Routine moves or finishers?

Undertaker the 5th

Graveyard Punk
There is moves that wrestlers have that look strong or flashy, but are just routine moves. These are moves that seem better than than some of the finishers out there. Moves that when you first see them make you think that it is actually the guy's finisher or just make you think they are better than some finishers.
One example for me is the back breaker that Shaemus has. When I first saw it I actually thought it was his finisher. Than I saw the real finisher and I did not like it as much as that back breaker.

Another example is the S.O.S. I first saw that move against Randy Orton when they fought on 1/4. I actually thought the guy had changed his finisher.

The questions I want answered are the following.

1. What move that an active wrestler has right now that you think it has the looks and feel of a finisher?
2. Explain why you chose that move.
Randy Ortons backbreaker move that is usually the lead up to the RKOis a perfect example of a regular(ish) move hat could be used a finisher. Now i'm a fan of the RKO as a move but the backbreaker could certainly replace his stupid Punt Kick (which he hasn't really used in ages). i think it is such a unique move and it looks quite powerful. similar things could be said about the delayed ddt but the backbreaker to me has the look of a great finisher.
Cm Punks back breaker, back in ROH it was called the welcome to chicago mother f*cker. This is my favorite move of his and i wish they would use this as a second finisher of his because the GTS doesn't look great every time its done and this move always looks like it woud do some damage.
Sheamus used Irish Curse (onearm backbreaker) as his finishing move in ECW but someone felt like he needed something a bit more stronger to finish off his matches. And I agree with that decision. His crucifix powerbomb and the pump kick look more legit as finishing moves than the backbreaker does so that's fine with me.

Honestly, I could care less about the transition moves vs finishers as long as it makes sense. The only objection I have is moves like DDT being overused as nothing moves. Which is why I am a big fan of Orton selling his DDT as a major move.
does the 619 count? i know everyone is going to say that its his finisher, but when was the last time you saw him pin someone after this? it normally sets up the west coast pop, but he doesnt put away people with the 619. at least i dont remember a time that he did.

also, i dont know if this one counts either but that move that ziggler did in his match against morrison and truth was awsome. he picked the guy up from the front and spun him around then slammed him on his back. i think he only used it once, but it looked like it could be a finisher too.
I totally agree about Randy Orton's backbreaker...I've always thought it looked it could be a great finisher. The biggest plus is it can be used on any guy no matter the size. I remember when Orton first started used the RKO, I thought he should switch to the backbreaker he does because it looks so much more devastating, plus I was never a fan of wrestlers using popular finishing moves that were established by other performers (I know DDP gave Orton permission but still) as their finishers. But everyone knows Orton for the RKO now so that cannot be changed which is unfortunate because his backbreaker will remain a regular move even though it could be a great finisher for someone.
Not sure if anyone would agree on this one, but Carlito does this sweet neckbreaker that looks like it could be a finisher. He hooks the opponent in sort of a suplex position, then suddenly twists with it. Compared to his Backstabber, it looks a little bit more like the kind of move that could end the match; the way Carlito does it gives it that touch in my opinion.

Another example is MVP's Player's Boot (running boot in the corner), though he's used it as a finish before. I thought about that move amidst the discussion of weak finishers, with MVP's Playmaker of course getting the popular vote. I wish he'd ditch the Playmaker and alternate between the Player's Boot and the Drive-By Kick.

Some others: Yoshi Tatsu's rolling snapmare into the kick could potentially look finisher-ish if he tweaked it some by executing more of a Tajiri-style kick to the face. Matt Hardy's Side Effect always looked like it'd be a sweet finisher, though I don't recall him ever winning a match right after hitting it. And on Superstars, I saw Primo use this awesome Tornado DDT on Zack Ryder, though he of course went on to lose. If Primo were to win a match, the Tornado DDT he does would be a perfect way to end it, as it's very quick and flashy, but has brutal looking impact.
I think Sheamus's hybrid backbreaker looks just as punishing as the Razor's Edge that he does now. He does that move and the fall away slam that Hall used. I wonder if he's working like Scott cus he's buddy-buddy with HHH and wants to work like a member of the kliq? I thought I saw someone else in the WWE do that same backbreaker like Sheamus used so maybe that's why he switched to the Razor's Edge. Its still an effective finisher. Edge using the spear seems too plain. The only reason the Impaler DDT works is cus he lifts the guy and jumps to give it more impact. A lot of guys use a spear, and sense Edge is face now he should do something that stands out more.
also, i dont know if this one counts either but that move that ziggler did in his match against morrison and truth was awsome. he picked the guy up from the front and spun him around then slammed him on his back. i think he only used it once, but it looked like it could be a finisher too.

The move is a modified version of a German Suplex. He uses it in most of his matches and as this Topic explains, is used as a REGULAR MOVE. If this was used as a Finisher for another younger talent or even Ziggler himself then it would be a great finisher.
A lot of the time, guys will debut with a move they use as a finisher, and then change that to just a signature. There's also been a few (usually tag team guys) that have changed signatures to finishers once they went solo (such as Shawn Michaels with the super kick). I remember when the Backstabber was just one of Carlito's signatures. Then someone mentioned it as the move they identified with him in an interview, and he started using it as a finisher. I sorta liked it better as a signature. Some guys sell it like they're knocked out now that it's a finisher, inexplicably enough.

As for Sheamus' urinage backbreaker and Randy's WTH backbreaker, I think WWE generally likes to have more impactful finishers. You usually don't see a backbreaker or gutbuster variant as a finisher (The Backstabber being the exception). Jamie Noble used to do that gutbuster of the core most hard, but it's still unusual.

