R-Truth-WWE's big missed opportunity?


Getting Noticed By Management
As I watched the battle royal for the last spot in the elimination chamber, it came down to R-Truth and Koslov. Truth is already over. I was hoping wwe would take a chance and let him win. Had he actually eliminated Koslov, the place would have gone nuts, and it would have been a shock. I thought they should have taken a chance on someone new for the main event, since MVP seems to be going after the US title and Kennedy....who knows. Him having a surprising win could've catapulted him up, and if he didn't work out in the EC, then whatever. Better than Koslov. I think he shoulda had a chance. Anyone else agree?
I think R is in an interesting place in his career. He is pretty over with the fans, but the WWE seems hesitant to pull the trigger on him. I really couldn't see anyone actually going over besides Kozlov. But as you sait, him winning would have been a big upset and the fans would have loved him. He really had that big chance to become a big star of Smackdown. WWE actually had a good chance in making a big named talent, instead they gave it to Kozlov, who I am not sure will ever become a champion.
This truly amazes me, it really does. Cant belive it. ALL the fucking time they spent on those promos this summer, and how quality they were. Then, they totally fuck it up, and have him come dancing and acting foolish. Fair enough. He STILL managed to be over, witht he "rap through the crowd" gimmick. He has a decent move set, and sells well. He is pretty damn over with the crowd. Yet, he has had zero mic time, and zero involvement in any manner of angles, save for his initial one, which ended in a nothing match with Shelton, on FUCKING WWE.COM. The chamber couldve been huge for him. Alas, no. I have zero idea why they would waste so much time in the summer push, and then just do NOTHING when he gets there, and allow him to fade into the bottom of the card by now. Just horrible.
I'm not sure if R-Truth would fair well in a match against multiple time champion main-eventers like Edge, Undertaker, Triple H, Big Show, and Jeff Hardy. I could be wrong, but I just don't think he would... especially because he's never held a title before, unless you include his Hardcore Championship wins as K-Kwik. R-Truth has the charisma and ring skills to be a main-eventer, but I'm not sure if he's ready and I don't want WWE to push him until he and WWE agree that he is ready.
I just don't think it's R-Truth's time yet. He is over with the crowd. His moveset is a bit weird and iffish but thats ok, he isn't meant to be doing all the stuff Hart and Benoit could do. He made it through to the final 2 in the battle royal which is a good sig. He passed Shelton, MVP, Khali, TBK. This chamber would have been good for him I must agree, but with the amount of talent that missed out; MVP, Shelton, Kennedy, Matt Hardy and then some people just like Umaga, was he really meant to be in the chamber? I mean if he did make it through then most of the fans would expect that he is one of the best on Smackdown and should be main eventing in no time.

I would of liked him in the chamber, just like Kofi is in, but I am also glad he isn't in the chamber.
I love R-Truth. I think Killings is entertaining in the ring and I really don't understand why they are not pushing him, unless the TNA rumors are true. I remember a while back when Harris first got released he ranted that the WWE doesn't want to make a former TNA guy big. While I didn't believe it and thought Harris was just a whiny bitch, it could be true.

There is no denying that he is fairly over with the crowd. He got more of a reaction in the match then Carlito & Primo, and he get's more reaction than Helms. The fans obviously like the guy so they can't claim he isn't popular. And while his in-ring work might not be the best, he is pretty solid and he is quiet entertaining in the ring. His has a "good" gimmick(the fans care), and his mic work isn't bad either.

I really think the WWE has messed his push up. Like Norcal said they took so much time to build him up in the promos and then he comes in and has a half-assed feud with Shelton and then nothing but the occasional appearance. I don't see any reason not to push him. I think the WWE just don't like taking risks or follow through with them. And while his career isn't over and he still has time to get pushed, by the time the WWE starts to really push him he might not have the crowd reaction like he use to, so they can't wait around forever.
I agree with you they really fucked this up. Truth is so athletic, and very over. Sure his in-ring skill could use some tweaking, but he is definitely good enough to be in the main event. The guy is way over, and I think almost everyone would have loved to see him eliminate Kozlov, and go to the elimination chamber. They gave him a great build in coming to the WWE with all the promos, acting like they would give him a big push, and they completely fuck it up. I really hope WWE realizes that they have someone who could potentially be a big name in the company, and give him the push he deserves.
I agree 100%. He got the big build up, he got the pop, the crowd got into his gimmick, he can say one phrase "what's up" and 85% of the arena responds he got into a pretty good feud with Shelton, then...nothing.

As Norcal said, his big title opportunity at Cyber Sunday (where he got over 70% of the vote I believe) was pushed onto wwe.com whilst Santino vs Honky Tonk Man got put on the main show. He was then dropped from the title picture, was put in a tag team match siding with Funaki where Funaki was made to look dominant, put into the highest profile Survivor Series Elimination Match, and didn't even get given a pinfall, then in the Rumble hit one move on HHH and was then thrown out by Show.

So many missed opportunities. When he joined, he could have won the US title at the second time of asking, then feuded with MVP, Chavo and TBK over it or just have had a fulll scale war with Shelton that could have gotten both over. Then with the right build up he could have been a worthy MITB winner.

