Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

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NorCal's NightCap (ya kno, like what you put on to sleep in)

Utterly dumb segment to open the show. Cept the punjabi music was sweet. Show drops Kahli with ONE PUNCH. Way to make them seem equal monsters about to have a titanic battle. fools.

Morrison and Miz go against MooreWang for the 582377827837th week in a row. As always, a fairly good match, showcasing how everyone involved, especially Miz and Morrison, deserve much better. Send Miz to RAW to feud with Jericho/Hardy for the IC title, Have Morrison feud with Matt for the US title. I should just copy this paragraph and have it ready to paste for every reveiw I do for SD!/ECW, since I seem to write the same damn thing every week. Sometimes watching WWE makes me want to slam my head into a wall repeatedly for some reason...

Finlay returns WITHOUT his badass music, and comes out to the homo Hornswaggle music, to face...GASP...MATT STRIKER!!! A Matt Striker wrestling appearance!!! Both guys put on a pretty decent, old school match, before midget shenanigans break out and ruin everything. Finlay wins with a shilaylay shot (fuck it, ima just start spelling it frenetically....act like you didnt know what I was talking about just now...)

HBK and Batista cut a fairly decent promo, and im liking the "personal issues" between Batista and HBK that are seeming to be putting the focus past the flair issue. This has storyline with Trips getting involved written all over it.

Kozlov whips the shit outta some local guy. This dude is heel gold. Just becuase that fucking IGNORANT look he always gots on his face REALLY makes me want to hit him with a baseball bat. or a truck.

Matt Hardy and palumpo have what seemed like a fucking hour long match. Pretty fundamentally sound, with both guys preforming their dispostions well, and having some decent near falls witgh Palumpo almost winning. He almost broke matt's neck TWICE during this match. Win for Hardy in what was a decent match

Undertaker and Festus actually had a damn pretty nice little match, with the unstoppable special dude gimmick thing working well for Festus against UT, and I REALLY enjoyed the ending, with festus not knowing to tap, and just gettin fucked up by the gogoplat. Taker even seemed Noble in showing mercy at the end to a beaten down festus, and a cowering Jesse. good shit.

Overall, an OK show tonight, if not just for the quality of the main event, and the HBK-Batista promo. Im waiting for the impending batista squash of someone nextweek before the Backlash match.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: April 11th, 2008:

Opening Segment: The Great Khali is in the ring with a host of Indian dancers, and officials. A representative of Khali addresses that Khali would like to offer a peace-offering to the Big Show before things get out of hand. The Big Show makes his way to the ring.

Khali addresses the Big Show in first offering Show some of the world famous water from India. Then the finest bottle of scotch. Big Show sips only to look displeased by it. (NorCal said it best in the Backlash thread - it should be later discovered that it was Goat piss) Continuing with the gifts, Khali next offers the Big Show a chicken so Big Show will never again be hungry. (Like a chicken's eggs are gonna fill that man's stomach) This is followed by a GOAT!!!! (The Goat received a bigger pop than Batista) Big Show is given a Goat, so he'll never again go thirsty, and have all the goat's milk he wants.

Big Show finally expresses that everything is too much and words can't describe how he feels, but he can instead show us. That is followed by Big Show continuing to think hes training for Mayweather, as he lays Khali out with a single shot to the head.

The Matches:

1. The Miz & John Morrison v. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore: These four are gonna end up a question on Jeopardy being something along the lines of "What match happens every week, on Smackdown?" -- answer, "What is Miz/Morrison against Yang/Moore" That is correct, for 500!

The first 50 times I seen these guys work, it was remotely interesting and enjoyable. Now its just a week by week job-out by Moore & Yang, to two guys that deserve better. While I won't go as far as NorCal to claim Miz deserves a Raw push, I will continue on my Morrison deserves Main Event status claimer. Miz & Morrison pick up the win, for those who cared.

2. Finlay w/ Hornswoggle v. Matt Striker: Father and Son return to Smackdown, which is apparently the brand they were always on to begin with, dispite the random jump to Raw without explanation other than the McMahon angle. :disappointed: (Why even have the brand extension if wrestlers can randomly wrestle other brand wrestlers without proper explanation?)

This match was nothing more than shenanigan's at its best. At least Striker is still being used for something, while Big Daddy V is trying to lose some weight. Hornswoggle & Finlay, meanwhile have apparently dropped to no storyline what-so-ever and will go back to fading away shortly enough it seems. Finlay picks up the victory, after Striker gets caught with a fake shillelagh.

3. Michelle McCool v. Victoria w/ Natalia: Victoria aginst the lady to mess with.. especially with that new weird-ass haircut. She introduces Nattie as Natalia. Its addressed very quickly who her Daddy is.. only for Nattie..talia.. to explain that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but this isn't about her Father, its about her. And when you mess with the best, you go down like the rest. (isn't that kinda old?)

Very quick match, ending with Victoria picking up the victory over McCool after a distraction by Natalia.

4. Vladimir Kozlov v. Matt Logan: The fact that it took me longer to type out the jobbers name, than this match actually went says a lot. Kozlov is still on a very dominate role in his second match, and I still am not convinced that he'll be anything big within the company.

Most likely, his first feud will be squashing Finlay at Judgment Day, then he'll get a push against Botchtista in which he'll suffer a career ending injury and Tista will suddenly go back to being everyone's favorite for ending their mild suffering over watching Mr. no emotion double double "e" guy. Just once I wanna say.. the jobber wins.

5. Matt Hardy v. Chuck Palumbo: THE JOBBER WINS! Well, okay so its kinda true. Hardy jobbed for the longest time. This match served almost no purpose except for M.V.P. to do commentary for. (promos section) Nice back and forth match with Matt picking up the victory via a twist of fate.

This was the longest match of the night. Was it really worth it?

The Promos/Segments:

Vickie Guerrero & Edge: Edge deserves not only an Oscar for this week's performance, but he deserves a John Cena class World Heavyweight Championship run. The man is solid in the ring, out of the ring, on the mic and selling to the world that Vickie Guerrero is hotter than Lita. They broke down 3 segments with these two..

The first, was Edge & Vickie receiving full body massages, in which Edge addresses his love for Vickie and that it feels wonderful to take a break.

The second, was Edge & Vickie getting facials. (haha like that was her only one of the night) Edge explains that hes learned something from all of this, and thats that he loves pedicures. (Apparently thats good, because if the assumed Triple H. match happens hes likely gonna be receiving a nice pedigree. :() The only other funny moment here was both Vickie & Edge handing Teddy their used cucumber eye covers.

The final scene is of Edge & Vickie, apparently 'naked' under the covers in a hotel room, with whipped cream! Suddenly T-Long interrupts expressing that its one thing that he has to know about the horribleness of Edge & Vickie, but he refuses to watch it unfold. Edge having whipped cream all over his face made me practically piss myself.

Vickie is displeased that Teddy always ruins their moment. (Apparently she likes being watched!?) Edge tells her not to worry, because he'll get her back in the mood. The lights go out.. and we go to the Main Event!

Shawn Michaels/Batista: Another solid promo of personal issues between these two, building toward their Backlash showdown. H.B.K. addresses that everyone has gotten over Ric Flair being retired, except Batista. Batista says that he hasn't gotten over it because H.B.K. hasn't changed a bit. He goes on to rant about H.B.K. stepping and stabbing everyone in the back to get to where he is today.

That is completely not true. Just go ask Marty Jannetty & Bret Hart.. oh wait.

H.B.K. fires back with how he isn't 6'5 and a heavyweight, how he had to fight to earn his spot and fight to keep it. (Hmm, any truth to these words? I think so, does Batista?) H.B.K. explains at Backlash, hes gonna kick Tista's teeth down his throat. Both men drop their mics, Shawn teases some Sweet Chin Music, followed by Batista loading up H.B.K. for the Botch-bomb, only for H.B.K. to fall out of the ring as both men smile. (so they hate each other, yet smile?)

M.V.P. on commentary during Hardy/Palumbo: The only purpose I put this here, is because of 2 reasons.

1. M.V.P. addressed that he'll face Matt Hardy next week on Smackdown in England, non-title. However on its been addressed that these two will meet FOR the title, at Backlash. So if thats the case, will next week's match still happen? Or will Matt get a passport in time to make the flight? (Matt's passport was reported stolen at Mania)

2. M.V.P. explains that everytime hes fought Matt Hardy, when its mattered the most, hes defeated him. To my knowledge they've had exactly 2 matches. One - Great American Bash, in which M.V.P. retained. Two - last week, non-title, Hardy won.

Jesse & Festus: Jesse addresses that he doesn't know what or where Festus is right now, mentally. (hahaha it was funny to me) He said he hopes hes prepared for the Undertaker, because Jesse is nervous and scared for him. Jesse says that .. that is the face, hes never seen before.

All I have to say is, if they ever turn Jesse against Festus, it needs to be addressed that the reason for Festus' ******ation is because of something Jesse did to him. I think Jesse would be a monster heel (no pun intended) against Festus, simply because he wouldn't have power on his side.. but he'd know every trick to cause Festus to return to mental form.

Main Event: The Undertaker v. Festus w/ Jesse: Clearly the match of the night. I have to admit, I was likely with the rest of the world wondering what the hell they were doing with Festus going up against Taker, but I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised.

Festus is being built oddly enough as a strong and solid single's superstar, as long as he has someone help him when the bell hasn't rang. Undertaker sold Festus being a challenge, dispite everyone feeling it would be a glorified squash match. And in the end, I think this is our generation's version of Taker/Hardy, in which Festus didn't know to quit.. and in the end, Taker's respect was earned by both Jesse & Festus.

I see an 8 man Tag Team match in the future, with Edge, Chavo & the Edgeheads against Taker, Kane, Jesse & Festus. Mark it!

Overall Thoughts: Not bad. Definately not great though. I'm very happy that they're returning to form with loading up their shows with tons of matches. Crap matches, squash matches, as long as I see something I'm generally happy. And it gives me more to complain about later.

