Ready for Retirement-Mania 26?

Doomsday Device

Pre-Show Stalwart
For the past few months Ive been hearing "Michaels might retire at Wrestlemania 26" "Taker might retire at Wrestlemania 26" Now Im also hearing "Batista might retire at Wrestlemania 26" What the hell.

Its not possible for all 3 of these superstars to retire the same night.

If this did happen, the event would be known as Retirement-Mania.

And I dont think Vince would want this event to be known for that.
Nah that won't happen. Just rumors, I see Taker sticking around another couple of years, he's been wrestling banged up for a loooong time now, sadly he's used to it, he takes a few months off here and there and then comes back and goes for a year or so. As I said I still see Taker' sticking around until at the end of 2010 and likely into 2011.

Michaels I hear is ready to come back and kick ass, he's just waiting to make sure he feels good enough. He's another one who lives and breathes wrestling, he loves it, he'll stay until his body literally gives out and when that finally happens in a few years I'm guessing, he'll still stick around in some for or another.

Now Batistat might happen, he said he felt he only had one more good year in him, but then he might stick around for a few bad years too, you never know. I feel he'll be here past WM26 as it's only 8-9 months away already.

So I don't believe we will see any retirements at WM26.
i guess batista would return for like 1 or 2 big main events matches after he retires...
a wm or maybe summerslam big names match... like randy vs hogan in ss
The Undertaker: He needs to stay around for more so he can retire with a 20-0 streak.
By then this gimmick will be so tired that it will need to Rest In Peace!!

Batista: Who cares if he retires?? He could just not come back at all. I highly doubt if anyone would even notice! He uses 4 moves 5 if you count him shaking the ropes like the Ultimate Warrior without the face paint!
when it come to Batista I give him the thumbs down!!

Shawn Michaels: He will be around for a few more for sure. But he should retire. It's the same matches over and over you just need to insert a different opponent's name. (example: You Beat me until I can't hardly move anymore but then......... I will do a nip up and hit some sweet chin music then I will do the flying elbow drop of the top rope cover you and 1! 2! 3!) I've seen it a thousand times and I don't care anymore!
He may have been born again, but he is boring again and again!!

So if anyone should retire at WM26 it needs to be Shawn Michaels!

But Vince could make some fat cash with a Triple Threat Retirement match using all 3 of them and whom ever wins gets to stay! But the winner needs to be The Undertaker and let him bury Batista & Michaels forever...
We witnessed the Flair retirement match at WM 24, then JBL hanging up his boots at WM 25.

I just hope this doesnt become a trend.

Sure Michaels and Taker have the right to hang it up a Wrestlemania if they wish to. Because they have given so much to the company. But that should be it.

Theres many other great pay per views where you can have your last hurrah.

Theres Summerslam, and Survivor Series.

Im my opinion Ive been thinking for some time that Taker should retire at a Survivor Series, since this is where he began his WWE career.
Batista was only good as a muscle body guard type. Brother Devon and Batista was okay. As far as him in any high profile match, it should never happen. I'd rather see a Hogan/Flair match now than anything he is in.

Taker and Shawn deserve to go out at WM. If it happens this year, I'm okay with it only because it would happen in my home town. However, I want to see Taker go on and on and on. Shawn is cool and all, but I wouldn't mind seeing him retire soon. Hell have a Wreslemania 25 rematch loser leaves WWE Taker v Michaels and it would be gold. Last years match was by far the greatest I've seen in a long time.
It would hurt the company from a performance standpoint if Undertaker and Shawn Michaels retire cus they are 2 of the lead veterans, and it also takes away the nostalgia effect from watching these 2 (They are one of the main reasons why I watch still)..Batista is not that great of a good worker and to me is not entertaining from a wrestling standpoint, but he's a good guy and brings intensity to the ring. but he's a big draw and would hurt them financially.

Those talks about Taker and Michaels are all speculation. They are off on extended time to heal up and recharge for the purpose of lasting longer. The only reason Michaels brought that up is because his contract expires after WM26. I'm sure Vince will push loads of money on him to do 20 shows a year or something along those lines(full time pay with barely any duty). Taker will continue the same trend that he's done for the last few years. Hopefully Batista retires cus when he gets back he hogs the main event with mediocre, slow paced, same every time matches.

I would like Michaels to start adding some of the old moves he used to do into his repetoire. I'm still entertained and excited about his matches but I'd love to see him pull off a hurricanrana, assorted suplexes, assorted takedowns and lifters. You will also see the same moves from Taker, but he's the Undertaker...Batista on the other hand is too predictable. He is the stereotypical "New York Style" as they used to call the WWF when pro wrestling was still territory-based, before and during Vince's hostile take over of the wrestling business.

They have to get the up-and-comers almost fully before they leave. Guys like MVP and Evan Bourne get little to no pops and they are young guns that will be relied upon in the future.
Taker and Michaels aren't going anywhere anytime soon. There'll be a major deal made about it whenever they decide it'll take place. I've heard everyone from your average poster to Dave Meltzer to some random dick from PWI report that Taker is going to retire in the past. I've heard crap like that for 5 years.

