Rumor: Cody Rhodes To Feud With Booker T?


I was browsing the net today and came across as report stating that there's talk of Booker T returning to the ring and engaging in a feud with Cody Rhodes over the Intercontinental Champioinship.

If something like this were to go down, it's potentially interesting. Anyone ever notice how Booker always gives Cody's bag men the evil eye when they hand him a paper bag each time Rhodes comes out? How he looks angry or insulted? Maybe that's all been just a slight foundation over many months to bring this feud up. Booker T can still go in the ring and is, quite possibly, in the best physical shape of his life. Cody Rhodes is a fast rising star on SD! and has done a good job as IC champ. If this turns out to be more than just a rumor, this could be a real boon to Cody Rhodes and the IC title in and of itself. After all, how often do we see a veteran that's still viable inside the ring and a multiple time World Champion to boot go after a mid-card championship? If they go through with this feud, Rhodes NEEDS to come out on top and with the title because it could be a turning point in his career. Plus, it'll just make the Intercontinental Championship that much more important.
For some reason, I really like this idea. Probably mostly because I'm a bit of Booker T mark. True, he hasn't been in a proper match (that I know about) since...BFG 2009? So about two years. So it's hard to say whether he can still go in a one on one match, but my feeling is that he can. He seems pretty loose - he bumped in the Rumble, and he still whips out that Spinarooni. I think he can go for a good match still. Plus, Rhodes has been tearing it up this whole year and he seems more than capable of covering for any weaknesses Booker might have. I think they'd have a great match together.

I like the implications of this for Rhodes's future and for the future of the IC belt. I think there's no way that this feud can happen where Rhodes doesn't go over. It doesn't make sense for Booker to come out on top, unless he's returning full time, which I think is quite unlikely. At the end, I think we'll see Rhodes coming out on top over a surefire Hall of Famer, which is great.

Personally, the way I would like the feud to go down, is thus. Have Rhodes go over via various shenanigans in their first match for the title. Then, have Booker take the next match clean, winning the title. In the rubber match, with gimmick attached, have Rhodes score a hardcore, clean victory (Booker can definitely take the loss) to win the title back. This does so many great things. It gives Booker a nice last hurrah before going into the Hall of Fame at this year's Mania (which I highly expect). It puts the title on a legend, if only for a month, which puts huge prestige on the title. Not to mention that if its won back in a brutal gimmick match, it makes the title even more valuable. Finally, it'd put Rhodes over, big time, probably catalyzing a main event run.

I think there is just a load of potential for this feud to be amazing and I'm pretty excited about it. I hope it comes off well.
I look forward to this. It would be great in the sense that Rhodes would be elevated quite a bit if he won the feud and it is always good for a title to have a multi time world champion challenging for it. I figure this will be going on around TLC or so. Orton and Rhodes should continue their feud first. This is a great idea because it helps build up Rhodes while making the IC title feel like a bigger deal again, and Booker gets to work a few matches.
Booker T can still go, hell he's better in ring and on the mic than most of the roster.

This will also free Rhodes up from a feud with Orton, don't get me wrong there still room for more development in the Orton/Rhodes feud, but if they want a major pay off between the two, putting Rhodes against Booker T separates the him from Orton for a while.

Booker T isn't above the IC Title, so there could be some reasonable interaction between the two over the IC Title.

But it sounds like King of the Ring will be returning this year, and Booker T is a former King of the Ring. He was KING BOOOOOKKKKA!!!!!! Cody could underhandedly win KOTR and Booker T could interject himself into the storyline/feud as a former KOTR.

Theres a number of possibilities where this feud could start and where it can go. I for one am excited because Id love to see Booker T back in action.
Booker T vs. Cody Rhodes? Yeah I could see it. Booker's been fairly vocal about Cody's character on commentary so it's natural that a feud could stem from there. Perhaps Cody attempts to bag Booker and he fights back? That would be a fine jumping on point. I could also see Booker speaking up for those who wore the previous version of the IC title (which he had briefly) and fighting in a respect angle of sorts. Whatever the build, I can see Cody and Booker making it work. There style's should mesh reasonably well together and Rhodes getting the victory overall at the end of the feud could certainly help boost him in his inevitable climb towards the top of the card. Bring it on...
Yeah, I heard about this and just like other posters have already stated, I too would be all for this. I definitely agree that Cody needs to come out the winner at the end of it but doesn't mean he can't lose a few battles before winning the war. Cody is by far the most meaningful IC Champion for some time and has used the belt well whilst raising it's status towards being worthwhile again. I think he is destined for great things and already has more than a foot in the door to becoming a WWE superstar. A feud with sombody like Booker T would push him even further into the main event picture. I am really pleased Cody had been allowed to grow and develop and not just sombody who was chucked the World Championship and then slipped back down the ladder.

Another aspect that could make this interesting is Goldust. He is the brother of Cody obviously and has huge connections to Booker T so perhaps he could be bought into this storyline at some point (I love Booker T and Goldust working together). Successful feuds against Booker T and Goldust would really be a positive for Cody.

