Petey Williams: X-Division Savior?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Petey Williams wrestled for TNA from 2004 to 2009, before the company let his contract expire. I have no idea if there were backstage issues, he had other aspirations, or they simply didn't want to use him anymore...but he left TNA and has since become a Tag Team Champion in Lucha Libre USA.

Currently the X-Division is void of recognizable talents. Austin Aires is the best they have, and that's exactly why he's been champion for so long. But outside of him, who can they put the belt on? Kid Kash is an over-rated indie guy that looks like he has no interest whenever he's in the ring, not to mention he's a TERRIBLE mic worker. Ion is slowly coming along now that he's a heel and can express some personality, and Sorensen has a "classic look" and needs to come out dressed like a WRESTLER, not a FOOTBALL PLAYER. There's some potential there, but not a whole lot.

Alex Shelly is returning to X-Division action in house shows this weekend. That likely means he will be back on Impact this week or next. Chris Sabin could return from injury soon, but would they work the X-Divsion, or the even more void Tag Team division?? I think Petey Williams is a talent that could help the X guys out a lot right now. Bring in a familiar face, give the division a bit more depth, and help raise up the new generation of stars. Brian Kendrick is still on the roster as well...

Aires, Sorensen, Kash, Ion, Shelley, Sabin, Kendrick, and Petey Williams. That sounds like a well-rounded division to me, and certainly more entertaining than what we've got going on right now. Your thoughts?
i couldnt agree more id love to see petey williams come back to tna i loved his matches and he can do some cool shit including the flip piledriver! i also think brian kendrick needs to start wrestling on impact again and jesse sorenston for sure needs to stop with the stupid football and letterman jacket hes not a football player hes a WRESTLER but on the plus side sorenston is good! bottom line i agree petey needs to come back but maybe there was backstage problems nobody knew about? :shrug: atleast alex shelley is coming back now to add a new face into the divison and as far as sabin goes...i think once hes back it will only be a matter of time until the guns are tag champs again
I agree with you as well I think Petey Williams can really help the X division as well. Lets not forget that Chavo Guerrerro is working the India tapings so if he gets along well with the agents there he might be on Impact as well. I wouldnt mind seeing programs like Kendrick-Petey or AA-Chavo.
The X-Division has always been young up and comers and Indy guys' first chance at national exposure. I enjoyed Petey's work and would like for him to come back, but also use this as a chance to build new stars.I like that the are using who they are in the X-division, and that A Double isn't wearing a roach clip anymore. They need to expand the division.
Before Petey Williams came to TNA, who was he? Did anyone here really know who he was? Absolutely not. It wasn't until Russo (yes, Russo) got a hold of him and made him popular that Petey started to become an interest to the mainstream wrestling fans.

So, why the hell wouldn't I give somebody like Sorensen or Zema Ion the chance to prove themselves? These guys, like Petey back in 2004, are trying to make a name through for themselves through TNA and by the looks of them through their PPV match, they haven't done that terrible of a job of becoming somewhat recognizable.
i miss seeing Petey Williams, loved seeing him in the oldest son has got into wresting latly and had to show him some of peteys work.i dont know why they let him go and wish they would bring him and friendly dude to the fans.

I never watched TNA when he was there, so I don't recognize the name. not that it matters.

what TNA should be doing is putting already established names in the X division. give your general viewers a reason to care about it. Kazarian, Daniels, Pope. names people recognize. Aries beating the others in the X division isn't all that impressive when nobody knows who they are. I'm not saying these other "names" should continuously win, but having them in there helps the other lesser known names become more elevated.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3640183 said:

Petey Williams wrestled for TNA from 2004 to 2009, before the company let his contract expire. I have no idea if there were backstage issues, he had other aspirations, or they simply didn't want to use him anymore...but he left TNA and has since become a Tag Team Champion in Lucha Libre USA.

Currently the X-Division is void of recognizable talents. Austin Aires is the best they have, and that's exactly why he's been champion for so long. But outside of him, who can they put the belt on? Kid Kash is an over-rated indie guy that looks like he has no interest whenever he's in the ring, not to mention he's a TERRIBLE mic worker. Ion is slowly coming along now that he's a heel and can express some personality, and Sorensen has a "classic look" and needs to come out dressed like a WRESTLER, not a FOOTBALL PLAYER. There's some potential there, but not a whole lot.

Alex Shelly is returning to X-Division action in house shows this weekend. That likely means he will be back on Impact this week or next. Chris Sabin could return from injury soon, but would they work the X-Divsion, or the even more void Tag Team division?? I think Petey Williams is a talent that could help the X guys out a lot right now. Bring in a familiar face, give the division a bit more depth, and help raise up the new generation of stars. Brian Kendrick is still on the roster as well...

Aires, Sorensen, Kash, Ion, Shelley, Sabin, Kendrick, and Petey Williams. That sounds like a well-rounded division to me, and certainly more entertaining than what we've got going on right now. Your thoughts?

The X DIvision is not "void of recognizable talents". Kid Kash was with TNA for 4 years (2002-2005) and just like Williams is also a former title-holder. Anyone who watched then would have recognized his face the same as they would have Williams, but I do agree with your overarching point that the division lacks familiarity on the whole.

MCMG will return to the tag division, so I'm not even counting them for anything more than intermediate matches (with Shelley, who's returning first).

Williams could certainly help bolster the ranks a bit, but he is no savior. As much as it pains me to say it, that title is reserved (IMO) for John Morrison when he's eligible to join the company.

TNA's division would then look something like Morrison, Aries, Kash, Ion, Sorensen, Neese and technically Kendrick (who's been MIA a while now).
There are far better guys out there to give that effect than Petey Williams. Guys like Low Ki, Red or Jerry Lynn can do that and would be more attractive to viewers than Petey. For the most part, the man literally been a one move wonder and ran TNA as such.
Petey is pretty busy here in Metro Detroit, between CLASH Wrestling and XICW, it seems like he's always busy. the problem is CLASH wrestling works out of a back area of a flea market. XICW works out of a rock Bar, so you know he probably doesnt make shit. sad too!
I've never seen a XICW show, but CLASH is a lot of fun! Rhino's been there, Tommy Dreamer, Colt Cabana, Jimmy Wang Yang.

But Petey needs a bigger Crowd if you ask me! TNA sorely needs someone like him. he is far more then a one-move wonder as the previous poster stated.

If you were to sneak Petey in without the crowd knowing, and brought him out on Impact, the crowd would lose their minds!

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