PG era starting to fade ?

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Dark Match Winner
I know i know, this is coming off the heels of the greatest promo/shoot of all time..........but this is much much more than that, before i go any further, let me review why in fact, i think PG is fading, and more "attitude" is coming back.

1. The attitude era and the edgier/controversial stars of their times are being welcomed back like crazy right now. These guys are being given free roam and open mic , and its really affecting the crowds. At least once or 2x a month we have a former star involved in some way.

2. Language. Over the past few months we have seen more and more of the old language seep in uncensored.....not only did Mark Henry say ASS repeatedly on tv, but WWE is showing hype videos of him saying it constantly.

3. Violence. There has been a big increase in old school violence, be it by regular bleeding (im sure blading is still outlawed) or by hardcore styles being used in alot of matches EVERY night (Orton and Sheamus and Cena/Miz used a singapore cane !, Mark henry blasting Show with a cage door and blowing him through it).

4 Crowd. There is becoming an increasing amount of crowd reaction in every city WWE goes to now.....and its not only for Cena. Heels are getting positive crowd reactions on a nightly basis, guys like Zack Ryder are getting enormous pops because they want to be seen, heck even every Cena match has at least HALF of the building chanting Cena sucks.

Overall i think we are starting to see a move more towards the WWE we all knew and loved. WWE really faded big time over the past few years, and could really use a spark to lure the old fans, and new fans back, and it really seems like they are taking small steps toward making it at the very least, an edgier product.
If I've posted this once...
I've posted it a million times.
Because a million threads have posted the same thing with every heel thing that happens.

It's basically a way for sponsors like MATTEL (you know, the guys that make their action figures?) to get on board without feeling risk.

Because more people under the age of 14 buy action figures. FACT.


Tell me.
Differences between TV-PG and PG-14.

A bit of different language.

Blood was phased out because of blading actually being a MAJOR health issue. Check out Nigel McGuinness in TN...oh wait he has Hep C because someone bladed and he did in a match and umm. Ya. Infection spreads like a bitch.

Basically...Blood isn't coming back and we DON'T need it.

Edgyness - WWE has ALWAYS BEEN edgy. It's always been promoted as "anything can happen". Randy Orton DDTing Steph...that was just last year. I can probably think of a good few other examples but that comes to mind.

Language - No real difference. Ass isn't really that big of a cuss. People use it in day to day language quite a lot. Same as crap. It's a minor cuss but not enough to make a deal over. Now...Stone Cold coming back and shouting swears would have done it but he didn't. He was toned down. Punk said one word. It got censored. Rock said a few words but those words were said AFTER the watershed. Clever, see? They get away with it.

Violence - Singapore Canes were never banned. Regular bleeding hasn't happened. Actually last time ANY blood happened...was a legit injury I'm sure. I think Cody bled in a match with Mysterio...that was a legit broken nose. Henry blowing Show through a cage...not REALLY that big of a hardcore statement. Something big always happens with cage matches. Nothing has changed.

Crowd - This has an emphasis on what era we're ushering in/

We will NEVER go back to the attitude era. People need to get that. A step BACK to what you've already done once is STILL a step back. WWE wants to move FORWARD and be on the cutting edge of things. Attitude era stars are now just a way to draw, same as in 15 years time, Cena will be returning on shows to say "hi".

WWE has always been edgy. Just in different ways...honestly, it really has.
If I've posted this once...

Edgyness - WWE has ALWAYS BEEN edgy. It's always been promoted as "anything can happen". Randy Orton DDTing Steph...that was just last year. I can probably think of a good few other examples but that comes to mind.

thats was two years ago for wrestlemania 25 sir!

I really hope the pg era is fading away slowly because lets face it, WWe is a watered down wrestling show now. It has stupid gimmicks to keep the children entertained and has lame characters to feed their need!

I hope with more and more language not being censored, that it gives superstars to cut edgier promos and feel like the mean it! im not trying to say that they should cuss all the time but a few colorful words makes it a little more exciting!

Blood! everyone says we dont need blood!! well i miss it! now again im not saying that everymatch should have some busted open bleeding all over the mat! im saying that everyonce in a while blood gets the crowd going and makes the match more believable if its say a hell in a cell or a no holds barred match! i feel like this matches have lost there scary demeanor due to the fact of this watered down wrestling!

