Return Of The King


Getting Noticed By Management
The King of the Ring which has had great matches (Angle vs McMahon... favorite match ever) and some dissapointing winners... Regal/Booker-T.... IS BACK!!!!

Apparently, haha. It's supposed to be back 11/29 (sorry if date's wrong) but it will be on a 3 hour RAW special according to


I'm going to say the Miz. I absolutely hate this guy... if you've read any of my posts about him you know why. I really don't feel like ranting right now. But he's already won MiTB, US Championship, RAW Leader on Bragging Rights, Tag Titles, etc so why not just keep adding on to the push of this idiot.
A week or so ago, the WWE announced that there will be several 3 hour Raw specials in November & Decenter. For the November 29th episode of Raw, the WWE will be holding the King of The Ring Tournament. As expected, wrestlers from both Raw & SmackDown! will be on hand for this show and it's the first time in well over 2 years that a KOTR has been crowned.

I wish that the WWE would have a KOTR ppv as they used to but wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which gets filled faster. At any rate, the WWE doesn't do a lot of tournaments so this could be fun. It could also be an opportunity to elevate a young guy into a little position of prominence.
Here's my question: should WWE treat this King of the Ring like a MITB type of thing, and give it to somebody that needs a huge push? Or, should they give it to somebody who could actually win that type of contest? You have to go through 3 or 4 matches in a single night, so it's not like anybody should be able to do this. No doubt they will find someway to make most of the matches quick, and it will probably be a bit of a disappointment. But still, I think they should put a title shot on the line or something, and put only the best into the tournament. My pick would be Sheamus.
I agree with you there Jack-Hammer. With all the shitty PPV themes we've been having as of late, it would have been really fantastic to have the King of the Ring as a PPV instead of the horrible themed PPV's we've been having such as Fatal 4-Way. In fact, I've even started to think that even Bragging Rights is a horrible idea for a PPV. It really has no point to it whatsoever. If the WWE is looking for a PPV to hold a team Raw vs Team Smackdown, they should look no further than Survivor Series because technically speaking, Survivor series is usually the one to host a [traditional] Raw vs. Smackdown elimination match. So why not just use that as your Raw vs Smackdown?

In any case, I'm pretty stoked to see the return of the King of the Ring. It would be another great way to elevate a rising star, or quite possibly further the push of a rising star (i.e. someone like the Miz). Sure, some might argue that using KitR is sort of unessessary seeing as how we've already seen 3 Mitb matches and one Royal Rumble match. But even still, you cannot deny that King of the Ring has always been an awesome concept and the fact that it has returned is truly something to mark-out for.

Hopefully, WWE decides to return the King of the Ring full time, but not just as a 3-hour Raw, but as a PPV. Though, then again, who knows if this will actually happen or not...
There's only three people I think have a realistic shot at winning the tournament, in ascending order:

The Miz: I still believe the Miz will be holding the MitB briefcase come the KotR tournament, and what better way to solidify your future main event star than with another accolade? The Miz certainly has the ego to make himself seem like a King with all the rest of the locker room as his "subjects", and Alex Riley would be the perfect jester for him. Why not add the crown to the WWE Title that may soon be within his grasp?

CM Punk: Many are wondering what niche Punk will find himself in now that the SES is disbanded and there's no room in the World Title picture, and I think his soon to be feud with Bryan will be a perfect segway into a KotR victory. Another top promo star, we'd be given the first ever "Straight-Edge King" and be treated to weekly history lessons criticizing past and current royalty. It gives Punk something to do without having him wallow in the midcard until room opens up on the Main Event scene.

Sheamus: The most likely candidate to win, if only because the E desperately needs to keep him relevant to avoid fading into obscurity. While the eventual return of HHH will set up his next important angle until then there's no better way to keep the focus on him than having the first "Irish-Born King of the Ring", and much like Punk, be told why Ireland is better than the U.S. every week. Honestly, I'm already liking the sound of King Sheamus.

My hope is that the WWE doesn't just throw it on a mid-carder in the hopes it propels them to the M.E. scene, because I think it'd be a complete waste to throw it on someone like DiBiase (who I have no faith in using what the KotR prestige can bring). Morrison (who doesn't fit the persona in my eyes) or Daniel Bryan (as much as I like him, it could be a case of too much, too soon.)

The only other possibility I'd be intrigued by is having Ezekiel Jackson winning and reuniting with his manager and the last KotR winner William Regal. It gives Regal something of importance to do and keeps the allure of Jackson as a walking monster, not having to worry about cutting promos.
I like the idea of a new King of the Ring tournament to be held on a live 3-hour episode of RAW. Having KOTR as a PPV would be a good idea too, except there are too many PPV's now already, and having a KOTR PPV would have to mean scrapping one of the existing PPV concepts. Which, mind you, wouldn't be a bad thing as some of the current PPV concepts leave a lot to be desired. I have no problem with having KOTR happen on an episode of free TV, though.