I'm disappointed that they likely aren't going to use Finlay for anything anymore, and the Father/Son angle will slowly fade with people knowing its there, but no longer caring. Meanwhile, as stated above I'm very unhappy with W.W.E. pushing Kozlov simply because hes "big" while they stick talent such as Morrison in repeating no-where matches.

The Edge skits/promos were hilarious, and I feel sorry for Vickie because shes probably a very wonderful Woman.. its just they push her as gorgeous and sadly millions are probably disagreeing with this.

I'm happy and unhappy to see Nattie on Smackdown. I'm happy because shes paired with Victoria, which gives Victoria purpose. I'm unhappy because Nattie is a wrestling female, not a diva. And as such, would've served better on Raw taking Beth's spot.

The M.V.P./Hardy feud is starting to bore me. Its every week that these two do next to nothing, except taunt one another. The Shawn Michaels/Batista promos are solid, but I think a match (tag) is in order to address the next level before their showdown.

Big Show is being dominately pushed over Khali, as if Khali is nothing. If this match is going to work as anything, they need to start pushing Khali (starting on Raw) majorly over Show to even things out.

The slow build to wear Undertaker down is pointless. I get why its happening, but its like beating a dead horse. Everyone has constantly tried to wear the "deadman" down and its impossible. Edge needs to strike himself, addressing that hes taking aggression, not continuing to have people fight for him.
OK, not to give the women's title legitimacy or anything, but does anyone else think it's stupid that Mickie won tonight? I mean, cool, she's hot, but no fued, no build, just a random one-off match between two girls who haven't gone one on one in three months?

We complain that Raw is too predictable, so 10 cool points for a shock, but minus 50 for doing it a non-sensical, stupid way. Oh well, I'll just go look at those Penthouse pics of her, maybe that will make me feel better.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: April 14th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Shawn Michaels kicks the show off, in London, England, as he once again addresses the situation with Dave Batista regarding Ric Flair. Shawn explains what we've more or less heard for the passed few weeks in which everyone's moved on, Batista blames Shawn, claims hes stabbed people. Shawn explains that he'll finish everything at Backlash.. etc, etc, etc..

Ric Flair's music erupts over the arena, as everyone jumps to their feet expecting the former multi-time World Heavyweight Champion and Hall of Famer. Instead what they get is shockingly Chris Jericho?!

Jericho enters the ring and explains that hes sorry for the misintention of playing Flair's music, but he had to get a point across. (so the point of playing the music is that regardless of him retiring, he'll still never go away? I got it) Jericho explains that hes out there to explain that he feels Batista would simply quit and back off of Shawn Michaels, if Shawn simply owned up to ending Ric's career when he could've easily laid down and allowed it to continue.

Jericho went on a small rant about how he feels Batista might be in the wrong for how hes going about dealing with Ric Flair's retirement.. but he doesn't feel Batista is wrong in how he views Shawn Michaels. (I feel some Wrestlemania XIX hatred still brewing) Jericho continues to explain that he feels H.B.K. is a phony, and that Batista is telling the truth about Shawn stabbing people in the back, and using others to get himself to the top. He goes back to the Marty Jannetty story, in saying he was the first one to suffer.

Jericho finally expresses that he wouldn't put it passed Shawn, to go all the way back to the beginning and find out that it may of actually been Shawn's idea to start the whole Ric Flair retirement angle to begin with. (surprisingly, as far as real life goes the irony is probably that this is true) H.B.K. has heard enough, as Jericho berates him into trying to get him to own up to being behind forcing Flair to retire. H.B.K. delivers a Superkick that if it didn't connect solidly to Jericho's mouth, I'd be damn shocked! Shawn says the one thing he will say.. is that felt pretty darn good. And then leaves.

The Matches:

#1. Contender's Match: Santino Marella & Carlito v. Paul London & Brian Kendrick: So much for assuming the W.W.E. would place focus on their entire tag team division in a turmoil match for Backlash.. looks like the winner of this match will move on to the Pay Per View.

This was the opening match of the night, but by leaps and bounds was no where near good. Somehow Carlito and Santino barely look as if they work well together. Carlito seems bossy to Santino. The ending saw Carlito connect with a back-stabber on Paul London, that was nicely wicked and London over-sold the shit outta it with a backflip.

Santino gets on the mic and explains the reason they'll go on to win Tag Team gold is because they're international, talented, and weiners!

Women's Championship: Beth Phoenix v. Mickie James: It looks like W.W.E. is taking the next step in confusion with their Women's Division. I'm not sure if this match would deserve match of the night quality remarks, but I'm gonna go out and give it that title anyways.

Mickie James had some nice offense, and Beth had one nice submission crab like move that impressed me. Overall, I think this direction is being taken due to the injuries suffered by Candice Michelle. I was talking with a diva lover earlier and she felt that it was crap how Mickie is being given the title for a 4th time, while Jillian has yet to have it, or Melina wasn't given the chance.

All in all, I believe Mickie James was given the Championship back, because Beth wasn't being used since she had noone she could properly feud with. Maria and Ashley would've been her only other biggest opponents. Meanwhile, with James now Champion again.. it sets-up the possibility of Melina, Jillian, Nattie, Victoria and Beth to all get matches against her.

All in all, T.N.A. owns W.W.E.'s Women's Division.. but if the W.W.E. gave the title to Mickie, so we could go back to matches of the quality they used to be, against the likes of Jillian, Melina, Victoria & Nattie, then I'm all for it. If Mickie regained the Championship to play a face role of Beth and just sit with the title.. then I agree this was utterly pointless.

J.T.G. v. Trevor Murdoch: I almost would've rather watched the HeAT squash match between Snitsky and Val Venis than watching this match. What did I say about Tag Team wrestlers NOT needing to be put into single's matches.

J.T.G. & Trevor Murdoch neither one are single superstar material.. and the only purpose this match served, was for the further blow-up between Cade and Murdoch to be seen yet again for another week. J.T.G. wins when Trevor connects with a cross body block off the top, but J.T.G. rolls through.

Randy Orton v. William Regal: The England fans popped insanely huge for this match.. and the hilarious thing is, they weren't even paying attention TO the match. The entire match, they were as loud as ever, and not a single fan was actually watching the ring. They were cheering amongst themselves, apparently finding humor in the fact that an English wrestler is jobbing to the World Champion.

Regal connected with one hell of a stiff looking suplex that I believe was meant to be a version of a cradle german suplex into a pin, when Randy must of thought it was meant to take him over all the way. Either way, Orton landed directly on his head and neck and I'm completely surprised we aren't reading a new article about Orton's neck being broken right now.

As always, the ending came out of no where with a surprise R.K.O. which Regal completely sold like shit. And Orton walks away with a victory.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho v. Umaga: I believe this was the longest match of the night, but I'm not sure. Apparently Jericho has nothing better to do for Backlash than turn heel and end up being an official for a match that he has utterly no purpose in.. than to find his next major feud, in screwing Shawn Michaels over.

Meanwhile, Umaga is apparently changing from heel, to tweener, to face, to tweener, to heel, to face, to tweener.. you get the point. The guy is used to destroy random jobbers and vets.. then hes used as a tweener, while Jericho picks up the victory with his feet on the ropes. Apparently knowing Jericho "cheated" to win, makes him instantly heel. While Ooh-Ooh-Umanga, is left to wonder aimlessly until he gets switched to Smackdown.

Like I said, I think the match was the longest of the night. As a result, it went way too long. Wasn't a bad match, infact it was likely the second best match of the night. It just went way too long, for the ending to be a roll-up with feet on the ropes. They could've did that a lot sooner.

Paul Burchill w/ Katie Lea v. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan: Regal returns to England and gets a huge ovation. Burchill gets announced as "England's own" and noone knows who the hell he is. :disappointed: This is why the guy will never get pushed, his own country doesn't even cheer for him, or boo him for that matter. Completely Squash over Duggan.

The Promos/Segments:

Mickie's Celebration: We go to commerical and come back with Mickie being hugged by Ashley and Maria. No doubt wanting more spotlight since Playboy has a new issue coming out and everyone's forgot about Maria already.

Todd Grisham ends up getting a kiss because Mickie is so thrilled to be gone for monthes on end, only to return and win a Championship. :lmao:

Regal/Jericho: Jericho bursts in on Regal asking if he seen H.B.K. knock Jericho's teeth down his throat. (way to see the kick) Jericho says he wants entered in as a wrestler and to have the Batista/H.B.K. match a triple threat. Regal agrees to enter Jericho into the match.. as the official. :wtf: So you let someone who openly has an issue with one of the two guys, ref the match. Yeah.. that just made the match worth watching. Dumbass.

Jericho bitches (about as much as I was) about not wanting to be the offical, but instead wrestle. Regal agrees (again) and says he'll wrestle Umaga, tonight. Jericho doesn't understand how thats giving him what he wants.. Regal then says the Intercontinental Championship is one the line. (I have no clue)

Triple H. pre-match: Grisham wants H.H.H. to explain his game plan (haha pun intended) for tonight's match with J.B.L. -- Triple H. explains that he'd have to be pretty stupid to just tell the world, and J.B.L., what hes gonna do in the match tonight.

I kinda zoned out on what was said after all this. I think Triple H. said something about how hes gonna prove why he'll be the next Champion, blah, blah.. I got bored. Sorry.

Main Event: John 'Bradshaw' Layfield v. Triple H.: Shit. They kept pushing this as the first-ever meeting between the two when thats straight up bullshit. It MIGHT of been the first-ever meeting of these two since J.B.L. has been calling himself that.. but I'm almost definately sure Triple H. v. Bradshaw back in the A.P.A. days happened on Smackdown and Raw, especially during 2000.

At any rate, the match went back and forth.. nothing too exciting. Orton interferes at the end, attacking Triple H. The fans suddenly cheer for Cena (hahaha who wasn't there, thankfully.) Apparently when Cena's not a Heavyweight Champion, he no longer feels the need to show up every Monday.