Lets face it!!! the pg era has made the WWe not really fun to watch anymore dare i say predictable! Cm punks promo was a breath of fresh air and made me realize that pg era wrestling really retrains on what wrestlers can do creatively. i cant wait to see WWe get more realistic again!
The whole thing you have to consider is what a PG rating means now compared to what PG meant years ago.

For example, a movie that is rated PG13, would have probably gotten an R rating many years ago.

WWE can be PG and still be slightly edgy. But as much as some want to see the Attitude era again, you should probably not hold your breath for that
If I've posted this once...
I've posted it a million times.
Because a million threads have posted the same thing with every heel thing that happens.

It's basically a way for sponsors like MATTEL (you know, the guys that make their action figures?) to get on board without feeling risk.

Because more people under the age of 14 buy action figures. FACT.


Tell me.
Differences between TV-PG and PG-14.

A bit of different language.

Blood was phased out because of blading actually being a MAJOR health issue. Check out Nigel McGuinness in TN...oh wait he has Hep C because someone bladed and he did in a match and umm. Ya. Infection spreads like a bitch.

Basically...Blood isn't coming back and we DON'T need it.

Edgyness - WWE has ALWAYS BEEN edgy. It's always been promoted as "anything can happen". Randy Orton DDTing Steph...that was just last year. I can probably think of a good few other examples but that comes to mind.

Language - No real difference. Ass isn't really that big of a cuss. People use it in day to day language quite a lot. Same as crap. It's a minor cuss but not enough to make a deal over. Now...Stone Cold coming back and shouting swears would have done it but he didn't. He was toned down. Punk said one word. It got censored. Rock said a few words but those words were said AFTER the watershed. Clever, see? They get away with it.

Violence - Singapore Canes were never banned. Regular bleeding hasn't happened. Actually last time ANY blood happened...was a legit injury I'm sure. I think Cody bled in a match with Mysterio...that was a legit broken nose. Henry blowing Show through a cage...not REALLY that big of a hardcore statement. Something big always happens with cage matches. Nothing has changed.

Crowd - This has an emphasis on what era we're ushering in/

We will NEVER go back to the attitude era. People need to get that. A step BACK to what you've already done once is STILL a step back. WWE wants to move FORWARD and be on the cutting edge of things. Attitude era stars are now just a way to draw, same as in 15 years time, Cena will be returning on shows to say "hi".

WWE has always been edgy. Just in different ways...honestly, it really has.

I can think of a million words to describe the current WWE product, but "edgy" would never be one of them. If you honestly think today's product is "edgy", you must be a homeschooled 9 year old kid or something. Excepting Punk as of late, WWE programming has been about as vanilla, milquetoast and safe as humanly possible lately.

I think what the OP was saying wasn't that they were returning to a full blown attitude era. He was saying that they're making it a LITTLE edgier, and they no doubt are. Yes, "ass" and even "bitch" aren't majorly profane words. But up until The Rock returned in February, when was the last time anyone said "ass" with any regularity? Over a year. Yes, swears aren't important. But they certainly add to the realism. That's what WWE has been missing for so long, it's been so ridiculously unrealistic. A grown man is gonna say "i'm gonna kick your ass" when he's mad, he's not gonna make lame, cringe-worthy pop culture references to pander to the little Jimmys.

It's also definitely been more violent lately. That kinda thing happens with cages all the time? Really? Really? The last probably year's worth of cage matches I've seen in WWE have been so boring and stupid that there was no reason to have a cage at all. As far as WWE's recent programming goes, that cage stunt was awesome. And, it made me care about Mark Henry and Big Show for a second, which is no easy feat.

I don't think WWE is returning to a more adult product, but I think they're finally starting to realize "PG" isn't synonymous with "watered-down". And thank God.
Well the way I see it a few years ago lets 2006 when DX returned and was giving the McMahons's hell. That was one of the best times in Wrestling. Now I started watching it in 2005 and start of 2006 year, when the Edge and John Cena riviraly and that time was just amazing. But when it went PG and John Cena was doing his regular thing's every week and Vince wasn't on there bitching about something. Wrestling just started to fade but. I have noticed for of the old stuff coming back and I hope it continues.
If I've posted this once...
I've posted it a million times.
Because a million threads have posted the same thing with every heel thing that happens.

