Required Viewing for New Fans


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
I was reading KB's awesome SummerSlam review threads this morning, and I came to his review of the Bret Hart vs Davey Boy Smith match from the SummerSlam in Wembley Stadium, which was a heavy favorite of mine. Anyway, as I skimmed the thread, I saw KB refer to this main event match for the IC title as "required viewed for all wrestling fans."

And I couldn't agree more.

It also got me thinking - the old schoolers on this board who actually ordered that PPV (myself included) are slowly being diluted by fans who were potentially not even born when that match occured. When we talk about all-time greats, their first hand knowledge is limited to names like Cena, HHH, Orton, and Edge, whereas we saw the creation and primes of men like Hogan, Hart, Warrior, etc.

For a new fan to professional wrestling, what can old schoolers provide as "required viewing" to have a working knowledge of overall professional wrestling.

Big Matches

1. Hart vs Smith, Summerslam. Despite the match being in Smith's home, Hart was still so good that you didn't feel the match was a shoe in for Davey. Far from. These two came into the match as evenly matched as you'll ever see. Both men sold very well. Commentary was off the charts, with Bret kicking out the Davey's Powerslam (his finisher) and Heenan yelling "he can't pin the man with his own finishing maneuver, he can't win, he can't beat Bret Hart." The finish after the match with the handshake and hug was appropriate for two men who KNEW they'd just stolen the show.

2. Savage vs Steamboat, Wrestlemania 3. We've discussed it before. It's a match with build-up, controversy, near falls, excitement, athleticism, and an amazing finish with Ricky getting the win. This match set the tone for what the Intercontinental Title would mean up until 2006.

Feud Build-ups

1. Hogan vs Sting, leading up to Starcade. I mean, the angle took A YEAR. Sting, estranged by the lack of faith the WCW locker room had in his loyalty, became a non-wrestling tweener, and eventually remained a face when he suddenly attacked the nWo at a PPV. Though the blow-off match to the feud was mis-handled, the build-up itself was so compelling.

2. Flair vs Savage, leading up to Wrestlemania 8. Ok, so it should have been Flair vs Hogan, but it didn't work that way, and WWF still made a terrific feud. The reason? The feud got PERSONAL with Ric doctoring photos of him with Elizabeth and claiming to have a nude photo of her. Savage was so angry, you FELT it. Here he was, co-main eventing the biggest show of the year, and he didn't stop to pose - he attacked. Like a shark smelling blood. The feud was amazing, considering it wasn't even the right feud.


1. Dusty and Dustin Rhodes, "I Neglected You." Back in WCW, long before Golddust, Dustin Rhodes was known as "The Natural" and he came to the ring like a sort of cowboy, with a country music entrance theme. But make no mistake, the man was a talent, winning the United States Title twice and having several solid feuds. In one case, Dusty was feuding with Col. Rob Parker and Terry Funk, with Arn Anderson as his tag team partner. Anderson turned on Dustin and teamed with Funk, leaving Dustin defenseless and partnerless. So one Saturday, Dusty, a commentator, came to the ring and confronted his son. He talked about traveling the world and neglecting his son, he talked about embarassing his son by selling out, and then, tears in his eyes, told him that Arn Anderson has never been anything but a "walk behinder," and if you always follow and never lead, the view never changes. Dustin was now legit crying with his Dad spilling his heart out. At the end, Dusty proclaimed "I wanna be your partner," leading to a huge hug between father and son. The crowd flipped. Dusty's mic work was amazing.

I could go on, but feel free to give your opinions. Make up categories if you want, have fun with it! Just don't spam...
I would like to add the work that Jake "the Snake" Roberts did with the Macho Man. The promos that both of these men did were so powerful that the suspension of disbelief was incredibly easy. My favorite promo was the one that Jake did after he slapped Elizabeth in the ring. If anyone ever wants to know how a heel promo should go, I recommend watching this one. The rage that Savage followed that promo up with was so palpable, I seriously thought the next match they had someone was going to die.
I know this is really more about matches than feuds, but it's been so long ago that I can't remember one specific match. Just how amazing the feud was.

