Raw LD 4/8/13: "The Champ is Here"...But Who Else?

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend

Cena became 13 time World Champ last night, beating the Rock for the WWE Title. Surely, when 8pm EDT rolls around, we can confidently say that "The Champ is Here"...but who else will be around? Will Rock say farewell and take a several month hiatus? Will Punk take time off? Will Brock Lesnar come out and violently scream without suitable context? What direction will WWE take heading into the summer months? Will the Raw after Wrestlemania be a better show than Wrestlemania itself????

Tune in for Raw and the LD so that we can all complain (or hopefully have a good reason to mark) and see what cool medals Cena uses to replace the Brahma Bulls.
HBK/RKO is truly and verily a wiser man than I am. :worship: We should all recognize his wisdom in affairs of pro wrestling, lest we all look the fool, as I do today.

Alberto has some sort of Mexican fiesta to celebrate, Swagger comes out and attacks him causing Ziggler to finally cash in.
@Dr. You are a good man! That was funny. Honestly I'm not even looking forward to tonight's raw at all. For me the only thing that can save tonight is Dolph Ziggler cashing in his money in the bank. That's all I need tonight to make me happy. We will probably see Christian return tonight and I wouldn't be surprised to see RVD back after all they did keep the Jericho signing quiet so it could happen without anyone of us knowing. I would like to see Brock Lesnar attack The Rock but wrestlezone reports Brock isn't scheduled for tonight so we will see.
Everyone goes into rematch mode except Punk/Taker.

Cash in chances are 70/30.
I'm back to Raw LD from a nice vacation.

Looking foreword to Raw tonight after what I thought was a pretty good 'mania. Bring it on
My piece of fantasy booking for tonight:

As Cena cut his promo on the ring, the Nexus musics hit, and Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel, Health Slater, David Otunga, Darren Young, Daniel Bryan and Ryback walk to the ring.

Wade Barret vs John Cena feud 2.0.
Is it not a big middle finger that the crowd is practically begging for a heel turn, yet WWE won't pull the trigger on it?
Big show had a shirt that just said BIG SHOW and an arrow pointing down, I always liked that one.

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