Orton R.K.O.'s Triple H., only for J.B.L. to tell Orton to kick his head off. Orton sets up, J.B.L. backs Trips up.. Orton runs in, J.B.L. blasts the shit outta Orton with a Clothesline From Hell!!! WOOOOOO! The show comes to a close with John 'Bradshaw' Layfield holding up the W.W.E. Championship, exclaiming that he will indeed be the next Champion.

Overall Thoughts: Overall, this was a horrible show. Especially by England standards. Each time they've went to England before, they typically had several great matches. Apparently their view of great this time around was Triple H. v. J.B.L. (ending in a no contest) and Randy Orton v. William Regal (dispite Regal not wrestling in a couple monthes) then the added surprise of Jericho v. Umaga.

Mickie winning the Women's Championship gave the fans something to pop over, but in the end, people who read the spoilers bitched before it ever "technically" happened. And people who watched the show, without knowing, bitched after it happened. Something tells me noone is happy with Mickie being the new Women's Champion.. when the fact is, whether anyone wants to deal with it or not, Beth Phoenix was a horrible Women's Champion (not her fault) because she merely had NOONE to feud with.

What did you expect them to do? Keep the title on her, and let her continue to fade without having any Championship matches while Candice works on figuring out how to enter a wrestling ring without breaking more bones?

Jericho's heel turn was nice, and hopefully that'll give him whatever it is hes been missing since his return. Hopefully that tied into a Jericho v. H.B.K., Judgment Day match will give him a new spark.

I feel sorry for Umaga who gets used randomly for no purpose other than to lose. And Paul Burchill, who's own home country doesn't even know who the poor guy is.

Next week is the 3-Hour King Of The Ring special.. and I'm already pissed because the tournament is lined up to be a who's who of Backlash opponents. Batista, Shawn Michaels and Jericho are all in. Big Show, M.V.P. & Triple H. are also selected to be in it, yet all have their own Backlash matches. That leaves C.M. Punk, who since winning Money In The Bank has done nothing.. and Umaga.

All I have to say is.. if C.M. Punk wins this tournament, he'll officially win both the MITB & KOTR tournament yet still suck worse than ever. How many titles are you gonna give the guy, before realizing noone gives a shit about him? John Morrison was robbed. And Raw from England sucked.
It was an average show. But that is how it's done when WWE is in England. Why have your talent do anything good? Take the week off guys we're in England, they'll pop for anything. It always happens. Not that it's important. WWE tickets go on sale, I buy them, I see a poor show like always. It's cool. It makes me more excited for the TNA & NOAH shows.

I love how WWE gave us a title change. That'll keep 'em happy they think. Man if only people gave a shit about that title.
What the HELL are you guys on about!!

RAW was amazing last night! The best I can remember for a while!!

The opening match didn't need to be a classic, it did its job, and did it ok.

The Womens title match was awesome compared to the usual. To be honest, didn't see Mickie winning, but maybe thats because I don't read the spoilers.

JTG vs Trevor was not the greatest, but furthered the division between Cade and Murdoch.

The Intercontinental title match was awesome IMO. Back and forth with some great moves. Awesome match.

Regal vs Orton was fantastic. Regal was awesome. Orton played his part well. The crowd was absoloutly amazing. The FOOTBALL chants were awesome (not fucking soccer, stupid Americans, FOOTBALL!), "Lets Go Regal" chants awesome too. Crowd made this match. Shame about the ending but y'know.

Squash match, meh.

HHH vs JBL wern't great, was expecting Cena but what the hell.

All in all, at 2 - 4AM in England, I was seriously into this RAW. Better than the two of you above my post think anyway.
Ummmm, Y2J didn't turn. It set up the possibility, but he's always been a tweener. He takes the heel role in matches against Jeff Hardy, and the face role in matches with Umaga. Secondly, with HBK and Batista both being faces who happen to be angry with each other, he would have to attack them both with chairs and piss on them in the ring to turn before or at Backlash, as I am sure that match will end with the "hug of mutual respect."

Secondly, two non-sensical title matches in one show. They should've had Rhodes and Holly wrestle London and Carlito too, you know to sell the idea that HHH's baby is writing the show by throwing colored labeled balls to manatees with monkeys and typewriters duct taped to them.

Does Mickie James deserve two segments....a month, much less on the same show? I know that the shows when they go overseas never do much to further story-lines, but this one gives me the idea that they just don't care. One night after TNA throws a 4 star out of five PPV, they need to come up with something better. Where was Cena? Seems like if you're going to be in the ME at the PPV they're shilling, you should show your face. The British speak English, he's still only getting booed in one language, it's ok.

The ONLY segment that did anything was Cantino winning, and the only reason I liked that is my hated of Londrick. As I've said before, I don't think I should realistically be able to kick anyone in the WWE's ass, and I think I could take London and Kendrick at the same time in a confined area.

WWE, you're better than that.
NorCals NightCap

I am somewhat baffled at some stuff im reading...did we watch the same show???

First off, Big Willie, those ARE NOT the guys who will be in KOTR, and no one seems to know whatthe fuck WWE.COM was thinking when they put that Graphic up. Maybe thats why Joey Styles is running it now. LOL

Santino and Lito beat Londrick, in what is pretty obviously looking to become the storyline ive been crying out for, in giving these two guys a comedic tag title run. Its pretty easy to tell thats whats coming, probably the night after Backlash. Santino cut what was one of the few promo's that have ever made me legit LOL sitting at home. Decent, if not a tad sloppy match here. You can see Kendricks heel turn coming miles away.

Mickie James and Beth Pheonix had an EXCELLENT match, that the crowd was pretty into. For a WWE womens match, this is quite the feat. Neither girl botched, and there was a lot of good looking submission moves used, and an EXCELLENT finish, which saw a victory roll that could NOT have been executed any better. Crowd explodes, Mickie cries. Good shit.

JTG prevails over Murdoch in what was a fast match, padding the way for the break up of the team. Not much to speak of here, besides that Cryme Tyme werent much over til they cut the promo in the ring. England aint feelin them boys LOL

Regal Vs Orton was awesome. The crowd was on fire, and Regal is an absolute fucking ring general. He showed up, and preformed DAMN well in this match, and damn near broke Randy Ortons neck. Holy SHIT that was a fucking nasty suplex. I thought for sure Orton was fucked up. Match ends like every Orton match, him getting the shit whipped outta him, and then busting out the RKO outta nowere FTW. Funny people get all fired up about Cena supposedly doing this, yet I have yet to see nary a one post about Orton doing damn near the exact same thing.

Jericho and Umaga had an absolute WAR, that kept everyone guessing til the end. Very good match up, that was given a good amount of time, and both men went at it damn nicely. I was actually pumped for this match before it happened. I actually wouldve been all about an Umaga win, but no matter. Still a very very good match.

Burchill absolutely squashes Duggan. Funny when the "USA USA USA" guy outpops the proud englishmen by about 1000%. Wow this couldve been a ton better had WWE not squandered Burchill again.

Pretty Hard hitting, physical match up between Trips and JBL to finish the night, but I thought the end was a bit of a let down for an excellent RAW. Pretty weak to go out with JBL's gut jiggling in triumph over Trips and Orton.

Personally I felt this to be the best damn RAW ive seen in ages, and better then a few of the PPVS. The night had an "anything can happen" feel, and you just NEVER get that anymore these days. Very funny promo, and all solid matches, and an insane crowd. fuck guys, what the hell else to you need???
Amy’s VERY LATE ‘take’ on Smackdown 04/11/08 edition:

After a 10 day internet/wrestling hiatus, I'm back and playing catch-up. Due to time constraints and the fact we have an all new Smackdown tonight, I’m forgoing my standard format. Without further ado, here are my thoughts on last week’s show. Sorry in advance I can’t be more positive about last week's show.

The opening segment - the bearing of gifts - was laborious to watch due to Khali’s translator. I think I said this somewhere else, but where the hell is the Khali’s regular translator/manager Ranjin Singh these days? Seriously, he is still NOT selling the knee thing from No Way Out. Khali sold that punch better than Jericho did. I wonder if they are going to try turning the monster Khali into some kind of gentle giant now.

At least Miz and Morrison didn’t get squashed by Show or Khali this week (a positive). Miz/Morrison and Wang Yang/Moore in a rematch from last week and this one was given longer than 2 minutes (another positive). Miz/Morrison displayed some nice teamwork. I don’t know what the hell that gyrating hips thing Morrison did was or if it will become a regular thing, but it sure did make me think *shades of Rick Rude.* Solid, entertaining, best match of the night IMHO. Tag champs keep looking more impressive each week.

What exactly do the spa segments do for Edge’s character? There’s making someone look weak and then there’s making someone look like a fool. Edge deserves better. Seriously, matching pedicures with Strawberry Fields Forever nail polish? Also, he should never ever do that hair thing again. And those were the fakest looking massages in the world. They were barely touching them. I’d so want a refund.

Meh, Hornswoggle and Finlay made their Smackdown returns. Smackdown just became Suckdown again. Nothing against Finlay at all. I’m just sick of Hornswoggle. There is a time for everything, but his is over. How much longer can they go on with this character? And why wasn’t this match stopped when Hornswoggle doused Matt Striker with the water bucket? Isn’t that grounds for a DQ? And I don’t recall it being a no-DQ match.

I like they showed video of Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart to play up the second generation superstar bit, but I don’t like they changed her name to Natalya. What’s wrong with Natalie or Nattie? They probably would have gone with one of those if she’d come in as a face. Sending a “message” to all the Smackdown divas is all fine and good, but I’m still waiting to see what she can bring in the ring. I think I'm going to like this “bad girls” pairing of Victoria and Natalya in time. I’m also really hoping her voice grows on me.

What can I say about last week’s Batista-Shawn Michaels segment? I am sick of the word “closure”. Again, Batista didn’t come across as taking the segment “serious” to me. So far both have looked strong, but I see Batista winning at Backlash now that Jericho is involved. Honestly, I’d much rather see a Batista-Umaga re-match to make up for the crappy Mania finish. I guess there truly is no one left for Batista to feud with on Smackdown anymore.

