Roman Reigns' Promos Aren't Doing Him Any Favors

You look at Reigns and see this imposing figure of a Greek God in tactical gear, and then he opens his mouth and Sylvester the Cat comes out.

Yes, it's like that, and it's hard to tell whether management is trying to script too much of what Roman is saying.....or whether they're not scripting enough. I can't figure it, because on one hand, his words seem forced and stilted, which could indicate he's trying to memorize lines given him....but if they're trying to mold his out-of-ring persona, they should first tell him not to offer Renee Young a big, open smile when he first comes out for his interview; it was completely out of place for the tough guy he needs to be. If you answer by saying it's fine for a good guy to smile, I'd point out that Roman Reigns isn't a good guy like Daniel Bryan; the development of the 'tweener role in pro wrestling has brought about a new type of good guy; one who doesn't smile all pretty for the fans.

As to Reigns' in-ring dialogue with Seth Rollins, it did seem as if Seth had to carry him a couple times. Since I couldn't hear his words, it made even more apparent how his cadence of speech was off; he was missing cues and forcing his speech. The gaps in their interaction compromised the whole promo.

His persona during matches is fine & dandy, but if anything is going to stall the grand hopes the company had for him, it's gonna be his promo ability.
I think the best success for Reigns would be for Heyman to promote him as a heel once Lesnar leaves WWE. Heyman would do most of the promos as he did with Lesnar.
I think the best success for Reigns would be for Heyman to promote him as a heel once Lesnar leaves WWE. Heyman would do most of the promos as he did with Lesnar.

Doesn't Heyman always manage the heels though, and Reigns is supposed to be a face. The new face of the WWE in fact. I would agree give him a manager, but if they are grooming him to take over John Cena's spot, he needs to be able to talk on his own. Carry his own water so to speak.

I've seen him do interviews on TV outside of the ring, and he's well spoken, not tripping all over his words like he is in the ring. And that might be the issue, he's too soft spoken for the image they are trying to create for him.

Roman Reigns seems to be a genuinely nice guy, not this badass type character that fits his looks, but not his personality. That might be where the disconnect is.
Doesn't Heyman always manage the heels though, and Reigns is supposed to be a face. The new face of the WWE in fact. I would agree give him a manager, but if they are grooming him to take over John Cena's spot, he needs to be able to talk on his own. Carry his own water so to speak.

I've seen him do interviews on TV outside of the ring, and he's well spoken, not tripping all over his words like he is in the ring. And that might be the issue, he's too soft spoken for the image they are trying to create for him.

Roman Reigns seems to be a genuinely nice guy, not this badass type character that fits his looks, but not his personality. That might be where the disconnect is.

I think a heel turn since he isn't over with the fans yet is the smartest move, especially with Daniel Bryan's return to more full-time status by Wrestlemania.
He sucked before, so why does it matter? WTH do you guys want him to do? He sucks on the mic regardless, at least now kids might enjoy his promos. The IWC isn't going to like his promos either way because he isn't good on the mic so the best thing to do is make him say awkward silly things that the kids might like.
He sucked before, so why does it matter? WTH do you guys want him to do? He sucks on the mic regardless, at least now kids might enjoy his promos. The IWC isn't going to like his promos either way because he isn't good on the mic so the best thing to do is make him say awkward silly things that the kids might like.

What I want is for him to sound natural on the mic, not come off looking like Sylvester the Cat. I mean shit who the hell says the kind of stuff he is told to say in real life. What other wrestler can you think of on the roster that is given this crap to say? There isn't one that I can think of.

I like the guy, but they are ruining him with this promo business. Let him talk and say what he has to say. If it's not much then fine, it's not much. It would be infinitely better than what he working with now.
What I want is for him to sound natural on the mic, not come off looking like Sylvester the Cat. I mean shit who the hell says the kind of stuff he is told to say in real life. What other wrestler can you think of on the roster that is given this crap to say? There isn't one that I can think of.

I like the guy, but they are ruining him with this promo business. Let him talk and say what he has to say. If it's not much then fine, it's not much. It would be infinitely better than what he working with now.