It's basically a way for sponsors like MATTEL (you know, the guys that make their action figures?) to get on board without feeling risk.

Because more people under the age of 14 buy action figures. FACT.


Tell me.
Differences between TV-PG and PG-14.

A bit of different language.

Blood was phased out because of blading actually being a MAJOR health issue. Check out Nigel McGuinness in TN...oh wait he has Hep C because someone bladed and he did in a match and umm. Ya. Infection spreads like a bitch.

Basically...Blood isn't coming back and we DON'T need it.

Edgyness - WWE has ALWAYS BEEN edgy. It's always been promoted as "anything can happen". Randy Orton DDTing Steph...that was just last year. I can probably think of a good few other examples but that comes to mind.

Language - No real difference. Ass isn't really that big of a cuss. People use it in day to day language quite a lot. Same as crap. It's a minor cuss but not enough to make a deal over. Now...Stone Cold coming back and shouting swears would have done it but he didn't. He was toned down. Punk said one word. It got censored. Rock said a few words but those words were said AFTER the watershed. Clever, see? They get away with it.

Violence - Singapore Canes were never banned. Regular bleeding hasn't happened. Actually last time ANY blood happened...was a legit injury I'm sure. I think Cody bled in a match with Mysterio...that was a legit broken nose. Henry blowing Show through a cage...not REALLY that big of a hardcore statement. Something big always happens with cage matches. Nothing has changed.

Crowd - This has an emphasis on what era we're ushering in/

We will NEVER go back to the attitude era. People need to get that. A step BACK to what you've already done once is STILL a step back. WWE wants to move FORWARD and be on the cutting edge of things. Attitude era stars are now just a way to draw, same as in 15 years time, Cena will be returning on shows to say "hi".

WWE has always been edgy. Just in different ways...honestly, it really has.

Very deep and interesting spin on it.

I don't believe the "Attitude Era" is coming back, at least not in the foreseeable future. I think they're slowly, very slowly I might add, progression forward, but this phase of the company will be over probably when the audience that they are currently catering to becomes teenagers, which will be in about another 4-6 years. Yep, another 4-6 years, but think about it this way: The Attitude Era ended almost 10 years ago, which beget the "Ruthless Aggression Era which beget the current state that the company is in now. Did anyone else look up and say, "wow, 10 years have passed." It passed seamlessly until people clamoring for the "good ol' days of Attitude" started to complain and notice the time away from the era to now. Simply stated, a lot has happened in 10 years that most people probably haven't even noticed.

Also, isn't there enough "Attitude" on T.V. nowadays anyway? I'm sure if you don't get your fix of whatever you want that WWE isn't supplying, you could simply turn over to Spike, watch some UFC, or one of your favorite HBO channels and see Real Sex or one of the Terminator movies. What I'm saying is, WWE has a company to run, and if they feel their company is better ran at the current rate, then so be it. Obviously they're doing something right, regardless of other's objections, and companies like Blockbuster & even Kellog's apparently aren't...and that's why those companies, like others, are going out of business. I mean, yeah the Attitude Era was great, but look who they had then. Young guys like HHH, Austin, The Rock, Michaels, a younger Undertaker, etc etc. Everything they did was new and never seen before. So what, if the company started doing the same things they did 15 years ago, sooner or later people would find a reason to complain about that. That's just what people do. Never satisfied.

The Attitude Era isn't coming back no time soon. I loved it, but I got over it not being around anymore. The product could be better, but not by slapping a label on it. It gets better by those who make it better.
Obviously they're doing something right, regardless of other's objections, and companies like Blockbuster & even Kellog's apparently aren't...and that's why those companies, like others, are going out of business.

COMPLETELY different. Blockbuster is a victim of the Internet. And uhh..source on Kellogg's going out of business lol?

They're being safe, they're getting sponsors, they're still making money, I get it. But what's good for business is not always what's good for the product. This era of wrestling will go down as the most forgettable and unimportant eras in the history of the "sport". People always talk about classic Flair moments, classic Hogan moments, classic HBK moments, classic Austin/Rock moments, and likely will forever. There's simply nothing to talk about these days. In 10 years no one's gonna be like "man, remember that time Miz said he was better than everyone? And remember when Cena never gave up? I was really on the edge of my seat then!".

