Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Did anyone else find it strange that orton was criticizing Christian for hiding behind lawyers, and that he was a coward for doing so? Not all that long ago, Orton did the exact same thing, claiming he had a psychological disorder relating to anger management.

I guess I can understand that since Orton is a face now, that the WWE doesn't want to remind us of his heel tactics of hiding behind doctors and lawyers, but considering that his "anger management" issues have been mentioned quite frequently lately, I just found it strange that Orton is calling Christian a coward for using the exact same tactics he himself used not too long ago.
This show was absolute shit top to bottom.

1. All of the matches were completely irrelevant aside from Rey vs Cena and Miz vs Rey. Miz vs Rey was absolute boredoom while I liked Rey vs Cena.

2. We got literally one actual promo and it involved Triple H bringing back Jim Ross. Biiiig fucking deal. Last week he was crying like a bitch, this week he's doing stand up comedy with R-Truth. Not even a good one. And you would THINK that after such a groundbreaking thing like McMahon being fired they'd at least change the show up, make it be different so we can FEEL the change. But fuck no, this is WWE, it doesn't have to make sense. Let's do the same shit we always did and let's NEVER explain to the CASUAL fans how the fuck Triple H of all people got ownership of the fucking company. Casual fans don't know about Triple H's office position, you *****. They don't read the scum sheets. To them HHH replacing Vince makes as much sense as Max Moon coming back and saying he's the new COO.

3. Another Cole match? Are you FUCKING kidding me?

4. Product placement out the ass. Insulting our intelligence with this autograph that magically turns into a tattoo bullshit.

5. The belt switching hands 2 times in one night? Hold on, everyone was shitting on TNA about taking the belt off Anderson so quickly without even giving him a chance, and I've seen the WWE Title change hands TWICE in two fucking hours. I also saw the World Championship change hands in less than a week (Christian to Orton) and in five minutes (Ziggler).

So where's your "New Era"? Where's your improved RAW? Where's your ROH invasion (are you fucking stupid?) ? Where's your Attitude Era 2.0? Where's the excitement? Where's the compelling product? I thought this was supposed to be some good shit. What happened? Oh that's right! The same old boring show. Even worse than before mind you. Slow paced, LONG fucking matches that have no purpose whatsoever. The WWE title being made a mockery of by being passed around like a ****e. Michael Cole dressed up as Triple H and wrestling against that absolute joke Zack Ryder. Incredibly horrible Divas matches that make me want to shoot myself in the balls. Stupid, bromidic promos with no content. Meant to be funny but end up flopping. My fucking God why did I ever think that this place would ever be good again? And to think I was excited about the whole thing. Blah. Fuck the WWE.

Not to mention how they fucked up the biggest storyline of the year.

CM Punk wants out of the WWE because he feels disrespected. Vince McMahon was about to sign a contract with EVERYTHING Punk wanted, but he gets pissed off, wins the belt and scrams. Now Cena is supposed to be fired. But hey, there's no WAY WWE will last even three minues without Cena, so not only do they think of a way to keep him on the show, they put the belt BACK on him at the drop of a motherfucking dime!

But that's not all. Here's the fun part. Punk comes back in less than a month with a gay-ass theme song. So he resigned? Just like that? Why? Because McMahon's gone? Fine. Now Triple H's is in charge and you called him a doofus. You also went to ComicCon and bashed him. So why did you come back? Why did you even want to leave if you were gonna come back in two weeks? What the fuck is wrong with this company?

Now it's no longer good. It's a fucking rehash of Razor and Michaels. Who's the real world champion. Wooooooo soooo interesting. Way to shit on the storyline, WWE. At least you're good for something. You ruined Nexus last year and now you're ruining this. We all know Cena's coming out of this feud victorious. Punk either signed an extension or got a new long term deal. Either way you know they'll never let him go over Cena again and take the belt off him. Hell, they can't last a week without having him on the show with the WWE Title around his waist.

Congratulations, you fucked it all up ... AGAIN. Fuck this shit.
This show was absolute shit top to bottom.

1. All of the matches were completely irrelevant aside from Rey vs Cena and Miz vs Rey. Miz vs Rey was absolute boredoom while I liked Rey vs Cena.

2. We got literally one actual promo and it involved Triple H bringing back Jim Ross. Biiiig fucking deal. Last week he was crying like a bitch, this week he's doing stand up comedy with R-Truth. Not even a good one. And you would THINK that after such a groundbreaking thing like McMahon being fired they'd at least change the show up, make it be different so we can FEEL the change. But fuck no, this is WWE, it doesn't have to make sense. Let's do the same shit we always did and let's NEVER explain to the CASUAL fans how the fuck Triple H of all people got ownership of the fucking company. Casual fans don't know about Triple H's office position, you *****. They don't read the scum sheets. To them HHH replacing Vince makes as much sense as Max Moon coming back and saying he's the new COO.

3. Another Cole match? Are you FUCKING kidding me?

4. Product placement out the ass. Insulting our intelligence with this autograph that magically turns into a tattoo bullshit.