All I hope is that if they are going to have a KOTR, they don't have the winner morph into another ridiculous "king" gimmick. King Booker was a terrible and nearly unwatchable gimmick. Wasn't much better when Regal won it. I hope that they have someone significant win the KOTR, such as Sheamus, but please God, don't turn him into another king, with robes and crowns and all of that bullshit. Just because you win a tournament called King of the Ring, doesn't mean you actually have to be a King.
I'd like to start by sayin, i love the thought of kotr returning!!!
i agree they should get rid of fatal 4 way at put this in place and the whole getttin rid of bragging rights! its just a way to promtoe the game thts it!

Im sorry if this is going off point, but is this the return of Triple H???

either he will be entered as a surprise contestant or cum back in the final in which would involve sheamus and maybe morrison or cena? and screw sheamus!
The whole morrison - sheamus storyline maybe a fill in or maybe something to boost morrison to main event status by winning this competition!!!!
Well, if they're gonna do King of The Ring, why not change it round a bit?
Make the winner earn a title shot at a Pay-Per-View of their choice?

Also, 'cos we don't wanna see the champs or M.Eventers winning, why not hold it for people who have never been WWE or WHC champ before. That way, you automatically eliminate people such as Sheamus, Cena, Punk etc... & give way to people like Miz, JoMo, DiBiase, R-Truth.
That way, at least the title match would involve the champion vs someone who's not had a shot before.
What d'ya think?
Dibieas not ready for title shot and neither is R-Truth and Mi has MITB so say JoMo should win the KOTR. He has both good wrestling and mic skills and is over with the crowd aswell.
They must be reading these forums cause this idea was thrown out there recently.
I hope a face wins it this year. It's a good way to boost heels (William Regal and Booker T) but I miss the days when a face would win (Billy Gunn and Ken Shamrock). Sadly I think Swagger, Rhodes or McIntyre will win.
The return of the concept is welcome in my eyes... I always enjoyed the tournament concept.

Now I really don't think they should make this a non former champ thing... the original PPV concept worked as it had main eventers like Bret, Razor and Perfect in it... I also don't want this to go into a pure Nexus thing as I can really see them giving this to Barrett rather than the WWE Title...

Its sad Christian is hurt as he'd have been a lock for this... but I truly think that DH Smith may be the guy to get this this push... it'd give impetus for the heelish turn and give him a good boost... he could then be mentored by Regal as the previous king...
King Sheamus? King Miz? King that one sounds right. lulz. I think if anyone deserves to win this its got to be Punk. Punks been raped from the spotlight ever since his feud with Undertaker and he's better than that. His last "big thing" was SES. We all know how that turned out. Punks now on RAW, and the brand is lacking some serious heels right now. CM Punk can fill that void. They need to build him up as dominate and the best way to do that is crown him King of the Ring. Imagine how much heat he'd get by coming out and yelling "I'm the first ever straight edged KoTR winner". Give him a feud to put him over.

As for the concept of King of the Ring, I love that they are bringing it back. It helped get a lot of people over. Including the most notable Stone Cold Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar. You can use this to build someone up like the Miz or Sheamus or get someone from down in the slumps like CM Punk. Its a great concept and I for one, miss tournaments in the WWE. If they re instate this concept I say give the winner a championship match. And IMO, keep out guys that are already established like Orton or Cena. Give some guys the spot light to shine and run with for a bit. Bring back the PPV aswell. Can't wait to see the bracket.
I like the idea of the KOTR returning. Ever since I first started watching wrestling, I've only seen the tournament twice. I think the return of KOTR would give a great opportunity for some of the younger talent to showcase themselves and potentially move up the card. I like it.
I feel this could be an opportunity to bring back Triple H, he is after all the king. And he is expected to return to the ring November-December, right?
I am hoping that it will end up Daniel Bryan vs Ziggler for the King of the ring. The way these two put on matches this week, they have been great. One of them, deff deserves it.
Great concept and really looking forward to that raw. last time it was a suprise who won (regal). but i think they will use this one to boost one of their guys. their whole youth movement already has barrett, sheamus and the miz in the spot light. i imagine one of them getting the win. i really hope punk wins this one though. he has been given shit since his fued with taker, and he really is better than that. im not even a punk mark, but i really feel like he has gotten the shit end of the stick in everything. he kept loosing to rey then the big show. this would really set him up for a big win.

something i dont think will happen, but i think would be cool is if they do make it a concept where the winner gets a title shot, say at the royal rumble. the title matches at the rumble dont matter too much since they are greatly over shadowed. notice how the past years have tryouts for the main event (hardy, rey being used again) so it could be a new guy. so it would be cool if otunga won the match then challenged barrett. they have been hinting decension like mad lately, so this would be cool. this is assuming barrett is the champion, which i hope happens because orton sucks as champ imo.
im sorry did sombody say eziekiel jackson should win with regal in he's corner that is a genious idea, regal would be a great heel manager and big zeke is basically a monster, so yeah i agree this should happen
What I was thinking was the return of Triple H at KOTR. It would be awesome. The King of Kings returns at King of The Ring. But it shouldn't be a surprise return. A planned one. Promos, ads featuring the return of Triple H. Just like it happend 3 years ago when he was back at SummerSlam.