Sting vs The Great Muta. For some reason this sticks out as the best feud I've ever seen. This was in Sting's "surfer" days, and as a kid I was a total freakin mark for that guy, and The Great Muta was the perfect heel to feud with him because he was just everything that Sting wasn't. This may be a bad thing to admit around a bunch of guys on an IWC forum, but I remember actually crying as a little kid once when Muta spit that green mist shit in Sting's eyes and beat him. Lame, I know, but that's just how into it I was.

Sorry for the lack of detailed explanation to back up my pick here but it's just been so long ago the details are fuzzy, and quite frankly, not that important to me. That was 20 years ago, and I still haven't seen a feud that topped it.
Well set up, push, match delivery, everything that is needed in a great angle must go to Bret Hart and Owen Hart.

Brothers feuding is just a part of wrestling that is always hot. Hardys, Colons now, The Brothers of Destruction, and many matches that predate the Harts.

But this months long feud was great. It was Owen trying to get out of his brothers shadow. Owen was lower on the card at the time, and Bret Hart was near the top. So when these two started the feud you knew Owen was going to be launched to the top. And he would have been, but it never happened.

But the matches were great. Their cage match, their Wrestlemania match, these two made magic in the ring. So if any new fans are reading this, read up on these two, match their matches, and you shall see why I am a fan of wrestling.
I think it's important for fans to get a little taste of everything, so they can get a good feel for the business as a whole and find out just what their cup of tea is. For instance, Puroresu (mid-ninties AJPW and NJPW, Hayabusa, and Tiger Mask vs. Dynamite Kid), Lucha Libre, ROH, ECW. Mid-South (UWF), old school Memphis Wrestling, etc. should all get checked out by every wrestling fan, because you never know... you really might end up loving the product.

But as far as Legendary matches go... man, so many to choose from, but the greatest match in WWE history has yet to be mentioned thus far in this thread, and that of course is Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect from Summerslam 1991 for the Intercontinental Championship. Now, as good as the IC Title match between Bret and Davey Boy the next year would be... in my opinion, it still doesn't hold a candle to the perfection that was Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect. Incredible match, that one was.

Build up... well, IC covered that with Sting vs. Hogan, by far the greatest build up in wrestling history. But I also thought Hogan/Savage had a tremendous build up. That entire feud was paced so well, and perfectly laid out. Also, the build up to Tommy Dreamer getting his first win against Raven was beyond incredible, so that's a must see for any wrestling fan as well.

And promos? Jake Roberts. The man was a God on that microphone. The only person to surpass him there was The Rock, but that's it. And it was the fucking Rock, so that shouldn't make anyone think less of Roberts. Raven was also damn good on the microphone, too, but if you follow my advice, then you'll find that out for yourself once you view the feud that was Raven vs. Dreamer.
You all have absolutely got to be shitting me. Terrible lists all around.

Build? Big match? Great match? All three in these.

Hulk Hogan Vs Andre The Giant, WM3

Yea, they didnt do a lot of moonsaults. This is, however, EVERYTHING that pro wreslting is all about. EVERY FUCKING THING. The good friend turns on a life long running partner. The undominable good guy, Vs the imposing, uncoquerable evil. nearly 100,000 people in one place to see it. This is what its ALL about.

Hulk Hogan Vs The Ultimate Warrior, WM 6

Never before has the very HINTING at a match caused such an amazing reaction. When these two were the only guys in the ring at the Royal RUmble preceeding this, the crowd went completely ape shit. It was pure and absolute electricity for the small time they WERE in the ring together. This thing was built to such an amazing fever pitch, as one could truly belive the two most powerfull forces of all time would clash. They played off of that beautifully during the match, and it was nothing short of absolutely epic.

Owen Hart Vs Bret Hart, Wrestlemania 10

Great, long build. Hatred that seemed very real, from Owen at least. Fantastic, sceintific match, with probably the BEST limb phsycology EVER. I was watching this match a few weeks ago, and the toddlers I live with saw Bret selling the knee and said "owch. HURT!!!" and were pointing at the screen. I mean. Come the fuck on. The hatred that Owen hit Bret in the knee with over, and over, and over was so belivable. Amazing.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Bret Hart, Wrestlemania 13

Also the epitome of crowd electricity, and build. This was also a fever pitch moment. I also feel like the new fan should be shown that at times, our wonderfull sport can become incredibly brutal. Its all about the heart, the passion. Never give up, dont ever, give up.