5. The belt switching hands 2 times in one night? Hold on, everyone was shitting on TNA about taking the belt off Anderson so quickly without even giving him a chance, and I've seen the WWE Title change hands TWICE in two fucking hours. I also saw the World Championship change hands in less than a week (Christian to Orton) and in five minutes (Ziggler).

So where's your "New Era"? Where's your improved RAW? Where's your ROH invasion (are you fucking stupid?) ? Where's your Attitude Era 2.0? Where's the excitement? Where's the compelling product? I thought this was supposed to be some good shit. What happened? Oh that's right! The same old boring show. Even worse than before mind you. Slow paced, LONG fucking matches that have no purpose whatsoever. The WWE title being made a mockery of by being passed around like a ****e. Michael Cole dressed up as Triple H and wrestling against that absolute joke Zack Ryder. Incredibly horrible Divas matches that make me want to shoot myself in the balls. Stupid, bromidic promos with no content. Mean to be funny but end up flopping. My fucking God why did I ever think that this place would ever be good again? And to think I was excited about the whole thing. Blah. Fuck the WWE.

Not to mention how they fucked up the biggest storyline of the year.

CM Punk wants out of the WWE because he feels disrespected. Vince McMahon was about to sign a contract with EVERYTHING Punk wanted, but he gets pissed off, wins the belt and scrams. Now Cena is supposed to be fired. But hey, there's no WAY WWE will last even three minues without Cena, so not only do they think of a way to keep him on the show, they put the belt BACK on him at the drop of a motherfucking dime!

But that's not all. Here's the fun part. Punk comes back in less than a month with a gay-ass theme song. So he resigned? Just like that? Why? Because McMahon's gone? Fine. Now Triple H's is in charge and you called him a doofus.

Now it's no longer good. It's a fucking rehash of Razor and Michaels. Who's the real world champion. Wooooooo soooo interesting. Way to shit on the storyline, WWE. At least you're good for something. You ruined Nexus last year and now you're ruining this.

Congratulations, you fucked it all up ... AGAIN. Fuck this shit.

I'm sorry but what the fuck are you talking about. Were you watching the same show I was. I'm sorry but please get your head out of TNA, Impact Wrestlings, yadda yadda yaddas' ass. Tonights show was amazing we got the return of the best comentator in history. Zack Ryder was in a match ... and won.

The difference between Cena getting the title and Sting is one is a bonafide star in his prime while the other is a withering shell of a man in my own opinion.

Tonights show featured good wrestling, a great promo, the return of both John Morrison and Jim Ross. The only problem for me was Mysterio getting the title just to lose to Cena. Why couldn't they have just made it a triple threat main event or openor.

Anyways tonight was the best wrestling televised show from top to botton I've watched since well a hell of a long time.
In case you dont know, "cult of personality" was an old song used by punk when he turned heel in roh just before coming to the wwe, it was an awesome nod to an awesome storyline dating back 2005. To me this tells me that both of those championship matches are null now, the real champion is back, and i cant wait to see raw next week.
Could have done with out the whole Cole thing and the Triple H promo was a little dull. The matches were decent, but the end was good. It will definitely make people tune in to see what happens, and the new theme song was a nice touch. Calm down Zion. If it is so awful, why do you continue to watch and comment on it?
Not a major fan of Punk, but returning to "Cult of Personality" was fucking perfect! Although it may have been his music back in ROH for a while, there couldn't be a more fitting entrance theme for him now with his insane cult like following.
Got to finally see Ryder tonight. Not sure if it was just Hampton, but he got ABSOLUTELY NO pop from the crowd. They even tried to hype him up saying that he was an internet sensation.
I also enjoyed the little segment where Trips went in on Truth. The back and forth was funny to me, although I really don't like how they turned Truth into a comical heel.
Raw Review for 26th July 2011

WWE Championship Match:
Rey Mysterio Vs The Miz - A very strong offering from both men in a back and forth match, the crowd where hot for this one and despite the 'Miz is awful' chants they appeard to back the awesome one in this match, at least from the reaction Mysterio got when he won the belt. Yeah a good opener and the new WWE champion had been crowned, a mental note was made though, the new 'championship' does look a bit slimmed down to the old one. ***

Alberto Del Rio comes down to cash in Money in the bank, oh a swerve has been thrown.... Mysterio recovers and takes out Del Rio before the cash in becomes official, Mysterio had been laid out by Miz prior, Del Rio scampers off not having officially cashed it in, good story telling here WWE... keep it up! (thumbs up)

The Bellas are backstage and Eve with some beer mascot comfronts them, sexual undertones a plenty here but it turns out Keith Stone drew a massive 'Tatoo' on Nikkis arm making it impossible for twin magic to happen... which makes some sense I suppose it would of made more sense if the Bellas were actually in action that night.... it was sort of funny though. (Thumbs in the middle)

Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres Vs Melina & Marysee

Standard Diva affair here, though as with the promo before it I felt more sexual undertones then diva affairs of old, especially with the taunts and the way they interacted with each other in the ring, Kelly Kelly wins with the fame asser. 1/2*

