Owen Hart's legacy being destroyed.

I don't see why WWE should respect Owen now that he is dead but never respected him when he was alive.

Let's face it, Owen Hart was not happy at all with WWE, he was forced to do a stupid stunt that he didn't approve of and everyone is just suppose to sit back and watch WWE make money off of Owen Hart?

If WWE wanted to do something in respect, how about doing something that they wouldn't be gaining?
First off, if you think Martha can feel how she wants about wrestling, you sure have a strange way of showing it. Second, the WWE does not make these DVDs if they think they will not be profitable period. How is this a gesture to rebuild a working relationship that releases 4 months after Bret hart has been working with the company on a weekly basis?

Because these things go into development long before they are released. And yes, Martha can feel however she wants, just as I am free to think she's being a selfish cunt.

Yep, people will definitely take you seriously when you explain such not at all ridiculous notions like Martha's goal is to trash her husband's legacy. The reason he is not credible is that he does not know the kids and he admits it. Yet, he goes on to comment about it. If those two obviously have their issues how is Bret a credible source of unbiased information about her, especially when he was just working for the other party in the lawsuit?

But he's not working for them now, is he? And Bret as a source is just as credible, seeing as how he knew and loved Owen far longer than she had, and that it's not his fault that Owen's kids have been brainwashed by their toxic mother. It is not known why they don't speak, and it really doesn't matter. They are grown up now, they don't need protection. It's not Bret's fault that they don't want to face up to reality.

So now she is psychotic in addition to your other pathetic name calling of a woman you do not even know. You sure are painting Bret like some wonderful guy which is surely not his reputation (unlike owen), at least over the course of Bret's career.

You're missing the point. If this was something that really meant that much, she shouldn't have gone over Bret's head, just like she did taking action against that other mad bitch, Diana Hart-Smith. If family and life meant that much to her, she wouldn't have kept her kids from seeing their uncle. Bret is not a perfect person, did I say that he is? Did I? I didn't think so. Does that mean his insight is useless? Only to troglodytes like you.

Well people said that about Martha for simply filing a lawsuit. Notice the one thing Bret does not say is she is looking for money because he knows that is a stupid idea.

Well, she certainly didn't care that the Hart Family was selling Owen and Bret Hart T-Shirts. The lawsuit is pointed at McMahon because she knows that's what will get her attention, and because it's another part of her never ending crusade against the WWE.

What I am saying is he specifically put that last part in there because he knew a lot of people would read this post and was trying to seel some stuff. So when it comes down to it who really is exploiting Owen and this lawsuit?

So does any other blogger, like JR, even when including it in an other serious and emotional post. Of course, you'd know that if you knew what the fuck you were talking about.

If this was such a meaningful response to him why include that?It is an interesting foil to what Martha did and has been accused of, especially considering her past comments about Bret Hart, money and his wwe work. TNA has nothing to do with this, seems more like you are the one launching the fecal matter at a wall because most of your post is complete shit.

Yes, she's shat all over Bret for ever trying to continue his career because she is a selfish cunt and feels that everyone should feel the way about her dead husband that she does. And I love it when people come out against someone for doing something "because they need the money". Don't all of us work because "we need the money"?

And TNA does have nothing to do with this; It's about all I can figure as to why you feel your opinion is worth anything when it's quite clear that you hold biased opinions of WWE, Vince McMahon, and Bret Hart.

Yeah, there is no such thing as the Owen Hart foundation. She never wrote a book about him. She does not talk about him with her kids. It is ignoring such things that leads idiots to make statements like you end with here. The whole thing is she does not want WWE/McMahon's to be the one to shape his legacy. I might wish there were some more Owen stuff from the WWE out there but I can understand why she does not and respect that because I am not a selfish prick.

But she also kept most of the settlement for herself, cut her children off from their family and fed them lies about their motivations, and criticized those that remained in the WWE because it was where they could make a living. Her interest is in a long drawn out war with the WWE. Just like when Bret took the HoF induction, she can't accept that maybe others have moved on like she is incapable of.
Maybe this is what the children wants, has anyone ever thought of that?