Triple H Vs HBK, SummerSlam 2002

Not a huge build, but dammit, enough. This is how you show people how to properly work as a heel, and how to get a crowd incredibly involved. Amazingly crazy, brutal match, with a suprise, very simple finish.

Unertaker Vs Kane, Wrestlemania 20

Yea, i said it. Fuck it. Was it a particularly gorgeous match? No, hardly. But holy SHIT man, has there EVER been a build this good? that had one frothing at the mouth this much? The hinting at the return of THE phenom, for MONTHS without ever actually showing him, was just damn amazing, especially considering he had been "The American Badass" for what, 3 or 4 years before this? So this was TRULY like one of the most iconic characters in WWE history coming back after a 4 year abscence. Add to it they are in Madison Square Garden, at the 20th Wrestlemania? get the FUCK out of here....

As for tag wrestling you show them

The Hart Foundation Vs Demolition, best 2 of 3 falls, SummerSlam 90

Just every last bit of perfect tag wrestling, perfect tag phsycology. Perfect everything, and anything, that you could ask for out of a tag match.

Bret Hitman Hart, British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman Vs Steve Austin, Goldust, Legion Of Doom, and Ken Shamrock

Just beautifully worked, between a ton of guys. Insanity in the crowd, fast paced realisitically worked. Just, as good as it possibly gets with this many people involved. Incredible.

Ill do promos later, when i have some time to think about it
If you're looking at a feud that every fan should look back on, I'll go back to old school ECW, and throw in the Shane Douglas v. Pitbulls feud. It all started when Francine turned on the Pitbulls, and escalated when Douglas broke Pitbull #1's neck. Everything from beginning to end was great, and all because it was all so real.

If you want to see great promos, go and look up Mick Foley's anti-hardcore ones from ECW, especially the "Cane Dewey" one. Anything Foley says is bound to be gold, but these two are by far the best I have seen from anyone, ever.

For character build-up, I'd say go back and take a look at Shawn Michaels. Everything from being a tag wrestler, to the kick heard 'round the world, to his build through the mid-card, culminating in the Iron Man match with Bret.

I'm sure there's a lot I'm leaving out, but there's a small sample of what I love to go back and watch from time to time.
I wasn't a wrestling fan during the early 90s, so I don't know that much about the build-ups and everything that was going on there. But as for the Attitude Era? Everything there and up. I loved Stone Cold vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7. It was so badass, everything about it. The match, the build-up, everything. Hogan vs Vince was fucking great as well. Especially the build up and promos. I wouldn't consider it REQUIRED viewing, but it's a definite example of a super long feud. lol.
The reason for the lack of awesome build ups now is that at the first run in, the match is booked for the next PPV. To understand how to build a match, one must look back in time, to when old men like IC and myself got hooked on the product.

Look at the Mega Powers. There is two solid years of wrestling, starting at Wrestlemania III and working its way into Wrestlemania V. The story had them as friends, and then partners, and then on opposite ends of a love triangle. It had everything from friendship to jealousy to betrayal. It culminated in what was the biggest match the WWF had ever had up to that point. That match wound up bigger than Hogan/Andre.

The build up to HBK/Hart was epic as well. I'm not talking about screwjob HBK/Hart. Everyone knows about that. The buildup to the Iron Man match was one of the most intense face/face feuds ever. Going into Wrestlemania 12, HBK had never been WWF champion. To watch his promos about his desire to win, you would think that wrestling was real and this was life or death for HBK.

To better understand the midcard, a new viewer should find some Tito Santana/Rick Martel footage. They also started as a tag team, and after an inadvertant forearm, Martel flipped. They feuded for three years, always interfering in each others matches. The mic work was mid card perfect, short and sweet. They didn't need to develop a deep story, as the story was built in, and they could just address each other.
The reason for the lack of awesome build ups now is that at the first run in, the match is booked for the next PPV. To understand how to build a match, one must look back in time, to when old men like IC and myself got hooked on the product.

The one match what got me hooked was a classic in my eyes and the first wrestling i had ever seen prior to becoming an avid viewer, I remembered it like yesterday

Wrestlemania 7: Hulk Hogan Vs Sgt Slaughter

This is one of the reasons i loved the WWE, they managed to run with storylines that compared to real life, with Americas first attempt to go to war with Iraq they managed to put one of America's finest into one of WWE's biggest turncoats that man was Sgt Slaughter, the man who was as american as apple pie turned on the western world, his opponent was a man who was a mainstay in the WWE and one of its most iconic figures, Hulk Hogan, the match culmunated in something magical and one fo the most realist feuds i ever saw as a kid.