I personally don't feel Taker is going anywhere until he's been at his 20th WM. The streak has become such a significant part of Taker's legacy that the number just seems appropriate.
Guys, Well I Disagree, Undertaker Will Return By The End Of The Year And Wwe Has A Special Tour Just For Him, The Undertaker Revenge Tour, I Think He Will Have His Final Run In Wrestling From Late 09 To 2010, I See Him Retiring Next Year, Not Exactly Wrestlemania But In 2010.

While Michaels, Well He Can Stay Maybe 2 Years, But I Think I Read Something About Him That He Wanted Time To Be With His Family And Friends, And Let's Be Serious, Shawn Has Had An Entire Life In Wrestling And Has Done Everything He Had To Do, World Titles, Tag Titles, Ic Titles, The Iron Man Match With Bret Hart, Royal Rumbles And Many Many Other Accomplishments So I Think He Could Have His Final Run When He Returns In Late '09.

Undertaker, Michaels, Those Stars Dont Have More Than 10 Or Less Months Left.
would you miss them? lol...seriously, who cares, especially batista...he can leave NOW, i wouldnt miss him at all, seriously, he's never around anyway, good thing too.....I forgot HBK existed, and undertaker, its not like they're ever around anyway...I know HBK is hurt or w/e, or taking time off...but i've been watching him for too long, he needs to retire already, he's been stale for me for like 5 years....I fall asleep during Undertaker's entrance, so its been forever since I've seen one of his matches....if batista were to go, that'd just leave the other 3....randy, john and trip....1 down, 3 to go....they all need to retired, uhg.
that'd just leave the other 3....randy, john and trip....1 down, 3 to go....they all need to retired, uhg.

for real randy and john retire... good luck randy is 29 and cena is 32 thats not happening anytime soon... maybe I'll give you trips... anyway back to the topic at hand i would miss HBK only bc i'm a mark for him, I've always foumd him entertaining. As for the other 2 I've disliked taker for years now and every year at mania i pray to the heavens that stupid streak will come to an end i mean what does it really mean that he got picked to be the winner 17 times in a row bc he politicked the best back stage.. the streak means nothing to me.. As for the ultimate warrior.. i mean batistia its most likely for the best that he leave, realistically he only hurts the main event scene when he comes and takes the title and is dominate for like 2 months and then gets injured again, its lame and he needs to just fade away out of the business for good.
I can't bare to see Batista in the ring so him retiring is no loss for me. He got into this business older than most, and he's been limited for..ever. I doubt he'd retire anytime soon though and THAT is upsetting cause he's truly a wreck to watch (eg: Big Show vs Batista a month or two ago).

I'm an HBK mark for 16 years but he either needs a heel turn or just retire soon. He looks unbelievably run down and old. His character has been stale for the better part of the decade. I love Shawn and his matches with Jericho and Taker, but he hasn't been entertained me for a while now. His morals and what not stop him from really ripping into other wrestlers in promos and when all you can do is cut a promo about how you will not be defeated because the lord is on your side --- your character dies if you're supposed to be the Headliner, the Show Stopper, the Main Event, the Icon.

Taker is definitely hurt but of all three mentioned he could go for another 3 years if need be. For his age, he's still RIPPED and can go in the ring with his relaxed schedule.

I doubt you're gonna see anyone retire at 26, but probably at 27 you'll see Shawn retire.
Ok so i realy dont want any to retire, especialy not 'taker. but i think batista will go first then it will be a while before the others go because they still have it in the tank. It will we a sad day when 'taker and HBK retire the last 2(what u might ask?? people on the first eppisode of raw.) i think taker will be kast he is going better than HBK but i dont think either will be leaving for 2 or 3 years mabye longer.

would you miss them? lol...seriously, who cares, especially batista...he can leave NOW, i wouldnt miss him at all, seriously, he's never around anyway, good thing too.....I forgot HBK existed, and undertaker, its not like they're ever around anyway...I know HBK is hurt or w/e, or taking time off...but i've been watching him for too long, he needs to retire already, he's been stale for me for like 5 years....I fall asleep during Undertaker's entrance, so its been forever since I've seen one of his matches....if batista were to go, that'd just leave the other 3....randy, john and trip....1 down, 3 to go....they all need to retired, uhg.

Ok were do i start. Hbk boring?? did u watch Wrestlemania?? best match iv seen in years. who can honesly say they knew taker was going to win when shawn hit sweet chin music??.

'Taker. u fall asleep watching his entrace. what to scary for you?? taker is one of the most inovative superstas out there. Now not in a jeff hard way but in a way that he changes his move set as he gets older to keep up with the bigger guys and the younger ones.

if batista were to go, that'd just leave the other 3....randy, john and trip....1 down, 3 to go....they all need to retired, uhg.

Now iv got such a problem with this its here twice.

ok so get rid of all of them. what happens?? u come back here compaining than the ME is full of noobs tha shouldnt be there.

How do u think that convosation would go with vince?? ok batistas gone, trips, orton, cena, Hbk and 'taker. who is ur main event?? or do u want edge and chris jericho to leave also?? U dont have one!!. thats the problem. just because u dont like the whole main event u cant just get wride og them all. It doesnt work in logic or bussines. thats like saying well ppl dont like orton because hes an ass lets just kill his character.

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