Raw Champions Discussion Thread

New champion Y2J. Definatly interesting stuff here. Y2J as world champion certainly twists things arund. I mean it should be really interesting to see what WWE does with his reign. Out of all the things they could do I really hope that they do not make his feud with HBK for the title. I'm sorry, but that just sounds bad to me. I mean Y2J vs HBK has been the best feud in WWE latley, but I really don't think it needs to have the title added to it. I would love to see Y2J feud with some other faces perhaps like Punk for a start, and then mabey some of the mid carders. Mabey even Kofi Kingston. I mean the biggest problem with Jericho or any other heel being champion is the amount of upper card faces on Raw right now. We have... HBK, Cena, Punk, and really that's about it as far as faces are concerned, so with a new world champ we could see some new faces in the title picture perhaps.

Overall I think that this was a pretty good move on WWE's part. They have built Punk up to be on the upper side of the card. So why have him loose a match to loose the title. If he would loose the title in a match everyone would probably feel that his reign was really just luck of circumstance. So with Punk seemingly getting involved with Orton it will really be fun to see as to what happens next.
I personally think adding the WHC to Y2J and HBKs battle is perfect, its the ultimate testament to who the better man is. I really hope Y2J gets a longish title reign. Maybe add another 'HBK is injured' angle to give Y2J some title defences, than bring back HBK. Personally, id love to see Y2J v HBK at WM for the WHC. [ i love abbreviations]
World Heavyweight Champion - Chris Jericho

Everybody knows it. Chris Jericho is one of the most gifted wrestlers of all time, and while Edge is on hiatus, he is the company's #1 heel. Heck, he might remain that way for some time if Edge takes a while to warm up again. Thought I doubt it. Anyways...

I'm just glad and relieved they took the World Championship off Punk really. The reign just wasn't working...for several reasons on which I shall not elucidate again right now. The way he won it was puzzling, but enjoyable nonetheless. I sure marked out when Jericho managed to get a pin on whoever it was behind Batista's back. Chris Jericho can carry that title like anyone, and if they let him do his stuff, he could very well be one of the best World Heavyweight Champions perhaps since its inception. Either way, he's incapable of working a bad match or cutting a bad promo, so it's bound to be good. Lookin' forward to his reign.
The WHC Scramble was the shittiest Scramble match of the entire Unforgiven PPV (can't Jericho do a Lionsault on a fallen Kane to gain the pinfall, instead of making him look weak as shit, getting pinned twice by Batista's spinebuster?), but as some have said, it doesn't matter since Y2J is champ again.

I doubt Y2J will carry his title into WM. HBK will somehow lose his title shot, and screw Y2J out of the title (probably against Batista) a few PPVs later.

I think they should bring Batista back into the feud. It's interesting how they have swapped roles since the start of the feud. Start: Batista - 'Heroic' Face, HBK - 'Guilty' Face, Jericho 'Busybody' Tweener. Now: Batista - 'Face' Tweener, HBK - Bona fide face, Jericho - Bona fide heel.

Bringing Batista back into the title picture this way brings an old but better solid dimension for his character. Right now, he's just "I WANNA MY WHC AHHH!". If Y2J and HBK are in the title scene for these few months, Batista can feud for the title more convincingly. "I still remember what HBK did to my mentor Ric Flair, and this slimy worm called Y2J has been creating havoc on RAW recently and stole my title at Unforgiven."

Now he can legitimately hate both men, rather than "hey Y2J, get out of the way. U've got no business getting urself involved. HBK is mine!" type of angle a few months back.
Y2J is a great choice as champion - his ring work and mic work have been incredible over the last few months - especially after he had to reinvent himself in a way after his "face" stint.

Now, to the unfortuante news - I very much doubt Jericho will reign until WM25. I get the feeling that Cena v Batista at Summerslam was a "testing" bout for Cena and Batista to see how they worked together before meeting for the WHC at WM25. I think there will be a shock Cena title change at some point - probably during a Batista - Y2J feud, which will sow the seeds for a Batista Cena feud.