Maybe they don't want to know anything about the company that there father was in that practically killed him.

I mean we don't know what is going on behind closed doors.
Maybe this is what the children wants, has anyone ever thought of that?

Maybe they don't want to know anything about the company that there father was in that practically killed him.

I mean we don't know what is going on behind closed doors.

Again, the kids are old enough now that they don't need to be sheltered from the real world. Fair enough if they don't care to read about it or watch it, but to expect everyone to stop talking about him or how much he meant to us is stupid. And no, we don't know what's going on behind closed doors, so some of you should stop acting like it's Bret's fault that he hasn't talked to them in years.

You can never be to old to not want to hear about a death. I'm at the point in my life where if I knew a company killed a loved one of mine and it could have been prevented, I would have been pissed of as well, especially finding out that they are making money off of using my loved ones name. I don't know how forgiving I would be.

If Linda and Vince agreed to it, there's nothing that us fan can do. If you want to blame soemone blame Vince and Linda for agreeing to it in the first place but can you really blame Martha for being upset?

In Martha mind, she is thinking

Does WWE really want to respect Owen Hart? or Is this just a easy way for them to make money?

No one knows how Owen would have felt about this. No one knows Owen's feelings about how he felt about the company the last few months accept for Martha.

Last thing we knew, Owen was not happy with the company.

I'm not saying this is right, but what I am saying is Martha has the right if there is a contract involved.

WWE could have done a fundraiser of Owen Hart name, and all money proceeds can go to a charity of Owen.

Like I said people get mad at Martha and say she's going after money, but isn't WWE doing the same thing?
If it's contracted, there may be nothing to do about it, true enough. That doesn't mean it's not bullshit though.

I'll let Bret speak for himself here:

Martha needs to accept the sad truth that he's gone, but we all deserve to be able to salute and honor him for being the great man and the great wrestler that he was.


Just because Owen died doesn't mean the Hart legacy from Stu down to his wrestling sons and grandchildren has to die too. The best thing I can do for Owen's kids is take them backstage and introduce them to all the people who love and remember their dad.

Perhaps if she was that worried about him being featured in a DVD set focusing on his family, she should have set up something with the WWE to donate proceeds to the Owen Hart foundation, instead of blasting them with unfounded accusations. Perhaps she'd be better served to work with them as opposed to being a stubborn selfish cunt.
Bret does not tell the truth.

I'm a bret fan and he is my all time favourite wrestler but who is he to go around and tell someone to get over something?

So he basically telling her to get over her husband?

Again there are others way WWE can respect Owen by not making a profit out of it.

They could have a fundraiser under his name, and all proceeds go to charity,

come on.
Bret does not tell the truth.

I'm a bret fan and he is my all time favourite wrestler but who is he to go around and tell someone to get over something?

So he basically telling her to get over her husband?

Again there are others way WWE can respect Owen by not making a profit out of it.

They could have a fundraiser under his name, and all proceeds go to charity,

come on.

Isn't that what I just said? And once a-fucking-gain, the DVD set wasn't released with WWE thinking "Oh boy, we're gonna make millions off of a dead guy!". It would have been pretty odd to make a DVD set about the Hart family, documenting it's impact on wrestling, and not include Owen. I smell funny business here because WWE wouldn't have put out something they knew was violating a contract. There's more here than we know, which is the one thing you've got right so far.

As far as Bret and his opinion goes, he is just as valid as Martha. Once again, did I claim Bret to be a perfect person? No, I don't believe I did. Has Bret said some untrue things in his life, just like every other human being? Why yes, I believe he has. But also being a human being, he is able to move on from something that happend years and years ago. Sure, if your mom died tomorrow, and then afterwards someone tried to make a buck off of her image or likeness, feel free to bash in some knee caps in court. But let's say she's also an actress on a long running show that was respected by all of her peers and fans, and remembered long after her tragic death, and someone was trying to put together a documentary on that show, it would be foolish to not include her.