I get that WWE is making money and is therefore a successful business. It doesn't make the product anything to write home about.
You can get away with quite a bit these days with PG take "Tough Enough" as a example they allowed "God Damn" and "Asshole" to be uncensored a word that WAS always bleeped on TV in the attitude era so it shows you can get away with more these days.

WWE in 2009 and 2010 was very very tight with the PG rating and i don't remember any swearing back then and we got very childish stuff (2009) As we moved to 2010 they took a much better route and had a much better year and now 2011 has had swearing almost every week with Austin even slipping in a "Bullshit" and nothing happened from it no complaints. Last night when Punk said "Kissing ass" it made much more impact than if he said "Butt"

Just remember this is the WWE PG rating they could get away with alot!! Even blood its just up to them to let the guys have a bit of freedom.
Hell yah!

i know you all spending much time on this issue. so let me help you all to sort out some things...

1. WWE will not go back to attitude era.
2. PG era is not going to be over untill December 2014, as WWE has the contract with MATTLE untill that period.

3. WWE is slowly trying to make the show a little 'edgy' PG era.

4. CM Punk is the Man who will lead this change in company through an invasion angle.

5. Wwe will make some unpredictible moves in coming weeks to make the people think that PG era is coming to an end.

6. Punk's invasion angle will be against a PG army lead by John Cena and HHH.

7. It is for sure WWE has brought someone like Paul Heyman as the head of Creative Team, who has given the freedom of expression to the wrestlers.
People seem to think an edgy product means spouting out profanities or having the "divas" dyke out in a bra and panties match. It doesn't have to be. You can have a rebellious defiant edgy product without it being inappropriate for 8 year olds to see. I mean all you have to do is keep the "bullshits" to a minimum and keep the divas from fisting each other in the ring. I know that sounds lame, but trust me, no matter how raunchy they get, they won't be porn.

And as for the guys who claimed the 80's were the PG era as well, they didn't have TV ratings in the 80's. And their product wasn't necessarily PG always. I mean having a king cobra bite Randy Savage isn't exactly my idea of PG. Nor was Rick Rude gyrating for the crowds looking for a **** in the audience to make out with.
PG era is here to stay, well at least for the time being, it's just the cycle of sports and entertainment, the attitude era guys started retiring and getting older, so it just wasn't cool to have other people act like the way it was in the olden days because in the end there is only one SCSA and Rock, this PG era might suck ass to us long time fans of the sport but to a new kid watching wrestling seeing a John Cena shirt and action figure while screaming at there mum/dad to buy it isn't sucking to Vince, WWE will always change because it's an ever evolving Sport,

i myself have been watching pro wrestling since about 1994 and have always watched it religiously, tbh i haven't really payed much attention since Cena came about as a main eventer, this isn't a dig at cena, i just don't find him to be intriguing, i remember the days when i couldn't wait to see The Rock vs SCSA, and then i couldn't wait to see Tripple h vs Taker, and the same went for the other guys, now it feels to me as if there maybe one match i'm looking forward to every now and then, i don't really care about the tag titles, neither of the mid card titles feel like anything more then...... well the mid card titles, a Intercontinental title should make you feel as if the man holding it is a shoe in for a future world champ,

people may say blood is pointless, and it's a safety hazard, well it can be a safety hazard but i'v never heard of anyone having a serious problem due to a cut in wwe, tna, roh, njpw are a different story, in the end the people that say blood has no effect to a match, do you really think that?, because i know when Shawn VS'd HHH and was bleeding like a stuffed pig it made the match that much better,
No it's not. I wish people would realize PG is not the problem. The lame characters, matches, and stories are the problem.

I also wish people who hate PG would say the correct rating of TV-14 if they want their blood and violence.

But the audience is changing, far more kids and women now.
First off let me say that yes, the Attitude era was great. It was oh so fun to watch Stone Cold call people a sum' bitch and DX telling the world to suck their junk, but like someone else stated...that was nearly 10 years ago. If it were the same way now adays then it wouldn't be callled an "Era".

