Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond) Debuts as New Commentator on TNA Xplosion

Well since I made that thread about Eric Bischoff leaving Xplosion commentary, Jeremy Borash now has a new partner in Pat Kenney. He is a road agent in TNA, I didn't actually realise it was him at first lol but this is him calling this week's match of Doug Williams v Crimson

Tell me what you guys think of him, I was hoping for a Don West return haha, as for this guy well he's okay I guess but the way he kept saying "size factor" whenever Crimson did something and "experience factor" whenever Doug did something was kinda overkill. I dunno if he's gonna be doing this fulltime or if JB is gonna have a different guest every week.
Don West will never return. He pretty much runs their warehouse and goes to every house show to sell their merch. He wasn't doing that full time when he was on commentary before.
I doubt that Diamond could be as bad on commentary as some who have done it before. As for Don West, I'd only wanna see him return like he was before he left. You know, the drunk that hated Mike Tenay. That was funny. I'm biased though, because I hate Tenay.

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