People like to knock WWE for it's revisionist history, but then expect them to act like Owen never existed because his wife isn't done being bitter after over 10 years.
This really is ridiculous. Suing the WWE for keeping Owen's legacy going? Its not like he's being exploited. Owen obviously loved the WWE and Martha not understanding that is what makes this whole thing wrong. Sure she misses him but "protecting your kids"? Seriously? People have relatives who die in war. They will never forget that. Owen died doing something he loved: Wrestling. Why try and forget that? You want to forget he died? That makes no sense. You know hes dead. The only way to remember him is to remember what he did in his life and that's wrestling. Its his family's business. And since he planned to do it until he could retire comfortably, its obviously important to him. That's why its ridiculous. Its not like she owns him. He owns himself and hes dead. If someone wants to celebrate his life they have that right. The company he worked for has that right because he gave it to them. You'd have to ask what he wants and surely if he knew his brother was in the HOF he would like to be in it also. All we can hope is that Martha either gets her brain in check or her kids eventually allow the WWE to induct him. One way or another if the WWE survives and eventually Owen's rights go to a surviving member who doesn't hate the WWE then he will one day be a part of it. I hope that day isn't years and years away so that Bret can do the honors.

How do you know what the intentions of WWE were when they released that dvd?

Were you backstage?

The dvd was based on the Hart Family, every company wants to make a profit. So please spare me the they didn't want to make money because what company doesn't?

How much valid is he though? Was he living with Owen? Did he know how Owen was feeling? The person that actually knows is Martha.

Martha knows how her husband was feeling the last few moments before he went up there.

Actually know, because I think then it will be just to cover up there ass, because they know they did wrong.

What I don't like is that WWE didn't respect Owen when he was alive, so why start now that he is dead?

For once this isn't about the fans or what we need.

Owen did not love the WWE. He was miserable the last couple of months that he was with them.
Bret does not tell the truth.

I'm a bret fan and he is my all time favourite wrestler but who is he to go around and tell someone to get over something?

So he basically telling her to get over her husband?

Again there are others way WWE can respect Owen by not making a profit out of it.

They could have a fundraiser under his name, and all proceeds go to charity,

come on.

Seriously man, are you taking the piss?

Martha and Owen were husband and wife. Bret and Owen were brothers. If Bret can move on, then why can't Martha?

My only brother died 6 years ago. I have never, and will never miss anyone the same way, or as much as I miss him. But life moves on. Any peron can have multiple relationships, or be married several times. When a relationship ends, no matter why it ends, you move on with your life. When a life ends (provided it's not your own) you move on with your life.

Any death is a tragidy. Martha was in a position where she could financially benefit from the death of Owen. Not everyone can be in that position.

Now she wants to stop WWE from even acknowledging Owen?

If you can not acknowledge the death of a person, then you can not acknowledge the life of that person.

To deny a person's death is the same as denying that they ever lived
Everyone deals with death differently.

No one and I mean NO ONE has any right to dictate how a person should deal with a death.

First of all, Why would Martha want WWE to acknowledge Owen's death, when WWE was responsible for getting him killed in the first place?

Makes no sense to me.

Bret got over it, good for him. He shouldn't expect everyone else to do the same. Everyone heels differently
Here's the thing CenaFan: We don't care. We don't care about Martha, we don't care about her kids, we don't care about her apparent disbelief of Owen's existence. We care about Owen and the fact that he obviously gave more to the fans than he did for his wife. So its no wonder she wants to take away from that. She knows nothing about the WWE and the fact that to have Owen in the HOF is doing him justice. For her however its the complete opposite. She believes giving respect is erasing him from everyone's mind and destroying his legacy. That's why shes getting a lot of heat. Whats better: having millions of people and many generations enjoying your legacy or having a wife and her children getting comfort by forgetting him?
Everyone deals with death differently.