In the squash of the night, Vladimir Kozlov won via a different finisher than he used in his debut squash. I know he’s going for this intense scowl, but I can’t help thinking Gomer Pyle with some of his facial expressions.

The Palumbo-Matt Hardy match went much longer than I anticipated. Although Hardy got the win, I don’t think the match made him look strong for when he next meets MVP. It was the best Palumbo has looked in a while…hard to believe he was jobbing to Jamie Noble just 2 months ago. I have a feeling Palumbo is going to become the #1 contender for the US title when MVP drops it to Hardy.

Speaking of MVP, I’m normally excited anytime MVP is on the mic so his commentary during the Hardy-Palumbo match should have been the high spot of the night for me yet it just felt flat. He spent too much time berating Coach instead of talking about himself, which is what he’s best at and draws him the most heat.

Festus in the main event with the Undertaker? The two actually put on a decent match although it was heavy on the punches for my taste. I wonder if they’ll do something with the fact that when Festus was choked out it affected his brain and now he is “normal”.

I think it’s safe to say Smackdown’s main event scene has hit rock bottom. Edge is off with Vicki, no one wants to see Taker-Batista or Taker-Mark Henry again, BDV is at fat-camp, Mysterio is still injured, Kane’s busy being ECW champ plus we don’t want to see too much more Taker-Kane either. They seriously need to elevate someone and fast, but I just don’t think it’s Festus.

Overall, last week’s show was one of the poorer shows in recent memory. I tape everything as I rarely get to watch when it’s on, and it took me three attempts to get through last week’s Smackdown – I kept falling asleep it was that boring. It also did very little towards building for Backlash.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 04/18/08 edition (from England):

Opening Segment: On the Highlight Reel, Jericho wished guest Batista luck tonight against the Undertaker and agreed Shawn’s a phony. Batista told Jericho he can handle Shawn on his own and now he has to put up with him as the special ref. Jericho was miffed and gave us his ‘analysis’ of Batista. He said Batista’s reaction to Shawn retiring Flair was irrational and he was “too cool” with his sunglasses to show emotion at his mentor’s Farewell. He got under Dave’s skin saying he’s more selfish than Shawn because he wanted to be the ONE to retire Flair and is hurt that Ric chose Shawn because he wanted to be in the ring with the best. Jericho played to the crowd taking a show of hands to see how many agreed with him. Batista had had enough and shut Jericho up with the Batista Bomb.

Match #1 MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer: Maybe I misheard MVP last week, but I thought he said he’d take on Hardy in a non-title match in England.:headscratch: Tonight was Hardy’s turn on commentary. He sounded under the weather but did a nice job, just didn’t bring the ‘intensity’ I expected after his return win over MVP two weeks ago. Nice back and forth in this short match. MVP hit the Ballin’ Elbow and won with the running corner kick. Exactly when did that become his finisher?:glare: I can’t remember when he last got off the Playmaker.

Match #2 Matt Striker vs. Hornswoggle: The Suckdown portion of the show. Beforehand Striker told us that as a man with a 186 IQ and degree in Educational Psychology he was embarrassed last week and is insulted to face half a man tonight. After getting pumped for his match backstage, Hornswoggle came out juggling tennis balls then hurled them at Striker. DQ ref? No. Horny then hit Striker with a barrage of water guns. DQ ref? No. Striker momentarily took out Finaly at ringside and began slapping Horny around. Striker went for the shillelagh, the ref took it, Finlay hit Striker with another shillelagh behind the ref’s back, and Horny hit the tadpole splash for the win. Did Striker piss someone off to wind up playing the fool to a midget?

Backstage Segment: Eve interviewed Big Show. He said Khali’s gifts didn’t win him over and at Backlash he’s going to finish what he started but tonight we are in store for the World’s Largest Athlete versus the World’s Strongest Man.

Match #3 Chavo Guerrero (with Bam Neely) vs. Jamie Noble
: Good to see Jamie Noble back on TV. Pretty even contest until Noble missed a running knee. Chavo got control and hit the frog splash for the win. I don’t think pitting Chavo against a guy his own size who gave him some real competition in this one makes Chavo look strong for his rematch with Kane. I guess that’s why Chavo has a bodyguard now who can do his dirty work. Bam Neely dished out a little punishment to Noble after the match.

Match #4 Big Show vs. Mark Henry
: After a couple stalemates, they exchanged blows and headbutts. Show fought out of a bear hug and got Henry up for a chokeslam. Khali came down and he and Show went at it. The match was called. Khali got the upper hand tonight putting Show down with the Khali Bomb.

Match #5 Cherry (with McCool) vs. Victoria (with Natalya): Cherry made her Smackdown wrestling debut. I really enjoyed watching Victoria toy with her. That kick to the head was sweet. What was even better was Victoria talking smack the entire match – “There’s no crying in wrestling” – priceless. I think Cherry landed a kick and a forearm (maybe) but got a quick rollup pin when Victoria was distracted with McCool. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to see the Widow’s Peak; I was anxiously waiting to mark out for that…hopefully next week.

Match #6 Vladimir Kozlov vs. local wrestler Leroy Kincaide (sp)
: What can I say about a 1-minute squash? Kozlov stuck with the same finisher this week. Seeing Kozlov in squashes is already starting to get old.

Match #7 The Undertaker vs. Batista (Main Event): Edge, Ryder, and Hawkins watched from the first row. I wasn’t all that psyched for Batista-Taker AGAIN, but they put on a good match with lots of back and forth. Taker landed a DDT early on then worked on Batista’s arm. Batista got in a spear and superplex. On the third attempt, Taker went Old School. Eventually they took the fight to the outside and both were counted out. Taker pulled Edge out of his seat, then it was a free-for-all with Taker, Edge, Batista, the Edgeheads, Chavo, and Bam Neely.

Power-tripping Vicki came out in the wheelchair again. She said both men put her company in legal jeopardy by attacking Edge, Ryder, and Hawkins as they were paying audience members. There won’t be any civil or criminal charges though as their punishment will be another match next week, but this time the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line.

Overall Thoughts: A BIG improvement over last week’s snooze-fest. I hope next week’s show, the last Smackdown before Backlash, is even better because I will be there to see it in person!:D
I know Im late but can someone think this weeks episode was bad.

First of all we got an IC title match between Umaga and Jericho , this match was awsome , full of back and forth and a unperedictble outcome.

We got the Awekning of the Tagteam Division , with a great match between Carlito and Santina vs Londrick. Very good match with an amazing Backstabber with Carlito for the finish.

A Womens title hand change in what was another good match between Beth and Mickie. Nice ending.

A very good match between Regal and Orton and Regal is one of the most underrated wreslers ever. Hes Awsoem

Triple h vs JBL , Very stiff but not a very great match , but loved the ending and How Jbl was standing tall.

A Tweener turn for Jericho.

Overall you guys asked for Tile matches and less promos and here you them and still complaining. It was a great show.
I enjoyed Raw up until the Regal match. After that it seemed to just peter out.

The Burchill reaction really peeved me off though. We do know who he is in England, just take a look at the pop he received previously here in England against Nunzio, but the way he's been used recently seemed to suggest the fans didn't really know what to do. Maybe having him cut a quick promo about how great England is, or to have announced he was from England before he hit the ring might've helped. Plus why book him against Hacksaw? No matter how unexciting his matches are nowadays, with who he is and his "Ho" chants, nobody's going to boo him!

I enjoyed the Regal reaction and his vicious suplex (although I thought I saw the ref give the X sign after it which concerned me slightly) and the Women's match was good. I was so hoping for them to milk being in England with solid bookings for Birchill & Katie-Lea and DH Smith. Damn!
i was totally shocked regal won and i dont think anyone will be happy about except me because i beleive he has deserved a psuh for many years and i am extactic that he won the whole thing he deserves the wwe title and is a great wrestler and hey it would make more sense then jbl jumping from tag division to wwe champ regal is a high midcarder
Alrighty here we go with another edition of Raw. KOTR style. 3 Hour broadcast.

First Impression: I was really excited for the show. I was hoping for a really intense KOTR race, but that didn't happen. The Presidental Canidate thing I had no intrest in as I figured it would be the same as the Rosie/Donald thing. The main event... Looked awesome.

Match #1 Y2J vs MVP: This has been like a mini feud between the two of these guys and it seems that Y2J may have won it here. A great opening match that I thought would have set the tone for the show.Damn was I wrong... A few little mistakes that were visible here and there, but nothing major. Y2J wins with the walls. Match rating: 3.5 out of 5

Match #2 Matt Hardy vs CM Punk: I'm sorry, but every time I see Punk he seems sloppier and less entertaining to watch. However the match was rather high paced. Not as good as the opener, but still a very solid match, Punk's best of the night that he won with a GTS. Match rating: 3 out of 5

Match #3 Khali vs Finlay: All good things must end... Here is where the show died for the most part. Finlay wins via DQ as Khali slams his leg into the ring post and ignores the ref's count. This disabled for the most part Finlay's leg and made it obvious whoever he faced was going to the finals. Big Show came out and Khali walked away. Pointless and a waste of a KOTR match... Match Rating: 0 out of 5

Match #4 William Regal vs Hornswoggle: Alright so let me get this straight... You have 2 good matches to open the show, then follow them with this shit. Regal beats Horny in about two minutes, then cracks Finlay in the knee. The next round would be Finlay vs Regal... Match Rating: 0 out of 5

Match #5 Hardcore Holly vs Carlito: I don't understand how many times we need to see this match. How many times do we need to see Carlito pick up the win? It's gotten old and the only thing saving it is Santino's commentary after it. Cody was actually given some mic time, and I thought did rather well with his two lines/hit Santino with mic. and the champs cleared the ring The match though... A rather bland filler... Match Rating: 1.5 out of 5... If I did post match stuff that rating would be at least a 3.5 out of 5 for comedy XD.

