R-Truth & JTG Tag-Team?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Would R-Truth & JTG make for a good but entertaining tag-team in the WWE?

Right now on RAW R-Truth is seen walking & talking to his invisible friend "Little Jimmy". While JTG is seen on WWE superstars each week online. And is seen as a jobber to lucky to still have a job in the WWE (not trying to jinx him here).

R-Truth just got out of a strong tag-team in "the Awesome Truth" with the Miz. And recently had a short run with Kofi Kingston as a tag-team. And JTG has done very little after in the WWE after Cryme Tyme broke up two years ago.

Now what if on one episode of monday night RAW. JTG just comes out to the ring during a R-Truth match, and after it's over win or lose. JTG just slaps some sence into R-Truth by saying that Little Jimmy isn't real! And he needs to start thinking clearly again and have him as his new tag-team partner. R-Truth & JTG shake hands, dance or something to celebrate, and a new tag-team is born to help out the decaying WWE tag-team division.

Could this team work out??
Does every African-American have to team with another African-American? Must they dance to celebrate? Ugh! I'm not saying this team wouldn't work. It would at least give WWE another set of tag team contenders, give the division some semblance of depth and allow these two performers to possibly find a storyline. Still, I find it cloying that any two black men can be partnered in a thuggish type of team.

That said, neither of these men has an angle worth mentioning right now, and JTG is a massive and talented performer being totally wasted. If it takes pairing him with R-Truth to give him a break, and some sort of direction, I'm all for it.

If it ends R-Truth's ridiculous rants, I'm behind it even more so!
R-Truth has gone far and above JTG's level in this past 6 months or so, he's almost certainly a high mid-carder right now, that could even be randomly tossed into main event once in a while.

JTG is..... Not even on the card, he hasn't done anything since Shad got dumped... and he has this uncanny problem that he's been typecasted to the point they really CAN'T use him in any projects, because his gimmick has him stuck to being as much of a stereotype as you could get.

Teaming him randomly with other black superstars does nothing to break him out of this rut, and it certainly doesn't add anything to Ron Killings

You would basically drag R-truth down to lower midcard for the sake of putting JTG on the card. I don't really see the draw in having them team, no chemistry and nothing that promotes or shows either stars' strengths.

Tag Division needs some real stable teams, not more thrown together stereotypes.
I will agree with the previous people that have posted on this theread (azane and Pep3) and say that this is a stupid idea for the most part... JTG was great as part of Cryme Tyme... Once that got disbanded (a stupid storyline) and Shad got released (blame the storyline) JTG became a jobber.. While he may have some talent (it's hard to say how much as he's primarily a tag team wrestler since I've seen him) It's hard to really say where he'd be with the right push... Sadly, with his current gimmick, and with the long run of jobbing, and with the lack of Cryme Tyme.. He shouldn't be anywhere near R-Truth who, while not at the level he was a few months ago (his fault for the suspension) is still a solid mid-card talent who can (as stated before) head to main event level talent (at least to job) in a pinch... If you really want a tag team with JTG involved, search some of the other talent that is going unnoticed currently.. Keep away from R-truth who's carving his own path for now..
R-Truth and JTG are two of the most annoying wrestlers in WWE. I shudder at the thought of having to see both at the same time. However, I doubt this could ever occur as I foresee the release of JTG fast approaching. That said, I liked R-Truth when he was a heel last year, and I'm all for a good tag team, but not with JTG. If he remains face then maybe teaming him with Ted Dibiase could be a good if idea, but I prefer the bad R-Truth!
Does the "J" in JTG stand for Jimmy? Truth and Little Jimmy TG?

I like the idea of this team. I think they can both use something to do, and I think there in ring styles would mesh well. I'm a big fan of tag teams that have matching ring gear, it adds legitimacy IMO, so the fact that they both wrestle in jeans is a positive in my mind. JTG is a funny guy, and if they can find him a character that would mesh with Truth's current character, I think they would be an entertaining team.
Yep, their both black good tag team. If anyone else offers two black superstars as a good tag team or even suggest they remake the Nation of Domination I will find the Ninja Turtles, bring them to your house and F*** your girlfriend!

Then me and the ninja turtles can have some pizza and chill N shit...

Anyway I am sick of random black pairings by virtue of them being black, they really have nothing else in common at all.
I think it's an easy cop out to say it's only based on race. Especially when we all see that JTG & Truth have similar wrestling gear, and Truth sings while JTG dances. Had the OP came in and said that McIntyre & Dibiase should form a team nobody would have played the race card. We can't expect WWE to only team one black guy with one white guy all the time just to keep the whining down.

I for one would love a team of R-Truth & JTG. I'm a fan of both guys and would like to see them both finally have some direction. Even the team R-Tyme has a good ring to it.
Each week on Superstars? I don't know what shows you've been watching, but I haven't seen JTG on TV in a looong time. Before this week's NXT, that is.
Back to your question, no, I don't think they'd make a good tag team. I still don't know why they scrapped R-truth/Kofi, because that seemed like it would have potential. JTG is just on borrowed time and I hope they get rid of him during the draft. That guy just has nothing to give anymore. Cryme Time was amazing, but both him, and Shad, as single competitors were awful.
No....For the love of all that is good and right in the world...No.