No one and I mean NO ONE has any right to dictate how a person should deal with a death.

First of all, Why would Martha want WWE to acknowledge Owen's death, when WWE was responsible for getting him killed in the first place?

Makes no sense to me.

Bret got over it, good for him. He shouldn't expect everyone else to do the same. Everyone heels differently
I'm not saying how anyone should deal with any greavance, however, Martha says she is doing this to 'protect her/Owen's children'.

Those children will want to know all sorts of things about their father. That might be what different people thought about their father. Memories of their times with Owen. The kind of person he was. His sense of humour.

Martha can give those children some of that information, but not all of it. She is stopping the children from truely getting to know their father by denying them access to the people he spent his life with, whether it be members of the Hart family, or any of his colleagues in the WWE.

What exactly is she protecting them from?

Apparantly no-one in wrestling has ever had a bad word to say about Owen, so she isn't protecting them from hearing bad things about him as a person.

Maybe shes protecting him from the facts of his death?

I can't believe that, since you can type his name into Google and instantly see details on how he died, footage from that night, or the Raw tribute show, Raw is Owen.

This makes me think that she's protecting herself. She has spent 11 years telling the chldren exactly what she wants them to hear, now she doesn't want them to see/hear anything that might contradict her.

lol in that sense

why should martha give a damn about what you guys want, if you guys don't care about her or the kids?

DO you think Owen Hart would appreciate you guys talking crap about his wife and kids?

Do you think your respecting Owen Hart by talking bad about his wife and kids?

These people are someone that Owen loves and cares about.

No that isn't what she's thinking. If people would read what the thing is about, it's about WWE making profit. If WWE was all about respecting Owen, they would not need to make profit out of it.


How do you know she isn’t?

How do you know that it’s her kids that don’t want there father associated with anything WWE related because of how things ended with him?

Why would they want to know all sorts of things? All they know is that this is a company that there father was not happy with and killed there father.

Are you sure this is about the kids? Or is this about what you and the fans want?

How do you know her kids are allowed on the Net?

I’m just saying, we don’t know what goes on behind close does. We don’t know the situation about it.

I think WWE is covering up there ass by doing these things. I think there is more to this then WWE is letting on.
Owen did not love the WWE. He was miserable the last couple of months that he was with them.

That is a very heavy thing to say without proof and like you said too dirtyjose, was you backstage? How can you make such a big statement without proof? I've heard story's that it was Owen's idea/he liked the idea, i dont listen to story's without solid proof and does your's have proof? Owen deserves to be shown and he damn well would want to be shown to younger fans and show what he could do. Bret will and allways have more rights in my opinion because i feel a brother realtionship is so much more think of how long they knew each other and how much it would hurt. In my opinion i find what she is doing is very selfish and rude towards the Hart legacy and family and also she needs to let go i know it's bad but its 11 years now if Bret (With a much more stronger relationship) can let go so can she.
I wasn't backstage but Owen himself stated that he wasn't too happy with how WWE was going even Martha stated it. Iv'e heard stories that Owen Hart was afraid of heights and he never wanted to do this stunt to begin with that is why WWE rehearsed the whole thing before it happened. I even heard Martha state that Owen called her and was saying how upset he was.

A brother relationship is not as thick as a husband and wife. sorry.

How do you know what the intentions of WWE were when they released that dvd?

Were you backstage?

Are you really trying to suggest that the DVD set was all merely a vehicle to make more money off of Owen? If Martha would quit being selfish, she'd have realized that the set isn't about Owen only, and Owen wasn't the only reason people paid for it.

The dvd was based on the Hart Family, every company wants to make a profit. So please spare me the they didn't want to make money because what company doesn't?

I didn't say they didn't want to make money? Do you like looking like an idiot constantly (speaking of which, you still haven't backed up your "Steve Austin wasn't a real wrestler" comment in your Anti-Attitude Era thread)? I said, like above, that the set was obviously not a "Owen Hart" DVD, but a "Hart Family" DVD, and excluding Owen from it would have been stupid and foolish. You keep saying that WWE should given it out for free or something. They already had a free tribute show (Raw is Owen).