I think that WWE is just fine the way it is now. Yes, CM Punk made me mark out like a little kid again last night but if that happened all the time it would've been stale and played out. We all had our time as little kids enjoying wrestling, so I see no need to complain about the little dudes in the Cena shirts now. Don't anyone remember marking out for Hogan or Bret Hart? Hell, I remember crying when Bret lost the WWF Title to Psycho Sid on RAW one night.
Just to contribute.

“Over 10 years ago Bret Hart gave a great promo which he bashed the then WWF and Vince. This led to the Montreal Screwjob and the dawn of the “attitude era” in wrestling. I believe history is repeating itself, and CM Punk’s shoot tonight is an early indication of what is to come. Vince has said that in business you have to go backwards in order to go forwards. The second “Attitude Era” in wrestling is coming.”
— Dave Carranza

I think that man is on to something, personally. And It might be the opposite of "level headed" but nothing that you people say can convince me otherwise. It wont be an attitude era, it will be it's own Era. It will have all that everyone enjoyed from the Attitude Era but improvements to make things more marketable and possibly even a lot more enjoyable. It's not like the WWE doesn't have more money this time around, so they could do things a lot nicer.

And this has been my first post.
I believe that the Attitude Era will not return because it's done, finished, and written in the history books. The reason why Attitude Era became popular because of many reasons: new, innovative, star power, competition, and not a lot of choices for TV at the time. "PG era starting to fade" is something that can't be answered, because you could still push the envelope in PG and make it entertaining. I know I shouldn't compare WWE to something else, but I'm gonna do it anyway. See Toonami. It was Cartoon Network's Action Block that was around for 11 years (1997-2008). That action block knew how to push the envelope in their programming. Most of their cartoons were either TV-Y7 or TV-PG, and when I asked people about Toonami, no one complained about their shows. Unfortunately, bad management caused Toonami to face cancellation. So, if you want to blame WWE making bad decisions, blame management, not a TV rating.
Jesus f'kn Christ people..

Just because Punky did a promo that you wouldn't have seen a few months ago you are all going crazy that the Attitude Era might be back. Get a grip!

If you see Austin coming back full time, drinking beer, swearing his head of and doing his middle finger to everyone, thats when you may start to think about it.

If Foley came back doing his crazy ass stunts and shit.. Again, might want to think about it.

But when Punk says ass a couple of times, that is nothing. Just making an impact with the word ass! Not really a curse or anything on the boarder.

And as for the Attitude Era.. Nothing will be like it EVER again!
Hell yah!

i know you all spending much time on this issue. so let me help you all to sort out some things...

1. WWE will not go back to attitude era.

Duh. The Attitude Era, while cool, was in a time and place where Vince needed to do something drastic to keep from going under, or he would have had to do "something stupid", as he said on the Monday Night War DVD. This ain't that time or place anymore. They're the biggest, and highest valued game in town. Why change the money machine when it ain't broke?

2. PG era is not going to be over untill December 2014, as WWE has the contract with MATTLE untill that period.

It's spelled Mattel, but we get the point. They want to sell action figures. If you could, you would too. Kids love toys. Vince loves money. Match made in heaven!

3. WWE is slowly trying to make the show a little 'edgy' PG era.

Everyone has said this already. In fact, the entire thread has said this.

4. CM Punk is the Man who will lead this change in company through an invasion angle.

Invasion? Who the hell is invading? :lmao:

5. Wwe will make some unpredictible moves in coming weeks to make the people think that PG era is coming to an end.

The OP said this first. Why reiterate it?

6. Punk's invasion angle will be against a PG army lead by John Cena and HHH.

NO idea where that one came from.

7. It is for sure WWE has brought someone like Paul Heyman as the head of Creative Team, who has given the freedom of expression to the wrestlers.

Or... they just gave Punk a mic and said, "Do your thing, man. We trust you."

CM Punk is one of the greatest mic men in the 21st Century. His promos, be they face or heel or something inbetween, have always inspired the viewers to respond.

I'm glad the WWE is deciding to "go there" more with its talent, to showcase their abilities outside of reading scripts. We need more of that.
First of all, do you have any idea how many people have started threads just like this? Misguided threads claiming that the IWC-despised and overly-criticized PG WWE is coming to an end, using a recent event, or string of events, as justification? Too many.

