Punk and Morrison pioneers of the next gen?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm watching Smackdown at the moment, albeit a little late..

The Punk and Morrison match got me thinking..

About 2 years ago these two fought for the ECW title against each other..

since then both have developed their move-sets and found signature moves.

They now fight each other with Morrison the face and Punk (more or less) the heel, and it has made Morrison seem as the underdog because he is the face chaser of the title.

My question is are Morrison and Punk the new John Cena and Randy Orton in a few years? They have similar styles to each other and are both REAL wrestlers not the big muscle guys like your Batista's and John Cena's.

What are your ideas??
I enjoyed their feud for the ECW championship a few years ago. I thought it was refreshing, and really was the first feud I was able to get into on WWE's version of ECW. I think CM punk is defintely going to be a pioneer of the new generation. He's been a world champion four times (including ROH) and has won MIB twice already. It's clear that WWE is preparing him to be the face of the company. I'm not so sure about John Morrison. Yeah I know he's beat Punk twice on Smackdown, but the title wasn't on the line,and it seems like WWE just might be teasing us with a potential feud. Morrison has the charisma, the look, and is pretty excting in the ring at times. I just don't think he has that it factor that Punk has. The way Punk has been able to take his straightedge gimmick, and throw it in Jeff Hardy's face is great. Meanwhile, many wrestling fans believe Morrison is the next HBK. And whether you love or hate the man HBK is a legend, and those are some pretty big shoes to fill.
I know it's very early to put the whole "he's the next (insert your legend here)" for Punk and Morrison. But if you look at the characters and their styles, I think you have a lot of similarities with the Punk/Morrison dynamic as we saw with the Hitman/HBK program of the 90's. Punk is the technically sound, cool in a very serious, sarcastic kind of way and his heel character is very similar to the to the way Bret Hart used to play it. Morrision/HBK comparisions are very obvious: The risk taker in the ring, The flamboyant ladies man. Personality wise, J-Mo is the exact opposite of CM Punk, Just like HBK was the direct contrast of Hart.

WWE should do a nice slow build to this feud. Let's pay this off this time around. Build a story around these two. Let's let the audience actually CARE about these two and what their beef with each other is all about. In five years when HBK, Triple H, Batista and Taker are gone, the WWE is going to need to be able to have Punk and J-Mo carry a PPV and maybe even one day, Headline a Mania. We really don't want to see Cena vs. Orton headline the next 10 Wrestlemania's. Try not to screw this up guys.

Calling someone a "Pioneer" would mean that they were the first ones to be called it, in this situation anyway.

But, I do know what you mean. Punk and Morrison have come on leaps and bounds since I first saw them facing odd for the ECW title. They have both became better all round athletes and deserve all the credibility that they are receiving. I mean, everyone knew at that point that they were going to be big names in the future and through this ECW has been serving it's purpose well. Introducing new talent into the company without throwing them in at the deep end. Punk and Morrison have come a long way since that feus and it is good to see how much they have noth progressed by watching this match.

As for them being the faces of a new generation of WWE, I would have to say that you are quite correct. Along with people like Orton, Swagger, Bourne etc. Morrison and Punk will no doubt be part of the bigger picture in the future, if they can stay healthy that is. Let us not forget thought that some people will be drafted in in a few years and they will be part of it too. Just because someone is not part of the WWE right now doesn't mean that they will not be in the future. WWE is always, always, on the look out for the new face of the generation. Take Batista for example. He was an older guy when he joined the WWE and they absolutely pushed him to the moon. What I am trying to say is that just because Punk and Morrison are already in the company, it doesn't mean that they will necessarily be the faces of the generation to come.
I think that title depends on how we define a generation in wrestling terms. When did the 'older' generation end, and who fits into that mold? Does Jericho? Does HHH? Does Tommy Dreamer or Christian?

I think there are certain clearly defined generations in wrestling and then there are certain unclear generations. We know that the Attitude (Era) Generation is long gone, leaving its remnants in the current generation: HHH, HBK, Jericho, Christian (let's be honest now), hell even JBL to a certain extent (other names escape me at the moment). After the Attitude Gen, shaky years followed. The Invasion (Generation) Era occurred, followed by the Era that dominates now: Brand Extension, and the idle beginnings of our beloved PG-13 Era. (Can someone somewhere chronologically correct me here? I think I might be missing a year or two?) Is it safe to say that Morrison and Punk are the young, future stars? Without a doubt.

Are they pioneers of anything in the WWE? Doubtful, considering Morrison has been around since 02 (which is the end of the Attitude Era, or close to) and CM Punk established his name in RoH and TNA long before coming to WWE. I also think comparing them to Orton and Cena is a bit of a stretch since, if we are going by generation, all four are in the same one (at least to me) just at different parts of it. If we are to compare Morrison and Punk to the remnants of the Attitude Generation or even earlier, then we could have a conversation. (Morrison to HBK, as people love to do it, Orton to Rocky, Cena to Austin, and who does Punk have, then?) I think if anything Orton and Cena are the pioneers of this generation (and even Batista and more so Jericho this time around than in 99).

I think it's safe to say that Morrison and Punk are stars now and their potential is finally being utilized and they will be staples of the company within the coming years (meaning whatever generation comes after this one is over). But are they the faces I associate with the WWE and "this" generation? No sir.