World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho

I'm liking this a lot so far. His ring skills are really good, and his mic skills are among the best, if not the best. A good way for him to get the belt in a heelish way, stealing a pin just as the clock's about to tick over when he wasn't even an official entrant. I've liked the matches he's had so far, and that ladder match was epic. I think he's doing well so far as the face of Raw, and I think creative made the right choice on this one.

Intercontinental Champion: Santino Marella

I don't really care about the Intercontinental title to be honest. It doesn't even matter anymore. Santino is the best choice for this belt at the moment, as its a bit of comedy in Raw. But if he was allowed to wrestle properly, it would allow for good feuds over this belt, instead of no feud. I mean, he's facing one of three retired wrestlers at a PPV. This title means nothing.

Tag Team Champions: Team Priceless

It's nice to see that these guys are getting a push, I think they could go far. The second gen stable wil be good for them, as t'll allow them to work on their skills. I think they work well together as a team, and that they are deserving tag champions. What I would really like to see though is a feud with Cryme Tyme, because it doesn't look like the actual belts are being used at the moment.

Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix

Best person to hold the title at the moment. She does a good job defending the belt and I think she is the best thing to happen to this title in a long time. She is very good at what she is supposed to do, dominate the woomen's division. What I would like to see is another strong woman feuding with her, someone like Victoria. remember that she broke Beth's jaw? That could turn into a feud over the title, which IMO would be an awesome feud and I would not know who would walk ot the winner.
World Heavyweight Title: Chris Jericho is great. i am glad he got it. It is about time. i mean 1 title reign in 4 years ( not including when he was out of the company) and he is one of the best wreslters to grace the earth. Ha Ha would be great if he had 1 year long title reign or until wrestlemania but i doubt it.

IC: i dont even care as well. it use to be a stepping stone to the real gold. but come on is Santino ever gonna get the big one. would kofi get it ( maybe ecw) would shelton get it.? na see it is just like the cruiserweight was
Jericho- Awesome, just awesome. Jericho is currently my favorite along with Cena. I hope Jericho has a long title run and I definately look forward to him feuding with Orton and Cena when they return!

Santino- Funny. The honkamater thing is hilarious and so are his promos. He also gets a lot of points just for hanging out with Beth Phoenix, who I'll discuss next. I'd like to see Santino actually beat the record.

Beth Phoenix- The best diva ever! I hope she has a long title run!

Priceless- Excellent tag team. Whether they have a long title run or if they get split up into singles matches, these guys are definately championship material and their matches are fun to watch too.

Raw's champions could not possibly get better at the moment. Smackdown and TNA could take a few notes here.
Chris Jericho I really like him as champion. He's an amazing heel, and his in-ring skills never cease to impress me. I hope he continues to feud with others such as Batista, because his feud with HBK is becoming really boring. Jericho is a great champion, but his reign has so much more potential than the WWE is allowing it to have. I think a feud with Jericho against Cena would be epic.

Santion Marella I used to hate Santino with a passion. I told myself that he is nothing more than a one-trick pony who doesn't have what it takes to go the distance. Needless to say, I was wrong. Each week he continues to be funny and unique. I just wish he would show us more of his wrestling abilitiy.

Team Priceless They are pretty good tag champions, but the WWE needs to let them defend their titles more often. They need to be put in more matches, but more importantly, they need to win them. Dropping the titles momentarily to Batista and Cena was ridiculous, and should have never happened.

Beth Pheonix Her reign has been rather boring and uneventful thus far. Its really a shame too, because she is probably the best Diva on the roster.
WOW, now that's a shocker! though I think Batista deserve it. He has been at the top of his game lately and he is by far the most over guy in RAW right now.
The match was like I thought it was gonna be. Someone had to intervene, the subject on turn JBL. Batista took care of him and 1 2 3, New WHC.
I'm disappointed at some degree, because I like Jericho as champ, but Batista is a great champion and I see a great feud with John Cena in the horizon.
Sucks to be Jericho right now... :beatup:
Well, Batista as champ was WWE's way of trying to fix the ratings.

Can't say I didn't see it coming, with all the Batista hype on Smackdown, but the ending still shocked me. I really didn't expect it to happen so swiftly. I thought maybe at Survivor Series or something.