How much valid is he though? Was he living with Owen? Did he know how Owen was feeling? The person that actually knows is Martha.

And it hasn't dawned on you that this cunt isn't acting according to how Owen would have wanted to be remembered? Bret is his brother, he grew up with him and worked with him for years. I'll go out on a limb and say that it's plausible that he knew Owen better than Martha did.

Martha knows how her husband was feeling the last few moments before he went up there.

And that supersedes his feelings about things through out his entire life how? And, to borrow from you, it hasn't dawned on you that part of that is just how she's chosen to spun it? You act like you were there, which as evidenced by you Attitude Era thread, you weren't even watching then.

Actually know, because I think then it will be just to cover up there ass, because they know they did wrong.

You see, this is why you shouldn't be a lazy poster; along with the improper grammar, no one understands what the hell this is supposed to be. Please stop being a lazy poster and make your posts clear.

What I don't like is that WWE didn't respect Owen when he was alive, so why start now that he is dead?
They did right afterwards. They have through all this time. You fail to grasp even the most basic points of this conversation; please leave.

For once this isn't about the fans or what we need.

Nope, it's about the wants and needs of a selfish cunt unable to accept that her dead husband was important to many more people than herself.

I'm off to go buy the Bret and Owen Hart "Brothers gotta hug" t-shirt now just to spite her, and to have one before she decides that she has to totally erase him from history.

1 and 2. Every company wants to make a profit. If WWE would quit being selfish, they could have dealt with this a different way. The dvd wasn’t about Owen Hart though, the dvd was about the hart family, but just had Owen name on it, so yes, I can say that they were out to make money. I don’t blame them because that is what every company is wanting, but I just feel they could have handled this differently, if this was really about respecting Owen Hart.

3. How do you know that Owen wanted to be remembered as a wrestler? How do you know that Owen and Martha didn’t talk about this? Your simply talking out of your ass and not actually looking at this from both sides.

4. He wasn’t happy with WWE a few months before he died. I’m not acting like I was there, I’m taking what I’m reading and choosing to agree with Martha on this because if this was someone that I loved and someone was responsible for there death, I simply would not be sitting down with them having a cup of coffee, knowing how miserable my loved one was with them.

5. I am not being a Lazy poster at all. It’s not my fault that you do not understand what I’m saying when I say that WWE is covering up there ass and that there is more to this whole thing then they are leading on. Why is it my fault all of a sudden that you can not accept the fact that we simply don’t agree?

6. Yet you say you respect Owen but you don’t. You are attacking Owen Hart wife and kids and if Owen was alive to today, do you think he would appreciate you talking crap about someone that he loves and respect?

But ya Martha need’s to respect the fans.
Maybe someone could explain to me better the actual grounds for this lawsuit. I understand Martha Hart has sued WWE for using Owen's image and likeness in the years since his death without permission. Specifically, in what programs or materials have they allegedly done so? In other words, does anyone know anymore details of what her specific complaint is? It seems very vague from what I have read.

How do you know she isn’t?

How do you know that it’s her kids that don’t want there father associated with anything WWE related because of how things ended with him?

Why would they want to know all sorts of things? All they know is that this is a company that there father was not happy with and killed there father.

Are you sure this is about the kids? Or is this about what you and the fans want?

How do you know her kids are allowed on the Net?

I’m just saying, we don’t know what goes on behind close does. We don’t know the situation about it.

I think WWE is covering up there ass by doing these things. I think there is more to this then WWE is letting on.

So you're saying that because Owen died in a tragic accident, that his children will avoid EVERYTHING related to WWE, including one half of their ENTIRE FAMILY???

No, Just NO!!!

By this reasoning, because my brother died in a car accident, I should avoid anthing to do with the automobile industry.