Match #6 CM Punk vs Y2J: An alright match. Started very slow, but did pick up as it went. Punk got no love, and there was a lot of Y2J chants. Not too sure what happened with that Lionsault. I don't know if it was supposed to happen or if it was botched. Punk looked a bit more sloppy then his match with Hardy... He won with a GTS. Match Rating: 2 out of 5. Match just was not intense enough for me. Yes there was some nice reversals, but still... Rather bland...

Match #7 Finaly vs Regal: What's the point in going into detail in this. Regal won with a stretch in an intriguing match. Now the match gets a rating of 0 out of 5 due to the fact that it literally was a waste of time, but I wouldn't mind seeing Regal vs Finlay in some sort of brawl.

Match #8 Obama vs Clinton: Just no... Umaga comes in and the match is over. He kills the canidates... End section... Match rating 0 out of 5... I wish I gave negatives...

Match #9 Regal vs CM Punk: Very surprising outcome with Regal winning. Do I like it? I dunno we'll have to see where WWE takes it. Now the match though... Regal stuck to his brawler style and literally schooled Punk. I don't see why WWE made they're MITB winner loose to Raw's GM, but ya know... Overall a great match compared to the crap before it... Match Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Match #10 Randy Orton, Edge, JBL, Chavo vs Cena, HHH, Kane, Undertaker: Awesome main event... For the whole 5 or so minute match. They began doing entrances at 10:30EST, and the match did not start until around 10:55EST. Wayyyyy toooo long on entrances. The ending was sick with Kane crushing Chavo, only to get speared and Edge gets the win. It was awesome seein Rated RKO back again, as well as the Brothers on Raw. After the match all Hell broke loose and ended with Taker chokeslamming RKO and JBL. Match Rating: 4 out of 5

Promo: HBK/Batista: HBK calls out Batista on a question Y2J asked last week. Batista comes down and says the same thing he's been sayin for weeks now. Promo ended on a rather intense note with HBK faking a kick to the face, where Batista didn't even move. Then Batista just knocks HBK out of his way as he left the ring. Promo Rating: 3 out of 5

Promo: Divas: Maria leads out the faces to celebrate Mickie's title win. Beth brings out the heels. They brawl after Beth gets slapped in the face. Faces clear the ring, which I don't agree with since all the faces have as far as talent is Mickie, so it really made no sense. Beth leaves saying it's only a matter of time before the title is hers. Promo rating: 3 out of 5

Promo: Presidental Promos: I figured I'd do all of these together. As they were all shit and not needed. We have Hillary "hulk" Clinton, Barack " The Rock", and "the man" Mckain. who cares... Promo rating 0 out of 5.

Promo: Fatal Four way promos: All of these promos had the same idea that the guy talking would walk out of the match as champ. Generally the same promo you would get before any PPV. Promo rating 2 out of 5

Overall Match Ratings: 2 out of 5... The amount of stupid wastes of time really killed the quality of the show as the 8 man KOTR tourny was basically 5 guys...

Overall Promo Ratings: 2 out of 5... WWE needs to just quit doing the stupid bullshit political stints. They are not funny and are not entertaining. Also... Come up with some new pre PPV promos...

Overall Show Rating: 2 out of 5: What more needs to be said. WWE still has serious work to do. What started off as a great show deteriated into a 2... I thought with that first match it'd be a solid 4... Oh well... Theres always next week... KENNEDY RETURNS!!!...

**Final show ratings, match ratings, and promo ratings all rounded to nearest 10th...
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: April 21st, 2008:

The Matches:

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: Chris Jericho v. M.V.P.: The night officially kicks off with the KOTR Quarter-Finals, and Chris Jericho is the first man entered, followed by his opponent, M.V.P. This was quite possibly the best match of the whole night, and it was very fitting that it started the show. It gave people hope that their 3 hour treat would be one to remember for the ages. Sadly, if tonight's event is remembered at all, it won't be seen as a 'treat' of any kind. But I'm jumping far, far ahead.

Jericho and M.V.P. put on a classic showing and a match that could later spark a feud, should M.V.P. be moved to Raw, or Jericho to Smackdown. Jericho picks up the victory after countering M.V.P.'s 'Play of the Day' into the 'Walls of Jericho' for the submission and the advancement into the Semi-Finals.

M.V.P. on the other hand got a nice losing prize.. a 'goose egg' on his forehead that won't likely be gone by tomorrow night's Smackdown taping.. so you know a "V.I.P. Lounge" will be had, in regard to that.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: C.M. Punk v. Matt Hardy: While I wasn't the least bit happy C.M. Punk, Mr. "Money in the Bank" (who since has lost basically every match) was added into yet another midcard push spot.. I must admit he put on a great showing against Matt Hardy.

Nice back and forth match that would've been even more in favor of Matt Hardy to pull out the victory, had M.V.P. advanced and it gave us the glimmer of hope that an early Sunday match-up might take place. No M.V.P. interference either, as C.M. Punk counters into a sitdown pin to advance to the next round.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: The Great Khali v. Finlay: I could not have called this, at all. When The Great Khali's music began, the first thing I did was throw my remote on the floor and yell as loud as I can "Fucking W.W.E."

With Finlay coming out to face Khali, it was almost instant that I knew Finlay would advance but not without being injured enough to either make a run for the Finals as a wounded underdog, or drop an easy one to a heel. Finlay (as we seen) picked up the victory, after Khali refused to quit slamming his knee against the ring post. (thus, the injury)

Big Show comes out after the match, only to once again have Khali back down and walk away.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: William Regal v. Hornswoggle: Okay, before I even start.. HORN-FUCKING-SWOGGLE?! Seriously, William Regal is technical and could've at least jobbed to someone great. Paul Burchill would've been the better, more reasonable replacement than the current Raw General Manager, but Regal was still SLIGHTY okay.

However, when his opponent was announced.. I simply had to remove myself from my chair and walk away. Not only was Mr. Kennedy & John Morrison utterly FUCKED out of a great opportunity, but to not even place a reasonable opponent in the 8th and final spot. I mean seriously. Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin, The fucking MIZ! Hell, Shannon Moore, Jimmy Yang, anyone but a fucking midget?!

At least I know Vince didn't get his complete wish, otherwise we would've seen Hornswoggle win the damn thing. I can see Triple H. convincing him in the back now.. "Vince, I know you love midgets, but the people will never buy one going over 3 of your better talented athletes, wait a year and make him W.W.E. Champion for a week."

Hardcore Holly w/ Cody Rhodes v. Carlito w/ Santino Marella: So, is the Tag Team Championship match unofficial for Sunday's Pay Per View? Because it was never announced, and they continue to push Santino & Carlito into claiming an upper hand over the Champions. Apparently this is a Number One Contender's team that'll just never receive their shot. (Kinda like Cryme Tyme.. who apparently weren't smart enough to show up on Raw and try to steal the crown)

The only worth while part in this whole time wasting experience, is Cody Rhodes turning someone aggressive. After the match, Wet Dreams cut an average promo demanding that Santino shut up. Then when Santino refused, Cody slammed the mic into his head and the Tag Team Champions took it to Carlito & Santino. Not bad, I just don't know if Carlito & Santino have what it take to be the next "heel" top team.

King of the Ring Semi-Finals: Chris Jericho v. C.M. Punk: I honestly don't know what it is, but anytime these two wrestle C.M. Punk looks above average and downright great. I don't like the guy, but Jericho works well with him and somehow has the ability to bring the best out in him.

There was one solid botch in which Jericho went for a Lionsault, and I think Punk was suppose to roll out of the way, as Jericho instead of laying out to connect properly for it, tried landing as if he 'knew' the guy had moved. Only problem was, someone forgot to tell Punk to move.. and as a result, Punk got Jericho landing foot first directly across his face and nose. (suprised completely that it didn't break)

The ending saw C.M. Punk connect with the G.T.S. and the replay they showed of it really had a great angle in slow motion of Punk's knee connecting hard with Jericho's jaw. Great replay, and Punk advances to the Finals.

King of the Ring Semi-Finals: Finlay v. William Regal: When this match happened at (I think) the Great American Bash in 2006, it was an okay match and very physical and tough for both men. As each have similar skills and styles of brawling.

This time around, however, it was obviously meant to be with Finlay at a distinct disadvantage as he came out on "one leg" to face a man who delivered a solid knee to the face, then locked in the Regal Stretch to advance to the Finals. (how funny that Finlay's injury gave a direct opening to Regal's finisher - shocking)

Presidential 'Smackdown': Hilary Clinton w/ Bill Clinton v. Barock Obama: Rosie O' Donnell v. Donald Trump saw TREMENDOUS RATINGS.. :rolleyes: So why not pull another mock fight? :disappointed: And wrestling fans get upset and outraged when people call wrestling fake and stupid. Hmm, I wonder why.

Seriously, I get W.W.E.'s will to drive their viewers to vote. But what purpose does it serve to make the Presidential Hopeful's look like fools? Some say Hilary was actually played by Mickie James. I can only HOPE that isn't true, as its such a horrible role for the *New* Women's Champion to be put into. Meanwhile, a local indy wrestler played Barock.. and the guy playing Bill, I think, is the same guy who played him during the 1995 Survivor Series.

Overall, I popped louder for Umaga, than ANYONE ELSE on this entire night. I was so thrilled to see W.W.E.'s poor misuse of great talent coming out to squash and kill a horrible angle and storyline. (By the way, when the creative masterminds were thinking of the KOTR entries.. when Umaga's name was brought up, what genius said "Nah, he doesn't need built for anything, lets have him squash the soon to be next President, it'll be great!"

King of the Ring Finals: C.M. Punk v. William Regal: So before the match ever started, when Regal defeated Finlay, I sat in my chair all night thinking to myself how horrible its going to be to see Punk flush away both the MITB case as well as the KOTR crown. Then I stopped and asked the question.. "Does Regal actually stand a chance of winning?"