Jericho will likely have his return match or something, will lose and finish his feud with HBK. Or, he could alternatively start a new feud completely. Either way, I see this change as a good thing for raw.
Its been said already, but ill throw it out again. Why you cant necessarily call Batista the saviour, something most certainley had to change. ratings were plummeting, and becoming some of the worst ever. Batista is their most over, best option out the active guys on the roster to fix that, so a change was made. I cant say personally I feel like Batista will improve things TOO much. I mean when you think of non stale champion, Batista sure as fuck isnt the first guy who comes to mind. Especially since now we may be forced to veiw the wretched pairing of batista and JBL a few more times. Regardless, a change needed to be made, and they went with their best option.
Well I think that htis third Title Reign for Chris Jerico has all but confirmed what many simply wished to deny, Chris Jericho does not equal ratings. He had a rather lackluster title reign that survived exactly one feud with Michaels, and that was it. Ratings have plummetted again (that being said, every show on Monday Night has taken hits across the board, simpy because there are tons of options.) This should be plenty of fuel for the Jericho haters to use for the next few years.

Onto Batista, actually, I'm happy for this. Happy that the WWE is finally getting ready to build up for Wrestlemania 25. Happy that we are more then likely going to get either Randy Orton vs. Batista or Batista vs. John Cena II at Mania, which either way I will be extremely happy with. Jericho wasn't going to be in the main event as champion, it was always going to be Batista, this way, the belt is on the man for a good six months to build up a good amount of momentum as champion.
World Heavyweight Champion: Batista

Can't say I'm too pleased to see old Batista holding a belt again. He doesn't deliver on par with with a main eventer should anymore and hasn't since 2007. This feels more like one of Vince's attempts to placate Batista than a reward given for providing the fans with the best entertainment every week.

Let's face it, Batista's in it for the money and screen time. Once he leaves, WWE will be left with the same feeling they did when Lesnar left. They gave him all the push and all the chances one could ask for and still it was not enough for him. They ended up pushing the guy who for whatever reason is a huge draw rather than one who tries to create a legacy through willpower, skills and passion for the business.

As for Batista's title reign, I've seen it all before. Someone's gonna challenge him, he's gonna get pissed, deliver some bad promos and in the end totally ruin his opponent. Nothing new there. I can't say it's what Raw needs. He may not be a ratings draw, but at least Jericho is one of WWE's best in every aspect of what is needed from a professional wrestler and always delivers. This title reign stinks of ill-gotten and undeserved opportunities to me, but what's one to do? I find myself pining for Cena to take it from him, actually. I just hope it doesn't go on for too long.
World Heavyweight Champion Batista

Batista is the most over face on Raw, excepting HBK. But, Batista is in far better shape than HBK is, he can wrestle house shows, ergo, Batista is the better choice. The title needed to be passed off and since Cena wasn't there to receive it, Batista is the best option. He should have the title for a good long time. I don't see any reason for him not to main event Wrestlemania against Cena. They put on a classic at SummerSlam. Amplify that with the energy of WM, you've got a great match.

Batista is a solid wrestler, his promos are decent, and he's really over. Great wrestler all around and really the best candidate for the title. Holding it until WM gives the belt a good long reign that it hasn't had all year (best was Edge, who had it for 4 months) and restores some credibility that it lost with the cheap wins from Edge, Punk, and Jericho, and can produce some great matches with Cena and Orton. The only downside is we will, undoubtedly, be forced to watch Batista vs JBL again. But that would have been true of any face champion.
Yeah even though I really can't stand Batista and I actually liked Jericho this moved made sence. Ratings suck, in general right now(not all due to Jericho)but he didn't help the ratings any either. While we have to see what the ratings are this week I think Batista may help alittle(although I personally believe the champion doesn't affect the ratings all that much). Jericho's reign was better than Punk's but almost as uneventful. Other than the HBK fued(his only real feud)he did nothing. I can see Orton returning and reclaim his top heel spot and Jericho will play second fiddle to thoes two and Cena when he returns.
I obviously haven't heard all the backstage stuff about Batista, but when he came to New Zealand, he spent a good 30 minutes celebrating with fans ringside after he and taker beat the living shit outta Edge. I was impressed with him more in person than I was watching his matches on TV. I am glad to see the belt on Batista, he seems like the logical choice, all I need now is a heel turn. And a team with Randy Orton, and others. It would be great to see. But that is just me wishing and hoping.
So now Kofi Kingston and CM Punk are the new WORLD Tag Team Champions. I think that this was a horrible move as I thought Priceless were doing a great job as champs. This will probably turn into a fued and a 5 on 5 match at Survivor Series.​

