Rebooking King Of The Ring 1995


Getting Noticed By Management
1995 is undoubtedly one of, if not THE, worst years in WWF history. Things started off okay with Shawn winning the Royal Rumble, but after Wrestlemania things went downhill fast. Maybe the most fumbled pay per view that year was the King Of The Ring which went to Mabel. Cough.

The stipulation that year I believe was that the winner of the KOTR would become the #1 contender for the title against Diesel at Summerslam. Hence why Mabel was their choice as Vince was still desperately trying to duplicate the success he had in the 80's with Hogan vs Andre or Hogan vs Bundy or Hogan vs Earthquake. Only this time Diesel was in the Hogan role while Mabel in the fat guy of the month role. Needless to say it flopped in a big big way. Which is why I don't blame Nash for his awful title run. He was poorly booked by Vince just as nearly everyone was in that year.

The big story going into the event was the return of Shawn Michaels from a kayfabe injury angle which saw Sid put him on the shelf back in April after Mania. Shawn would return at KOTR and for the first time was a full fledged babyface while playing the HBK role. This made Shawn the odds on favorite to win. Instead he battled Kama (of all people) to a time limit draw and was done for the night. Here's how I feel it should have gone down...

ROUND 1: Quarterfinals
Shawn Michaels
vs 123 Kid
The Heartbreak Kid vs The 123 kid in a face vs face match. As far as I know these two never were given a ppv match and this would have undoubtedly been a great way to kick off the show. Kid takes Shawn to the limit but Shawn emerges victorious.)

British Bulldog vs Lex Luger
(In another face vs face match we see tag team partners Luger and The Bulldog face off against one another. Yokozuna interferes attacking his old rival Lex Luger after a ref bump. Bulldog is on the outside of the ring while this happens and is unaware of Yoko's actions. Bulldog comes into the ring as the ref wakes up and hits the powerslam on Lex for the win. After the match Luger is unconcsious and Bulldog shows concern for his partner.)

Razor Ramon vs Owen Hart
(In what was to be a rematch from last years tournament finals, Owen is scheduled to face Razor Ramon. Razor was legit inured during this event and had to be replaced by Savio Vega. So it's Owen vs Savio instead. I think these two would have meshed well together. Owen gets the win but cuts a promo afterwards saying Razor faked an injury to avoid getting beaten by the King Of Harts for a second year in a row and that Razor can't hide from him forever.

Undertaker vs King Kong Bundy
In a rematch from Wrestlemania 11, Undertaker once again defeats King Kong Bundy this time by Disqualification when the entire Million Dollar Corporation attacks Taker after the match. Sid, Kama, Bundy,Tatanka and IRS all double team the Undertaker and put him out of commission for the night.

ROUND 2: Semi finals
Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart
Shawn follows up his first round classic with the Kid with another classic against Owen. Yokozuna, Owen Harts tag team partner, attempts to interfere but Diesel prevents it. Shawn wins with the superkick, then smacks Jim Cornette with the tennis raquet afterwards. Owen's reign as King is over and he is none too happy about it.

British Bulldog vs Undertaker
The Undertaker, after a brutal attack at the hands of the corporation is unable to compete thus resulting in Bulldog receiving a buy to the finals against Shawn Michaels.

WWF Championship: Steel Cage
def Sid
This match takes place between the Bulldogs buy and the finals and gives the KOTR finalists time to rest and prepare. Diesel goes over and brings the battle of the bodyguards feud to an end. I have it as a cage match to keep the corporation from interfering.

British Bulldog w/Diana Hart Smith VS Shawn Michaels
I love the idea of it all coming down to Bulldog and Shawn as that plays off the final of the Royal Rumble from earlier in the year where Davey and Shawn began the match at #s 1 & 2 and were the last two in the ring when all was said and done.
FINISH: Owen Hart comes to the ring to gain revenge on Shawn, the man who cost him his crown, but the referees make sure Owen doesn't get any further than the apron. While Shawn and the referees are busy watching Owen, Diana, Bulldog's wife, slides a weapon into the ring (most likely a chair, or perhaps something related to the post match ceremony like a Kings scepter). Bulldog proceeds to smash Shawn in the face with the weapon busting him wide open. Bulldog hits the powerslam and the ref counts three. A new King is crowned.

1995 KING OF THE RING: The British Bulldog
Post match: Bulldog cuts a promo while being presented with the crown, cape and sceptor where he talks about how Shawn Michaels screwed him over at the Royal Rumble and it should have been him who went on to Wrestlemania. All these months later the seemingly gentle British Bulldog has been bubbling with rage at the lost opportunity that he believes Shawn Michaels stole from him during the infamous "1 foot" finish at the Royal Rumble. Bulldog feels he was screwed that night and has now righted an injustice.