Or are you saying that I shouldn't talk to half my family, or anyone who knew my brother, despite the fact that I knew them before his accident?

Anyone who met Owen, has any story about him, anything like that, will be from before he died, in many cases, when his children were alive.

His kids used to go backstage at WWE events, They met everyone who spent time with Owen. But since his death, Martha has denied her children access to these people, with absolutly no regard to the relationships that her children had formed with these people.

These kids are in their teens now. You can NOT stop them from getting on the internet. OK, so you don't get an internet connection at home. They could still get on the internet at school. Or on their mobile phones. Or at friends houses.

Hell, as soon as they introduce themselves to anyone, and say their name, the will be asked 'was your dad Owen Hart?' How would you feel if a complete stranger knew more about your father (or any member of your family for that matter) than you did?

In all honesty, I was never, and, am still not that fussed on a DVD featuring Owen. I was never a big fan of any of the Hart family. I take objection to Martha's response, and those who sympathise with her.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand her point of view, her reasons for her beliefs, and what she is trying to accomplish.

Despite what many (at times, including myself) say, there really is no wrong in this arguement.

WWE are RIGHT to acknowledge the biggest family in wrestling history.

Martha is RIGHT to protect herself and her children.

This isn't a battle between Martha Hart and WWE. Martha sees determined to make it appear that it's her against the WORLD, by making it seem that she is the ONLY person fighting for the dignity of Owen Hart.

This has never been the case. WWE has always treated Owen with great respect. They aren't making money of JUST Owen. It's a Hart Family DVD. They have already done a DVD for Bret. They can't do one for Stu, because they dont own any footage of him, the Hart Family do. Any footage filmed by or for WWE is owned by WWE, no matter who or what it is of, regardless of whether the person/people featured within are still with the company or not, alive or deceased.

Simply put, WWE can CHOOSE whether they want to use any of their archive footage. Just look at Chris Benoit/Eddie Guerrerro for examples. WWE refuse to acknowledge Benoit on TV as a result of the actions at the end of his life. They still feature Eddie because of the way he is remembered.

Owen COULD be in the Hall of Fame, he COULD have had his own DVD before now. He is remembered more fondly among wrestling fans than almost any other wrestler. Yet, because of Martha, he is treated no better than Benoit.

Tell me honestly that you think that is fair
Maybe someone could explain to me better the actual grounds for this lawsuit. I understand Martha Hart has sued WWE for using Owen's image and likeness in the years since his death without permission. Specifically, in what programs or materials have they allegedly done so? In other words, does anyone know anymore details of what her specific complaint is? It seems very vague from what I have read.

This was something that I believe both Linda and Vince agreed upon and there was some type of contract, that states that they are not allowed to use Owen's name in any merchandise or anything like that.

There was a official thing of what Martha was suing about. Do you want me to find it?


It was a tragic accident that could have been avoided if WWE respected there wrestlers and what they do. This was not a accident to me. This was a stupid stunt that WWE constructed to satisfy the fans, despite what the wrestlers felt about it.

Why No, Just No?

I don’t know if I would want to know anything about a company that basically killed my loved one, Why is that so hard to believe? If someone murdered your loved one, would you want to know anything about them?

That is not the issue here. That isn’t what we are talking about. If your brother died in a car accident and someone that was drinking and driving was responsible for that accident, are you telling me that you would sit down with them and have a cup of coffee?

I have met Owen, and I have met Bret. I don’t need Owen in the hall of fame to remember him by. I have my own memories. How do you know they want too? That is what I’m saying. How do you know that this is what the kids want and they don’t want to hear anything about there father and I’m sorry but it’s there right.

WWE isn’t right at all, not if there is a contract that stops them from doing this. Do you not know what a contract is? If a contract is broken, they person has every right to sue them it’s that simple
You see this below? Another lazy post. If you care enough to respond, use quotes. All you did was lump numbers in front of your paragraphs. Way to go out of your way to clean up your posts.