Dolph Ziggler Vs Evan Bourne

Dolph comes out with new more aggresive music and it appears his character is more aggresive also, as was shown in the end promo where he just screamed into the mic 'FOLLOW THAT' this is the direction he needs to go, not the 'new and improve ziggler' we saw a few months back. The match wasn't anything special & Ziggler got an important win to get him back on the right track. *

HHH Addresses the WWE Universe and makes changes, first pop of the night was JR being rehired on Raw, very nice surprise and the 2nd one WWE offered tonight (go going so far), Michael Cole throws a hissy fit and breaks keyfabe by mentioning that he does everything the company asks of him including sucking on the kings foot, HHH releaves him of his duties tonight because he has a match booked against a mystery opponent (I assume it's Alex Riley) R-Truth comes out and exchanges words with HHH. HHH mocks R-Truth by talking to imaginary people, it was funny & probably one of the funnier things WWE have pulled out recently but that was mainly down to R-Truths reaction to it all, R-Truth leaves until HHH Mentions he's resigned another guy, then John Morrison comes out....... I notice the reaction is kind of flat like the crowd expected CM Punk or Chris Jericho, got issues with this because Morrison was still with the company just injured but at least this feud finally is going ahead! Oh and WWE makes history by having a 2nd WWE title match on Raw with Rey Mysterio Vs John Cena (Mine & the crowd's hearts immediately sinks) (Thumbs Up)

Michale Cole Vs Zack Ryder

Oh so it isn't Alexy Riley (would've made more sense).... well Zack Ryder is just getting the strangest push in WWE history, winning lots of matches on Superstars of late and being put over on youtube this is certainly a very internet way of doing things. Zack Ryder gets a bigger pop then Morrison (that being said it wasn't very big at all) but a healthy Zack Ryder chant does break out during the match. Ryder owns cole and wins with a Rough Ryder in under a minute, I suppose this is the easiest way to get Ryder over by letting him beat up the most hated man in WWE, but it was a straight forward squash, but then again it shouldn't of been anything else 1/4*

Alberto Del Rio Vs Kofi Kingston

These 2 put on a solid showing tonight, though a little unmemorable, but hey it's a tv match what do you expect? Has to be said though this carries on the trend of Raws above average wrestling that we've seen tonight. Del Rio picks up the win with the cross arm breaker. **

WWE Championship Match
Rey Mysterio Vs John Cena

I bet none of you were looking forward to this one, 2 of the more hated baby faces within the YWC having a TV match... it just can't be good. Well I thought the same but for this match wayyyyyyyy excedded my expectations, this was a great TV match and was better then almost every Cena headline match to date. Bar the way he suddenly was able to hit the FU Cena was once again not booked as superman and carried a back n forth match where both men looked likely winners. Sure we probably knew Cena would win deep down but this was far from Superman booking, Cena booked like this is good & I am actually starting to enjoy his matches, great tv match. ****

Cena wins, he celebrates once again being the wwe champion (booo!) but wait... we hear some guitar hero music (I don't remember what track it is, I'm not high on classic rock, sorry) and its CM punk who gets a massive ovation to provide the 3rd swerve of tonight! Sure it might be a bit too early to put Punk back in but the Champion Vs Champion match has now been booked for Summerslam & I look forward to it! The next few weeks of Raw should be very interesting indeed.

What an exciting addition of Raw, we probably all deep down knew something was going to go down the moment the WWE title tournament final turned out to be first on the card but the swerves and surprises made this one of the most exciting Raws I've seen for ages. Not to mention the wrestling on the whole was very good indeed, best all round show of the year? Could be, doesn't have the WOW factor of some recent offering but as a whole show this could be the best Raw of the year. A+
Please. Someone explain to me the "EPICNESS!!111" of this show? I can agree with every show the past 2 weeks but come on now. This show was utter shit.

-Underwhelming championship match that should have been booked at the END of the show.

-Uninteresting match between Dolph Ziggler. Check.

-Terrible backstage promo with a guy who is a Z-list celebrity. Keith Stone...Really?

-A Divas match nobody cares about and ended in 40 seconds. Check.

-Micheal Cole match was unnecessary. Just leave the promo and end it there but WWE has to go overboard.

-Mysterio loses the WWE title TO CENA. THE CHAMPION OF THE PAST ERA...Oh wait, It's not the past era. It's the same one.

-Then we are supposed to forget about the stupidity of seeing Punk and Cena holding the exact same belt. But the only thing people care about is his theme song? Seriously?

It was a downright bullshit show. Anyone who thinks this was great was beyond terrible, It's pathetic WWE gets rewarded with a lovefest on Twitter when they lost ALL momentum from the last 2 weeks. They contradicted the storyline by having Punk sign a deal with TRIPLE H when he bashed him and Vince THREE WEEKS AGO. Why couldn't he simply sign with Vince when he gave him what he wanted?

Same old Raw to me. I'm not bashing it, I'm telling you all the truth.
This show was absolute shit top to bottom.

