Owen a bigger star than Bret?


Complete Awesomeness
First off, I would like to say that I dont know much about Old School wrestling. I made this thread merely to provoke a discussion. So here's my question: If Owen Hart hadn't passed away, do you think he would have ever became a bigger star than Bret? Think about it. With Bret leaving WWE to go to WCW, if Owen were still alive, he would have been in WWE without Bret, so do you think Owen could have filled the void that Bret left after leaving WWE?
It's very apparent that you don't know much about old school wrestling, because if you had, you'd know that this will not elisit discussion, as it's known that Bret Hart is leaps and bounds above his brother, Owen, and he could never accomplish more than him.

Firstly, Bret was a multiple time champion, and a very big draw. Owen hadn't accomplished nothing of that magnitude before his death, and nothing indicated that he could. Owen was given many many oppurtunities to exceed, and pass up his brother, but everyone of them brought mediocre success. He held a few mid card titles, he was involved in random tag teams and won a couple tag championships, and outside of that one thing sticks out. That thing is, his feud with Bret. Bret made Owen look legible, and in those two matches with him, that was teh best he'd ever looked. So, Bret was honestly the only person who Owen had a real good, one on one contest with. Owen had not indicated that he could be as big or a better draw than Bret, and clearly Bret was the better wrestler overall.

Owen could never reach the stardum of his brother becasue he had not indicated such, was never a proven draw, didn't accomplish that much of note, given many chances to excel and didn't, and his career looked to be going in the same mediocre direction. Thus, Bret Hart is a better wrestler than Owen could ever be.
The answer is NO WAY! For all the Bret Hart haters I will give them this. Bret was being pushed in a time when the industry was changing, it was at a low point, & most people watched wrestling from 93-early 96 out of habit. Owen was an 80's early 90's guy. Owen just did not have the charisma, mic skills, or personality to make it. He would have flurished earlier when in ring ability ment something. Bret was very good in my opinion on the mic, especially as a heel. His in ring was 2nd to no one & he had his history from the early shit wrestling period. Owen was good, but he was not the excellence of execution, the best there is, the best there was, & the best there ever will be. I just say this because I love Bret. But looking at it as a unbiasis wrestling fan, there are a lot of guys(shelton benjamin is an example) with great talent that just dont have the IT factor. Bret had it Own didn't.
It's very apparent that you don't know much about old school wrestling, because if you had, you'd know that this will not elisit discussion, as it's known that Bret Hart is leaps and bounds above his brother, Owen, and he could never accomplish more than him.

Why not? We'll never know for certain what Owen could have done, who knows. It took Hart a decade to get his first title run, Owen hadn't been wrestling professionally all that long at the time of his death, not as long as Hart atleast. I think it's doubtful, but you never know.

Firstly, Bret was a multiple time champion, and a very big draw.

No, he wasn't. The WWF was on the verge of bankruptcy when Hart was their headlining star, Hart was a piss-poor draw.

I find it strange that in your post you say several times that Hart was a draw. When? When the WWF was losing millions of fans during his time atop the company? I love Hart as much as the next guy, but you can't call him a big draw, because he simply wasn't.
I'm sorry and in no way is this a shot at the OP, but that is absolutely laughable. It's almost like saying Yokozuna was the most agile man in the history of the business. Or that Ludvig Borga was destined for superstardom.

Here's the simple truth. Wrestlemania 10. First match of the night, Owen went over Bret clean in one of the best contests in WM history. Simple fact remains that even after Bret put Owen over on the biggest stage of all, and other assorted times throughout their feud together, Owen still never elevated himself to the main event. Would he have been WWE Champion at some point? I believe he would have been. He would have had it once or twice. Maybe a JBL type run where he cheats to keep it time after time for a long period of time. Hall of Fame in the future? Definately. But better than Bret??? Not a chance in hell.
I don't think he would have for some reasons. One of the reasons for this is he was heavily favouring retirement in a couple years after he had saved up enough money to live on for the rest of his life.

There were also many who feel Owen was being held back for Vince after Bret had left the company to his rival. Of course Vince knew that Bret was leaving, but now that Bret was gone, McMahon did not have to give Owen any special treatment.

