Quarter Finals: Kirby vs. Ghost Rider

Who wins?

  • Kirby

  • Ghost Rider

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Round 3


The savior of Dreamland has defeated two powerful foes on his way to the quarter finals, but Ghost Rider has defeated two of the finest warriors that Marvel has to offer. Can Kirby suck up another round of competition, or does Ghost Rider roll on to the semi-finals?

And so it ends. Kirby's had a lovely run in this tournament, but he doesn't go any further. No doubt we'll get the Pro-Pink-Puffball-Propaganda as usual, but don't buy into it. Ghost Rider has got this one in the bag.

First up, Kirby inhales enemies? How's that going to work out for him trying to inhale a dude who is on fire? Something tells me Kirby isn't going to like the taste of old flaming skull. If he can't stand tasting Ghost Rider, how's he supposed to swallow him? Pellets are hardly going to effect a demonic spirit and shooting fire does nothing here seeing as it's Ghost Rider. Blowing himself up to be a giant balloon simply makes him easier to attack for Blaze. He floats ever so slowly and I'm sure our friendly neighbourhood Rider will be able to pop him like a zit with the whole shotgun thing.

Simply put, Kirby's main technique is useless, and his power-ups mean nothing against Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider has any number of ways to burn Kirby. Vote for the right choice. Vote for Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider does not have abilities as such, he is possessed by the demon Zarathos. As such Zirby should not be able to absorb GB as he would actually be creating a duplicate demon. Even if he would be able to perform this act, Zarathos would immediately launch an attack on his mortal soul, an internal battle Kirby would not be capable of winning. Either way he is losing as his hopes against Ghost Rider without his biggest weapon are minimal. The Spirit of Vengeance wheelies into the semis.
I just wanted to point out that the argument about Kirby not being able to inhale Ghost Rider because of his flames is silly. Kirby regularly inhales living fireballs, electric eels, and large pointy objects. His mouth is like a black hole that can suck up anything.

That said, I voted for Ghost Rider here. Kirby was good to make it to round 3, but gaining Ghost Rider's powers doesn't necessarily mean he gains Ghost Rider's invulnerabilities. Plus, I really want to see Spawn vs. Ghost Rider in round 4.

Ghost Rider's abilities prove to be too much for the pink puffball, and send Kirby dancing to the grave.
First up, Kirby inhales enemies? How's that going to work out for him trying to inhale a dude who is on fire? Something tells me Kirby isn't going to like the taste of old flaming skull. If he can't stand tasting Ghost Rider, how's he supposed to swallow him?

Actually, he wouldn't be the first fire based enemy Kirby will have inhaled. He's been doing it since Kirby's Adventure.

Pellets are hardly going to effect a demonic spirit and shooting fire does nothing here seeing as it's Ghost Rider. Blowing himself up to be a giant balloon simply makes him easier to attack for Blaze. He floats ever so slowly and I'm sure our friendly neighbourhood Rider will be able to pop him like a zit with the whole shotgun thing.

Kirby has never been "popped" before, even while in "balloon form" and getting attacked with spikes and other sharp objects. Furthermore, as the point on not being able to copy GR has been refuted, it's fighting demonfire with demonfire.

Simply put, Kirby's main technique is useless, and his power-ups mean nothing against Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider has any number of ways to burn Kirby. Vote for the right choice. Vote for Ghost Rider.

You're going to have to try harder than that my friend.
DirtyJosé;3402880 said:
Kirby has never been "popped" before, even while in "balloon form" and getting attacked with spikes and other sharp objects. Furthermore, as the point on not being able to copy GR has been refuted, it's fighting demonfire with demonfire.

Even if he absorbs Ghost Rider, that doesn't mean he absorbs the motorcycle or the shotgun or, as Doc said, the invulnerabilities of our flaming friend. Those added gadgets/weapons/powers give Ghost Rider an additional boost that Kirby won't be able to access or handle. On top of that, Ghost Rider/Zarathos has held his own and won against a whole number of demonic creatures far more powerful than himself, so I highly doubt that Kirby offers anything new to the table that hasn't been seen and fought before.

Concerning the balloon form, popping may not occur, but he's a big, slow, bloated object who can be brought down to earth with a shotgun. That's all there needs to be to get the win.

DirtyJosé;3402880 said:
You're going to have to try harder than that my friend.

As are you.
DirtyJosé;3402968 said:
Doc has already pointed out that Kirby CAN copy armaments and tech as well as powers.