This show fucking ruled, top to bottom.

1. All of the matches were completely irrelevant aside from Rey vs Cena and Miz vs Rey. Miz vs Rey was absolute boredoom while I liked Rey vs Cena.

The only match that sucked was the Divas shit and even there they were acting all ****ty, which is what they should be doing. It was probably the most entertaining Diva's match in 3 years.

2. We got literally one actual promo and it involved Triple H bringing back Jim Ross.

Miz cut a promo, as did Rey. So you're wrong.

Biiiig fucking deal. Last week he was crying like a bitch, this week he's doing stand up comedy with R-Truth. Not even a good one.

Yeah, what the fuck ever. That bit was hilarious.

And you would THINK that after such a groundbreaking thing like McMahon being fired they'd at least change the show up, make it be different so we can FEEL the change. But fuck no, this is WWE, it doesn't have to make sense. Let's do the same shit we always did and let's NEVER explain to the CASUAL fans how the fuck Triple H of all people got ownership of the fucking company.

They explained it in detail last week. Did you just not pay attention? Why should they dumb everything down just because you have a shit attention span?

Casual fans don't know about Triple H's office position, you *****. They don't read the scum sheets. To them HHH replacing Vince makes as much sense as Max Moon coming back and saying he's the new COO.

And again, they explained it all last week. You're dense, doesn't mean everyone else is.

3. Another Cole match? Are you FUCKING kidding me?

It was 28 seconds long you fucking crybaby.

4. Product placement out the ass. Insulting our intelligence with this autograph that magically turns into a tattoo bullshit.

Yeah I could have done without that bit, but still. It was short. Short enough that most would have forgotten about but not you of course.

5. The belt switching hands 2 times in one night? Hold on, everyone was shitting on TNA about taking the belt off Anderson so quickly without even giving him a chance, and I've seen the WWE Title change hands TWICE in two fucking hours. I also saw the World Championship change hands in less than a week (Christian to Orton) and in five minutes (Ziggler).

Where's the actual problem here? You're bitching a lot, I see that. But there is no substance behind at all. Just waaah waah TNA gets shit on for this!! That's because TNA fucking sucks. Get over it.

So where's your "New Era"? Where's your improved RAW? Where's your ROH invasion (are you fucking stupid?) ? Where's your Attitude Era 2.0? Where's the excitement? Where's the compelling product? I thought this was supposed to be some good shit. What happened? Oh that's right! The same old boring show.


You are just a sad pathetic little person. This was excitement. This was new. And most of all, it was fucking entertaining. As anybody with any kind of clue has been able to see, you have shit taste when it comes to wrestling angles.

Even worse than before mind you. Slow paced, LONG fucking matches that have no purpose whatsoever.

You're fucking kidding me right? All of the wrestling tonight was awesome. This is a fucking wrestling show! They had a perfect balance of wrestling and entertainment.

The WWE title being made a mockery of by being passed around like a ****e.


Michael Cole dressed up as Triple H and wrestling against that absolute joke Zack Ryder.

Comedy bits that take 28 seconds bother you? Where's your outrage when Eric Young takes up 3 minutes without so much as a chuckle?

Incredibly horrible Divas matches that make me want to shoot myself in the balls.

ALL women's wrestling sucks ass.

Stupid, bromidic promos with no content. Mean to be funny but end up flopping. My fucking God why did I ever think that this place would ever be good again? And to think I was excited about the whole thing. Blah. Fuck the WWE.

Le sigh. You're never going to be happy with what WWE gives you. You'll always just be that guy over there yelling at everyone else about how this other product is sooo much cooler. It's not. You're an idiot.

Not to mention how they fucked up the biggest storyline of the year.

CM Punk wants out of the WWE because he feels disrespected. Vince McMahon was about to sign a contract with EVERYTHING Punk wanted, but he gets pissed off, wins the belt and scrams. Now Cena is supposed to be fired. But hey, there's no WAY WWE will last even three minues without Cena, so not only do they think of a way to keep him on the show, they put the belt BACK on him at the drop of a motherfucking dime!

Seriously? How awful would Raw be if we had to deal with Rey Mysterio as the top face?

But that's not all. Here's the fun part. Punk comes back in less than a month with a gay-ass theme song.

Oh you just shut your filthy ****e mouth. Cult of Personality is a fucking awesome tune.

So he resigned? Just like that? Why? Because McMahon's gone? Fine. Now Triple H's is in charge and you called him a doofus.

Really? Nothing was said at all. Where are you getting this information from?

Now it's no longer good. It's a fucking rehash of Razor and Michaels. Who's the real world champion. Wooooooo soooo interesting. Way to shit on the storyline, WWE. At least you're good for something. You ruined Nexus last year and now you're ruining this.


Are you FUCKING kdding me? How in the fuck do you know where this is going when there wasn't a god damned word said? Where are you coming up with this shit? Are you just eager to shit on everything WWE does that you slam an angle that *gasp* hasn't even developed yet? Jesus fucking Christ you are a simp.

