Ranjin Singh turns on Khali?


I have a PHD in Horribleness
We all saw last night when Ranjin (and his magnificent sideburns) turned on The Great Khali. I would say it is pretty safe to assume that was not what Khali said based on the dumb look he had on his face. Now that the brothers are separated, what do you think will happen next. Will Khali be pushed, will he be reverted to a monster heel again, will he be future endeavored, or what will become of him? We must not forget Ranjin. Will he align himself with someone else or will he just be phased off of TV slowly?
This was a big "what the hell just happened" at the show. I admittedly marked out at the sight of Ranjin (more so for his epic sideburns), but was left in confusion and why this move was done. If I'm not mistaken Ranjin is a member of the WWE creative staff, so maybe this was just a way to write him off of TV and allow him to focus on the creative part of his job.

However I believe this could be a short little feud between the two brothers that could lead to taking Khali off TV. However I'm not sure who Ranjin could find that could compete with Khali other than Big Zeke and I'm not sure how healthy he is or when he is slotted to return. Really have no idea how this will turn out, but hopefully it is short and doesn't take much time. It could possibly land on the MITB card considering the undercard will be weak, but I'd prefer it be settled on Raw and it be settled in the next couple weeks.
To be honest, this might just be what Khali needs to become actually relevant again. Oh yeah, Khali is big and is capable of throwing most wrestlers around the ring when he's in a winning position, but really he doesn't have a lot else going for him. He's also been someone that the majority of the WWE universe has not been able to understand and has therefore been dependent on Ranjin to do his translating for him. While these two have normally been the best of buds and brothers, a brotherly betrayal has always been good television, and this might be what the two of them need.

I think that Ranjin will likely ally himself with someone else unless he's got some wrestling ability I don't know about and in that case, may begin feuding with Khali himself. Khali will either need to get a different manager or learn English eventually. This might, for him, be the equivalent of Kane gaining his own voice.
I was going to make a thread on this, before I saw it been posted by you..anyway..im going to asnwer your questions...

Will Khali be pushed?
I hope so...the gimmick he ahs now is ridiculous...and he needs to change...even take him to Smackdown so we can have him wrestle..

Will he be reverted to a monster heel again?
I hope so...it makes sense when a huge guant is a heel..he dominated a lot when he was a heel on Smackdown!!

Will he be future endeavored?
I hope not!!! I don't think WWE will show him the door..he is a big hit in India..and has increased the fanbase for the WWE...having him in the WWE is a good thing for WWE...

We must not forget Ranjin. Will he align himself with someone else or will he just be phased off of TV slowly?
Some might not know this but he is a writer for Raw..so im guessing, no one really needs him as their manager, unless they need a punjabi translater...so i think he will be phased out of TV...or they might to a little angle where Khali wants answers to why he has left...but it might not work!!
I'd like to see Khali as heel again but not because he's a bad guy but because people mis-understand what he is doing and he cant explain himself because his brother has left him so the other guys just assume he's a scary monster of a guy and think he's after a fight
I don't know where the hell this is leading to but I am not going to like it. I'm going to laugh my ass off while it happens though. This is already tailor made to lead to a match between Ranjin and Khali which no one will care about. I guess Ranjin is tired of speaking for Khali and Khali is going nowhere and stuff like that. If Ranjin doesn't fight, he'll try to find somebody to fight for him and that's where Ezekiel Jackson will come in.
Looks like they're taking Singh off TV. Who, realistically, would he be a good fit to manage besides Khali? There's an ethnic 'issue' (for total lack of a better term, but let's face it, pro wrestling plays the race card for heat, and has since the Gold Dust Trio) to be concerned with; you're all but forced to put Singh with a foreign-born heel, preferably someone terrorist looking. On top of that, you'd have to find someone who was so awful at the interview that they'd need a mouthpiece.

At most, what you'll see from Singh is him come along as a manager for another wrestler they want to push, without any rhyme or reason for why Singh is managing him besides to start a feud between Khali and ((pushed wrestler)). The feud goes on for a couple of months, Khali puts Singh through something PG-rated, and he disappears off television for good, with some camera time for two wrestlers who badly need something to make them relevant again.
I literally saw no point in this whatsoever. Khali isn't even involved in anything important at the moment, so why suddenly put him on tv for two minutes for that small angle. I'm willing to bet this will go nowhere, just another random break up. Khali is irrelevant now and the only reason I could see this happening to write Singh off TV so he can focus more on creative.
This sort of reminds me when Paul Bearer turned on Undertaker back in 1996. The "manager turns" story to set the monster free on his own. This might be one of those slow-paced break ups where every week these two will have more and more differences and end with a big break up. But with the E doing its best to be unpredictable and speeding things up, it might as well happen this coming week. Ive always seen Khali as a Giant Gonzalez clone. Hell they look so similar. But Khali does look like he has alot more to offer than that Gonzalez ****** they hired back in 93'.
this was a BIG WTF moment that totally came out of left field. while matthews was talking, Singh had that big/goofy smile he usually has, then all of a sudden that stuff came out of his mouth.

i seriously thought he was shooting.
I truly don't know what this segment had to do with anything, obviously it's a start of a new storyline, but what that storyline might be, I haven't the slightest idea, just an odd segment that I'm sure no one gave two shits about. As a few have mentioned, this would be a cool (yet odd) way to have Big Zeke make his return.