My love for the squared circle came to fruition that day and never died, since then i have become more understanding of different promotions and have watched everything from AWA, midsouth, New Japan, Ring Of Honor to name a few but this match has a place in my heart and will forever be one of my greatest moments in wrestling history and a must see for any newbie.

Look at the Mega Powers. There is two solid years of wrestling, starting at Wrestlemania III and working its way into Wrestlemania V. The story had them as friends, and then partners, and then on opposite ends of a love triangle. It had everything from friendship to jealousy to betrayal. It culminated in what was the biggest match the WWF had ever had up to that point. That match wound up bigger than Hogan/Andre.

The way this story was built up was amazing, from the basic storytelling in the ring, from the promos, down to the amazing vignettes produced by the WWE it made me feel like i was watching something amazing unfold, they where a tag team that never held the tag team titles and still managed to make their story mean something, it was about respect, brotherhood, betrayal and jelousy, something even most film companies cant even get right, right here was a story for the ages.

The build up to HBK/Hart was epic as well. I'm not talking about screwjob HBK/Hart. Everyone knows about that. The buildup to the Iron Man match was one of the most intense face/face feuds ever. Going into Wrestlemania 12, HBK had never been WWF champion. To watch his promos about his desire to win, you would think that wrestling was real and this was life or death for HBK.

Michaels was coming off of his feud with Kevin Nash, i remember the betrayal of Sid destroying Michaels in the middle of the ring when he told his big bodyguard his services where no longer needed, from the Rumble down to the hype this match recieved we all saw respect soure into hatred between these two, what unfolded from this match was a classic feud of bitterness and anger which started at Wrestlemania 12, I loved it and loved every waking moment that came after with these two men, they made every moment awe inspiring.

To better understand the midcard, a new viewer should find some Tito Santana/Rick Martel footage. They also started as a tag team, and after an inadvertant forearm, Martel flipped. They feuded for three years, always interfering in each others matches. The mic work was mid card perfect, short and sweet. They didn't need to develop a deep story, as the story was built in, and they could just address each other.

This was when the time when the midcard meant something, for most new viewers they see the midcard as a step up to the world title, when these two where feuding it was about who was better, simple as
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Instead of individual matches, I'm going to stick with full shows.

Wrestlemania. Plain and simple, this is the birth of modern wrestling. The Rock N Wrestling Connection angle was the biggest angle in the history of wrestling, period. Major matches were airing on MTV, A-list celebrities were involved in it and it was in Time Magazine. Think about that. Wrestling, in one of the biggest magazines on the planet. It was the most important show of all time and without this, there's no telling where we would be today.

Wrestlemania 3. 93,000 people. My goodness that's so ridiculous it's hard to think about. And why were they there? They were there for one reason: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. Think about that. 93,000 people were in a building to see two guys go at it. The slam changed the way wrestling was seen as the torch was passed. You couple this with the epicness that is Savage vs. Steamboat and how can this not make the list?

Wrestlemania 17. To me and a lot of other people, the greatest card of all time. There are at least 4 matches out of 11 here that would steal any other show of the year, but they're midcard matches here. That's just insane. Even the worst match on the card is decent. It's a huge crowd, it's non-stop great, and the pop that Austin gets coming into the arena for the main event is simply other worldly.

Great American Bash 1989. This is an absolute classic that most of you likely haven't seen. This is great old school NWA stuff at its best, with likely Luger's best match of all time, a classic with Funk vs. Flair for the title, War Games and a GREAT Sting/Muta match. Find this show. Most of you likely haven't seen it, and that's a damn shame.

Two of them are great, two of them are historic. Both are important things to see as fans, and all four are important.
When I think of great build-ups of the past, I think of ones previously mentioned... Bret vs. Owen, The Mega-Powers Collide, Hogan vs. Andre, Hogan vs. Warrior, HBK vs. Hart, Austin vs. Hart, Flair vs. Savage... shall I go on?

However, a few buildups by one individual really stick out in my mind because they all just seemed so original and real to me at the time, and I think a lot of people take them for granted and/or forget about them. Some feuds don't necessarily need months and years of buildup, as long as the storylines are emotional, realistic, and the audience can relate to it to some extent. These feuds involve one of my all-time favorites, "The Model" Rick Martel.