The only way Owen could ever achieve anything at that moment was if he had gone to WCW. I am confident that he would have been given a better ability over there, but I am more confident he would have passed at the opportunity to let others shine. He was a humble man, and as such knew there were many who had a great chance to do well in the company as he was leaving. Say what you will about Bret's ego, Owen did not have it, being a completely different person than his onscreen character.
But unfortunately we never got to see what he could have become. But do I think he could have been a bigger star than Bret? It’s very hard to be able to say yes or no. Bret during his time with the WWF was very successful and Own wasn’t near as successful Also, Owen talked about retiring early instead of wrestling in his 40’s. I just don’t think Vince would have made him a bigger star then Bret because he wasn’t going to be wrestling as long as Vince might have wanted him to. But also, maybe Vince would have wanted to overshadow Bret with making Owen a bigger star therefore people would remembered Owen as the bigger Hart. I think that something like that would have been likely if Vince was truly and really upset at everything that happened with Bret and him. I guess my answer is going to be no and for some reason I couldn’t have seen it happen. I don’t know exactly why and none of us will ever know why, but maybe Vince didn’t like the fact that Owen had the last name of Hart, or that he was going to retire early, or maybe even because Owen wanted to follow Bret to WCW. I just honestly couldn’t have seen it happen but I could have seen Owen come pretty close.

Also, X already pointed out the fact that Bret Hart was a horrible draw but I want to add to what he stated. Bret was arguably at the peak of his career as a cemented main-eventer from 1995-1997. However during the time he was at his peak the WWF was at their lowest. I’m not going to get into the buys of pay per views did during his time as a main-eventer because I don’t have that information from those years. I do however have the ratings of both Monday Night Raw and WCW Nitro. So let’s see how bad of a draw he really was.

In 1995 Raw had an average rating of 2.4 while Nitro had an average rating of 2.4 as well. Now, may I remind you that in 1995 the New World Order “takeover” angle hadn’t started yet so it’s not like Hart and the WWF were up against huge competition yet.

Now in 1996 everything changed. Raw received an average rating of 2.65, so they had a rise in ratings but it wasn’t an incredible gain in ratings. While Raw had an average of 2.65, Nitro had an average rating of 3.16 in ratings. When Bret was needed to get high ratings he just couldn’t do it.

In 1997 during his final year in the WWF, Raw had an average rating of 2.67. This was in 1997 and they increased their rating by very, very little from the previous rating. Nitro had an average rating of 3.67. So not only did Nitro see their ratings increase by big numbers, they also defeated the WWF in the ratings war with Hart leading the company.

You can blame creative all you want but the fact of the matter is that people were more interested in seeing WCW than WWF with Bret Hart leading them. Bret was supposed to be a ratings draw in America for the WWF but he proved he just wasn’t a good draw for them. People didn’t want to see Hart, it’s plain and simple. Notice how I didn’t say anything about the buys, but with low numbers in ratings I simply cannot imagine them doing high numbers in pay per view buys with Hart headlining. It’s proven that Hart was never a good draw when he was main-eventing for the WWF.
Well, it took me 3 years of going to this site to actually register and make this my first comment... Well here goes... I've been an avid wrestling fan from the old school (JYD, Hill Billy Jim, Superfly days) and I met all three, and I'm from Charlotte, NC... Enough of my Background, I honestly liked the Anvil better than Bret... Sorry to all the Bret Heads, but I never really saw that much in him... And honestly during the time of his peak, I was turning the channel, and yes, Nitro was what I was watching... The Hart Foundation was Arguably the best Tag Team, when compared to their matches against, The Bulldogs, with one of the All Time Greatest Managers, Jimmy Hart... Owen was in my eyes over shadowed and would have always been due to Bret's/Hart foundation's many accomplishments... Lol, I love Shafe's comment on Yokozuna, I however thought he was very agile...
xfearbefore said:
Why not? We'll never know for certain what Owen could have done, who knows. It took Hart a decade to get his first title run, Owen hadn't been wrestling professionally all that long at the time of his death, not as long as Hart atleast. I think it's doubtful, but you never know.
Fair enough. What I should have said, and what I meant, was that Owen Hart never signified he was anything greater than a mid carder. However, with that said, you're absolutely correct; anything is possible and Owen very well could have been a bigger wrestler than his brother. Like you said, I just think that's highly unlikely.