Congratulations, you fucked it all up ... AGAIN. Fuck this shit.

Good fucking riddance man.
I'm a fan of Punk. I thought they brought him back too soon. I was hoping they'd let it last for a while, but instead they gave him two weeks off. We will have to see how this goes. If the WWE wants to keep building up the legend of John Cena, then the feud with Punk is what they need desparately. But to bring JR back, and HHH playing a suit, RAW will be very interesting these coming months before next April and Wrestlemania.
Let me begin with Cult of Personality! The real Chicago anti-hero is back. Although i think it should have waited a bit longer. I dont want Cena....better yet Del Rio leave SS with the belt. Who really wants that? WWE needs to invest in Punk. Its obvious hes the best in the world, in the ring and on the microphone. Ok now that after i got that out of the way.

I have to say one thing though. I hated the crowd, they were either Dead the entire night or semi-into it. Very pro-face crowd as well. Chants were weak, very weak. Even the ending, no one seemed to care as far as crowd reaction. Not the best place for the Punk return.:shrug:. Unless of course the sound of my TV is messed up. I just thought the crowd was rather dead.

So im listening to the crowd reaction on you-tube and it was good. Not what i expected. But it was decent
Wow, man. I guess you didn't like this week's raw.

Miz v Rey
Miz put on a good match, and they actually protected him a little. Sure he lost, but Rey aggrevated his leg injury, so that takes something out of the loss. I look to see Miz do more to build up himself again

I liked HHH and Truth's routine. It took me back, it was nice to see the Game showing some of his goofy side. The guy wasn't always serious bastard game, he used to do bits with faceshields and windshield wipers. Guys that aren't serious can get over, people.

The no game v Ryder match. No game's attempt at copying The Game's entrance was longer than the match, and No game couldn't sell the rough ryder, but I was pleased to see Ryder. With JR back and Ryder actually in the ring on RAW, starting to buy these changes in a new era thing.

Divas, whatever, they look good bouncing around. And Keith Stone, nice to see they got some new ad revenue sources, whatever.

We got to the end of the show rather abruptly in my opinion, and I thought it totally sucked that Rey v Cena was booked. I felt it would be ridiculous to have Cena win. It was a nice match, but felt like they were stealing the booking from Miz v Rey, with Cena selling a leg injury. I was didn't we just watch this? Then Cena wins? com'on, I like Cena, but that was way too short for Rey and way too soon for Cena. And that set up what?

Cult of personality? Ok, I dig the tune, and it suits Punk, but really, really REAAALLY
Stand in the ring and raise belts. Again, seemed rushed. Next week, week after, we'd all be salivating for that. But two weeks after leaving with the belt, we are at this point already?

Oh, I missed ADR v Kofi. Well, I was checking out coverage of the Debt ceiling thing. and sure, I'd love to see Max Moon come out. K-Dog and Rey, filthy animals, loved it.
I'm sorry to say this, but this guy, Zeven Zion, gotta be the biggest attention ****e i have ever seen in this forum.

This show as amazing. He had it all: good wrestling, comedy, hot divas and fucking great ending.

Rey vs Miz was very good, and i'm very happy for Rey. He finally won his first WWE Championship, and it's very well deserved.

Ziggler won, for once. That's nice.

Triple H did a great in ring promo, and we saw the return of Good Ol' JR and Jim Morrison. He also did an epic comedy promo with Truth.

Cole entrance was very funny, and most importantly, Ryder was on Raw... and won!

I didn't care much for Kofi vs Del Rio, but it was watchable, and the right man won.

The main event was another great match. Is it just me, or lately, every match that Rey has "steals" the show?
Rey doing a STF was a nice touch. Eventually, Cena won, as expected. I find it a little disrespectful to Rey, after all, but i heard they are planning a huge angle for him this summer, so, we just have to wait to see that.

Then, the CULT OF PERSONALTY was back! From the moment i heard the music, i knew it was Punk, because it was his old ROH theme. Epic ending, with both champions doing a staredown, and one can only presume that Cena vs Punk is booked for SummerSlam.

Really, after all, what's not to like here?

One of the best Raw's this year.
WWE Monday Night Raw - July 25, 2011

Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz - Very good match to open the show and a great effort from both wrestlers. Both guys looked very strong throughout and I was especially impressed with The Miz. His in-ring ability just seems to be stronger and he did a great job of selling his frustration at not being able to put Rey away. I thought the sort of modified slingshot sitdown powerbomb on Rey looked good and it was a fun little move we haven't seen from Miz. Say what you like about Mysterio but the man can always be counted on to put out high quality matches. I was a little surprised that they started the show with this match, which leads me to believe that it's part of something bigger that'll be revealed before the show goes off the air. Mysterio does get the win about the 14 minute mark after hitting 619 and the big splash. Miz attacked Rey afterward and got some heat back. The post match stuff backstage with everybody pouring champagne on Rey and congragulating him was a very nice touch as it just added a little more significance as this was Rey's first WWE Championship win. The match was great and there's still an air of mystery and unanswered questions hovering about the WWE Championship scene. ***1/4

Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bourne - The match was short at only about 3.5 minutes but it was pretty fun while it lasted. Just some good action through the match and Ziggler is someone that I'm just impressed with in the ring. Bourne hit some flashy spots including a hurricanrana from the top rope. Bourne winds up missing Air Bourne and Ziggler capitalizes by hitting the Zig Zag. He allows Bourne to recover and I cringed as I thought Bourne was gonna sneak out a fluke win with a roll up here but Ziggler locks in the sleeper for the win. Ziggler gets on the mic afterward and yells "follow that" to the crowd, which I thought was just a nice little touch. Ziggler puts over the United States Championship, he touts himself as the best wrestler in the company and that's what a heel champ should do whether he's World Champion or not. **1/4

Eve, The Bellas & Keith Stone - Meh, just a typical Diva segment. However, I loved that this took place backstage and a little "recorded earlier" graphic was down in the corner. This was pretty quick and painless, it sucked still, but at least it was quick and it was backstage. Not that long ago, they'd have wasted 10 or 12 minutes out in the middle of the ring with shit. Still, this was strictly piss break material. Thumbs Down

Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres vs. Maryse & Melina - This was tolerable mostly because of Kelly Kelly. Let's face it, everyone likes the girl. Yes yes I know we'd all sell our mothers to a Mexican sideshow to get to know Kelly Kelly in the Biblical sense, but she comes across as sweet. She slaps some ass in the match, gets a good crowd response and gets the win at the 3 minute mark for her team. 1/2*

Triple H State of the WWE Address - Even though I thought this went a little long, I thought it was a very enjoyable segment. Still getting used to Trips in a suit though. Triple H put Vince over a little before getting down to stuff. Triple H announced that Rey Mysterio would face John Cena for the WWE Championship on the show tonight, which does have potentially great match written all over it. Trips then went into a speech about resigning a big former WWE star to a loud CM Punk chant. When Trips gestured towards the stage, I had a horrible feeling Hornswoggle was about to come out. I'd have swallowed my tongue if that'd happened and choked to death while cursing Triple H's name. However, Jim Ross' music hit and I marked out a little. It's always nice to see Jim Ross and it looks like he's back on commentary for good, which ain't gonna get any complaints from me. The stuff with Michael Cole worked well, Cole is still the most over heel in all of wrestling, that's just how it is and rightly so. Trips put Cole in a match and I'm not sure what to think about it. As Cole walks up the ramp, R-Truth comes out and I thought he and Triple H had a good exchange. Let's face it, some of the stuff Truth says is pretty funny. I like how he's able to go from being funny to menacing with little to no effort. Triple H mocking him a little and Truth calling Trips "crazy" got a legit chuckle out of me and the live crowd dug it. As Truth leaves, Trips says he's signed another star. John Morrison comes out and beats up on Truth some. Not sure if Triple H just got a little confused there or what. Anyhow, good showing for JoMo and a good live crowd response. As I said, the segment went a little long but I thought it was fun. Having Jim Ross come out was great and I don't think it was a letdown and I still think there's more stuff to come. Thumbs Up

Zack Ryder vs. Michael Cole - Mostly just an excuse to get Ryder on tv. Ryder got a pretty good pop and beat Cole in about 30 seconds. Far too short to mean anything but fans got to see Cole get beaten up a little bit. They didn't spend a lot of time on this and they shouldn't have. N/A

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio - Very solid 8 minute match between these two with some good back and forth action. Kofi hit a lot of his better known moves including a fantastic looking springboard high cross body. The man gets some serious hang time and it just looks great. Del Rio worked over Kofi's arm much of the match and Kofi did a really good job of selling the injured left arm. At one point, Kofi goes for a victory roll, Del Rio drops to his knees to block it and Kofi reversed it for a great near fall. The fans popped big because a lot of them didn't catch Del Rio's hand grabbing the rope and a lot thought Kofi won. Del Rio gains the upper hand and locks in the armbar submission for the win. Del Rio got a little vidication for last week and he needed to win as he's the Raw MITB briefcase winner. **3/4

John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio - Excellent, hard fought match from them. It was actually much better than I was expected. It was back and forth a lot of times and the commentators did a great job of helping to sell the story. Mysterio countered a lot of Cena's signature moves, which I thought was a great touch because it just made Mysterio look more formidable and generally determined to keep his newly won title. JR and Lawler sold Cena's strength and Rey's quickness. I thought it was a great moment when Rey locked in the STF on Cena and Cena powering out of it just worked along with them selling the story of how much being champ means to them. When Mysterio wound up hitting 619 after Cena's knee buckles from an attempted AA, I thought for a second that Mysterio had it. But he didn't immediately go into the splash as he was selling the effects of the match. John Cena ultimately gets the win at the 13 minute mark to beat Rey. I would have loved to see Mysterio retain here, but it was still a great match. ***1/2