Ghost Rider may not have either on him at the time is my point. He can travel between realms. He may have left them elsewhere.
Ghost Riders abilities stem from Zarathos, he cannot absorb a possession so he cannot absorb his abilities. As such, GR keeps his ability and Kirby has to win by his own natural powers and at no stage of this competition has anyone indicated that he can win without stealing from his opponents.
Ghost Riders abilities stem from Zarathos, he cannot absorb a possession so he cannot absorb his abilities. As such, GR keeps his ability and Kirby has to win by his own natural powers and at no stage of this competition has anyone indicated that he can win without stealing from his opponents.

I disagree that Kirby wouldn't be able to copy Ghost Rider, but I don't think it would make a huge difference. Even if, for argument's sake, Kirby COULD copy Ghost Rider (I mean, in Super Smash Bros. and his own games Kirby has been shown to be able to copy everything from superpowers to equipment to clothes) he still would only copy GR's powers and offensive abilities, and that unfortunately doesn't include Ghost Rider's invulnerabilities. Kirby could put up one hell of a fight, but in the end Rider's fire would prove to be too much.

Or at least, this would be how it was if Kirby's copy ability was his only power.

Kirby has a few powers of his own as shown by the Smash Bros. games. He can turn into a rock, rendering him temporarily invulnerable though immobile. He has a very strong leaping blade attack called Final Cutter that sends a shockwave through the ground. He can fly by sucking in air and floating around. He has some strong melee attacks, which can hit multiple times in a second. He even has a powerful hammer that can send folks flying.

And remember his ace in the hole, the Rainbow Sword, forged out of the Rainbow Drops from the Fountain of Dreams to create one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy.

I again voted for Ghost Rider for purely selfish reasons, but don't count Kirby out.
I disagree that Kirby wouldn't be able to copy Ghost Rider, but I don't think it would make a huge difference. Even if, for argument's sake, Kirby COULD copy Ghost Rider (I mean, in Super Smash Bros. and his own games Kirby has been shown to be able to copy everything from superpowers to equipment to clothes) he still would only copy GR's powers and offensive abilities, and that unfortunately doesn't include Ghost Rider's invulnerabilities. Kirby could put up one hell of a fight, but in the end Rider's fire would prove to be too much.

Or at least, this would be how it was if Kirby's copy ability was his only power.

Kirby has a few powers of his own as shown by the Smash Bros. games. He can turn into a rock, rendering him temporarily invulnerable though immobile. He has a very strong leaping blade attack called Final Cutter that sends a shockwave through the ground. He can fly by sucking in air and floating around. He even has some strong melee attacks, which can hit multiple times in a second. He even has a powerful hammer that can send folks flying.

And remember his ace in the hole, the Rainbow Sword, forged out of the Rainbow Drops from the Fountain of Dreams to create one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy.

I again voted for Ghost Rider for purely selfish reasons, but don't count Kirby out.

I'm not counting him out but every bout has descended into 'Kirby would absorb his power'. Pure and simple, no Zarathos - no powers. For Kirby to copy GR he would have to copy Z. I say he can't create a new soul but say for argument's sake he can, he then becomes embroiled in an inner war for his soul as well as the outside war with the Rider. Inhale is the one weapon Kirby simply does not want to use here.
He doesn't need to copy the demon. The source of the power is irrelevant. He didn't need to develop an x gene to copy Cable's powers. He didn't have to copy the saiyan gene to gain those traits. He doesn't need ti copy the genes of the hero of time to have access to link's attacks. No demon needed.
DirtyJosé;3403098 said:
He doesn't need to copy the demon. The source of the power is irrelevant. He didn't need to develop an x gene to copy Cable's powers. He didn't have to copy the saiyan gene to gain those traits. He doesn't need ti copy the genes of the hero of time to have access to link's attacks. No demon needed.

The demon isn't a gene or a side effect; it is the power ∴ no demon = no power.
I'll back up what Jose is saying. Kirby doesn't absorb powers, he copies them. If Rogue touched Ghost Rider and tried to absorb his powers, it wouldn't work, because you can't absorb the demon. However, Kirby simply copies what his opponent does, so he'd be able to mimic Ghost Rider's powers.

But it still won't be enough. Kirby wouldn't get Ghost Rider's motorcycle, so he'd be at a distinct disadvantage in terms of speed. Ghost Rider would ride circles around pinkie and hit him with his chains and burn him with hell fire.

