OK here's the deal


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
To get people even more interested int the Legends Tournament and also to get some good discussion going before people vote. I'm going to put up the first 8 matches of each bracket now and add polls once we're ready for people to start voting. The reason I'm doing 8 at a time is because that's half and once the polls are added they will be open for 2 weeks.
I think it'd be better if you did 4 at a time, and kept the polls open for a week. Just a thought :) Either way, I'm really looking forward to this.
I'm just going to out them up to get disccusion going I'll ad polls and it will officialy start after Both Tournaments are done.

And Becca's Idea is good to. That's what I was going to do originally and I'll go back to it.
Bit shitty to start your wrestling tournament when somebody else still has theirs going. What if somebody opts to start one in the midlle of yours?

Adding polls in a couple of weeks will be pointless as well, the threads will be done by then. You'll be putting wrestlers through with 1 vote.
The reason I'm doing ti this way is to give people a chance to debate and do research before they vote so they can give an opinion instead of just voting and not saying anything.
Noone will bother coming back two weeks after they discussed the issue. You'll be getting three votes per match.
Ok then if Jake could do something about it (I don't care what) that would be great.

Edit: Why doesn't Jakes name look like this anymore?
Yeah I'll use my admin powers to add some polls.

Don't take offence because people point things out to you. It's only a slight oversight on your part.
I still say we all would have loved to have seen Papa Shango vs. Hulk Hogan. Epic battle right there. Cept you pulled me from the tournament.

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