CM Punk Returns - As Cena is sort of catching his wind in the ring, some unknown music hits. For a minute, Cena looks around in confusion and the crowd goes quiet waiting to see what happens. Out walks CM Punk wearing a new shirt and with the WWE Championship strapped around his waist. He slowly makes his way down to the ring and gets inside. His music plays the whole time and he's saying some stuff to Cena. Cena lifts the title he just won from Mysterio and gets a mixed response. Punk does the same thing and gets a massive pop to close the show. With Punk back, maybe it'll have to be stated that neither Cena or Mysterio is champ as Punk never lost the title. Maybe they'll have a unification match at SummerSlam. Again, they close the show with a great cliffhanger. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I thought Raw was firing on all cylinders tonight. There was great in-ring action all over the show tonight, the intrigue of what's ultimately going to happen with the WWE Championship was still in the air and the question of what's ultimately gonna happen with Punk and WWE was revealed. Mysterio & Miz opened up the show with a great match, Ziggler & Bourne had a quick but solid match with Ziggler getting a needed win, the stuff with the Divas was standard Diva action, Triple H's address was a fun segment overall even if it ran a little long. It's nice to see Jim Ross back in the saddle and on a permanent basis it seems. Kofi vs. Del Rio was a really solid match with Del Rio getting a needed win and the other title match between Cena & Mysterio was a great back and forth match. CM Punk returning at the end of the show the way he did just flat out worked. CM Punk obviously hasn't given up his claim as being WWE Champion and Raw closed with another cliffhanger and hook to tune in for next week.

Grade: A-
I missed the first hour or so of tonight's RAW and started watching during the HHH/Cole segment when JR (!) came back on commentary. From then on, it was much better than anything that happened during last week's RAW. Zack Ryder had his squash match against Cole (they need to change his opening music though).

Kingston vs. Del Rio was a good match, on par or slightly better than last week's with a more appropriate result. ***

Rey vs. Cena for the championship: I didn't really like the fact that Rey got the belt in the first place, and it seems likely Cena will now get the belt back (yawn). Anyways, I saw a very well done match with the only real glitch being picked up by the mic when Cena yelled out, "Head scissors" then Rey reversing a move with a hurricanrana. Cena wins in a well booked match that I didn't mind he got the belt back. ****

Afterwards, we hear some music in the background and CM Punk comes out!!! They have a staredown in the ring with Punk getting huge pops compared to Cena. It looks like they're setting up Cena vs. Punk at Summerslam now, which if it hold up to the same level of match at MITB, will be an amazing match. I like where it looks like they're going here.

Overall: 1st half: N/A
2nd half: A
Personally, can't say it was on par with the shows pre-MITB, but I can't say it was the worst show this year. They want a new "era" with HHH at the helm, but it was a lot of the same. With Punk returning at the end of the show, I understand why Cena ended up champ, but seriously, again? Wait even an extra week, SOMETHING that doesn't involve me wanting to shoot myself because Cena can't lose and has to be champ all the time.

The thing is, they've got the makings of solid feuds and a solid roster (Punk/Cena, Morrison/Truth, Dolph/Kofi, Miz/Rey, etc) but they seem to keep bordering on great and right as I think they're going to get over the top and really bring it all together (aka Punk winning MITB), they come back and put another title right back on Cena.

Show tonight wasn't bad, B+ in my book. REALLY glad to see JR back at the helm of the PBP.
I'm very mixed about this Raw. I don't like the fact that John Cena is a WWE Champion AGAIN. He is a 11 TIME WORLD CHAMPION. A RECORD 9 TIME WWE CHAMPION. I don't like how The Miz didn't win the championship. I don't like how they had Rey Mysterio win the title, only to drop it less than 2 hours later, and I don't like how early CM Punk came back.

I did however, like how Jim Ross is back, Zack Ryder got a Raw match (even though it was against Michael Cole), John Morrison is back in action, Triple H did a good job being funny, and showing his authority, and i liked at the end of Raw how John Cena and CM Punk stared how each other with their respective championships in their hands