But no. I agree I wish they had had him eliminate Koslov and put in the Chamber, or even just have given Kozlov a good fight. He got one move in and was then knocked out with that headbutt. He could have had a two minute struggle at least.

The word from backstage was he had rusty in ring skills. Doesn't Cena and Batista though? The crowd pop is the hardest thing to get, he has got it, and they are lucky it hasn't been ruined already. If he doesn't get a good run into WrestleMania, or is left off the show completely, he will eventually be forgotten about.
It seems like the WWE is being very patient with R-Truth and not wanting to give us too much of him too quick. Every push since about Summerslam has been slow regardless of who its been. The quick push is very risky, and although Truth has been around for a couple of months, they want his build up to be very slow. Hell, even though Kozlov is in the chamber, his push seemed to slow down a little as well.

I think they will give Truth a chance to see what he can do very soon. Many of us here are wrestling enthusiasts, so wrestling is not two days a week for us, its 7 days a week so our patience is a lot thinner than casual fans who cheer for Truth week in and week out. Right now I think they are working on a feud with R-Truth and TBK/Ezekiel. This will be his chance to get over some more, while he continues to work up the card.

It doesn't look to me like the WWE is ignoring him. He hasn't jobbed in quite some time and he consistently gets the crowd going. Hell, I'm even buying into it now. As long as he doesn't dance I am ok. Now with 'Mania coming up he should tweak his gimmick a little. Lose the jeans, and the dancing. If he is going to wear street clothes in the ring at least wear some shorts and some stylish sneakers (similar to Cena).

The good thing for R-Truth is he is over, probably more over than any mid carder on Smackdown, and as long as he is over he is going to keep moving up. He isn't ready for the Chamber because he would've been the odd man out in his first main event and it wouldn't have looked right. Raw is bringing up the new guys this PPV. Smackdown did it with the Scramble back at Unforgiven. Truth will get his chance this year I'm sure of it.
I think they definately missed the boat on this one. Can you imagine how over he'd have gotten if he had won they qualifier? He could even eliminate Big Show in the Chamber, and he'd just skyrocket. I realise they don't want to push people too fast, but his push is barely existant. Another thing is that if he had eliminated Kozlov they could have a mtahc at Mania, because I have no idea what they plan on doing with Kozlov if he isn't in the title match.
I'm by no means a fan or R-Truth at all, but I'm split here. Kozlov adds another heel to this match, but he's done next to nothing since Survivor Series. That triple threat killed his push dead in its tracks and it really doesn't make much sense here. R-Truth is someone that hasn't had a chance in the main event and while I don't think he ever will, it would make more sense to put he or Shelton in this match and save their US title match for Mania. I guess Kozlov is here because he has absolutely nothing else to do while Truth has some people he could feud with. Not many, but more than kozlov. I guess Kozlov is the better choice, but not by much.
Alas, no. I have zero idea why they would waste so much time in the summer push, and then just do NOTHING when he gets there, and allow him to fade into the bottom of the card by now. Just horrible.

You want to know why they don't care for him anymore? Because, if I remember a WZ report said "WWE Creative feels that he needs to work on the basics more". Yes, that is the reason. Apparantly getting over isn't a part of the basics anymore.

I liked the guy, but they've thrown him together in a fued with another guy creative currently doesn't like, The Brian Kendrick, 'cause he's a drug-o and what not. 'Tis rather silly of them, I liked R-Truth when he started off, but I had a feeling something would get in the way of his progress. Didn't think it would be something that silly.

But no, they should not have had R-Truth go over Kozlov to get into the chamber - even if Kozlov shouldn't be in the chamber (unless he's planning on winning the thing). Why? Because Kozlov is meant to be a big bad scary man, and losing to a guy who is not at his level would make Kozlov look like a guy who can't get the job done when it counts... not that he can anyway, but more-so if he got eliminated by Truth.
it is not and will not for a couple of years be time for R-truth to become a main eventer. He is to green. it always backfires when a wrestler who we dont like is shoved down our throat, and 9/10 it backfires when it is a wrestler we like. Let R-truth become a proper midcarder for a year at least rather then Pushing him to the moon where he will most likley fall and fail.

Kozlov should of got the win, and I am glad he did. how strong (if it is where the WWE is going) will he look if he challenges the undertaker at WM but he lost to a guy like R-truth?
So I'm not a fan, never have been. But he's flashy enough and has a cool entrance, which should be enough for him to get a U.S. Title run. When he comes to the ring he's almost The Sandman. Not half as cool, but it's the same principle. Cut the dancing, it's wank. And instead of having him sing the same old song week in and out, have him cut a rap on his opponent. Cena isn't using the gimmick so somebody else should. I suggest they get the guy who did Christian's raps in 2005 to write them for him, those were better than anything Cena ever came up with.

It seems to me like it'd be pretty easy to build the guy up by just using what's already there.
I honestly thought the way R Truth was so over with the fans when he arrived i thought they were going to put the U.S strap on him after those weeks of beating shelton. but that rivalry went straight down the toilet.