He cant "sound natural on the mic." He has already tried that and it was awful. "Who the hell says the kind of stuff he is told to say in real life"....What??? this is pro freakin wrestling! Who the hell does the peoples elbow in real life fights? Who the hell spits water in the air in real life? Who the hell skips everywhere as an adult in real life? The WWE is a kids show consisting of a bunch of half naked men engaging in fake fights...its not supposed to be a reflection of real life. Reigns is being marketed to kids but for some reason everyone on here hates everything that the WWE does to try to bring in more kid viewers. You are grown men and women watching a children's program DEAL WITH IT!! This is like complaining about Sesame Street because the neighborhood isnt realistic.
Watched Smackdown few days ago to see what they did with him and Ambrose facing Rollins. Had a feeling that it could be done in lot better way and that Reigns is improving but still far from good. Expected to see at least some talking when Rollins said "brother" but he just said that Rollins is full of shit and atacked him. He could at least cut minute long promo how Rollins is not his brother since he betrayed him and say some stuff about that but he just got into ring said two sentences and atacked. Just have a feeling that they are missing a lot with him with promos...
Watching Roman taunt Big Show last night with his rendition of the "Jack & the Beanstalk" fairy tale hardly seems the way to get his promos on track. He looked so ridiculous trying for irony, when a hardcore tough guy like him should be delivering speeches that reflect only.....well, hardcore toughness. Talking about himself finding magic beans to slay the giant aren't gonna get him there.

On the other hand, Roman seemed to do a better job in his delivery. His cadence of speech was good, only appearing to fumble words once or twice, and not badly. He also elongated some of his words, which added to the effectiveness of the story (silly though it was) and it's plain that someone has been working with him on promo skills.

On the third hand, they should have been addressing this all along. If management had the idea they could put him over as a world class performer just on the strength of his look and work in the ring, they've since learned they were mistaken.

There's still time; the guy is young and has it all in front of him.
Watching Roman taunt Big Show last night with his rendition of the "Jack & the Beanstalk" fairy tale hardly seems the way to get his promos on track. He looked so ridiculous trying for irony, when a hardcore tough guy like him should be delivering speeches that reflect only.....well, hardcore toughness. Talking about himself finding magic beans to slay the giant aren't gonna get him there.

On the other hand, Roman seemed to do a better job in his delivery. His cadence of speech was good, only appearing to fumble words once or twice, and not badly. He also elongated some of his words, which added to the effectiveness of the story (silly though it was) and it's plain that someone has been working with him on promo skills.

On the third hand, they should have been addressing this all along. If management had the idea they could put him over as a world class performer just on the strength of his look and work in the ring, they've since learned they were mistaken.

There's still time; the guy is young and has it all in front of him.

They really have to step it up with him and get him off Looney Tunes and fairy tales I agree.

Can you imagine the Shield when they were together coming out and referring to themselves as The Three LIttle Pigs. Yea neither can I. Don't know why they've gone down this road, but they should turn around sharpish. Love Reigns, but oh my God, I cringe when I see him with a mic in his hand.
For all we know, Roman Reigns might be the next Rocky Maivia. He might be a guy with a great look that Vince is sold on and wants to force feed down everyone's throats only to find out the fans dont like the taste of what they are being fed. Nowadays, it feels like they're grasping at straws when it vcomes to figuring out what works for him. It's a work in progress. Just trying to figure out when the progres part is gonna kick in.
This is a complete long shot, and probably without any rational basis whatsoever, but here goes. Could the reason he is being given these types of promos that it is easier for Reigns to remember/deliver something with a built in cadence/tempo/rhythm? I know it is a stretch, but I think we can all agree that rhymes are easier to remember than standard prose. That being said, they could probably find something less corny that still rhymed :shrug:
For all we know, Roman Reigns might be the next Rocky Maivia. He might be a guy with a great look that Vince is sold on and wants to force feed down everyone's throats only to find out the fans dont like the taste of what they are being fed. Nowadays, it feels like they're grasping at straws when it vcomes to figuring out what works for him. It's a work in progress. Just trying to figure out when the progres part is gonna kick in.

He might just be and when he ready, he'll be something special. Pushing him too early though is a huge mistake. The fans won't put up with it, and like others have said, he doesn't have the experience to deal with the backlash that will come his way, it could ruin him.