Bulldog, Owen and Yokozuna three on one Shawn after the match, thus completing Bulldogs heel turn. He's not just a heel, he's also aligned himself with Owen and Yoko. This reveals that Bulldog was well aware of what Yokozuna was doing earlier in the night in his match against Luger. It was a setup all along. Diesel hits the ring to clear the bad guys but the damage is done. As Diesel tends to his fallen friend, Camp Cornette leave up the isle victorious.

Bulldog would turn heel in August of 1995 anyway, but I feel having his heel turn at the KOTR and against Shawn Michales would have made much more sense. Also, as a Brit I feel Davey Boy would have been tailor made for the role as King with Diana as his Queen. Bulldogs win would also keep the King Of The Ring Crown in the Hart Family for the 3rd straight year as both Bret and Owen had won the tournament in the two years prior. They could even start referring to the Harts as The Royal Family.

Due to Razor's injury he is forced to vacate the IC title. Owen Hart wins the title in a battle royal for the first time in his career. Owen goes on to defend the title against Razor at the July ppv which he wins, then follows that up with another title defense against Shawn at Summerslam in a ladder match. I liked the ladder match between Razor and Shawn at that years Summerslam but there was no way they were ever going to top the first one they had so why not do the match with a new opponent, in this case Owen.

Meanwhile Bulldog is now the #1 contender and will face Diesel for the title at Summerslam instead of Mable. Diesel would retain but I would be open to Bulldog winning the title depending on how over his King gimmick was getting with the crowd.

Also, if they wanted to, months later during the buildup to Wrestlemania 12 between Bret and Shawn, Shawn may throw it out there that he believes Bret Hart was involved in the plot against him at KOTR. The fact that the crown has stayed in the Hart Family three years in a row seems a bit fishy to him and that Bret may have been the mastermind behind keeping Shawn from winning the event as he has always been paranoid that one day Shawn was going to take his spot. Bret can fire back that Shawn's the one who is paranoid and he takes exception to his idiotic and baseless accusations. I think that would add an interesting layer to their rivalry at the time.

Anyway, that's my KOTR 95. Let me know what you think and who you would have chosen to win KOTR that year.
Not bad. I am re-watching 1995 WWE and I can say that Mable didn't get the title shot at SummerSlam because he won the KOTR. Rather he got the shot as a result of his actions at IYH 2 the following month where in the lumberjack match between Diesel and Sid he attacked Diesel on the outside. I like what you did with the KOTR match itself with it coming down to Shawn and Bulldog and pushing up Bulldog's heel turn. Just got finished watching the actual heel turn play out and it seemed really rushed which it was because they new Luger was on his way out.
The only problem I have with this is that Jeff Jarrett was Intercontinental Champion at the time, not Razor. Otherwise, good rewrite.
The only problem I have with this is that Jeff Jarrett was Intercontinental Champion at the time, not Razor. Otherwise, good rewrite.

You're right. I looked into it. I thought Razor held the title to Summerslam where he dropped it to Shawn but it got dropped to Jarrett around the time of King Of The Ring.

What I would do in that scenario is just swap Jarrett for Owen. Or simply keep the belt on Razor and have him vacate it then let Owen win it. I think Owen would have made a better IC champion than Jarrett during this period.

I also just realized that this would mean Owen would be both tag champion and IC champion at the same time. Im fine with that. Once Bulldog joins forces with them they could use the freebird rule and on nights where Owen defended the IC title, Bulldog would take his place in defending the tag titles.
This is a great thought and I hate to rain on the parade a little but I believe both Razor and Kid were injured at the time and unable to compete. In fact Razor was originally in the tournament but after suffering an injury to the ribs he was replaced by Savio Vega. Kid might have been able to compete as he returned from injury that night. He just did a run in so I don't know if he was up to having a match with Michaels or not. I do love the idea of those two on PPV though. You're right, they never did have a PPV match and the random pairing in the tournament would have been the perfect excuse to give them one. I just don't think it was an option at the time.

Forget Razor and Kid for a minute though. Your proposed final still could have happened.

British Bulldog w/Diana Hart Smith VS Shawn Michaels
I love the idea of it all coming down to Bulldog and Shawn as that plays off the final of the Royal Rumble from earlier in the year where Davey and Shawn began the match at #s 1 & 2 and were the last two in the ring when all was said and done.
FINISH: Owen Hart comes to the ring to gain revenge on Shawn, the man who cost him his crown, but the referees make sure Owen doesn't get any further than the apron. While Shawn and the referees are busy watching Owen, Diana, Bulldog's wife, slides a weapon into the ring (most likely a chair, or perhaps something related to the post match ceremony like a Kings scepter). Bulldog proceeds to smash Shawn in the face with the weapon busting him wide open. Bulldog hits the powerslam and the ref counts three. A new King is crowned.