1 and 2. Every company wants to make a profit. If WWE would quit being selfish, they could have dealt with this a different way. The dvd wasn’t about Owen Hart though, the dvd was about the hart family, but just had Owen name on it, so yes, I can say that they were out to make money. I don’t blame them because that is what every company is wanting, but I just feel they could have handled this differently, if this was really about respecting Owen Hart.

And how was WWE to know that Martha was still being a cunt about things, even though she supposedly made her peace with them? How were they to know that she'd wait months before starting shit, oddly timed with Linda's Senate run? You are trying to talk a way out of this, but I'm not going to let you.

3. How do you know that Owen wanted to be remembered as a wrestler? How do you know that Owen and Martha didn’t talk about this? Your simply talking out of your ass and not actually looking at this from both sides.

And you aren't? You obviously already have a chip on your shoulder with internet fans. I am looking at this from both sides, and I still feel that she needs to get over it.

4. He wasn’t happy with WWE a few months before he died. I’m not acting like I was there, I’m taking what I’m reading and choosing to agree with Martha on this because if this was someone that I loved and someone was responsible for there death, I simply would not be sitting down with them having a cup of coffee, knowing how miserable my loved one was with them.

You go ahead and be an emo bitch, if you want. That's your choice.

But, again, him being unhappy for a few months is grounds to neglect the pride and joy he found in doing his work for years before? I don't think so.

5. I am not being a Lazy poster at all. It’s not my fault that you do not understand what I’m saying when I say that WWE is covering up there ass and that there is more to this whole thing then they are leading on. Why is it my fault all of a sudden that you can not accept the fact that we simply don’t agree?

How is the WWE covering up their ass here? You've said this a few times, but you've never explained it; that's why you are a lazy poster.

6. Yet you say you respect Owen but you don’t. You are attacking Owen Hart wife and kids and if Owen was alive to today, do you think he would appreciate you talking crap about someone that he loves and respect?

Probably not, but it's not going to deter me from saying that she is being a selfish cunt. Hell, I'll say it again: she's being a selfish cunt.

But ya Martha need’s to respect the fans.

The fans, and his family, and his friends, and the people who worked with him and loved him, and the new generation of viewers and performers, instead of telling everyone to act like he never existed and never brought us and them joy.
This was something that I believe both Linda and Vince agreed upon and there was some type of contract, that states that they are not allowed to use Owen's name in any merchandise or anything like that.

There was a official thing of what Martha was suing about. Do you want me to find it?

So they had a written contract that WWE would never again use Owen's name or likeness in any future WWE materials or shows? If you can find the official document that's great, but I'm just wondering in what specific show, magazine, book, or whatever they allegedly used Owen's name or image in a way that violated their agreement. Can they not make any reference to Owen whatsoever on-air or in print, or only under certain conditions? I have watched the Bret Hart DVD from a few years ago, around the time he went into the Hall of Fame, and obviously it contains several matches with Owen. Was this allegedly a violation of their contract? I find it very hard to believe that McMahon would have agreed to such a restrictive settlement, basically never being allowed to mention Owen again or air footage of him.

1. That’s WWE fault for not following the damn contract. Is WWE that stupid that they don’t know what will happen if you don’t follow a contract? That is what happens when you take a stupid risk like that. Sorry WWE is to blame for this, not Martha.

2. No I’m not, I’m listening to what Martha has to say and not bashing her for following the damn law. No your not looking at this from both sides, if you were, you would not be calling Martha every name in the book.

3. LOL when it comes to my loved one and someone hurting them, your damn right I am not afraid to be a bitch. I think it does, why should WWE respect Owen now, why wasn’t he respected when he was alive? Isn’t that what counts? How you treat someone when they are alive? Not when they are dead?

4. I just think there is more too this accident then WWE is letting on. I think something more when on then we know about.

5. WWE is selfish as as well. But I don’t see Martha being selfish in this sorry.

6. Sorry but I disagree, all Martha need’s to think about is her kids and herself. You can blame WWE for the way things have been going.

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