It was at this time I began talking to a friend of mine, Mighty NorCal, who told me his ideas for how William Regal should be and ultimately would be winning the KOTR. NorCal believed solidly that Regal would be winning. And he told me the reason behind this, is because Regal could pull off a faction with guys such as Paul Burchill, Lea, D.H. Smith, and Mcyntire. (sp?)

Going into the KOTR, there were rumors of the winner replacing Booker T. in the "King" role. And when I grouped together all the guys who'd advanced from the Quarter-Finals, I knew instantly William Regal would be the ONLY guy capable of filling that role. However at that time, I was more convinced they'd just give the whole thing to Punk, because I'm solidly convinced W.W.E. is braindead and doesn't understand that Punk is NOT a better talent then the likes of Mr. Kennedy, or John Morrison.

Now, while I'm not sold on Smith or Mcyntire (sp?) I do solidly believe that Paul Burchill will still benefit from this greatly. I think he'll become William Regal's personal bodyguard, or hired muscle.

As far as this match (Punk v. Regal) goes, it wasn't by any means great. And the funny thing is, Punk didn't look at all like he could win. Regal was in control 90% of the time and took the whole thing in the end.

The Promos:

JBL: J.B.L. cuts more of a promo on his own personal lifestyle and businesses on the side then he did winning the W.W.E. Championship. Its your typical promo from a guy who likely won't be a factor at all. In the end, he claims he'll be crowned (KOTR reference) Champion, and he'll be the big news story come Sunday.

Shawn Michaels/Batista: A solid month of nothing but promos. Seriously? I love Shawn to death and the guy is great on the mic, but did we really need a month worth of promos ON RAW AND SMACKDOWN?! Shawn calls Batista out, says Jericho had a point.. and asked if Tista wanted to end Flair's career. Batista says he won't give H.B.K. the pleasure of hearing him say that.

Shawn says the funny thing is, he is everything Batista says he is. And he feels that regardless if Batista's mind is on winning the World Heavyweight Championship come Smackdown, regardless of all that, thus Sunday he will be in the ring, in a match, against the guy that will take any step, do anything, to win. (Is that H.B.K. saying he'll cheat if he has to?)

Shawn offers a handshake, Batista does so, then pulls H.B.K. back when he goes to leave. (What is it with Wrestlers and handshakes? Its like neither know they have to let go when one walks away, someone's always forgetting and the result is the guy walking away always getting pulled back) When H.B.K. finally does get released, he goes for a fake out with an attempted Superkick, however Batista doesn't move a muscle. (and believe me, in HD you can see those things pop with even the slightest movement) Tista smiles, then walks by H.B.K., shoving him with his shoulder as he leaves the ring.

Triple H.: Another average promo about being the best of 4 guys come Sunday. Trips goes on to explain that all everyone is doing is talking, all that is is a bunch of words, but on Sunday, words won't win the match and the true Champion, the best of the best will come out victorious and with the Championship. Oh yeah.. naturally, he says it'll be him.

John Cena: See Above. Seriously. Cena basically said what everyone is meant to believe. He has 25% chance of winning, as does the other 3. He claims that its not up to him to prove hes a winner, its up to everyone else to prove hes not.

Divas: I have no idea what to say about this, except for if Joey Styles was commentating on Raw he would've died from saying the words "Cat Fight" over and over.. and over.. and over.. and over. Mickie tells everyone to never give up, Beth says she'll win her Championship back. McCool bitch slaps Beth which starts a huge blow up between all the divas. (way to go Cool.. that was definately anything BUT)

Randy Orton: Orton cuts a live promo. (Sad thing is, I never knew he didn't cut a taped one before) Orton goes on to explain hes tired of continuing to hear everyone talk about how someone else is gonna be walking out of Backlash with his Championship. He says he'll let his actions do the talking for him, for the most part, except to say.. No Mercy, Survivor Series, Armageddon, Royal Rumble, No Way Out and Wrestlemania. (listing off all the times hes proved people wrong, apparently)

Presidential Promos: Yes, its getting its only little section. I'm not gonna bother with Hilary, Barock or John's outrageously horrible "promos" on what they're gonna do as our next President. Instead, I simply wish I could meet each of them and slap the fuck outta them one by one.

Who's bright idea was it to tell them to use wrestling phrases? Who's genius thought sparked them to each write speeches in which they used phrases like "Hil-rod" and "People's Elbow." "Smell what Barock is cookin'." "To be the man you gotta beat the man," "Game Over" & "Because McCain said so."

Not only do all three deserve to be publicly shot.. violently.. but none of these fucktards deserve to be our next president, because between the three of them, apparently they find the wrestling related viewing audience naive, simple minded and utterly braindead. I have no other reason to think on why it was a great idea for them to use these dumbass terms.

Certainly noone in this world thinks any of these three are as entertaining as the likes of The Rock, Hulk Hogan or Steve Austin. And I'm almost positive there wasn't a single wrestling fan who wanted to be treated like a moron, in having these three idiots refer to themselves in wrestling terms.

Main Event: 8 Man Tag Team Backlash Preview: Triple H., John Cena, Kane & The Undertaker v. Randy Orton, J.B.L., Chavo Guerrero & Edge: I love how Edge received one of the biggest pops of the night, only for the fans to suddenly realize midway down the ramp that hes still heel, and then they boo him. :confused:

This was more or less exactly what I dubbed it. A "Backlash Preview" match. Overall a pretty solid match but for as much mega star talent as it held, you'd think they would've allowed the match to have a bit more than 10 minutes to run. This had all the makings to be a great, if not the greatest Raw Main Event ever and they 'W.W.E.' themselves in the foot by having the overall entrances take longer than the match.

The end saw Edge pick up the victory, only to receive an F-U from Orton, as things began spiraling out of control with each wrestler from here delivering a finishing move until the final remaining one was the Undertaker, standing solid in the end.

Overall Thoughts: H.B.K., H.H.H., M.V.P., Jericho, Batista, Big Show, Randy Orton & Umaga. Those (I think) were the very first, original, graphic for the King of the Ring tournament. I wish I never would've opened my mouth in the first place to complain about it. Because had those names had remained the same and those solid type of matches would've been had.. I wouldn't be ranting like I'm about to, on how horribly disappointing this whole fucking show was.

Night starts out.. Jericho, M.V.P., I thought perfect. Punk, then Hardy, I thought.. well, Hardy was a stretch, but still above great. Khali then enters.. I stop. Instantly I hate bottom half of the brackets. Doesn't matter if hes only one person outta the bottom 4, hes still one BAD person. Finlay.. thats fine.

Then I get William Regal, and its my second :wtf: of the night. Followed by the most shocking development of all. Horn-fucking-swoggle. I shit you not, you are my favorite turd. The midget somehow out boosted the likes of Kennedy, Morrison, Burchill, Benjamin and Burke. Apparently W.W.E. feels the little bastard is more over than any of the above mentioned names. Hooray for idiots.

The only justifying thing out of the whole tournament is I hope they use NorCal's idea for Regal to start a faction on Raw. Because if they don't, then why on earth would Regal have won, much less even been entered into the fucking tournament in the first place? Hes definately not "young" and he isn't (to my knowledge) gonna receive a sudden push for W.W.E. Championship gold any time soon. So outside of taking on a fresh "king" gimmick, Regal winning served NO PURPOSE!

Raw had quite possibly the greatest chance, EVER, to blow the roof off of entertaining the world by giving us SEVEN, count them, SEVEN GREAT KOTR MATCHES. We got, maybe, 4. If you look at the upper half of the bracket, you'll think to yourself "Wow, thats a nice line-up." Then if you look to the lower half of the bracket, you'll more or less have a heartattack because you won't be capable of believing it to be true.
NorCal's (late as a motherfucker becuase im lazy as fuck) Night Cap

as if anyone's week was really fucked up from not having this around to read :rolleyes:

aaannnyyy WAY....

KOR qtr final saw MVP and Jericho in what was probably match of the night to be honest. Very good back and forth action, just not sure if I think its a great idea having a giuy who has a very high profile match sunday being owned via submisson by a guy who has NO match sunday. especially if the winner of this one was just gonna job next round ANYWAY. I digress. Jericho goes over in a good one.

The next KOR match saw ANOTHER guy with a high profile match on sunday losing to someone with NO match on sunday. I guess this is that new "reverse build" technique the WWE is trying out LOL. Match was sloppier than a pig pen. thumbs down. Bland and sloppy. felt like I was on a date with a drunk sorority sister.

Kahli against Finlay, part 74. I love how the commentators talk as if this match has never happened before, and as if Finlay hasnt beaten Kahli soundly about 4 times already. No matter. Right when the match started the obvious "Finlay goes over, but Kahli whips the brakes off him first" scenario was gonna happen. Nothing flashy here, and nothing better than anything else they have done.

Will I AM Regal goes against Hornswaggle in a match seemingly purposely to utterly piss fans off. and no, not in the heel way they are supposed to piss people off, but in the "i payed money to see THIS shit?" pissed off way. Regal goes over after a hardfought entrenchment by Swaggle.

Not really.

Hardcore Holly and Carlito have a match for no reason that accomplishes nothing. sweet. so what the fuck exactly are they saving this "epic" tag team title bout for?? A RAW in the fucking middle of this month??? Lets get Santino and Lito the cheap win and get this comedy run going already for fucks sake.

Jericho and Punk had a decent little match, as Jericho overcame Punks sloppiness to give us something better than bland shit. And punks face got its ass whipped on accident, which make me chortle. Decent finish with Punk getting the heroic GTS outta nowere.

Finlay put on a game fight against Regal, in what was actually a pretty damn good match. Finlay "passes out" in the Regal stretch.

I found it funny that it seemed like WWE KNEW the presidential thing was gonna totally suck balls and be met with anger and outrage, so they in advance set Umaga up to come out there to destroy it. Hey WWE. Generally things that you know for certain people would rather *********e with Icy-Hot than watch, arent good things to put on your television program. Just sayin.

