One Last RP - Maybe

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Reaper of Miracles
I know I'm probably not going to be on the roster for too much longer, as I haven't RP'ed in weeks, but this is an assignment, the first assignment that I did did for my English Comp II class. Its the 3th chapter of the Celeste Crimson Chronicles, redone

Hellfire and Brimstone

As the girl held the box of medication in her hand, she pondered what to do with it. Really, she should take the medication, but feelings of scorn, anger, and hate began to wash over her. Hate for her mother, who only wanted the best for her daughter, but Celeste was too blind to see her mothers love. As the thoughts of her mother raced through her mind, Celeste tossed the box against the counter as she watched the box drop on the floor. By opting not to take her meds, Celeste knew that she was making a huge mistake. But then again, the box which held the green pills that soothed the raging Schizophrenia that plagued her 14 year old mind where the least of her problems. As Celeste reached for the handle of her bathroom door, she stared blankly across the bathroom at the medicine cabinet, which housed dozens of vials filled with a yellow serum. Celeste had to inject the serum into her muscles everyday to help combat her other disease, a neurological disorder called HSAN – Type 5, which without the proper dosage of serum, would cause her pain receptors to stop working and parts of her body to go numb. Celeste knew this, but could hardly stand to care, as she had gone days without taking her serum and nothing drastic had happened yet. Celeste opened her bathroom door, turned off the light, and headed for her room.
Celeste had gone upstairs to her room to grab a quick nap before getting started on the rest of her homework. Her parents were out for the evening celebrating their anniversary, and her younger brother was staying at a friend’s house, leaving her to house sit for the night. As Celeste lay in her bed, she quickly began to become enveloped in her own thoughts, which caused her mind to race at a level where she became paranoid at every little sound, whether they were real or fake. Celeste had a nasty habit of making herself uncomfortable in her own mind, especially when she could swear that, if she tried hard enough, she could see things, and smell things that others couldn’t. Her perception of reality was rather twisted as she often got reality and her fantasy mixed up. Celeste tried to close her eyes as she tried to block out the sounds that she was hearing. They were almost voice like, which put her on guard considering that she was supposed to be the only person in the house. As Celeste lay in her bed, she could swear that the sounds had become more voice like, and the more she bothered to listen the more she could swear that the voices were calling her name.

Celeste got out of bed as she listened for the voices that she thought she heard. After listening intently for a second to the silence, as she allowed her psyche to take over. Celeste perked up as she heard the voice again, this time more clearly. Celeste’s feelings of fear suddenly disappeared, as she immediately left her room and began to march down the halls, looking to confront the owner of the voice. Despite only being only 14, Celeste could easily take care of herself. She had been well trained in martial arts since age 3, and by this time, she already had achieved the ranking of 2nd degree black belt in Jujitsu. As Celeste reached the large wooden stair case of her home, as she looked around ready to confront whoever else she thought was in the house. “Whose there?” Celeste called out. Except for a few lights that burned downstairs, her house was mostly dark. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, she heard the most loud and obnoxious noise coming in the form of ear pounding static. The sound became so unbearable that it brought her to her knees.
“You always were a bit of a wuss Celeste, and a coward, you couldn’t even find the strength to stand up for yourself when you where being pushed around at your old school. I guess you have me to thank for bailing your ass out.” Celeste managing to stand and face her confronter, but she is shocked to find that she is talking to herself.

Celeste walked down the wooden stairs as she came face to face with her doppelganger, an entity that Celeste had met only once before, and she had come to regard her as some kind of inner demon. “I’m here to collect”, said the demon. “And what makes you think I owe you anything?” said Celeste. “You created me to help me with your little school situation, I delivered, and now I want something in return.” Celeste stared into the eyes of her twin, the menacing glare from the girls right blue eye and left brown eye stared a hole right back through Celeste. “What do you want?” asks Celeste. The demon stares at her for a second before answering, “Power, more Power. And your mother will be the key to this power.” At the mention of her mother, Celeste shoots down the idea in disgust. “You will get your mother to train you, because that is where the power lies. I for one could care less if you and your mother tear each other apart, but I want that power, I want your mother’s knowledge and power” said the demon. “You will only use that knowledge to harm others so I refuse to give you access to it” said Celeste. “You don’t have a choice Celeste, either give me what I want or I’ll make you pay dearly.” Said the demon. “What are you going to do, what can you do?” asked Celeste. The demon begins to circle Celeste, as she begins to taunt Celeste. “Join me Celeste, and get your mother to train you, I swear if you turn on me I’ll see you burn in an inferno of incredible horror” said the demon as she suddenly pulls out a lighter. “So what’s your final answer Celeste?” asked the demon with growing impatience. Celeste answered her question by spitting on her. “Very well Celeste” Said the demon as she wiped the spit off her face. “Say, Celeste now that we’re down here, in your living room, tell me if you notice any strange odors in the house.” Intrigued, Celeste sniffed around a few times to find that she did smell something very familiar, something that smell a lot like, gas! With wide eyes full of terror, Celeste looked back at the demon who as a huge smile on her face. “Burn in hell, Celeste” said the demon as she lit the lighter and threw it at the ground. Celeste lunged forward to try and catch it but she isn’t fast enough, as flames suddenly shoot up all around her, engulfing the house.

Celeste struggled in vain to get away, all the while, her doppelganger is laughing. Celeste lunged for her evil twin, but the flames suddenly switched direction as they shot up from underneath her, catching her on fire. Celeste struggled to put out the flames as the fire eats away at her clothes first, and then at her skin. Celeste collapsed on the floor of her burning house as the loud and painful, ear piercing static that Celeste heard which signifies Celeste’s doppelganger making her exit. As Celeste struggled in vain against the flames, she is relieved to find that her subconscious had played yet another cruel trick on her as she could slowly felt herself snapping back into reality. Celeste lay in her bed, not having moved since she fell asleep. She was just getting over another one of her typical nightmares, luckily nothing she dreamed ever came true. Celeste found herself being escorted back into reality by what sounded like an alarm. Celeste reached for the clock at her bedside table, but was alarmed when the noise didn’t cease, but it kept getting louder and louder. Celeste lazily lifted her head as her mind tried to wrap itself around the impossible idea that was forming inside her head. Celeste slowly looks around her room, then she looked back at her doorway, as she screamed, as thick black smoke begins to fill her room. Celeste immediately begins to panic as she just lies on her bed shaking, she could already begin to feel the affects from the smoke. Her house was on fire, and she was trapped inside!
Holy Snap!! That is incredible!! I hope Celeste doesn't die. I hope you continue doing this. Is this a book or something? Are you an author or something. You should definently publish this!! You have definently taken this to a whole notha level!! Cheers!!
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