Pick Dr. Steven Kurtesy's New Theme Song!

Which Song Should Be The Good Doctor's New Entrance Theme?

  • "Psychotically Deranged" - Cage

  • "Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)" - Robert Palmer

  • "Slither" - Velvet Revolver

  • "Frontier Psychiatrist" - The Avalanches

  • "Voices" - (Rev Theory cover)

  • "Doctor, Doctor" - UFO

  • "Psycho" - Imelda May

  • "Clinic For Dolls" - UnSun

  • "Suffocated" - Orianthi

  • "Faster" - Within Temptation

Results are only viewable after voting.

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Hello WZCW Universe,

It's the good doctor Steven Kurtesy here and I wish to ask you a personal question. No, no... I'm not going to ask you how you feel or throw any of my "psychobabble" towards your direction. I merely pose a question which you have encountered before in the form of that quirky Barbosa. The fans had the choice to pick their favourite theme song to equip to him as he walks out... and I wish to do something similar to that.

I will be providing a list of choices that I feel could necessarily work for me and I'd like to get the opinion from every WZCW fan out there as to which one you'd think would go best. The winning choice will become the good doctor's new entrance theme!

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ONE: "Psychotically Deranged" - Cage

Whilst I realise that this is my current theme song, there will be some people out there that resist change and would rather me not do this poll. So, might as well keep this as an option then. Personally, I'm a little indifferent to this song because of A) the legal issues with the song promoting me raping people in the head and B) the viciousness of the song. I do like it... but I do feel a change could be positive.

TWO: "Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)" - Robert Palmer

Speaking of resisting change... let's go further back into my career when I first started out with the company and put forth the first ever entrance theme I ever used. This was a nice, catchy tune that I regretted changing... but Doug Crashin was, for some reason, opposed to this song. It's taken him this long to actually start grooving his moves to the beat. If that can make Crashin dance, it's got to make anyone jam out.

THREE: "Slither" - Velvet Revolver


Whilst we are stuck in the past, does anyone remember one of the greatest tag teams to ever reign supreme in WZCW, known as Teach N' Kurtesy? If you are old enough to experience those fun, hilarious times... this was the theme that we (William Teach and myself), as a tag team, used to come out too... never knew why, but it worked.

FOUR: "Frontier Psychiatrist" - The Avalanches

Backstage at Meltdown 50, I happened to run into a Mr. Hunter Kravinoff who was studying his opponent. Well, that's what he explained it as when he was watching Austin Reynolds in the shower, but I digress. As I was gathering notes on my Lethal Lottery opponent in Wasabi Toyota, he suggested this song to me as something I should be using for my entrance. I had a listen and found myself astounded to how weird, yet perfectly balanced it is... so when I was making this list, I said why not include this song?

WARNING: Kayfabe alert

FIVE: "Voices" - Sandy Deserts (cover of Rev Theory's original)

My personal secretary, Sandy, has been working hard at her leisure activities by pursing one of her dreams to front a rock band. As being the new kids on the block, Sandy Deserts and her band have been performing many covers of songs and the one that has been voted the most popular is their remix of the version "Voices" by Rev Theory. They finally got around to recording it and suggested that I should adopt it to bring fame to their band.

SIX: "Doctor, Doctor" - UFO

Before I joined WZCW, this was the alternative to Robert Palmer's song as my entrance music... and was also the song that I used whilst wrestling in the various independent promotions I went to. Always enjoyed some good UFO... probably one of the good doctor's favourite bands, as well as topic for conversation whilst I'm not at work. I find both variants fascinating.

SEVEN: "Psycho" - Imelda May

Many people comment that with the way I dress, the people I associate with, the way I speak and the personality I have really compliments the older days of society. I think that this song that I recently stumbled really brings out what I am and can fit really well... apart from the fact that I am mentally stable and am not going insane, lol!

EIGHT: "Clinic For Dolls" - UnSun

Sandy and I usually play a game every month where we show each other a "band of the week." She picks a band and I pick a band. We switch choices and listen to them for that week to review them. It's done purely to expand our musical tastes. The most recent one was known as UnSun and I picked up their latest album due to how much I like this and found this track to be exceptionally well enough to make my list.

NINE: "Suffocated" - Orianthi

What kind of Australian would I be if I didn't have at least one Aussie musical talent on my list of choices? I am a big fan of Orianthi's music, ever since her breakthrough performance being Michael Jackson's lead guitarist on his last ever tourist. Even Sandy agrees she is a pretty good talent (and it's quite hard to please her... trust me, I'm a doctor!)... so why not share her epic abilities with the world by rocking this up?

TEN: "Faster" - Within Temptation

Three words: Sharon den Adel

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Well WZCW Universe, those are your choices. If you feel any of these are insufficient, feel free to sign up and post your own suggestion! If I like it better than the ones I've designated, I may just pick yours for consideration!

Good luck and let the best song win! You have one week to make your decision! Until next time, cya later mates and havagudwun!

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