I would stake the claim that perhaps Bourne is a pioneer of the next gen, and DJ Gabriel and most of the new guys coming out of FCW and OVW now. They'll be the "next big thing" when Punk and Morrison are Main Eventing in a few years, and so the cycle would've continued since they are getting their start right now...
I'm not sure about pioneers for the next generation. It's way too early to say that. I will say though that Punk and Morrison have the potential to have very good careers. Punk is a 2 time WHC champ and Morrison is a multi time tag champ and former IC champ.

My issue here is not with Punk at all. He's developing into the heel role nicely with Jeff Hardy. The issue for me is Morrison. He, like a younger HBK but still a bit different. He just has yet to really be established into the Main Event, but that could work out. What Morrison needs though in order to break through is a few Pay per view appearances. Maybe put him in a program with someone like either Ziggler or Jericho. Let him be in a feud where he gets PPV appearances on a regular basis and he will break into the Main Event in no time. I could easily see WM 30 being main evented by Punk and Morrison.
Punk and Morrison are definitely on the right track and should lead the next generation of stars of WWE into superstardom. It's interesting how WWE has changed over the years because it seems as if the biggest stars of tomorrow are little guys like Punk, Morrison, Bourne, and Kingston. The biggest guy of the new blood is Jack Swagger and I didn't realize how big he was until he stepped in there with Cena and Orton. The guy is quite large. However, he's not a muscle-bound beast. He's not 6'6" 325 and WWE has made no secrets about going after big men to carry their company. Now, it seems Vince has no choice but to put his money on the little quick guy rather than the big man with the superhuman strength.
let's say hypothetically that Jeff Hardy hasn't resigned or won't be. Jeff is done after Night of Champions or so. Edge is hurt. Undertaker shows no signs of returning. If they are turning CM Punk heel they can't have him feud with Jericho just yet. That leaves only John Morrison as an opponent at Summerslam. I see this match happening then. CM Punk is definitely a future face of the company or close to it. Morrison I don't think will ever be viewed as a face of a company but that shouldn't stop him from being a multi-time champion and a main eventer.
Undoubtedly, these guys are surely going to be headlining PPV matches in the next 2 years or preferably, earlier, if the WWE are playing their cards correctly.

Like others, their feud on ECW really did give the viewers something to tune into and enjoy whilst even then we we're being suffocated with HHH and Cena feuds. It was fresh and still is, and as long as they can continue to have matches which excel each other then there is no reason to why they can't be seen as the next couple of Superstars who get that quintessential push into the main event.

We are currently witnessing another talent boom within the WWE, much similar to the one back in 2003-2005, in which Orton, Batista, Rey and Cena all took that step up into the main event. They were at that point the crème of that current group of talent (Which to be fair, wasn't as promising as this new group) and are now lacing all of our main events and unfortunately also robbing some of the younger talent of any air time.

As previously pointed out, some era's/generations are easier to point out than others, and it can be hard to truly define a Generation.

Regardless, I am more than happy to see these 2 in particular excel into the main event and finally freshen things up whilst opening the possibilities of more feuds with both the established talents and the other up-and-comers.
No the WWE and most if it's fans know this next generation is going to be led by two people Randy Orton and John Cena. Morrison and Punk have talent but they will never be on Orton and Cena's level.
About 2 years ago these two fought for the ECW title against each other.

Well. That's what ECW is for.

My question is are Morrison and Punk the new John Cena and Randy Orton in a few years?

No. John Cena and Randy Orton are much bigger stars than Punk and Morrison are now or will be in a few years.

They have similar styles to each other and are both REAL wrestlers not the big muscle guys like your Batista's and John Cena's.

I hate it when people say this. I really, really do. You completely lose all credibility with statements like this.

A pro-wrestler only needs to get fans to care and make money for teh company. Batista and John Cena do this, to a greater extent than Punk or Morrison. Therefore, by real pro-wrestling logic, those "big muscle guys" are infinitely better wrestlers than Punk and Morrison.

What are your ideas??

To interpret your post literally, no. They will not be pioneers of the wrestling scene. Hogan was a pioneer. Punk and Morrison are no pioneers.

However, if you're arguing that they're going to lead the new generation, then sure. Swagger/Punk/Miz/MVP/Morrison are the new wave of main-event players. You could make the argument that Morrison and Punk are ahead of that curve, but I would rather argue that Punk,Swagger, and MVP are going to be the real head of the new pack.
Well there always seem to be 2 wrestlers who are the focus of an era.
Hogan and Savage (At least I think it's Savage, some will say it's Warrior.), Hart and Michaels, Austin and Rock, Cena and Batista.
Yes, Batista, not Orton. Orton is the third man of this era, the Triple H.

But yeah, I think Punk and Morrison will be the faces of the next generation. CM Punk right now reminds me of late 1998/ early 1999 The Rock. He's in the main event even though he's not quite ready yet, but when he gets to the point where we know he should be in the main event, it'll be awesome like 2000 era Rock.
John Morrison is interesting though, I feel his spot as the "second guy" of the next era could go to Ted Dibiase JR. I think those two guys are gonna be fighting each other for who's gonna be the second guy and who's gonna be the third guy, The Diesel, The Triple H, the Randy Orton.
Morrison is off to a good head start, he's beaten some world champions and he's getting his first world title shot next month. Ted is still a midcarder and a jobber to the stars. He's had a match against Orton where he put up a great fight but nothing more. So I think unless Dibiase starts rising alot quicker, the "Second guy" will be Morrison.
It'll be great to watch though, John Morrison and CM Punk in a few years time going at it at Wrestlemania perhaps, looking back at their ECW title matches, looking at how far they've come. I truly can't wait for the moment when they look at each other across the ring for the first time, both as main eventers, fighting for a world title.

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