First of all, I’d just like to say that CM Punk’s promo was not the greatest of all time. Despite what anyone says, he cut that promo with McMahon’s approval (really, people should be crediting him as well, or instead) and it will not go down with the greats (such as Austin 3:16). He broke kayfabe, and while it was fresh and exciting (I’ll admit my jaw dropped during the course of it) it’s hardly groundbreaking. What I’m trying to say is: Despite the IWC’s throbbing boner, nothing is gonna change as a result of what Punk said. It was a promo, one that got one talking (and rightfully so), but it’s not an indication of a huge change within WWE. Half WWE’s audience probably didn’t even get what he was talking about.

Secondly, WWE isn’t PG. It never has been. Sure at the beginning of Raw it says so, and it portrays its product as such, but in reality aware wrestling fans realise that professional wrestling can never truly be PG. There may not be blood, but there is still violence that is unparalleled in any other PG product.

And thirdly, WWE isn’t gonna stop being PG anytime soon. “Wait, but that contradicts your second point!” I hear you idiotic 10%er comment. WWE labels itself in a certain way to gain credibility and attract young fans – and it’s working. Well, kinda. Why would they change that and risking the 25% of their audience that are kids? Or why would McMahon further jeopardise his wife’s potential political career? Think about it.

The attitude era and the edgier/controversial stars of their times are being welcomed back like crazy right now. These guys are being given free roam and open mic , and its really affecting the crowds. At least once or 2x a month we have a former star involved in some way.

Appearances by old stars are in no way an indication of the PG era’s decline. The Rock and Stone Cold are back because they are draws –simple as that. Other old stars…they’re just there for nostalgic reasons – nothing more, nothing less. You’re reading too much into it.

Language. Over the past few months we have seen more and more of the old language seep in uncensored.....not only did Mark Henry say ASS repeatedly on tv, but WWE is showing hype videos of him saying it constantly.

And…? Raw can get away with the occasional language slip because it’s live, and as for Mark Henry’s use of the word ass…I don’t actually have anything to say about that. You know why? Because it’s insignificant. So what he dropped the big A word some time? Doesn’t mean the vastly overrated Attitude era is making a comeback.
Violence. There has been a big increase in old school violence, be it by regular bleeding (im sure blading is still outlawed) or by hardcore styles being used in alot of matches EVERY night (Orton and Sheamus and Cena/Miz used a singapore cane !, Mark henry blasting Show with a cage door and blowing him through it).

There really hasn’t been an increase in bleeding recently – sure there’s the occasional issue, but there has been ever since this ‘era’ started. No big deal. And as for this old school violence you’re referencing – you’re over analysing things. Humorously so, actually. The Big Show-Mark Henry cage spot really wasn’t that hardcore, and there have been numerous hardcore style matches over the course of WWE PG – see breaking Point 2009. Some of the most disturbing shit I’ve seen.

Crowd. There is becoming an increasing amount of crowd reaction in every city WWE goes to now.....and its not only for Cena. Heels are getting positive crowd reactions on a nightly basis, guys like Zack Ryder are getting enormous pops because they want to be seen, heck even every Cena match has at least HALF of the building chanting Cena sucks.

Smarks have been around in wrestling for a long time. Nothing new.

WWE is still a finally successful and prosperous business – and it will continue as such. WWE always has the occasional controversial storylines and violence, and as many before you, you are overanalysing things. The Attitude Era is not coming back, take a cold shower.
I feel i need to clarify, that in no way shape or form, did i think or want the attitude era to come back. I was referring to things that were popular in the time period. I believe there will be a whole new era ushered in, if anything at all.

I also wasn't insinuating that i want MOAR BLOOD. I am not a huge fan of blood in wrestling, and i was merely pointing out an observation.
I think that TV PG is just a boogeyman of the IWC. We all scream that that's the problem with wrestling; no blood and no cursing equals no reality.