Could lead to Goldust removing his facepaint and facing Cody as Dustin Rhodes at a PPV (seeing as this is the reality era).
I like the idea for a couple of reasons:

First off, if Rhodes goes over, that's another impressive name to add to his resume. Booker T is a former World Champ, US Champ, Tag Champ, the list goes on and on. He's a legitimate opponent, even if he is an announcer. As he showed in the Royal Rumble and in his next few in-ring appearances, he can still handle himself in the ring, so it wouldn't be hard for Rhodes to work with him. It certainly can't hurt if they get a solid few matches out of this.

Secondly, it's good to change stuff up every so often. We've seen Rhodes vs Orton, vs DiBiase, etc., why not go to Booker? Like I said before, it can't hurt. Throw the fans a curve ball, let Booker T go out there and work his magic. Hell, he's still massively over with the fans, they should utilize that while they can. Booker T is getting up there in age, he doesn't have much longer left in terms of still being able to compete at a high level, use him while you can.
I think Booker T will be a great feud for Cody. Booker is over with the crowd. Cody needs to continue to feud with people the audience actually cares about. And its way for Cody to veer off from Orton. The feud with Orton hasn't been fully developed. They have a long history with each other it can get picked up at any time.

The big pay off with his Orton program... should be Cody finally beating his mentor clean for the World Title. Obviously with Henry having a dominant heel run that might take a while for that to happen. So in the mean time they need to continue building Cody. Booker is a really good choice.
I really do hope this happens now that I've gotten my hopes up, I have heard this rumor and it excites me. First of all I'm definitely a Booker mark, when everyone talks about his horrible commentary I ofcourse agree but it doesn't bother me in the least because I love him so much, but I would love to see him get back in the ring and give us a nice fresh feud with our IC Champion Cody Rhodes. The idea of this feud is brilliant in my opinion, Cody is rising faster than a 12 year old's dick and everyone knows that he is bound for greatness, he's feuded with most on the current SD roster and mixing it up by throwing him in with a legend like Booker T is the perfect way to push him that much further towards his future. Putting a name like Book's on his resume would be a major feather in his cap and not only that but the match would definitely deliver.Cody has not only improved as a character but his ring skills get better every day and Booker has not lost a single step;a rising star vs legend feud that has massive potential and will entertain for sure? I can most definitely dig it.
This can't be anything but good for Rhodes if this happens. Also, Booker is still in great condition and as far as I know isn't really really limited in the ring like say Kevin Nash is with his knees and all. The seasoned veteran in Booker T putting over Rhodes will help solidify him as a top heel on the Smackdown brand and should provide a couple of really good matches, maybe one on PPV. This could be just the program Rhodes needs to permanently transition himself into the main event picture, beating a household name like Booker T. God, I'm looking forward to it already so I'm hoping WWE makes it happen.
This may be just the thing Rhodes needs to get over. He gets pretty good heat from the crowd, and going over someone of Booker's status would be a crazy push for him. I would love to see this feud go down.

Anybody else notice the little back and forth they had on SD last week when Cody was on commentary?
i would love to see rhodes vs booker i think it would fit perfectly after SS after rhodes is done in the 10 man tag match. hes sort of finished his rivalry with orton now so booker would be perfect after that.
There is no questioning the fact that this would be a very good feud and advance Cody's career. Booker T may have been a 5 time WCW champ but at the WWE he has functioned mainly at a midcard level and has held the Intercontinental Championship a number of times.

Now a while ago Cody Rhodes mentioned about bringing honor to the IC title. But in typical heel fashion he has only retained his title each and every time by cheating. In addition to that he has not been able to defeat Randy Orton a single time in any match between the two. Booker is one guy who knows a thing or two about holding the IC belt and about making it look good by actually winning matches. That would be the ideal place to start the feud in my opinion, the IC title. A best of five series between the two would be nice as well. Booker is after all the king of the best of five series. He has had two of them with Benoit and one with Cena, I think.

I'd keep this feud simple but I think it would be mighty effective. Both Cody and the IC title will be elevated by this feud and Booker will get that opportunity to work with youngsters that he has been looking for.
I been hoping that Booker would get back in the ring & work a program w/someone & I feel Cody could most definitely be the right man for it. Like other posters have already said Booker for the most part can still go in the ring, he is still a fan favorite & seeing how he is at legend status w/all he has done in the business him going after the IC belt just makes Cody & the title's stock go up. It would be real nice if they had them in a best of 5 or 7 series for the belt, I agree that Cody should come out on top, but I hope it is not at the expense of making Booker look bad. Cody doesn't need to completely upstage Booker just get some good clean victories over him to elevated himself to the next level.
It gives fans something new, we haven't seen Booker in anything other than a suit for a while. We saw him train on TE, and one match since then. But honestly he is still in great shape and can put on a small program. Don't have it drag ass for months. But give it a small run, plus if Booker were to win it he could as stated have one last go at it.

Lets look at it this way, there are alot of people for Cody to fued with. Randy was a great person to put him in with. So would Booker, people constantly bash him for his comentating. But the dude in my eyes could still probably cut a good promo. That would help out Cody in more ways than one. It helps bring back what he is trying to build up. He brought back the oldschool title, so why not have an old school fued. Cutting promos and having good matches. Booker at least has that left in the tank.

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