KOTR would be an awesome night. Superstars from both brands. I would want Triple H to win if the returns but if he doesn't, someone like Sheamus or Drew or JoMo could take it. Even the Miz would be a good choice.

Side Note: WWE made a great decision to bring back KOTR!!
Global Icon - Sorry for going off-topic here, but you were asking Theo where your sig was when he hadn't done it, because you're so impatient, then you don't even credit him for it? Cunt much?
Global - I agree with you so much, that I posted the same thing earlier :D
But that'd be an awesome return for Trips. I have a feeling Barrett is gonna plant himself into the contest and then make Cena win it for him, just seeing how this has been going. :/
Honestly the problem with the last King of The Ring held was that Regals drug suspension for his failure completely off set any relevance the KOTR actually had, because the plans were to actually push him in a title picture against Triple H while Hunter was face. Booker T wasn't necessarily a bad king, its just they turned him into a stupid reason for king, I mean you go from what u talkin about sucka to a talkin african king who can't pronounce words. If you want to go the right way either have another mid-carder or even a nobody win it. Daniel Bryan while being a mainstream athlete on the indy scene, giving him the belt gives him relevance and as he adapts he will be a main eventer. So honestly I'd like to see Goldust, Tatsu, Ryder, Morrison, Del Rio, Mcintyre, Santino, DH Smith, Kaval, Michael McGulicutty, or Husky Harris win because otherwise KOTR serves no real purpose and just adds another meaningless title to a top face or heel, but give a mid-carder it and that usually means main eventer...unless you drug test out...
KOTR was always one of my favorites. Tournaments in general are a lost art in the sport, on the mainstream level. I was @ WrestleMania 4, and to date, one of my favorite events of all time. KOTR has been bastardized in it's last few incarnations, so here's hoping that they let some of this younger talent get good time in for their matches. I agree w/most on here who say Punk would be the best. It doesn't appear it will happen now that he may be out for a few months. I think it will likely be someone from Smackdown, even though a RAW heel could use the boost more, as they are in dire need of some top "bad guys!" Perhaps H comes back Heel and runs Nexus, or something. It's really anyboyd's ballgame @ this point. It will be interesting to see. If not Punk winning it, I would like to see JoMo, Swagger (though I think he would ham up the gimmick; crown, cape, septor and Chavo "The Eagle") or Alberto Del Rio. He would be great to run with it, and his strong style is fit for tournaments.
I'm going to have to think this is going to a SmackDown superstar since if Vince wants SmackDown to be the number 1 show, then SmackDown needs to be such a dominant brand when it comes to interpromotional stuff, not just Bragging Rights once a year.

I feel that it's either going to Del Rio or Swagger. I could see Swagger being king because it would just fit his personality and be another accomplishment for him to show off. Also Del Rio because from what I've seen of him he's been on fire since his debut interupting Rey Mysterio and I think he's a great promo man. I fully expect the latter.
If whoever wins gets a title shot, I'd want Del Rio to win.

Hopefully, Edge takes the title from Kane, then Del Rio & Edge can put a good match on.
Earlier to day I saw this on another site.

-- The WWE website announced that the three-hour Monday Night RAW
event taking place on November 29, 2010 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will feature the return of the King of the Ring tournament.

The synopsis reads: "In a single evening, one man will become a legend as the King of the Ring Tournament returns for the first time in over 2 years live from Philadelphia. On a special 3-Hour Raw Event Superstars from Raw and SmackDown will battle for the honor to be crowned King of all WWE and royally solidify their spot in sports-entertainment history."

I for one am glad to see the King of the Ring return, it has helped many superstars make the leap into the main event.
Who do you guys think will become the next king of the WWE?

William Regal ~ I thought Regal was on to something great when he was king last time. I would like to see Regal get a push and think this could be the best way.

The Miz ~ I could see Miz walking around with the M.I.T.B. case and a crown, maybe he could win a Slammy as well. He would be like a modern day Owen Hart, lugging around all his accomplishments.

Jack Swagger ~ A few weeks back Swagger had a crown and a cape on, and looked damn good in it. I think they killed his push to quick after he lost the title. Becoming King of the Ring could do great things for Swagger.

Kofi Kingston ~ This might be the thing Kofi needs to finally get over. I have never really got Kofi, However I liked the King Booker character. I know they wont be the same, but I want to like Kofi.

Who do you think should become the next King of the Ring? Why?

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