No, he wasn't. The WWF was on the verge of bankruptcy when Hart was their headlining star, Hart was a piss-poor draw.
I find it strange that in your post you say several times that Hart was a draw. When? When the WWF was losing millions of fans during his time atop the company? I love Hart as much as the next guy, but you can't call him a big draw, because he simply wasn't.
Perhaps you're right. However, I do know that Bret was hugely over with adults and children alike, and was given championships multiple times. Furthermore, could you not attribute the ratings at that time on something else (I know the argument that states the draw is accountable for the ratings and where it's at)? So, what i'm saying is that, since the WWF has consistently given him championships, don't you think he is somewhat of a draw?
Easy analogy: Owen is to Bret as Chavo is to Eddie.

Both great athletes, but one is more destined to stardom than the other.
Also, X already pointed out the fact that Bret Hart was a horrible draw but I want to add to what he stated. Bret was arguably at the peak of his career as a cemented main-eventer from 1995-1997. However during the time he was at his peak the WWF was at their lowest. I’m not going to get into the buys of pay per views did during his time as a main-eventer because I don’t have that information from those years. I do however have the ratings of both Monday Night Raw and WCW Nitro. So let’s see how bad of a draw he really was.

In 1995 Raw had an average rating of 2.4 while Nitro had an average rating of 2.4 as well. Now, may I remind you that in 1995 the New World Order “takeover” angle hadn’t started yet so it’s not like Hart and the WWF were up against huge competition yet.

Now in 1996 everything changed. Raw received an average rating of 2.65, so they had a rise in ratings but it wasn’t an incredible gain in ratings. While Raw had an average of 2.65, Nitro had an average rating of 3.16 in ratings. When Bret was needed to get high ratings he just couldn’t do it.

In 1997 during his final year in the WWF, Raw had an average rating of 2.67. This was in 1997 and they increased their rating by very, very little from the previous rating. Nitro had an average rating of 3.67. So not only did Nitro see their ratings increase by big numbers, they also defeated the WWF in the ratings war with Hart leading the company.

You can blame creative all you want but the fact of the matter is that people were more interested in seeing WCW than WWF with Bret Hart leading them. Bret was supposed to be a ratings draw in America for the WWF but he proved he just wasn’t a good draw for them. People didn’t want to see Hart, it’s plain and simple. Notice how I didn’t say anything about the buys, but with low numbers in ratings I simply cannot imagine them doing high numbers in pay per view buys with Hart headlining. It’s proven that Hart was never a good draw when he was main-eventing for the WWF.

Why the hell are you people blaming the low ratings from 95-97 of Bret? Last time I checked, Kevin "Diesel" Nash was the WWE Champion from Nov. 94 to Nov 95. While Nash was in the main event, Bret was pushed back to the mid-card, being forced to feud with the likes of Jerry Lawler, Hakushi, and Dr. Issac Yankem, even having to fight twice at the first In Your House. Meanwhile, even though this was before the nWo, WCW still had Ric Flair, Sting, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Lex Luger. The also started signing other former WWE mid-card people during this time such as Big Boss Man, Brutus Beefcake, Mike Rotunda, Road Warriors, and Stiener Brothers. WCW
So then Bret won the title back from Nash, but really they were just using him as a transitional champion and the show was focused on HBK Shawn Michaels. Then Bret wasnt even around for the majority of 96. He took a break after WM12 and didnt come back until around Survivor Series 96 while he was renegotiating his contract with McMahon. And when he came back, he was still in the upper-mid card feuding (and making) Stone Cold Steve Austin. With the exception of a 1-day title reign in Feb. 97, it wasnt until mid-97 with the reformation of the Hart Foundation when Bret really kind of took back the main event, until his departure at the end of the year.
And yet despite not really being in the main event and even being on hiatus for 8 months. the mid 90's are thought of as the Bret Hart years why? Because even in the mid-card, that is who everyone still wanted to see. He was the locker-room leader of the time. He was the main established guy during that period, the guy who was responsible for making the new stars. He was put in various feuds with people to make new stars because the WWE was incredibly short on star power at the time with everyone jumping ship to WCW. The reason the WWE was almost bankrupt at the time is because with so many people laving for WCW, it forced McMahon to start giving bigger, guaranteed contracts that he couldnt really afford.
So in my opinion, if it wasnt for Bret then Vince would have probably gone out of business during this period. It was Harts work and abilities that kept McMahon afloat during this time. Not to mention The Hitman is the one who made Stone Cold Steve Austin, and without the rub he got of Hart, and I dont mean to take away from Austin has he was a really good talent with a lot of ability, but I dont think he would have reached the levels of success he did.
And to get back to the original theme of this post, reasons like that are why Owen would have never been a bigger star than Bret. Owen was in the WWE for about a year and a half without Bret, and while I think he did grow a lot without Bret being around, I just could never picture Owen as being the guy to lead the company. Especially since they had people like Austin, HHH, and the Rock around during that time period who were so much more charismatic than Owen.
i think he could have, he was lacking the technical skills of bret hart, but he was on his way there, he had the aerial assualt, and agility
All of you are out your mind. Especially the person that compared Owen to Chavo. Bret was great yes he was but owen had more charisma and was more entertaining than bret. Plus on top of that Owen was a pretty damn good wrestler.
I don't want to take away from either athlete just because I was a big Bret Hart fan and still am, but I was also a pretty big Owen fan too. I want to run down a few statistics.