1995 KING OF THE RING: The British Bulldog
Post match: Bulldog cuts a promo while being presented with the crown, cape and sceptor where he talks about how Shawn Michaels screwed him over at the Royal Rumble and it should have been him who went on to Wrestlemania. All these months later the seemingly gentle British Bulldog has been bubbling with rage at the lost opportunity that he believes Shawn Michaels stole from him during the infamous "1 foot" finish at the Royal Rumble. Bulldog feels he was screwed that night and has now righted an injustice.

Bulldog, Owen and Yokozuna three on one Shawn after the match, thus completing Bulldogs heel turn. He's not just a heel, he's also aligned himself with Owen and Yoko. This reveals that Bulldog was well aware of what Yokozuna was doing earlier in the night in his match against Luger. It was a setup all along. Diesel hits the ring to clear the bad guys but the damage is done. As Diesel tends to his fallen friend, Camp Cornette leave up the isle victorious.

Love it. Having these two meet up again by chance as they did in the Rumble is a great idea. Having it be the catalyst for Davey's heel turn is an even better idea. Davey's actual turn came out of the clear blue sky, and while I don't necessarily have a problem with that, there just didn't seem to be any motivation behind the turn. Yours is a good idea that would have still caught fans off guard and would have made perfect sense. Also sets up a nice six man at the next In Your House with Davey, Owen, and Yoko vs. Michaels, Diesel, and Luger.

I love looking back on old PPVs and thinking of realistic ways of trying to make them better without going too far off the track of what really happened immediately following. Other than including a couple of guys that were injured (which is easy to overlook and didn't impact the main storyline) this is realistic and a significant improvement over what actually happened. Well done.
The fantasy booking in the old school section has been awesome lately. This post is no exception. Granted, improving KOTR95 is elementary since the ppv was horrible but the OP turned it into an awesome ppv. Only thing, BamBam needs to be on the ppv since he's coming of a mania main event and Bret needs to be on the ppv....well, because he's Bret. I would keep Bret vs Lawler, just ditch the Kiss My Foot stipulation. BamBam could have a match with anyone in the million dollar corporation, Tatanka would make the most sense.
Good work! It fits perfectly cause Bulldog turned that year, right? So for the villains, that Bulldog win would have been a rallying point against Diesel. Bulldog could have been the King of Spades. Just cause he was a favorite of mine around time, I would have paired Shane Douglas with them maybe as Jack of Diamond cause that "Dean" stuff sucked bad. Bulldog feuds with Diesel, Owen and Yoko feuds with Bret, Douglas with Razor.

Who were the KOTR winners following this? 95 was Mabel, 96 was Austin, 97 Hunter, 98 was...Ken Shamrock, I think? 99 was The One Billy Gunn(lol).
Love it. Having these two meet up again by chance as they did in the Rumble is a great idea. Having it be the catalyst for Davey's heel turn is an even better idea. Davey's actual turn came out of the clear blue sky, and while I don't necessarily have a problem with that, there just didn't seem to be any motivation behind the turn. Yours is a good idea that would have still caught fans off guard and would have made perfect sense. Also sets up a nice six man at the next In Your House with Davey, Owen, and Yoko vs. Michaels, Diesel, and Luger.

I love looking back on old PPVs and thinking of realistic ways of trying to make them better without going too far off the track of what really happened immediately following. Other than including a couple of guys that were injured (which is easy to overlook and didn't impact the main storyline) this is realistic and a significant improvement over what actually happened. Well done.

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone.

I forgot 123 Kid was hurt at this time too. You are right. No wonder they had so many problems in 1995; everyone was hurt. Bam Bam Bigelow or Jeff Jarrett would be my alternate choices in place of the Kid. Either way it's a downgrade from Waltman. Bam Bam probably the best choice as he was coming off a main event push at Mania and was a finalist in the 93 KOTR where he had a great match with Bret so he's also shown that despite being a big man he's more than capable of putting on a great wrestling match with the smaller guys.