I guess I don't have any clear point for this post. I'll be quiet now.
I have to agree with R.K.O the spin out powerbomb Cena uses looks more impactful than the attitude adjustment, but he's used the AA for what like 7 years? it'll stick forever now. Also Orton's Spike DDT (The one from the ropes, I think it's called a spike DDT) but anyway , that could be a deadly finisher, i mean c'mon the rock used an elbow, AN ELBOW for god sake as a finisher, and a DDT is way more impactful than an elbow.
I have to agree with R.K.O the spin out powerbomb Cena uses looks more impactful than the attitude adjustment, but he's used the AA for what like 7 years? it'll stick forever now. Also Orton's Spike DDT (The one from the ropes, I think it's called a spike DDT) but anyway , that could be a deadly finisher, i mean c'mon the rock used an elbow, AN ELBOW for god sake as a finisher, and a DDT is way more impactful than an elbow.

The F-U started out as a Death Valley Driver which was much more impactful than his current version he's using now, not sure why did he modify it and I think he shouldn't have modified it in the first place.
here are a couple of "routine" moves i always thought would work as "finishers".....

The Spinebuster- Triple H uses it as well as Batista, and both look amazingly devastating. Id like to see someone use a variation of it as a finisher, like a spinning one or a flipping one, kinda like the Alabama Slam Bob Holly used to use

The Elbow drop- Randy Savage's was baddass, as well as Test, Michaels uses it, so lets see Kofi Kingston use it or something, maybe someone big to have more of a devastating effect, like Ezekiel Jackson
Christian should use his tornado DDT instead of the killswitch, which often looks really awkward on bigger people. MVP should us absolutely anything instead of the playmaker, his kick or even the elbow drop thing would do. Kofi Kingston's SOS looks cool, he should probably use them both as finishers. Can't really think of anything else really. If Jeff Hardy ever comes back, Matt should stop using the twist of fate as a finisher and use his moonsault or something instead.
The Move that i think could work as a finisher is Kofi Kingston's S.O.S. When I first had the chance to see this move I actually thought that this was kingston's new finisher. This move looks pretty cool. Also it look's very unique, he know how to use this move very well. Hopefully he starts using this move as his second finisher.
I think Cena had to adjust his FU (no pun intended?) for the same reason Lesnar had to modify his F5 (used to be a fireman's carry spun into a ddt; modified to a comparatively weak looking facebuster-variant instead) in that the WWE were worried about holding the opponent's head in that position and potentially causing a neck injury on impact. In fact, I don't think I ever see anyone hook the head in a fireman's carry in wwe anymore.

To answer the question, I definitely prefer MVP's drive-by to the Playmaker. I always thought Christian should just use his inverted DDT maneuver as his finisher. Sheamus's crucifix powerbomb is good, but his old legclutch chokeslam bomb was way better. I probably stand alone about John morrison's Starship Pain, which I think looks cool, but is not finisher material. I think he should switch to the Flying Chuck which would give that spontaneous match-ender feel if used as a finisher.
Zack Ryder's Rough Ryder leg lariat should be his finisher. I think it looks a lot better than the Zack Attack (which is just some sort of reverse Overdrive, an equally terrible move) and has a better name.

Speaking of Overdrive, I personally think that MVP's Playmaker should be a set up move for the Ballin' Elbow. The Rock used to do the Rockbottom to set his opponent up for the People's Elbow and it was successful, so why shouldn't MVP use the same formula?
Actually I would have to choose quite a few moves

Randy Orton: The backbreaker (more specific: Inverted headlock backbreaker), it has everything, the somewhat surprising quickness, somewhat tough to counter, yet it's probably doable, and it has the ouch factor (ouch factor being the fact that you believe it to be realistic)

Triple H: The spinebuster, yep the spinebuster, it has the impact, the feel, the ouch factor (look above) and the somewhat surprising quickness of it, it's certainly a move that would put you out.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Pedigree, and it should definatly remain to be his finisher, yet the spinebuster certainly has every potential to be a finisher.
Same really goes for Batista, so I'm gonna go ahead and leave out a Batista category, because I would just be repeating myself.

John Morrison: flying chuck (springboard roundhouse) definatly finisher worthy, it's flashy, and it's a roundhouse kick, in reality, that move would most definatly put you out for a 3 count if you ask me.
Same really goes for the running knee smash (to a seated opponent) even thou it doesn't have the same finisher feel as the flying chuck.
Besides, Morrison should try to use the Moonlight Drive more often, because it looked awesome too!
I think that MVP's Drive-By Kick looks a lot more effective than his Playmaka or however that's spelt. Sheamus has or had some devistating moves, the Fiery Red Hand which I think is the name for his One-Handed Backbreaker is awesome, but I kinda like the Crucifix Powerbomb, but the Backbreaker overall is more devistating. Orton's Spike DDT and Inverted Headlock Backbreaker are pretty devistating but they're his signature moves as a means to set up the RKO or Punt Kick. Morrison used to rarely use the Corkscrew Split-Legged Moonsault/Starship Pain but glad he's started using it as a main finisher but the Corkscrew Neckbreaker/Moonlight Drive is a pretty sick finisher aswell. Also noticed Truth has started using the Lie Detector as one of his finishers, used to be the Corkscrew Axekick but I cant remember the last time he used that, but the Lie Detector (He used that on Tyson Kidd on last weeks Smackdown! for the win) is pretty good aswell.
I also love Randy Orton's back breaker. "Above Average" Mike Sanders used it in WCW and called it the 3.0, i always thought it was a great finisher. but the RKO is one of the best with the exception of how poor it looks when its gonna be reversed.

When Skip Over first did the Overdrive i thought it was cool but watching Orton & MVP do it i thought thats not really a Main Eventer finisher but in the world of Cruiserweight nosells and flashy moves it worked great for Prime Time.

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