Kirby stands little chance. Ghost Rider cruises on to the semis.
Now I am really not sure on a pure winner and don't bash what I am saying I am asking out of pure curiosity on this question. Could Kirby inhale Ghost Riders motorcycle? Is that possible or not?
He could inhale the bike but only to spit it out. Also, again, as summoning the bike is part of Gr's power, I don't see why Kirby couldn't use it as well.
Whew, ok, now I'm home and ready to do this proper. I'm happy to see a fellow "outsider" like Ghost Rider make it this far in the tourney past staples like Cloud and Goku, but sadly for him, I have to continue backing the Pink Guy. I've not seen much here to prove that Kirby is out of his element at all.

Kirby copies abilities; he does not absorb them. No need for demons, he's just ready to rock without all the unholy stuffs. His rock form can withstand the wimpy attacks of a shotgun (yes, even one that shoots fire). Ghost Rider cannot "fly" proper. While Kirby's float is sluggish, it's still more evasive than Ghost Rider can be in the air, and that opening will give him the chance to inhale the skull faced menace.

Now, about Ghost Rider's supposed advantages:

1: Kirby has proven to be resilient in the past. He has dealt with guns, lasers, bombs, rocket launchers, swords, fire attacks of various types, chains of different types, and yes, even a motorcycle rider. I'm failing to see how Ghost Rider's weapons and abilities give him that much of an advantage here. Especially since Kirby can enter a near impenetrable rock form if need be.

2: Kirby can copy tech, weapons, and tools as well as powers. From Kirby's Adventure to SSB:B, he has been shown to copy the following (among other things): guns, swords, chains, rocket launchers, and armor. So not only do Ghost Rider's equipment and abilities fail to give him much of an advantage, they can also be turned on him. Remember as well that Ghost Rider's abilities include summoning chains, a hellfire breath attack, a penance stare, and creating a motorcycle of pure hellfire. All of which are things Kirby can likewise do once he gets a hold of Ghost Rider.

Finally, remember also that being part-demon, Ghost Rider is likely susceptible to the very attacks he uses in the event they are used against him.

Kirby is not going down without a fight here. It's not nearly as one sided as it seems. NEVER GIVE UP! VOTE KIRBY!
Kirby should NOT have made it this far in the tournament, but damnit if he's not going to make it to the next round... I mean, for all the people saying he won't be able to handle the on-fire Ghost Rider with his inhale attack, clearly you've never used Curry Kirby in Brawl... Nicholas Cage has forever ruined the badass that used to be Ghost Rider in my mind, so I'm going to have to go with Kirby, as much as I hate to say it. He beat Goku by fluke, so if he's loses to this stupid excuse for a Marvel hero I'm going to be pissed...
There's many powers that Kirby possess that people seem to be overlooking. A very important one IMO is his "Helper" ability. In Kirby Super Star, any enemy he sucked in he could create a copied ally to help him fight. Basically Rider would be facing not only Kirby and all his abilities sans copying but also another Kirby who has Rider's powers.

I'm not saying this automatically gives Kirby the win but people are making it seem like this will be a cake walk for Ghost Rider. I'll be honest in saying I don't know much about Rider and his weaknesses (he doesn't seem to have any) but he'd have a hard time keeping up with Kirby and a copied version of himself.

While Rider Kirby is bombarding Ghost Rider with fireballs, Kirby sneaks up and hits Ghost with his Rainbow Sword or the Final Cutter. Kirby Wins.
There's many powers that Kirby possess that people seem to be overlooking. A very important one IMO is his "Helper" ability. In Kirby Super Star, any enemy he sucked in he could create a copied ally to help him fight. Basically Rider would be facing not only Kirby and all his abilities sans copying but also another Kirby who has Rider's powers.

An excellent point, thank you. Can't believe it's been that long since I player Kirby Super Star.

I'm not saying this automatically gives Kirby the win but people are making it seem like this will be a cake walk for Ghost Rider. I'll be honest in saying I don't know much about Rider and his weaknesses (he doesn't seem to have any) but he'd have a hard time keeping up with Kirby and a copied version of himself.

Nah, Ghost Rider is winning right now because people like fire and cool chains and "heroes" that flaunt their edginess and their over the top hardware in your face. Which is totally fine, totally part of the tournament, and as far as I'm concerned it's not a loss to a shitty Goku or likewise generic fanboy pick.

While Rider Kirby is bombarding Ghost Rider with fireballs, Kirby sneaks up and hits Ghost with his Rainbow Sword or the Final Cutter. Kirby Wins.


Here's what I don't get about Kirby. He can inhale/copy powers right? That doesn't mean he has experience, size, stature or knowledge of how to use them. Ghost Rider has used these powers for years and knows how they work better than anyone. Why would I believe that Kirby knows how to do all this stuff after having them for a few seconds? Ghost Rider is a full grown man and can use his size and strength even if the powers are equal.

Plus he's Nicolas Cage.
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