What I hate though is Santino being Intercontinental Champion right now. He's not a bad champion but I really don't want to to see him as Champion for a WHOLE year. I don't think he's being billed as a crdible champion and he hasen't had a real match in 3 weeks.​

On a side note, is it against the rules for Haas Pheonix to win the Women's Title, as a girl?​
Apparently, the WWE feel the need for face champs right now.

Normally this is the time where heels are in full bloom, and Wrestlemania is where the faces take over again, but not this year. I'd blame it on the ratings.

This can be a good thing. More dramatic changes help push things along and can increase the intrest level on the product. However, the WWE need to make sure that things don't get too hectic.

I love the team of Punk and Kofi, and having them as a TEAM gives some more blood to the tag team division. I can see a good feud with Priceless that lasts a good month or two. They will likely be on opposite ends of an elimination match at Survivor Series, and thus Manu will get used as well.

I'm curious to see how this plays out, but I hope Priceless doesn't get buried too fast. They don't always have to be on top, but they need to seem viable.
Batista has the potential to be a decent champion if used right. The trouble is, you could say the same thing for Punk and Jericho. Hopefully by now the WWE is learning from its mistakes, and can bring the ratings up.

I can see Batsista having another match with Jericho at Survivor Series, even though not many people want to see that. Orton could interfere, and almost cost Batista the match until Cena comes and takes out Orton. That could lead to a feud with both Cena and Orton.
Punk & Kofi: It's kinda sad when you think that this two guy's held the World Heavyweight & IC titles and now they are in the tag division. Anyways I think this is an alright move. Punk & Kofi are over as faces and the fans seem to like them. Also by having two champs hold the tag belts maybe in some fans eyes they will make the belts more meaningful. I just think Punk must feel sort of bad, he went from having the top belt to having a pretty much worthless belt in a worthless division. At least now with Punk/Kofi in the divison and Morrison/Miz also apart of the brand(sorta) they actually have four decent teams in the divison. In the end I see Priceless winning the belts back by December.
Punk and Kofi will help the the tag division for a little bit, but they will lose them to Priceless soon. I can see Orton or Manu screwing them out of the titles which will set up Punk/Orton and maybe Kofi/Manu or something like that by the end of the year.
I'm glad Punk and Kofi get to hold the Tag Titles (even if it won't be for long) because at least that gives them something to do. I don't see them defending it against anyone other than Priceless, since they're the only heel team on Raw, and Cryme Time isn't an option, since they're more popular than either of them (as seen on Cyber Sunday). I think Miz/Morrison, the best tag team in WWE, should get another run with the titles, although who really knows which "brand" they belong to since they appear everywhere.

The most entertaining champ on Raw is by far Santino. That segment with him and Hass this past monday had me laughing the whole time. Now that Batista is champ again the main event scene is pretty uninteresting. He's just holding on to the belt until Cena and Orton come back. I feel bad for Jericho because I think he deserved a longer run.
World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho

...and its back to Jericho again. Batista's reign lasted a week and a day, and I'm really questioning what the WWE is doing here. The only thing I can think of is a triple threat match at Survivor Series with John Cena, as this would avoid Batista/Cena part 2 until a later date.

I'm not against having Jericho as champion, and I value the title changes, but I'm just curious to see what the WWE is thinking. Hopefully, this pans out into something good.
By god, the WWE really swerved me tonight. I didn't think there was any chance that Jericho would get the title back and that Batista would lose it after a week and a day. Maybe the WWE saw that the ratings didn't go up having Batista as champ, or maybe they have plans for Jericho to lose the title to Cena. I like Jericho as champion alot more than Batista and I hope Jericho can take this new chance and run with it and make this riegn better than the last one.

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