Once Sting wrestles for WWE, which major happenings are left to see in wrestling?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Sting coming in has been a big deal, even if he hasn't signed on for a match yet. It made me wonder: is this the last truly significant thing we can see in wrestling? Seeing Flair make the jump in the 90s was huge, as was Hogan turning heel. Brock coming back wasn't something I was desperate to see, but boy did it turn out to be something special. Sammartino, Warrior and Bret patching things up with WWE was great. Seeing Jake and Razor return - sober - was emotional.

People want to see Austin back in the ring, but I don't really feel that Austin wrestling again just for the sake of wrestling again is as special as those other moments, even though it'll produce big box office. He never really went away, or had heat with the company. Punk coming back would be cool, but I don't consider him a legend or top-tier guy. John Cena turning heel just isn't something that's going to happen.

What do you think? What's left to see?
You raise a great question.. What is there left to see?
Not only was WCW breathing down the WWF's neck a good thing in regards to push tv ratings, but also a great place for guys to reinvent themselves, bounce back again to WWF and face new people they hadn't wrestled the last time they were with the company.

Most debuts these days are just 're-debuts' Y2J being the main example. How many times can we be expected to be shocked by his return?
I for one and waiting to see Kenta debut on the main roster, the matches I've seen him in are incredible and hope he can bring the same intensity to the WWE roster. He will be on NXT Takeover next week, so we'll get a sense of what he can do then.

Also Prince Devitt, waiting for his big debut as well. I thing both of them will be bigger than Bo Dallas, Rusev and Adam Rose.
Your question is the same one posed by fans of cinema, fans of fiction literature, fans of video games, and basically fans of any genre of entertainment.

We are in a new age, and that age pretty much means that nothing can really interest us as "new" at this point.

And putting Bo in the category with Rusev or Adam Rose is disrespectful. Bo has been great on the main roster.
Probably Kurt Angle and or Jeff Hardy returning to WWE but I don't see those happening just like Punk will never ever return to WWE, well no other happenings I can see happening right now
Your question is the same one posed by fans of cinema, fans of fiction literature, fans of video games, and basically fans of any genre of entertainment.

We are in a new age, and that age pretty much means that nothing can really interest us as "new" at this point.

And putting Bo in the category with Rusev or Adam Rose is disrespectful. Bo has been great on the main roster.

I put him the the same category because he was brought up at the same time the other two were.

Please show me where I said anything about them being better than him, or vice versa, because after re-reading my post, I don't believe that was said anywhere.
Off the top of my head:

1. Cena heel turn
2. Cena breaks world title record
3. Any time, way, shape or form the The Rock returns
4. Any time, way, shape or form Austin returns
5. Punk return
6. Shane McMahon return
7. Vince says goodbye
8. Any other dream match that has not been fulfilled
9. Macho gets put in the HoF
10. Vince sells the company

There are a lot of big things that can still happen whether you believe them to be big or not. A lot of people think Sting wrestling in WWE at age 55 is more of a joke than a big deal.
The WM record should be cool. It will be pretty amazing to see it go over 100,000.
While all the things that have already been listed occur over the years to come, other things will happen. An example:

In 1998 when Shawn Michaels retired from in-ring competition, I don't think anyone ever expected to see him return. However, 4 years later he returned to have a lengthy run delivering some of the greatest matches in WWE history.

We all think Daniel Bryan is coming back, but what if he doesn't? Well what if 4 years from now he does exactly what Shawn did? These are the types of scenarios that are too early to see, or truly consider one of those big moments, but new ones are always being created as the old ones go away.

There are so many though…a return to the attitude era, a new wrestling boom period, WWE buys TNA and/or ROH, etc. There will always be big moments left to be had.
I dunno, TNA/ROH vs. WWE? I know most of TNA is former WWE guys, but at least a good portion of them have been in TNA for longer. If TNA and ROH were to ever get any bigger than they are now (stop laughing, you never know) and maybe team up or one somehow buys the other (I said stop laughing) then there could be a day we would see another interpromotional war.
I felt incredibly sad realizing, through this thread, that there really are very few, if any, dream matches left. A lot of the stars from the 80s are too old to go, a lot of ECW guys are too beaten up to go, a lot of 90's guys are already back, and a lot of 2000's guys... are current guys. We had the New Age Outlaws returning for a cup of coffee, and we had The Rock fighting John Cena.

PLEASE DO NOT DO HOGAN VS CENA. Not in the physical shape Hogan's in.

Even my favorite series of matches, RVD vs. Jerry Lynn, has been rehashed in TNA.

I don't know. It's hard, and it's sad. Maybe there will be a TNA "InVasion" once Panda Energy decides to drop it's albatross.

Even Taker vs. Sting wouldn't be worth much these days, considering how beat up both men are.

New Jack vs. John Cena is the only one I can think of, for obvious reasons.
There isn't much from the "classic" era left to be fair, Macho going into the HOF will be huge... as will Sting's one match...

but the one thing I think we could still see is...

The return of WCW

Not in the same sense of ECW, I think Vince learned from that, but if TNA DOES go under, then there is a big opportunity there to buy some infrastructure, rebrand and keep the company "seperate" in the way they should have done in 2001. The network gets content, some talents who aren't getting "the chance" get to go to WCW and headline...then, you have a whole host of moments you can create after a suitable build time.