Owen had held every title short of the WWF title at the time of him being around. Long after Bret had left he had still held the tag titles with Jarrett and was still promoted on a good portion of Pay-Per-Views and TV time. Owen actually had a fun run in the beginning of his WWF career as the Blue Blazer, and showed he had the skills before he was labeled as Bret's brother Owen.

Bret - One of the first triple crown winners in the WWE holding the tag, Intercontinental, and WWF title. Was one of the first wrestlers to be put in matches that had not been done yet on PPV. Made it on his own as a wrestler after breaking off from a tag team leading others after him to follow (HBK, The Hardys, JBL, Scott Steiner, Booker T.)

Ok so why are these facts important for me to discuss? Because they both showed that each wrestler during their time had something to prove and had successes during their time, and yes I will admit the WWF did have a time of struggle during the mid 90's but you have to remember this was near the time where you had your biggest draws left the industry and it was a rebuilding phase for WWF, similar to what had happened when HBK was just coming back, and all these other top guys were injured, and Brock was going out the door. the WWE had put the belt on Eddie Guerrero and JBL and Benoit which while popular were low draw points in the WWF just like Bret so you can't put blame on Bret for low periods in the WWF.

As for Owen he got stuck in a problem of after his brother left they had two names popping up that were pretty much took over the whole face/heel thing. During his feud with Triple H around WM14 the world didn't cheer him as much because they were looking at Stone Cold, and after he had gone to the Nation to be a heel he was overshadowed by the Rock. It wasn't until they put him with Jarrett that his potential to come back as a singles star shown out. I mean even Jarrett at the time still held singles titles and that would've been Owens fate too had the tragedy happened, only if that happened and Owen could out draw Bret would we have truly known if Owen would be bigger, but in my opinion the only way you would know that question would've been a Bret Hart WCW main event going up against an Owen Hart WWF main event at the same time and tell me who drawing the ratings at that time.
I don't think Owen would have ever been a bigger star than Bret. That is much more a compliment to Bret than it is a knock on Owen. Owen was great. He was so crisp in the ring. His moves were beautiful. He was also entertaining on the mic. I think he is underrated as a wrestler and a sports entertainer. He was a much better heel than face, and that's why he wouldn't have the star power Bret had. He wasn't a badass heel like Triple H or Randy Orton. He was more of a comedy heel. He could get it done in the ring with the best of them, but his character wouldn't be taken as seriously as Bret.

I don't want to sound insincere. Obviously the man's life as a husband, father, and human being was far more important than is time as a WWF superstar. With that said, it's too bad Owen wasn't around in 2000. All that attitude crap was coming to an end and wrestling was coming back. Imagine Owen working with Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Malenko, and Angle. All these guys came in shortly after Owen's death. This could have been Owen's time to shine. He still wouldn't have been as big a star as Bret, but would have had some classic matches.
First off, I would like to say that I dont know much about Old School wrestling. I made this thread merely to provoke a discussion. So here's my question: If Owen Hart hadn't passed away, do you think he would have ever became a bigger star than Bret? Think about it. With Bret leaving WWE to go to WCW, if Owen were still alive, he would have been in WWE without Bret, so do you think Owen could have filled the void that Bret left after leaving WWE?

Bret Hart lived the life of a World Champion, he toured etc, Owen was never hands on, he seen is a way to make money and retire young to spend time with his family, rumors were that he initially wanted to be a fire fighter, Bret was more dedicated then Owen, but Owen was the better heel then Bret.