So instead of Bam Bam and Diesel vs Sid and Tatanka, I'd have Diesel v Sid in a cage while Bigelow beats Tatanka in a KOTR qualifying match on RAW thus keeping the Bam Bam vs the corporation storyline going but allowing him to wrestle Shawn in the first round.
People always moan about Mabel winning the KOTR, but they needed to create heels. The Babyface side of the card was so top heavy. If not Mabel, then who? Keeping in mind that you will be saddled with a King Gimmick...
I like the re-booking in the OP.
Davey may not have been amongst the elite on the roster- but for years and years he was accepted amongst the upper midcard ranks, and a win here would have solidified his upcoming heel turn (which happened weeks later). Even Davey pinning Shawn wouldn't be regarded as a major major upset- given the very close matches they had (even if Shawn narrowly edged as the victor).

Mabel had a lower level status- looking back its a surprise to seem him win this- and given his title run at Diesel flopped, he was demoted back down the card where he belonged really.

Davey would end up being a top contender to Diesels, Brets and Shawns world titles from late 1995-96- and had more credibility as longer term threat to the top babyfaces.

With Britain still having a world famous monarchy- Davey could have played on this, representing England and the royal family.... its time for Britannia to rule the world just as they'd conquered a quarter of the globe in the 1800s! :)
I liked this a lot, although I'd have replaced Kid/Savio with someone who had a try out at that time but never got signed... Chris Benoit with him stunning Owen in the first round and losing to Davey in the Semi so they still had that "cinderella" aspect to it and a "trained by the Harts" thread.
I like the re-booking in the OP.
Davey may not have been amongst the elite on the roster- but for years and years he was accepted amongst the upper midcard ranks, and a win here would have solidified his upcoming heel turn (which happened weeks later). Even Davey pinning Shawn wouldn't be regarded as a major major upset- given the very close matches they had (even if Shawn narrowly edged as the victor).

Mabel had a lower level status- looking back its a surprise to seem him win this- and given his title run at Diesel flopped, he was demoted back down the card where he belonged really.

Davey would end up being a top contender to Diesels, Brets and Shawns world titles from late 1995-96- and had more credibility as longer term threat to the top babyfaces.

With Britain still having a world famous monarchy- Davey could have played on this, representing England and the royal family.... its time for Britannia to rule the world just as they'd conquered a quarter of the globe in the 1800s! :)

I'd be on board with this. A heel needed to win, and a KOTR win going to Davey's head would have been great. Only downside is Davey was never much of a talker.

Also, "Queen Diana" would have been infuriating in a bad way, she was so vanilla when she talked it was painful, and you just know she would have been dragged into things sooner than December of that year when she did.
I'd be on board with this. A heel needed to win, and a KOTR win going to Davey's head would have been great. Only downside is Davey was never much of a talker.

Also, "Queen Diana" would have been infuriating in a bad way, she was so vanilla when she talked it was painful, and you just know she would have been dragged into things sooner than December of that year when she did.

Of course... Queen DIANA Smith playing on the real Princess Diana.
Again that could have been serious heel heat.... even the Brits would have hated Davey & Diana for that! Genius
Big fan of this idea.

Often with rebookings you get ideas based around injured wrestlers or guys who weren't even with the company at the time but this is a logical final that puts heat on Bulldog's heel turn, makes HBK sympathetic whilst keeping away from the main event for more seasoning and gives Diesel a believable threat to his title and a better worker to go against at Summerslam '95.

Great rewrite.
This could of been a decent KOTR ppv but it failed in some aspects because of the terrible booking, I would rebook this whole ppv from start to finish, my version of events would be:

1) Shawn Michaels Vs Owen Hart
King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match. Great opener with Michaels getting the win and advancing to the next round.

2) Undertaker Vs Mabel
King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match. This match stays the same except have Taker advance to the next round.

3) Lex Luger Vs British Bulldog
King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match. Add this match to the card with Bulldog cheating to get to the finals.

4) Kama Vs Savio Vega
King of the Ring Quarter-Finals Match. Have these two go at it with Kama getting the win.

5) Jeff Jarrett (C) Vs Razor Ramon
Wwf Intercontinental Title Match. I would have this on the card with Jarrett retaining and then dropping it to Michaels at the next ppv.

6) Shawn Michaels Vs Kama
King of the Ring Semi-Finals Match. Have this match in the semi-finals except have Michaels win and go onto the finals.

7) Undertaker Vs British Bulldog
King of the Ring Semi-Finals Match. Have these two fight in the semi's with Bulldog putting Taker away with the running power slam.

8) Bret Hart Vs Jerry Lawler
Singles Match. This stays the same except get rid of the stipulation and have Hart win.

9) The British Bulldog Vs Shawl Michaels
King of the Ring Finals Match. I would have this as the finalsof your KOTR and have Bulldog win the match by cheating.

10) Diesel (C) VS Psycho Sid
Wwf Title Steel Cage Match. Have this as the main event with Diesel retaining the title.

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