Report: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes On Raw This Monday?


There's a piece on talking about the McMahon-Rhodes saga. At about 10:30 this morning, Stephanie McMahon sent a message to WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes via Twitter:

"@WWEDustyRhodes please accept this invitation to attend RAW this Monday in Cleveland. I have a business proposition for you. Thank you."

10:30 AM - 14 Sep 2013

Based on this Tweet, it seems likely that Dusty Rhodes will be part of this week's episode of Raw in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm not certain what this "business proposition" is but it'll no doubt generate some interest. Perhaps the most obvious "proposition" would involved Dusty Rhodes accepting a match in order to "save" Cody's job. I don't think it's very likely when you take into account the fact that Dusty turns 68 years old in just slightly less than a month. I remember reading a story a few weeks back saying that he'd lost somewhere around 40-50 pounds, so the notion flew through my head that he MIGHT have lost some weight so he could compete in some sort of match, possibly a tag team or six man tag team match. Still, given his age and the likelihood that he'll come through WWE's exhaustive battery of medical tests & exams that doesn't raise concerns, I don't think we'll see The Dream lace 'em up one more time.

Given that the Rhodes' family continues to be pulled into this storyline and the "animosity" between the Rhodes & McMahons, I think they'll all ultimately have a significant role, at time goes on, pertaining to the eventual downfall of Triple H's regime.
I think there all done using the older guys in the ring after Jerry's hart attack and the thing with superfly a few yrs ago so more then likely it's to get him to talk Cody into being on there side
maybe a six man tag, Shield vs Rhodes family for one night only. Dusty could do a minimal amount of work, throw a few atomic elbows and even make the cover. I think due to Disty's charisma and mic skills, he is probably going to be used as the mouthpiece for the Rhodes side. I see a beatdown coming his way Monday night though, guaranteed
I agree with thebarber about Dusty getting a beat down on Monday.
Dusty will probably come out and do a segment where he has a back and forth with Hunter and Stephanie. It will get out of hand when he refuses to see things their way and sticks up for Cody. He'll look like he's about to attack Hunter then either The Shield will attack him or Randy will hit an RKO. It's possible that Big Show will have turned heel by Monday or will still be face but either way take Dusty out. Bottom line is Dusty is going to get attacked.
I love Dusty and having him cut a promo will be entertaining and something worth watching. He will probably defend his son and his own honour but I wouldn't be surprised to see receive an RKO. I wonder if they use this to introduce someone else after NoC. Maybe someone makes the save from The Shield.
Dusty Rhodes will always intrigue an audience. He will be interesting and vocal and more importantly progress a storyline. I do indeed see this family feud being carried on TV for a bit longer. I think that Dusty will defend the family name and through this cause a famly elimination tag match at survivor series.

An interesting thing to point out is the fact that he is the GM of NXT and because of this, it could leave room for some intriguing negotiations to happen however I don't know if they would blend NXT with RAW. It's certainly a possibility though.
for at least one night...I'd love to see Cody come back as "The Midnight Rider".

Keep that Rhodes tradition alive of being fired only to come back under that guise.
The best storyline by far has been Cody Rhodes and HHH for many reasons. First and foremost is that WWE has the opportunity to change Cody's character and make him better and elevate him to main event status. At the very least he can be World Heavyweight Champion and a nice change for that division. Secondly, WWE has done a great job involving Dusty & Dustin trying to help Cody out and that creates a great story that most fans can rally behind.

I loved Dusty's promo on RAW and thought that was the highlight of the whole show. Notwithstanding Big Show's usual bad overacting, I was impressed with how Dusty made his point to Stephanie about her own kids. He played the loyal father to perfection and made the crowd aware that he loved both sons equally. People will respond to that once Cody returns which is all great setup for the eventual return for Cody.
I liked how they tried to make Dusty pick between his two sons. It goes along with my desire to see a WM match between Cody and Goldust with Dusty as referee. Now initially I liked the idea of the match for the emotional factor and the fact that it would make fans give a damn about the match without involving the title. After some thought I changed my mind somewhat. I think Cody should return at the Rumble and then eventually get into the WHC title picture. He fights his way into the Elimination Chamber match and then goes on to win that. Dusty can celebrate with him the next night on Raw only to be interrupted by Triple H or Stephanie. He/She congratulates them and their little family moment. But then announces that Cody will have to defend his title against his brother Goldust at WM with Dusty as ref. This gives the same setup before with the emotional facotr of making a father split between his kids. But the difference now is that he must either take away one sons first world title ever or ensure that his other son never sees a World title in his 20+ year career. Here's the kicker though. have Goldust actually get the win. Fans have wanted to see Goldust get some type of recognition for all the work he did for the business and having to carry a stupid gimmick. Hell just the shock factor of this alone would be tremendous. Could you imagine the reaction of 80,000+ fans? Now obviously Goldie won't be a full timer again, so now what? The family is all crying and hugging and Goldust is on the turnbuckle celebrating his first ever title win when suddenly option A: Sandow hops the guard rail, nails all three with the briefcase and has a ref count 1,2,3 and win the title and resuming his feud with Cody. or option B: Nails Goldust and Cody and then turns to nail Dusty. Dusty smiles and Sandow pins Goldust with Dusty couning 1,2,3. This would draw a lot of heat especally after Dusty suckered the crowd in to such an emotional moment. They could even go on to have Dusty manage Sandow making them the new Rhodes Scholars and still continue the feud with Cody. I think this will get both of them over very well and make for a nice feud.
I believe this is the clear opportunity for WWE to reinvent Cody Rhodes and make him a main event star. If it is built properly and executed right, it would be interesting to see. The main events are stale and predictable so it is time to at least try something new. I'd like to see Dustin return too, even if it is short term to help Cody against HHH's new corporate team. I have my doubts about WWE "creative" and their ability to properly build and/or execute this storyline the right way, but I suppose time will indeed tell.

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