The KOR finish saw basically the greatest thing ever, with Regal going over Punk cleanly and making him tap out. first REAL mark out moment that had me cheering in my living room in a VERY long time. As I posted in the KOR thread, Regal could REALLY start a stable with this, and have a reighn of terror over RAW. I really truly hope this goes down.

ANNNND they had tag match that accomplished absolutely nothing. I dont even think every person got into the match.

In summary, this match may end up being a very good one retro actively, as in if they used this as a luanching pad for other things. Will Regal start a stable??? Will this up the entertainment value of the show?? will the laborious rating make Ortons boring ass title reighn end?? we shall see....
I'm not going to write a book but here's a little short summary on what I thought about RAW.

Complete shit folks. Seriously, Did WWE really really really have to pass up on this opportunity for a Kennedy push, but yet gets a short return promo, only to start a feud with Punk next week and job in the end? Christ's sake. That alone was the whole travesty of the show, Punk's push is why WWE is a mockery. Back to KOTR, Hornswoggle? Khali? Need I say more. No wonder this shitty show is getting low ratings.

Put the belt on HHH Sunday, terrible build, terrible booking, terrible show.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: April 25th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Edge & most of La' Familia are already in the ring as Smackdown opens. Edge begins with his final promo before Sunday's Backlash Pay Per View. Edge hyping everyone up, letting them know that change is coming, and its all thanks to Vickie. Vickie says that everything is so special, and to make it even more special she announces that the Main Event for the World Heavyweight Championship, is no contested under No Disqualification rules. Meaning Batista can win anyway he wants, and both men will completely destroy each other.

C.M. Punk's music ques up as he enters the arena, only for Edge to quickly take a shot at him being the "Queen of the Ring" for coming up short against William Regal on Raw. Punk fires back with "If you wanna call me anything, call me Money in the Bank." (Wow Punk, way to thrill me with those impressive mic skills :disappointed:) Punk goes on that he feels winning the case was a better way to get to the top, instead of sleeping with the boss.

Punk then threatens (is it a threat when its not dangerous?) to cash in the MITB case tonight or at Backlash, only for Edge to tell Punk he better think again then to cash it in on him. Punk quickly fires back with stating he was thinking more along the lines of Batista or Taker, as Punk feels he can beat Edge. This opens the gate for a match that ends up signed for later tonight.

The Matches:

The Miz w/ John Morrison v. Shannon Moore w/ Jimmy Wang Yang: So someone clearly read my last review about how I'm tired of seeing Miz/Morrison v. Yang/Moore. Sadly, this isn't the alternative I had in mind. On E.C.W. we seen Morrison drop one to Yang, and now we see Moore pick up a victory over Miz. This sparks two issues.

The first is that sadly I'm sure we are in store for another 4 monthes worth of Miz/Morrison v. Yang/Moore. The second is, upon the end of that never-ending story(line) we'll see the demise of Miz/Morrison, as Yang/Moore will likely go over them in the end. All I can say is, I hope they plan on pushing Morrison to the top and pushing Miz.. out the door. This match was average, nothing great and in the end Morrison & Miz have more debating over their short-comings.

Cherry w/ Michelle McCool v. Natalya w/ Victoria: Natalya's debut match and I must admit, Cherry isn't awful.. but definately doesn't belong in the ring with a Hart Family member. I'm not sure what more to say about this match, other than watching Natalya actually reminds me of watching her Father.

They both look HORRIBLE. (in a good way) :lmao: But the 'car wreck' in the ring is so unreal you can't turn away. Natalya is definately a Canadian Woman. Big built, and deadly. The finish of the match comes when Natalya dusts off a Family heirloom, the Sharpshooter.

C.M. Punk v. Edge: Quite possibly the match of the night in my view. And I dispise Punk. This was a quality back and forth match, with W.W.E. continuing to build Punk as something of a Main Eventer, only to have him drop the match in the end.

The only thing I fail to understand is. How on earth are they pushing C.M. Punk as quite possibly the next World Champion, when he continues to job to every other Main Eventer, and Midcarder?

People will open the claim that Punk had the match won until one half of the Edgeheads ran down and interfered but the fact is, to me, and even as Coach pointed out "Punk was never touched, he merely took his eye off the prize." And if you wanna compare apples and oranges (so to speak) the theory can be used that heels get "taunted" by the fans throughout the whole match. So one of the Edgeheads interfering equals out to all the mindless fans taunting the heel. Edge wins, Punk loses. Next.

Vladimir Kozlov v. Marty Gardner: Okay, I've given this guy about as much thought as it takes for one of his matches to conclude. I believe the reason they have yet to give him a tron video, music, or proper ring tights is because they aren't sold on him being marketable as anything.

They have him destroy jobber after jobber and they continue to push him as something of a destructive force, yet he still comes out week after week during commercials and without videos, music, or colorful tights. Not to mention, this week the lights were completely off. I'm still saying within 5-6 monthes tops, this guy won't even be a thought in people's heads anymore.

The Segments/Promos:

Matt Hardy/M.V.P.: Micheal Cole stirring the pot, as it were, by calling out Matt Hardy and asking how the knee is. Hardy says hes 100% and ready to go for Sunday. Hardy goes on to lay claim to being the biggest threat M.V.P.'s ever had. (If this is true, the M.V.P. might as well retire instead of even consider going to the Main Event side of things)

This triggers M.V.P. to come out, and he says that Hardy is adding a lot of false to the situation. M.V.P. explains that hes tried so hard to be Hardy's friend, Hardy's partner, and if it wasn't for M.V.P. Hardy wouldn't even be an 8 time Tag Team Champion, or a note-worthy name in any Single's division.

Some nice back and forth banter, only for M.V.P. to give Matt Hardy what he wanted in the end. A shot, at the United States Championship.. .. upside his head, leaving him knocked out in the ring.

Batista/Vickie Guerrero: Watching this promo made me think Batista was on prozac during the whole thing. Hes smiling, firstly and thats just fricken creepy. He giggled on a couple different occations during this promo, and thats just not animal like at all.

He thanks Vickie for the match, and went on to claim No DQ matches were his favorite. He literally made it sound flakier than when Rico was managing Billy & Chuck. He breaks his phase for a moment to explain that he understands Vickie's complete plan to make Tista & Taker wear each other down for Edge to pick them clean on Sunday.. but Batista explains that her plan won't work completely, because after he defeats and reclaims his Championship from the Undertaker, hes then going to beat Edge senseless on Sunday.

Raw Recap: The only reason I'm adding this in, is because they truly didn't have hardly any segments on Smackdown this week, except for recapping the Hilary Clinton/Barock Obama/John McCain crap.. and I'm still a bit furious over how ******ed all three of them consider wrestling fans to be.. so I've decided to add my new take on last Raw.

Since E.C.W. on Tuesday, and now Smackdown last night, I've decided that William Regal is quite possibly the best choice for the King of the Ring. Not over the likes of a Mr. Kennedy or John Morrison, mind you, but when filtering through the possible choices for an actual "King" gimmick.. Regal's look, his current gimmick, even his music ALL give you King like qualities. Now he has the gimmick and "crown/title" to add to the list. The era of King Regal will, or hopefully at least should be, very entertaining.

Main Event: No Disqualification: World Heavyweight Championship: The Undertaker v. Batista: Clearly not their best match-up, but in my opinion still way better than their Survivor Series Hell in a Cell match. During the first half of this match, it was a normal single's match. Then they go to break and upon returning, the actions outside the ring.

Infact to be completely honest, I don't recall one "No DQ" moment in this match, outside of the steel steps and of course the ending, being a difference. Taker tried for a Tombstone on the steps, inside the ring. Batista counters down the back, then delivers a Spinebuster to Taker on the steps. Batista gets ready to deliver a Batista-Bomb to Taker, until Shawn Michaels runs into the ring via the crowd, pops Tista in the mouth with some Sweet Chin Music, and Taker ultimately picks up the victory.

Overall Thoughts: Honestly, Backlash is set to be one of the bigger versions of that Pay Per View in a long while. Even the Chavo Guerrero v. Kane match had a great build coming off of E.C.W. Tuesday night. However, Backlash is Sunday and Smackdown is Friday. This is a Smackdown review, not a Pay Per View one.. and Smackdown.. well, it still has a ways to go.

Overall, I'm more comfortable with the brand extention now then I have been in a long while because I can clearly see a whole host of great talent just waiting to be used. Unfortunately, you have 3 brands and the company still opts to only push about roughly 10 people.. 6 of which were being pushed before the brands were split to begin with.

I really did enjoy the Punk/Edge match, but I'll remain even more close to my previous statement on Punk getting more than he deserves. He only has entertaining matches against guys that carry everyone. Jericho on Raw, Edge on Smackdown, Morrison on E.C.W. Seriously, the guy can't have an entertaining match unless its against someone entertaining to begin with.

Speaking of Morrison, I'm so overly sick and tired of the repeated shit with these four individuals. I mean seriously, does Smackdown just no longer remember they have Jesse & Festus or Deuce & Domino? What the hell are they doing with Hawkins & Ryder? Are Yang & Moore the ONLY fricken opinion?! Let alone, the "best"?

Kozlov is nothing more than a waste of television space. I can't complain too much because it takes him almost just as long to get to the ring, as his matches last.

Hardy & M.V.P. should have a great match on Sunday, but somehow I just don't see Matt picking up the victory, NOT quite yet. M.V.P. needs to step up into a Main Event spot, but why not let Hardy/M.V.P. go one more month into a gimmick match, that way M.V.P. can have a year long reign. Hell, Cena got close to a two year reign, give or take about 3 monthes collectively in between.

For the passed four weeks we've seen nothing but promo after promo with Shawn Michaels and Batista. Finally, H.B.K. draws first blood with something physical.. will that prove to be his downfall? And what seriously will happen with Chris Jericho!?

Edge has had an above average build this time around than going into Wrestlemania, but both pushes have been roughly the same shit. Going into Mania it was the Edgeheads and Chavo up against Taker, with Edge being no where in sight. This time, its bigger guys like Kane, Festus and Batista.. with Edge being no where in sight.