(Both Bret and Owen are my top two fav wrestlers)
No, Owen wouldn't have been publicly bigger than Bret. I do not feel that Owen was any less talented than Bret, just in a different way. Owen was better at playin the heel, the whiney "I dont get treated as an equal to my older brother Bret!".
It was always my feeling that Owen would have become a top heel. A solid worker with enough history (most because of being a Hart) to create kayfabe/real life story lines. Owen could work with just about anyone. I always saw him as being a guy who would be in the main event scene, but as the one to job to the guys with MORE. ie Rock, Austin, Angle. A world title run probably would have been in there somewhere, not a long one...but at least one.
This role doesn't imply disrespect as it is vital yet still a backhanded compliment.
I watched Owen from the start of his career in WWE, when he formed the New Foundation with Jim The Anvil Neidhart. And I can safely say that Owen would never have became a bigger star than Bret Hart. Owen was not as good as Bret was in the ring, and he definitely wasn't as good on the mic as Bret was. Not that Bret was even that great on the mic compared to others, but he was still better and more believable than Owen Hart was.

Owen Hart simply did not have as much passion for the business that Bret had. By all accounts, Owen was much more of a family guy that was looking to get out of the business as soon as he was able to possibly retire. Owen more so took everything he got, rather than making a real conscious effort to improve himself to reach the Main Event.
To say Owen wasn't even nearly as skilled in the ring as Bret is a ridiculous statement that even Bret wouldn't agree with. I highly recommend checking out Owen's work in Japan and Canada to see just how truly gifted he was in the ring. Don't get me wrong Owen's WWE matches were enough to put his work even with Bret(IMO) , but outside the country he mixed his technical wrestling skills with some skilled luchador moves and worked magic in the ring. I believe he was grounded in the WWE by an injury he suffered early on in his second stint. Bret and Owen are two of the greast workers ever, but Owen was slightly better.

I still don't think Owen had a chance of ever being the star that Bret was. The reason why Bret got his push to the main event was because WWE needed a new star and the reaction fans were giving Bret were to great to ignore, especially outside the country. The overwhelming crowd responses outside the country, the technical wrestling skills and the look of a top baby face is why Bret was picked to carry the WWE for the years that he did. Owen was an awesome heel and worker, but I don't think would ever been giving the ball as top face or heel in his career. I could see Owen being a good transition champ sometime in his career, but I highly doubt he would have ever been the top guy. If he was top guy at some time I don't think it would be as significant as Bret's time on top.
Sorry I liked Owen Hart and loved to see him wrestle but the answer is no. Bret Hart won 5 WWE championships. Owen won 0. If Owen was still alive today he would be 44. My prediction is he would have retired sometime between 2002 and 2006. He died in 1999. It would be remarkable to win 5 championships in 3 to 7 years. I definetly think though he could win 1. Maybe he could have gone to TNA and won the tag titles with Jeff Jarettt. He could have had a great feud as a heel with Chris Benoit. (Canadian Connection);). Even though this all could have happened. Bret would still be the better wrestler
I've read there were plans to make Owen Hart's character into the Game, Triple H's character now. I don't know though, I think Vince never took Owen seriously and only kept him on the roster to please Bret. Maybe Owen could of been as big Triple H but I doubt it. I'm sure he would of been lost in the shuffle with Stone Cold, DX, and The Rock and eventually let go. It would still be better then what happened to him. Regardless of what happened I think Bret would still go down as a bigger star than Owen.
I just have to say this- Owen was still very much in his prime when he died. He had probably another 5, maybe even 10 years left in him. I think Edge is the best example here. Edge is probably the top heel in the WWE right now, with the exception of maybe Orton. And I can remember reading a lot of things about Edge, "he'll never make it to the top." "He's too quiet." etc. Edge held all kinds of mid card titles throughout all those years, and I remember I think it took almost two just for him to get the IC strap. It took Edge a little less than 10 years to make it to the top, but he did it. And we've all seen how that turned out.

All I'm saying is I don't think some of you guys are giving Owen the benefit of the doubt. He was younger than Bret, and I think Owen made a much better candidate for the Attitude Era than Bret did. If he'd had a couple more years, I know he would've been carrying a WWE title, no doubt.

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