purely because of his comedy...

Honestly, he's not over for his wrestling by any means. Ryder is gold as entertainment, so I really don't understand why the IWC wants him pushed as a credible champion when his real talent is making us all laugh. Does anybody pay attention to how loud of a pop Santino gets when his music hits? Ryder could be more over than 90% of the guys in the back if he teamed with Santino on comedy segments and a jokester tag team. The possibilites between Ryder and Santino are mouth-watering... imagine Santino saying, "We, the tag-uh championssssss. we will-ah fist pump-ah you in yo faceeee." It could be the new "Now that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!!!" :lmao:
I actually think the team could work. If they want to get Ryder more over with the general audience, what better way than to team him with one of the most over stars on the roster in Santino. The tag team division as a whole isn't that great so would it really be any problem giving Ryder and Santino a "push" as a team. This could lead to what all the Ryder marks wanted and that is more Zack Ryder. Plus if he proves himself worthy it could lead to a singles push down the line. I like the pairing and I think they could make some funny segments for Raw. I mean could you imagine Zack Ryder turning Santino into a Long Island guido? It's brilliant.
I'm all for teaming santino with Ryder - at least it would get Ryder on tv! And some time down the track Ryder could turn on santino and cause a huge heel turn?
I think if utilized right he could be an awesome mid-carder; never a main eventer though. There's nothing wrong with that either, mid-carders are needed to fill in the blanks of the show. they usually have more action as well...look at previous mid-carders..Jake Roberts, Rick Martell, Owen Hart, Rick Rude, Hacksaw..and many more..being mid-card isn't bad. IF he starts to really get over then maybe try and see if he can main event. Personally I like bigger more muscular and intense personalities to be at the top, or else everyone is pretty much a mid-carder "look"..which is what I believe we are experiencing today and why the ratings are not where they could be. What we need is a really intense personality again at the top; CM Punk is that for now, but he won't last and we all know it because someone will eventually hold him back and control the character..another perk of being a mid-carder; the capability to create your character more,,Zack needs to be mid-card in order to keep himself in a nice position with the fans and company's creative
I think it would be great if the two get more serious characters. I'm not saying that they need to stop being funny, but they should do something different with them. The happy go lucky character Santino plays and the Jersey Shore knock off Ryder plays are getting boring. It would be great if Ryder could get Santino to turn on Kozlov, stop doing the accent, get a better ring attire, and then they could win the tag titles.
I think they'll have Zack beat the tag champs. I don't know whether he'll do it with Santino or not. I remember a few weeks ago Zack came out onto the entrance ramp after the tag champs had a match on Raw and said "Woo, woo, woo" and starred them down for abit. They didn't give any of these guys any television time for awhile but I assumed they were gonna do something to do with Zack Ryder vs the tag champs at some point... When they found time for em...
I hope it's Curt Hawkins because they make a good tag team. Him and Santino don't really make sense to me. It does seem like they are trying to do two things: get Ryder more tv time and make the tag team titles relevant again. Good Luck
You Zack Ryder fans are all hilarious. You always whine how Ryder isn't being used on the big TV shows and how he deserves to be given a chance, but as soon as something comes up that would get Ryder that TV time you shit all over it.

You can't have your cake and eat it to. I'm sorry but the chances of Ryder getting a major singles push on RAW are basically non existent at the moment. Ryder teaming with Santino not only gets him that major TV exposure, it also gives us an opportunity for some entertaining television. If Ryder impresses in this type of role then the chances of him getting a singles push will only increase.
I really hope not. I don't think it would do anything other than completely bury Ryder. Santino is a joke and is past the point of no return. Ryder still has a shot. Putting Ryder with someone who couldn't be taken seriously if he tried would just make Ryder look the exact same way. Santino is fun and good for a laugh and all, but as anything more than that, just no.
To be honest, I don't think either of them will be with the WWE very much longer, which is a bit sad. I really don't much care about Ryder, haven't from the beginning, but Santino I've always enjoyed. Santino is a class act when it comes to comedy wrestling. Ryder tries to be a comedy wrestler and just isn't funny (yes I'm aware that comedy is subjective.)

Furthermore, with Triple H taking over more and more we've seen less and less of the comedy segments which means there's less and less for Santino to do. I suppose they could try to make him a serious wrestler, but he's had so much time as a clown, that I doubt anyone will ever take him seriously even if he starts on a major dominant streak (which is highly unlikely.)

As to the two teaming up, it could happen. They're pretty much in the same league as far as booking goes and both comic acts. Still, I don't think it'd work long term. Every comedy duo needs a straight-man and Koslov is a much better straight-man than Ryder. He's also more believable at being the dominating member of a team than Ryder. Point blank, Ryder/Santino would never be taken seriously.
Its kind of funny seeing how differently Santino and Ryder are perceived by the IWC. Santino is viewed as a joke. While Ryder is beloved and has a cult like following. In reality, they are very similiar. They both are comedy type wrestlers. I dont understand people saying Ryder cant be teamed with Santino, he needs to be taken seriously. Ryder is just as much of a joke as Santino is.

I'm not saying he shouldn't be used on tv. The guy is entertaining. But its funny how people are almost offended by teaming Ryder with Santino. They are pretty similiar imo.

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