"The Model" Rick Martel & Jake "The Snake" Roberts
It all started with the Brother Love Show... ring a bell? You know, that interview segment where an evangelist-typed, overweight, red-faced man in a white suit with red, button-down shirt would speak in a deep, Southern accent, professing his love for everyone in the world as he degraded superstars of the WWF. During one of his shows, Jake Roberts was his guest. Martel decided to crash the party and interrupt the interview, which led to an altercation that resulted in Roberts getting sprayed in the eyes with Martels' signature perfume, 'Arrogance.' Roberts was sidelined for weeks due to the eye injury, and even made appearances on WWF television with his eyes bandaged, acting as if he was blind from the damage that the perfume caused. During following interview segments, Martel would taunt an eye-bandaged Roberts, and physically provoked him during one interview in particular where Roberts bandage was torn off his eyes to reveal the damage that the 'Arrogance' had caused him. Of course, Roberts was only sporting a white contact lens in his left eye that hid his pupil and iris. But these contacts were still a technology that was new to the world, so the audience truly believed that permanent damage was caused by Martel. This feud would culminate at Wrestlemania VII in the first ever "blindfold match." Granted, the physicality of this match was extremely lacking, but it served its purpose as a psychological matchup. The audience was genuinely intrigued during the match and was kept in suspense as the two combatants slowly moved around the ring trying to find each other. We all knew that once Roberts got his hands on Martel, he'd finally get his revenge. Roberts finally got a hold on Martel and delivered his devastating DDT to pick up the win.

"The Model" Rick Martel & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
On an episode of WWF Superstars, Rick Martel appeared at ringside during a Shawn Michaels matchup. He walked to the ring and began showing interest for "Sensational" Sherri, who was Michaels' valet at the time. This enraged Michaels, which led to a few confrontations between Martel and Michaels on future episodes of Superstars and Prime Time Wrestling. Sherri could not bear to see the two fight against each other. So during an episode of Superstars, Michaels and Martel found themselves facing off in a post-match confrontation. As the two drew their fists to punch each other, Sherri jumped onto the apron, could bear the sight, and fainted. This led to a memorable matchup at Summerslam 1992 in which a stipulation was executed that neither opponent would be allowed to punch each other in the face. The match was very entertaining, as each man pulled their punches as Sherri watched to her dismay, but ended in a disappointing double count-out - a common finish in that era of professional wrestling. However, I'll always enjoy the buildup segments of the love triangle that occurred on the weekly episodes of WWF wrestling.
The matches that stand out the most in my head and therefore the matches I would suggest would be, in no particular order:

Bret Hart v Owen Hart: Wrestlemania 10
This match had all the elements a good old school wrestling match needs. Drama, brilliant wrestling, high workrate and let's not forget it was the first match of the night. Of course we found out later it was to put the strap on the Hitman. But for a curtain jerker, even at Mania, this match OWNED!

Shawn Michaels v The Undertaker: Wrestlemania 25
Itg is not just hype folks. This is one of the best matches in years. Two 40+ men laying it all out there for the entertainment of the masses. It was very much the Match of the Year candidate it deserves to be.

Ric Flair v Ricky Steamboat: Take your pick!
Anytime these guys went at it, it was something special. If you want to see how it's done, watch one of their epic encounters.

Shawn Michaels v Ric Flair: Wrestlemania 24
I know I'm saying a lot of newer matches, but damn, for pure emotion this match touch the core. Ric Flair looked like he was headlining the first Starrcade again. He was that good. Michaels made him look even better. Say what you will about both men, these two make classics.

Bret Hart v Shawn Michaels: The Montreal Screwjob Survivor Series 97
I put this here to show any new fan that this business can be as real as any. This match proved at the time pro wrestling (even the WWF) had a long way to go regarding true professionalism. Other than the screwjob this match was amazing. The heat Hart and Michaels had for each other backstage made this feud killer. Too bad Shawn was such a dick then and Hart is so bullheaded. Vince is still a bastard for not being a man about the whole thing. But that's another thread entirely.

So that's all I'm putting down now. I could sit here for hours and type more, but truth be told I think it would be a retrospective and don't think that's what belongs here right now. Let me know what you think of the choices though.

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