There is a lot of great talent on the roster, they don't have to push Reigns, let him mature on his own. When he's ready to go I'm sure we'll know it.
Maybe that's the way he talks to his daughter, and he's more comfortable talking that way... Although I don't fancy his stories, his delivery of Roman and the Beanstalk was okay in my opinion.
Glad to see Roman Reigns cross in to fairy tale land. Sheamus says hi! It was OH so successful for him. Nothing like taking a character who raidiates "pure badass" and having him spittle out some bullshit like last night.

Not to mention he was OBVIOUSLY trying to remember lines.


Its almost to a point were you cant define anyone as bad or good at promos. Because they aren't cutting promos. They are remembering lines(or not, in Roman's case) like an actor.
Glad to see Roman Reigns cross in to fairy tale land. Sheamus says hi! It was OH so successful for him. Nothing like taking a character who raidiates "pure badass" and having him spittle out some bullshit like last night.

Not to mention he was OBVIOUSLY trying to remember lines.


Its almost to a point were you cant define anyone as bad or good at promos. Because they aren't cutting promos. They are remembering lines(or not, in Roman's case) like an actor.

Im with you, Creative/Vince should give the guy bullet points and send him out to talk. it would come across a lot better that way, more natural rather than him just trying to remember the shit thats been written for him.
I have an important question for roman reigns fans... If reigns looked like hornswoggle and he would only do his super man punch and he would talk the way he currently does would he still be what you guys want as a top guy... The reason I ask is because every time someone says their opinion on roman reigns you guys say but but his look his look... Ok take a step back if he looked like Hornswoggle w
I have an important question for roman reigns fans... If reigns looked like hornswoggle and he would only do his super man punch and he would talk the way he currently does would he still be what you guys want as a top guy... The reason I ask is because every time someone says their opinion on roman reigns you guys say but but his look his look... Ok take a step back if he looked like Hornswoggle would that take away from your thoughts of him being a top guy?
I have an important question for roman reigns fans... If reigns looked like hornswoggle and he would only do his super man punch and he would talk the way he currently does would he still be what you guys want as a top guy... The reason I ask is because every time someone says their opinion on roman reigns you guys say but but his look his look... Ok take a step back if he looked like Hornswoggle w

Roman Reigns got partially to where he is because of two things. His family connections, and his looks, which are friggin amazing.

If it was based on anything else, then no, he would have struggled to get on the roster.
Roman Reigns got partially to where he is because of two things. His family connections, and his looks, which are friggin amazing.

If it was based on anything else, then no, he would have struggled to get on the roster.

I believe that although he is only there for his family roots and his looks Reigns can be a main event player. WWE just need to stop his superman push. After the shield broke up he has actually went backwards in my opinion. He was booked as a silent badass, now his promos and ring work are dragging him down.

If they stop with the rediculous scripted promos and let the guy mature in the ring then he can be the next top star, or at least one of them. He needs a couple of decent feuds with decent workers, a feud with someone like Cesaro with ample tv time spent on it would do wonders for Reigns. then have him move up to face people at the top of the card, give him a big moment at say Summerslam and bulid him for WM32. The fans can't feel like they have to accept him, they just will naturally.
I believe that although he is only there for his family roots and his looks Reigns can be a main event player. WWE just need to stop his superman push. After the shield broke up he has actually went backwards in my opinion. He was booked as a silent badass, now his promos and ring work are dragging him down.

If they stop with the rediculous scripted promos and let the guy mature in the ring then he can be the next top star, or at least one of them. He needs a couple of decent feuds with decent workers, a feud with someone like Cesaro with ample tv time spent on it would do wonders for Reigns. then have him move up to face people at the top of the card, give him a big moment at say Summerslam and bulid him for WM32. The fans can't feel like they have to accept him, they just will naturally.

Yes I think that given time he will be as well. But the question was, would he be where he is today if he looked like Hornswoggle or someone like that? And the answer would be no.

He doesn't have the wrestling or promo ability to be where he is right now. That is down to family and good gene's. He has been very lucky as a lot of guys with more talent and are decent on the mic, will never have the opportunity that Reigns got. Not saying he's not a hard worker he is, but he's not up to where they want him to be.

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