All in all, Smackdown is never horrible.. well, I take that back I remember one not that long ago that was just plain disturbing with all the squash matches it had.. but overall, the Edge/Punk, and Tista/Taker match saved tonight's show. Those matches, along with the M.V.P./Hardy promo that is.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 04/25/08 edition:

Opening Segment: La Familia is in the ring. We’re sure getting our fill of them this week. Edge is excited for tonight’s World Heavyweight title match. He thanks Vicki for making it happen. She happily announces the match is now no DQ. Edge says since Taker and Batista can do/use whatever to destroy one another, it’s going to be a great night for him and his familia.

Punk spoils Edge’s moment. For losing to Regal, Edge calls Punk the ‘Queen of the Ring’ and Chavo says he’s the court jester. Punk says they got jokes but he’s got a briefcase and winning MITB is a better way to the top than sleeping with the boss. Edge says he wouldn’t understand their love. I think we can all agree with Punk “that’s gross.”

Edge asks what we’re wondering: “Why exactly are you here?” Punk’s thinking of cashing in at Backlash against Taker or Tista; they can beat Edge and so can he. Guess he forgot he lost to Edge in their first meeting. Vicki says Punk talked himself into a match with Edge tonight. Edge will leave Punk bankrupt. *Lame*

Punk sounds so boring and mechanical on the mic and his cockiness seems at odds with being a face. They teased some future “main-event” match-ups for Punk with the big boys (Edge, Tista, Taker).

Match #1 The Miz vs. Shannon Moore (w/Yang): ECW Part II. Solid 5-minute match. Morrison was OK on commentary; he has and can do better. He quipped Coach is no longer being the worst announcer in the WWE (shot at Adamle). He dismissed his argument with Miz and loss to Yang on Earth Day; he was planting trees all day to save the planet. Not a very heel thing to say now is it? He said Yang/Moore would get a title shot if Moore won, and he did get the surprise (not) pinfall. Morrison didn’t go off on his partner; he just stared down Yang/Moore who claim they’ve got the tag champs number.

Nothing against Yang/Moore, but I’ll be disappointed if they end Miz and Morrison’s reign when there are more legit teams being wasted. And why are they making Miz the more dominant one? Is a face turn in store for Morrison?

Match #2 Cherry (w/Michelle McCool) vs. Natalya (w/Victoria)
: I was worried Cherry (who they’re pushing ATM) would go over Natalya; thankfully that didn’t happen. Natalya looked impressive in her Smackdown wrestling debut with a very powerful style like her father. She made Cherry submit to the Sharpshooter (ah shades of Bret and Owen).

Interview Time: Michael Cole introduces Matt Hardy and reminds us MVP turned on him and took out his knee 5 months ago. Hardy says he is 100% and has waited 10 months to get his shot at MVP who did everything to avoid him because he’s MVP’s biggest threat.

Out comes MVP and excuses Cole. He asks why Matt is speaking untruths. MVP says his friendship was genuine and it’s because of him Matt is an 8-time tag team champion and his name has any significance in the singles division. Hardy says their teaming was a smokescreen so MVP wouldn’t have to defend the US title against him.

MVP says Matt’s jealous that he’s accomplished more in 1½ years than Hardy’s 9 year career. Hardy says it’s confidence in his eyes and uncertainty in MVP’s. Reluctantly, MVP says Matt will have his shot on Sunday then kicks his knee and lays him out with the belt.

While I was disappointed I didn’t get to see either in action or the VIP Lounge, solid segment building to their match. MVP gets the upper hand here and I see him retaining Sunday via some DQ finish.

Match #3 Edge vs. CM Punk: Match of the night IMHO that went longer than I expected. Kudos to both. The ending was the same as their first meeting, but Punk looked strong, getting several nearfalls, even hitting the GTS. Punk had to put Edge back in the ring, allowing a distraction by Ryder and Edge to hit the spear for the win.

Despite the loss, this match helps elevate Punk. Now they just need to commit to pushing him, get him on Smackdown or Raw for good, and no more burying him in 6 or 8 man affairs on ECW.

Backstage:Batista thanks a frightened Vicki for the no DQ title shot. He knows it’s to weaken Taker for her man but he’s going to reclaim his WH title then beat the hell out of Edge on Sunday.

Match #4 Vladimir Kozlov vs. Marty Garner (aka Cham Pain): His 1-minute squashes are as exciting as his entrance. I can’t help thinking he’s the anti-Delaney. I wouldn’t be surprised to see those two face off soon.

Match #5 Batista vs. The Undertaker (Main Event): These two put on yet another good match with lots of back and forth. I was surprised Taker went for his submission move so early; to date Batista’s the only one to evade it. No way Taker was losing. I expected some interference but not in the form of Sweet Chin Music! Guess Shawn had to live up to Tista and Jericho’s opinion of him. Expect Batista to exact some payback for tonight on Sunday.

Overall Thoughts: All-around great show with good promos and exciting matches. They *finally* succeeded in getting me pumped for Backlash.
Ooookay, RAW just ended during Orton's title clause, with him still in the crossface. So, does this mean Age of Orton has restarted and it's Game Over for Triple H? I really want to know who won... news soon, please.
How can they wonder why the ratings suck??? What a piece of crap show. The main event starting as early as it did really got me excited. Great match going and they end it with that freaking loser Regal telling them to go off the air??? What a lame ass ending! Where is CM Punk's title shot? Oh wait, they'll keep having him lose and make him so illegitimate we'll forget he ever won money in the bank. Where's Kennedy's push? Regal sucks, this is a terrible angle. Just terrible!!! And perhaps one of the only good things going for Raw right now, Santino Marella, loses to Cody Rhodes??? Holy crap, they're basically ruining so much potential in so many guys and keeping the same old faces at the top of a crappy show! Wrestlemania was good, and there hasn't been a good thing since!

Don't even get me started with that lame excuse of a King of the Ring. Vince ought to fire every writer and get some fresh ideas. It's all so terrible!!! So many guys they could have had in KOTR and they put in Hornswoggle? He's good at comic relief but maybe they don't realize he's a MIDGET! Wow this is a sad day for WWE!!!
I am sitting here now, wiping the spit of Vince McMahon off my face, and so are any of you that watched Raw tonight.

I have long been patient when it comes to storylines, no matter how dumb, insulting or lame.

But, to cut off a world championship match to further the storyline of a wrestler who is, let us face this, washed up and unimportant, is a disgrace, and rarely have I felt so utterly insulted as a wrestling fan.

First off, IMO, tonight Raw sucked. Absolutely and completely. We had a singing wrestler, a tuxedoed wrestler who talked about nothing important, and another idiot being slapped by Roddy Piper.

Then, when all was said and done, Randy Orton and HHH saved the show with a very good match. Excellent give and take, and some great moves. I was truly enjoying it, and thought it was one of the Game's and Orton's better matches.

And then, to cut us off over something so dumb, so unimportant, so lame and so trivial. No storyline has ever called for such a disruption. Not only an insult to two great wrestlers, but an insult to the fans and a glob of yellow spit on the world title.

I am serious about my anger, and, quite frankly, my disappointment in the WWE for doing such a thing. They could have easily ended the title match a little earlier, and then did the Regal crap.

Even if the storyline calls for Regal to be punished next week, that is no excuse. I cannot recall any organization doing such a thing in recent memory.

Yes, back in the old days, Raw used to be cut off at a certain time, even if a match was going on. But this was clearly a business decision, and a selfish, idiotic and insulting one at that.

Are we expected to truly honor the world title, a title that WWE has always said personifies the best in wrestling, after this fiasco? After this slap in the face to the tradition of wrestling?

Are we to understand that the bland, lame, promo cutting abortion William Regal is more important then a title bout? An in ring interruption, a DQ, anything could have set this up, but to simply cut off a good match, again, the ONLY good match of the evening for such drivil is shameful.

It looks like we cash cows are only respected during a Pay Per View, when we open our wallets and further the McMahon legacy.

I am sickened by this, and I am sure you all will have your own opinions, maybe even saying it's not a big deal.

But, it is. This was a world title bout, a good bout, a bout between to guys who were giving it their all and having a great match. A bout for the most important belt in wrestling, now, or in the past, and it was stopped to show a 90 year old man being angry for not getting a plastic crown.

Shameful and disgraceful, and, IMO, the lowest Vince McMahon has ever sunk.
NYSandman, well said! It's an absolute disgrace. It sickens me that such a good, RAW SAVING match ended so bad. I was texting my friend telling him that it was a great match and that it was saving Raw. Then they cut to Regal and the way it ended, when I called my friend who was unable to watch, he just laughed! It's so ridiculous to see them try to push someone like Regal. HE IS ONLY GOOD FOR GENERAL MANAGER DUTIES! Man I am so disappointed.
With the abrupt end and few viewers, I'm guessing Orton won. HHH couldn't lose a main-event match with EVERY viewer watching, agreed? It was an okay RAW, great promos from Kennedy, Jericho, Orton and HHH... and okay-ish matches until the main-event. I was really wrapped into it until Regal was an asshole... D<

The match was canceled... so HHH is the winner by default. D: I put my hopes too high, aw well... hail the King of Kings.
What happened tonight confirms what I've been thinking for a long while. From now on, fans have to pay to see the WWE title change hands. Any chance of that happening on Raw, someone either interrupts the match, the champ gets themselves DQ-ed, or there's some unexpected twist and the champ keeps it.

When wrestling was at its high point, the #1 Title belt was contested on cable tv. It changed hands on cable tv. The weekly show was a quality program and was worth talking about the next day.

With the ending tonight, it just goes to show the lengths WWE will go to ensure that their fans pay to watch the champion lose their title. I only tuned in tonight to see the title match becuase i couldn't remember the last time there was a WWE title match on Raw and I get that crap with the ending. It was a solid match, great counters, and it kept you wanting more. To end like that just shows how far they will go to make sure you pay for a title match. This was a disgrace.

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