Seriously, do you really watch wrestling for reality? Don't get me wrong, I don't like my intelligence insulted either, but there is a balance to it. If you go for too real of a product, you get Vince Russo, who caters his show to shocking the IWC. Therefore, only the IWC knows what's going on in his show and it's terrible because of it. You cannot cater a global show to the lowest common denominator, because there are a million reasons why that doesn't make sense. I think it's hilarious and yet sad that the IWC screams about wanting real athletes and real, "wrestlers," and then turns around and says the problem with the show is that they're not senselessly bleeding and bashing each other about the head with chairs. Sure, older fans like CM Punk more than John Cena because he's much more edgy and intelligent, but again, we're the minority. Vince McMahon isn't stupid; from day one the man was trying to turn his product into a global monopoly. He's not trying to be Ring of Honor, so if you want Ring of Honor, then go find ROH DVDs and buy their live shows. Vince understands that his show needs to be for everyone, because if you cater to a small crowd then you're only going to be ECW and let's face it, there's a reason ECW died. You can only throw Balls Mahoney through a flaming table so many times before the insatiable IWC starts getting bored with that too, so you might as well go with the other approach and stick to financial security, which involves pushing the T-Shirts and dolls. I know, I know that ECW was more than just flaming tables, but even then, most performers would much rather go out and wrestle a normal match than get hit with chairs and tables every show. Even Mick Foley tried to give up the hardcore lifestyle, and his iconic anti-hardcore promo from ECW never rang true more than when he tried to give up hardcore and do the Rock & Sock Connection, only to get dragged back down into the uber-violence because older fans only appreciated him for that. No, Mr. Socko isn't edgy and real enough; this guy needs to get thrown 20 ft. now. Guys, TV PG is not an issue, it's a red herring. TV PG and television marketed towards kids are not the same thing. You can still be edgy with PG; Punk proved that last night. Blood and cursing don't make your show edgy, they make it juvenile.

I'm sorry to get on my soap box about this, but whenever you check these forums and every single time there are people pointlessly analyzing and dissecting what is essentially trash TV, it's just pretentious and it only makes the people trying to feel intelligent look more stupid. I'm not trying to make friends by saying this nor am I saying that I'm better than anybody because clearly I'm not. I'm apart of the IWC just like everyone else here, I watch the show every week, and it's not like I don't get why people analyze wrestling because I do; it's a fun way to share your thoughts about something you love. But, instead of coming here and sharing what we liked about the show, we more often than not come here and share how we think we ourselves could have made it better. There is a reason Vince succeeded where so many other people have failed, and it's because he knows what works. Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette are geniuses, sure, but again, there is a reason that one avoids the business like the plague and the other is struggling to promote a small Indy promotion. Vince knows what works. Sure, WWE nowadays has lost a lot of its edge, but stop complaining about TV PG. After the Chris Benoit tragedy, that kind of violence isn't coming back and it shouldn't. I know I've just wasted as much time as anybody analyzing the IWC for analyzing wrestling, but wake up, gang. Mark Madden was right in his new article: catering to the IWC is stupid because it isolates the majority and we shouldn't be mad whenever it goes back to business as usual.
They can take away the PG rating. But people with think it's the Attitude Era all over again. But it will be a completelty different thing. It was just an era hence Attitude ERA.
Starting with Rock coming back and letting a few uncensored "bad words" fly through to Punk's promo last night, some of the blandness that's plagued the WWE of late is fading a little. They're giving us mature fans what we would like to see/hear. Would I like for more of an Attitude Era product? Yes. In today's product, you won't see Austin making VKM piss his pants or or shove a catheter up his rectum. Will Attitude ever come back full force? Only time will tell. Until then, all we can hope for are some more interesting wrestlers, smarter gimmicks and hope like hell VKM will let creative be more creative while booking gives us more compelling matches

And that my friends, is the problem with WWE right now.
Dear, dear me. Shame I don't own a gun. Look, times change. Look at horror movies. Scream 1-3 was an 18 (remember I'm English) and Scre4m was a 15, yet there was no real difference in violence. Same with WWE. TV-14 of 2001 is basically PG of 2011.

Also, superstars, matches and storylines make the show better, not "ass" and "bullshit." Stone Cold and The Rock would have worked today. Why? They are entertaining. Just like how CM Punk, John Morrison and other guys can get over today easily. Cos they're entertaining. Cena's rapper gimmick would make him 10x popular.

It isn't the age rating. It is the product.
Dammit why is there a thread about this every time a wrestler in WWE says "ass" or something and to be quite honest most people where I live at the age of like freaking 8 know how to swear others down... Where I live the older you are the less you tend to swear for no apparent reason.

Punks promo was hardly pushing boundaries that far it was still very much PG, just not the WWEPG we've become used to as of late. Now im bored of this subject so this post ends.
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