Maybe next week Ranjin (or whatever) comes back w/Zeke at his side and Zeke crushes Khali and continues to run rampant across the WWE. But thats just wishful thinking, this is probably just some ridiculous idea to try and keep Khali relevant, if a match between Singh and Khali is announced, (and Zeke doesn't show up) I'm gonna shit a frikken brick.
other than to write Singh off tv to focus on creative, I don't see the point in this. You never know though, maybe Singh will turn out to be this mysterious GM.
If you guys knew what Khali said, I think you'd understand how it's pretty obvious why Ranjin turned on Khali, from a "real" life perspective. I had a friend from India interpret what Khali actually said, and the comments Ranjin made make sense to me.

khali: I don't know anything about the Nexus ppl, who's Nexus, who's not, IDK
This storyline will go nowhere special, the same as anything that has ever involved Khali. I hope they don't drag this out for weeks. I seriously don't know what the point of that little Ranjin outburst was, if any! Khali may be the worst "Big Man" in the history of wrestling and that is saying a LOT!
I am hoping that this is the end of Khali. I never once found this man entertaining. When he first arrived in the WWE I did not see how this slow, awkward man was seen a threat to anyone, let alone a contender for the title. Then they turn him into some joke (not that he wasn't already) with the whole playboy thing. I think he has ran his course and its time the WWE let him go.

If this dose lead to some sort of feud, I hope that Ranjin dose not get into the ring, but instead gets a talent like Big Zeke to do the fighting for him.
This might just be a way for the WWE to make Khali relevant again. Having his own brother and manager turn on him out of the blue shows that Ranjin is getting fed up being his brother's keeper. I think we'll start seeing Khali in matches that end in DQ's with random bad guys sneaking in to beat on him when he's not expecting it. He'll be the Giant Victim and the E-Universe will be expected to pity him.

I don't know, I like Khali. I don't think he's especially gifted as a performer, but I just always liked him. He seems like someone who truly appreciates the opportunity he has as a WWE Superstar. That always goes further with me than anything else they could do.
I was going to make a thread on this, before I saw it been posted by you..anyway..im going to asnwer your questions...

Will Khali be pushed?
I hope so...the gimmick he ahs now is ridiculous...and he needs to change...even take him to Smackdown so we can have him wrestle..

Will he be reverted to a monster heel again?
I hope so...it makes sense when a huge guant is a heel..he dominated a lot when he was a heel on Smackdown!!

Will he be future endeavored?
I hope not!!! I don't think WWE will show him the door..he is a big hit in India..and has increased the fanbase for the WWE...having him in the WWE is a good thing for WWE...

We must not forget Ranjin. Will he align himself with someone else or will he just be phased off of TV slowly?
Some might not know this but he is a writer for Raw..so im guessing, no one really needs him as their manager, unless they need a punjabi translater...so i think he will be phased out of TV...or they might to a little angle where Khali wants answers to why he has left...but it might not work!!

............. You are blowing my mind guy. Not only do you hope Khali gets pushed but you also want him to go back to Smackdown! so you can see him wrestle? You are one in a million, matter fact make that a billion because I never in my life heard someone willingly submit themselves to any more Khali than we're already painfully subjected to.

But so this isn't spam I'll answer the questions in the OP:

Will Khali be pushed?
God I hope not. When he mentioned on Smackdown! how he was returning to India to do whatever it was he was going back to do, I fell to my knees and thanked the wrestling gods for sparing us for a while, only for him to quickly return on RAW instead causing me to denounce my religion and curse JBL.

Will he be reverted to a monster heel again?
Ugh, he's so awful at everything he does, not even just coming to the ring and destroying someone would be entertaining.

Will he be future endeavored?
I wouldn't wish anyone to lose their job but just to save our collective sanity I really hope so. He's absolutely useless. The less Khali the better.

We must not forget Ranjin. Will he align himself with someone else or will he just be phased off of TV slowly?
I can see it going either way but I would prefer a follow-up with someone else getting a push. I'm more entertained by Ranjin's sideburns than by anything Khali has ever done ever but they're both pretty expendable.

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