R Truth seriously needs a push if wwe want to get the ratings in
no offence to shelton though hes an amaizing athlete but he doesnt get over with the fans at all.
Personally I've never liked the gimmick..not when it was K-Kwik and not now as R-Truth. I detest his entrance and the singing of his theme. However, the one thing he does appear to be is over, which is more than can be said for a lot of Smackdown's midcard. So while I'm not too fussed on the gimmick, I do like his ring work and he is unique and doesn't perform in the generic WWE style so that's a positive. I don't see him in the main event scene..maybe the odd visit..other than that I see him as a popular midcard talent who will have a few US Title runs.
R-Truth is a former NWA champ and he can hold a world title well, I say put the title on him even if its just for a month and he may surprise us all.
Sadly, I can't even see R-Truth winning the U.S Championship. I said this before he arrived in the WWE and I'll say it again. R-Truth returning to the WWE was a mistake. He was a former 2-time NWA Champion in TNA in the early goings and he had decent runs with both reigns. He had the opportunity to show what he could really do and the guy had me cheering for him throughout a long course of his TNA career. Back when he was K-Kwik, his athleticism and natural in-ring charisma made me wonder why he was jobbing. He briefly held two Hardcore Championships and that was it. Wasted talent. So now here he is. What I see is a different name and a non-jobber role. That's it. What has the WWE done with him since his return? You've seen what they did. Nothing. He's not in any feud. He's not fighting for any title. He's just there. Slammy award recipient at best. What a disappointment.
R-Truth is a former NWA champ and he can hold a world title well, I say put the title on him even if its just for a month and he may surprise us all.

I think you may be over-stretching that N.W.A. legacy a bit much. He was the N.W.A.-T.N.A. World Heavyweight Champion. At the time, with a roster complete with Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Syxx-Pac, Jerry Lynn and an unproven A.J. Styles. I'd hardly call that amazing.

R-Truth had to of known he'd never be seen as anything more than K-Kwik in McMahon's eyes. Wow, he learned a couple new dance steps, and created an alternative rap entrance song. Let's give him a Heavyweight title run. :lmao:

Ultimately, I'm disappointed that he hasn't yet been given a fair chance to defeat and run with the United States title, but I'd definately never want him anywhere near the World Heavyweight Championship. He only gets a crowd reaction when he's dancing within them.. and even then, half the time they're just more amazed someone gave a microphone to a fan. Because half the time, until he steps over the guardrail, they likely didn't know who the fuck he was.

Personally, I completely enjoy watching him. Again, I'd love a U.S. title run. But come on, it's K-Kwik, not R-Truth. It's an alternative version of Booker T., with less talent. It's the guy who didn't make it as a Tag Team wrestler, so he jumped ship, pulled a race card and became a Heavyweight Champion during the early stages of a company trying to do something. They likely figured "what the hell, it's not like we have anything to lose."
I'm not a huge fan of R-Truth, but I don't hate him either. He is decent in the ring, and is better on the mic than either of the current mid-card champs, so I don't see why he hasn't received the push he was set for upon his return.

He's over with the crowd, whether he enters through them or not. His gimmick is good for a face, and is only a slight tweak away from working as a heel. Besides having no idea what his finisher is, I don't see why he couldn't take a run as US Champ, even if it's whole purpose is to just lose it back to Shelton anyway.

Is he their biggest missed opportunity? No way. They're keeping that title for John Morrison it seems. R-Truth may be missing out on US Title reigns, but Morrison is missing out on WWE Title reigns.
Elijah Burke is the biggest missed opportunity in my opinion, but thats another trhead in itself.

Truth is awesome, I agree. His theme song is catchy, his promos arent bad, and he has a nice explosive kind of moveset.

But as usual with these kinds of characters, He doesnt tell a story in the ring.

And thats what sets apart the Truths from the Triple Hs.

Elijah is on his way to TNA anyway, so I guess we can see how good he'll be.
I'm not a huge fan of R-Truth, but I don't hate him either. He is decent in the ring, and is better on the mic than either of the current mid-card champs, so I don't see why he hasn't received the push he was set for upon his return.

He's over with the crowd, whether he enters through them or not. His gimmick is good for a face, and is only a slight tweak away from working as a heel. Besides having no idea what his finisher is, I don't see why he couldn't take a run as US Champ, even if it's whole purpose is to just lose it back to Shelton anyway.

Is he their biggest missed opportunity? No way. They're keeping that title for John Morrison it seems. R-Truth may be missing out on US Title reigns, but Morrison is missing out on WWE Title reigns.

There is so much wrong with that post. First of all he hasn't received a large push because he is boring. He sings. so what so does jillian and shes more over. A US title reign wouldnt hurt but wouldnt help either. Shelton is a great US Champion blame creative for what he hasn't done.Same thing would happen to Truth.As far as being better than Punk or Shelton.Shelton is just as bad on the mic and ten times better in the ring.Punk would be the saviour of the IC belt if they gave a dam about that belt either.

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