Chris Jericho returns to the WCW ring... Goldberg, those would be moments... WCW re-invading WWE after a few years, led by someone like Jericho or Punk... that would be a moment that is bigger than most to date.

They have just about tapped the well of true legends they can bring back and make an impact, but they have SO much IP and the WCW name is perhaps the biggest one they own...
Clearly, the biggest thing at the moment which is left to be seen is the frequently discussed but never consummated John Cena heel turn. The OP is quick to suggest that the heel turn simply "isn't going to happen". I'm far less certain of this fact. In fact, I think it is vey likely, almost a certainty in fact, that it will happen at some point before he finally decides to call it a career. Maybe it is something that will happen sooner than many of the naysayers believe, or maybe it is something that will happen much later, at which point it wouldn't be nearly as effective or successful. I can categorically state that a John Cena heel turn, executed properly, would be immense. Not a wishy washy pseudo heel turn, but rather, a full blown, all in heel turn, right now, at the peak of his career. This could be piggy backed along with a Sting debut, or some interaction with Hogan, or the passing of Ric Flair's record, or dare I even say it, the heel turn of his girlfriend. But if done properly and in a timely fashion, this would clearly be the biggest thing left to occur in the business, which could shake the business to it's core, like Hogan did when he donned the black and white.

A few other things could be significant too. If TNA does in fact go out of business, Vince could buy the vestiges of the company, and that could be pretty interesting. I'd still be intrigued by a Shane McMahon return, possibly in synch with a TNA storyline. An induction of the Macho Man Randy Savage would be pretty epic. And seeing Vince officially retire from the running of the WWE, officially handing the reigns to his daughter and son in law, that would definitely be must see.

Of course, who knows what the future could hold? There could be a multitude of things which could happen involving guys who aren't even main event players at the moment. I think it's premature to suspect that there's nothing left to occur in the WWE. That's short sighted and naive.
Sting taking on multiple opponents not just one because I think Sting at least has a decent run left in him a run where he can face more than one opponent like for example Triple H, Bray Wyatt, etc.
One thing I can see happening, especially if Vince winds down his role over the next couple of years, and what really would be 'best for business', is WWE expanding their network to become a true wrestling network, and offering/selling airtime to other promotions, particularly NJPW. A move like that would immediately boost the network, especially international sales.

If and when TNA and ROH cease to exist, WWE will buy their libraries, that is a given
Here are my top 5 'Huge things left to see in WWE'
Love them or Hate them you can't deny their potential relevance to WWE as it is now.

1- Shane O'Mac returning to face HHH and Stephanie for control

This would be incredible and would seem like an epic build up from HHH gradually being given control and then Shane coming back to claim his piece of the prize and Vince being stuck between his Son and his Son-In-Law and Daughter.

2 - Kurt Angle returning to face someone of similar ability

Kurt Angle returning to WWE surely is on the cards even if he did try to do it in an underhanded way earlier this year. He could have a short program with Brock Lesnar and it'd be awesome to watch them in the ring together again.

3 - CM Punk Returns

Seems like most of the IWC would want to see it, but in all honesty i think a good percentage of the WWE Universe wouldn't really care, much like when Jericho returns.

4 - Sting vs Taker

This doesn't even have to be at WM as lets face it, as a match it's going to be slow one and doubtfully a 5 Star match, but the promo's and and the build would be incredible to see.

5 - Chris Benoit matches returning to WWE TV uncensored

We all know what he did and that shouldn't be celebrated, but it also doesn't really have to be mentioned on TV either, the best thing anyone can do to stop the memories of what he did would be to ignore it. That way people don't look to find out about who won at Wrestlemania or who he was and then stumble upon his atrocities.
One thing I can see happening, especially if Vince winds down his role over the next couple of years, and what really would be 'best for business', is WWE expanding their network to become a true wrestling network, and offering/selling airtime to other promotions, particularly NJPW. A move like that would immediately boost the network, especially international sales.

If and when TNA and ROH cease to exist, WWE will buy their libraries, that is a given

YOu are a sad example of worst wrestling excremement and Disneyland characters wwe created . Poor you! TNA is not for sale and she won t buy in to devil vinny anyway! I see TNA buying ROH and becoming a huge faction against wwe they have a lot of money but they are budgeting like wwe does every year! You are an ignorant idiotic mark to even say wwe will buy their libraries lol ahahahhaha what a laugh!
Lets see this news is repetitive and booooring for crying out loud it s like this there is no SANTA CLAUS! You all say he exists when in fact he doesn t! Same with this he signed for a videogame deal and possibly HOF! He won t wrestle cause wwe has a hectic gruelling schedule that his body won t be able to keep up! I don t see him wrestling 360 days a year no way! WCW AND TNA had a better schedule for him
He has no desire to wrestle and he doesn t need money since he has a lot he is financially well off! I see STEVE BORDEN going back TO TNA in a year or so
Maybe a tad outside the box, but I am going to go with Bischoff in the HoF. only one guy has beaten WWF/E in ratings since the early 80s other that Easy E. there may have been weeks in the last 80s-early 90s for a short spell but WCW late 96 - early 98 was just a better product. I think he deserves that honor.
No - Sting in WWE is the last big thing in wrestling the only other big things will be sad events like Taker official retirement, Vince McMahon passing away etc.

MAYBE if CM Punk walked out on a TNA stage and went off on WWE but still not close to Sting on WWE tv

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