Remembering: Brian Pillman


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i have been watching a lot of the old WWF footage from back in 1997, and came across the whole Hart Foundation vs America thing, and one of the members, who is hardly talked about these days, was Brian Pillman. the Loose Cannon. one of the (IMO that is) best characters in WWF history. One of the memories i have of him was the incident where Stone Cold Steve Austin busted into his house and pillman pulled out a gun, camera goes black... when it comes back on Austin is being dragged out of the house by Pillman's friends and pillman said Fuck on TV haha, had to apologize for it after too.

October 5, 1997. the day of the first ever Hell in a Cell. one of the biggest moments in WWF of the time, and it was that day that Brian was found dead in his hotel room. very sad day indeed. the next night on RAW vince got into the Ring at the start of RAW and announced to the world that Brian Pillman had passed away, and that all the boys had put aside their differences for the time being to pay tribute to a fallen comrade. was the first time i had ever seen everyone on stage at once, a few with tears in their eyes. that was a moment i wont forget, because evn as a kid, i could tell for the first time that wrestlers were real people being what they showed in the ring.

so i guess my question for all those old enough to remember him is what is your fondest memory of Brian Pillman?
for me it was the loose cannon character that started in WCW--just loved it and have to say shocked when he walked out on kevin sullivan in the strap match--it was probably the first time i never knew what to expect a wrestler to do next to top the last crazy thing he did.
it sure wasnt a loose cannon moment. it would have to be from the old dubya c dubya days. if it wasnt the hollywood blondes a flair for the old, it was most certainly "flyin" brians matches against former tag partner tom "Zman" zenk. seeing both of them wrestle a great match cause they knew each other like the backs of their own hands. i remember both of them going for a dropkick at the same time now that alone was a great brian pillman moment, and it showed him for what he was, a truly great athlete, not some wack job with a gimmick
Where to begin.....

Pillman vs Liger from the first (or was it the second?) Nitro is an absolute classic match that really set the standards high for American light heavyweights. It is also a match that seems to be largely over looked by current wrestling fans.

The famous (or infamous) "Respect" match with Sullivan where he Pillman walked out has to rate up there. That really made people stop in their tracks and made them believe that this wrestling thing could be more real than they think.

In case you can't already tell, I mark out like a bitch to Pillman, so I'll just stop there. But believe me, this list could have gone alot longer......
you cant. look at anytime stone cold was shown in his career in the WWF/E and you see a memory of Pillman in the gold chain he wears around his neck every day of his life.
I dont remember what show it was on but it was when he was in WCW. It was a match,possibly more than one match with Ric Flair. Great wrestling with Pillmans high flying and Flair...well it was Ric Flair,he is the greatest of all time.

Another choice would be Pillman and Luger back in early 90's.

He was much better in WCW than WWF,at least i think so.

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