I'm a black man, and even I don't understand why they need to be paired together.
They have tried for years to do something, ANYTHING with Truth. He gets something going and for whatever reason, fails miserably. The little Jimmy thing is the only thing with longevity but even that is starting to wain. I hated the dancing coonery and buffoonery they had him doing and the rapping was ridiculous so I'm glad thats gone. I really thought he was on to something when he was paired with the Miz (even though that handshake thing they did was pure D crap.) But since then, its been odd pairings and jobber matches. He is a solid performer though and put into the right situation could flourish.
However, that right situation is NOT with JTG.
JTG is also a solid performer. I haven't seen him in a while but when I do see him, he's jobbing to everyone. I think that if they REALLY start a youth movement and not just make it seem like they're doing one, they could really push him. I'd love to see MVP come back and work with JTG. Or find a new gimmick for JTG all together. Repackage him or give him another tag partner to help build the tag division but it can't be Truth...I just don't see it working.
He's not big enough to do another version of Doom. Not militant enough to do another version of the Nation...but I can't ...i mean i JUST cant see another stereotypical "black" tag team with the rapping and dancing. I hated seeing JTG do it when he was with Cryme Time and theres something about a really muscle bound dancing person that drives me insane. I hate watching Terry Crews dance and I hate watching R-Truth dance. Its ridiculous.
All that being said. Either of them could benefit from a good program or repackaging...its probably too late for R-Truth, but JTG could either use a manager, a new tag partner or some walking papers.
But they should NOT work as a tag team.
I think it would be a better team than Truth and Kofi, Truth and JTG have similar ring-attire and a similar look and Truth raps whilst JTG is known for dancing. They are also both good on the mic, R-Truth of course being much better so yeah I think this team could work. The only issue I have with it is that I prefer R-Truth as a singles wrestler I'd love to see him get a single run with the IC or Us title soon.

Alternately and I know this would never happen but I'd love to see Truth and Goldust given a tag run together. They are both comedy gold, would play off each other incredibly well and it would make sense as they are both 100% crazy. Imagine Goldust and Booker T (one of my favourite tag teams) x 10.
Horrible idea in my opinion. JTG is a guy that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to offer. The only reason I can think why JTG wasn't fired a long time ago is that he's a decent jobber. He's certainly not much to talk about in the ring, he sure as crap can't talk and...well aside from being another black man, what would he bring to the team? If JTG fell off the face of the earth, I'd probably never even notice he was gone.

If they're going to put Truth in a team, then Kofi is a good choice or, better yet, if they turned Truth heel and teamed him with The Miz again. Awesome Truth was a team that had a ton of potential. Truth was highly entertaining as a heel and he & Miz had surprisingly good chemistry. It's just a shame that AT was used mostly as fodder for The Rock's first match in 7.5 years.
I dig the idea. Similar look, similar movesets, could put on some pretty damn solid, entertaining team matches, and the promos would be solid, as both are solid on the mic. They sure as shit aren't doing anything better right now.
I think it would be a better team than Truth and Kofi, Truth and JTG have similar ring-attire and a similar look and Truth raps whilst JTG is known for dancing. They are also both good on the mic, R-Truth of course being much better so yeah I think this team could work. The only issue I have with it is that I prefer R-Truth as a singles wrestler I'd love to see him get a single run with the IC or Us title soon.

Alternately and I know this would never happen but I'd love to see Truth and Goldust given a tag run together. They are both comedy gold, would play off each other incredibly well and it would make sense as they are both 100% crazy. Imagine Goldust and Booker T (one of my favourite tag teams) x 10.

I change my answer. I would definitely rather see Truth and Goldust team up. That would be an awesome comedy team, but with that said, I do still think JTG and Truth would be a good paring.
I too, like this idea, and I even like the idea of making JTG Little Jimmy. Maybe they can start out by making R-Truth a mentor to JTG (Jimmy, True Gangster), and slowly build them up as a regular team.

I like this idea as much as my other WWE dream team (Alex Riley & Zack Ryder)
Horrible idea in my opinion. JTG is a guy that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to offer. The only reason I can think why JTG wasn't fired a long time ago is that he's a decent jobber. He's certainly not much to talk about in the ring, he sure as crap can't talk and...well aside from being another black man, what would he bring to the team? If JTG fell off the face of the earth, I'd probably never even notice he was gone.

If they're going to put Truth in a team, then Kofi is a good choice or, better yet, if they turned Truth heel and teamed him with The Miz again. Awesome Truth was a team that had a ton of potential. Truth was highly entertaining as a heel and he & Miz had surprisingly good chemistry. It's just a shame that AT was used mostly as fodder for The Rock's first match in 7.5 years.

I dig the idea. Similar look, similar movesets, could put on some pretty damn solid, entertaining team matches, and the promos would be solid, as both are solid on the mic. They sure as shit aren't doing anything better right now.

I just want to point out that by you both having the same logo it confused the shit outta me why you contradicted "yourself" before i saw that there were 2 people posting...

anyways norcal, I don't think of JTG as being "solid" on the mic as he's never really been given the chance of having a "mic" aside from shouting "YOYOYOYOYOYOYOYO YO."

I still just don't see them working well..
Truth and Goldust sounds alot better, never thought about it before but now it's been brought up they could be pretty entertaining together.
Yes, it's prejudice, bordering on racism. Being black shouldn't be a gimmick. I imagine the conversation at creative goes like this:

"AW is black, why not bump Kofi, Truth, JTG in with PTP? Throw in Mark Henry (have a diabetes angle or something) and Ezekiel Jackson. We got any black girls? Oh yeah, Karma. Put her in, too. We can call the group Dark Matters, put them all in black spandex. Make Teddy Long manager, he's black too... Don't forget about Percy on NXT!"

I know WWE isn't known for appealing to a progressive point of view, but we shouldn't encourage this type of redneck thinking.

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