Overall, an ok Raw. Hopefully they continue to expand the Triple H, John Cena, and CM Punk storyline, and make it even more interesting than it already is.
This show was absolute shit top to bottom.
Holy fucking shit, Zeven fucking Zion shitting on something the WWE does?? Dude, seriously, I think people would show you more respect if you ever mention the fact that if the WWE does something's good. I get that you like TNA and all and I have no problem with that but at least have the audacity to say something good about the WWE for once...especially when they do something good.
1. All of the matches were completely irrelevant aside from Rey vs Cena and Miz vs Rey. Miz vs Rey was absolute boredoom while I liked Rey vs Cena.
Both great matches. Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston put on a good match. Del Rio getting revenge on Kofi isn't exactly irrelevant. Dolph is being pushed so he needed a good win...not irrelevant either.
2. We got literally one actual promo and it involved Triple H bringing back Jim Ross. Biiiig fucking deal. Last week he was crying like a bitch, this week he's doing stand up comedy with R-Truth. Not even a good one. And you would THINK that after such a groundbreaking thing like McMahon being fired they'd at least change the show up, make it be different so we can FEEL the change.
How was the feeling not different? Jim Ross on commentary made a huge differnce. Not to mention two WWE Championship matches.
But fuck no, this is WWE, it doesn't have to make sense.
You can fuck right off with this shit.
Let's do the same shit we always did and let's NEVER explain to the CASUAL fans how the fuck Triple H of all people got ownership of the fucking company. Casual fans don't know about Triple H's office position, you *****.
That 10% bullshit is bullshit. I'm pretty sure any casual fan knows Triple H is married to Stephanie.
They don't read the scum sheets. To them HHH replacing Vince makes as much sense as Max Moon coming back and saying he's the new COO.
That's just stupid.
3. Another Cole match? Are you FUCKING kidding me?
Ryder got on RAW...
4. Product placement out the ass. Insulting our intelligence with this autograph that magically turns into a tattoo bullshit.
5. The belt switching hands 2 times in one night? Hold on, everyone was shitting on TNA about taking the belt off Anderson so quickly without even giving him a chance, and I've seen the WWE Title change hands TWICE in two fucking hours.
Bigger picture. The fact that CM Punk came back minutes after Cena won the title made sense.
I also saw the World Championship change hands in less than a week (Christian to Orton) and in five minutes (Ziggler).
Totally irrelevant.
So where's your "New Era"?
On the USA network at 9pm every Monday.
Where's your improved RAW?
Where's your ROH invasion
Punk obviously came out to some familier music.
(are you fucking stupid?)?
You are.
Where's your Attitude Era 2.0?
First time I heard that one.
Where's the excitement?
Rey winning the WWE Championship, Triple H, John Morrison and JR returning, and CM Punk coming back. That is damn near exciting.
Where's the compelling product?
I think you watched RAW correct?
I thought this was supposed to be some good shit. What happened? Oh that's right! The same old boring show. Even worse than before mind you. Slow paced, LONG fucking matches that have no purpose whatsoever. The WWE title being made a mockery of by being passed around like a ****e. Michael Cole dressed up as Triple H and wrestling against that absolute joke Zack Ryder. Incredibly horrible Divas matches that make me want to shoot myself in the balls. Stupid, bromidic promos with no content. Meant to be funny but end up flopping. My fucking God why did I ever think that this place would ever be good again? And to think I was excited about the whole thing. Blah. Fuck the WWE.
We get it, you like TNA. Shut the fuck up already.
Not to mention how they fucked up the biggest storyline of the year.
Can't wait to hear this one.
CM Punk wants out of the WWE because he feels disrespected. Vince McMahon was about to sign a contract with EVERYTHING Punk wanted, but he gets pissed off, wins the belt and scrams. Now Cena is supposed to be fired. But hey, there's no WAY WWE will last even three minues without Cena, so not only do they think of a way to keep him on the show, they put the belt BACK on him at the drop of a motherfucking dime!
All part of the Vince is stepping down storyline. Hence the reason Punk a huge fucking ass promo about him not too long ago.
But that's not all. Here's the fun part. Punk comes back in less than a month with a gay-ass theme song. So he resigned? Just like that? Why? Because McMahon's gone? Fine.
Probably but Punk hasn't even spoken yet. Give it time you fuck.
Now Triple H's is in charge and you called him a doofus. You also went to ComicCon and bashed him. So why did you come back? Why did you even want to leave if you were gonna come back in two weeks? What the fuck is wrong with this company?
He left because of Vince...
Now it's no longer good. It's a fucking rehash of Razor and Michaels. Who's the real world champion. Wooooooo soooo interesting. Way to shit on the storyline, WWE. At least you're good for something. You ruined Nexus last year and now you're ruining this. We all know Cena's coming out of this feud victorious. Punk either signed an extension or got a new long term deal. Either way you know they'll never let him go over Cena again and take the belt off him. Hell, they can't last a week without having him on the show with the WWE Title around his waist.
You seem to be one of the select few who don't like this angle. In other words, fuck off.
Congratulations, you fucked it all up ... AGAIN. Fuck this shit.
Get banned already. Seriously, if you like TNA so fucking much stay in that forum. The fact that you can't say when WWE does something good is annoying. Fuck off.
Personally, can't say it was on par with the shows pre-MITB, but I can't say it was the worst show this year. They want a new "era" with HHH at the helm, but it was a lot of the same. With Punk returning at the end of the show, I understand why Cena ended up champ, but seriously, again? Wait even an extra week, SOMETHING that doesn't involve me wanting to shoot myself because Cena can't lose and has to be champ all the time.

The thing is, they've got the makings of solid feuds and a solid roster (Punk/Cena, Morrison/Truth, Dolph/Kofi, Miz/Rey, etc) but they seem to keep bordering on great and right as I think they're going to get over the top and really bring it all together (aka Punk winning MITB), they come back and put another title right back on Cena.

Show tonight wasn't bad, B+ in my book. REALLY glad to see JR back at the helm of the PBP.

nice sig ;)

I thought tonights RAW was really damn good.. The 'E' is starting to head in the right direction.. the booking was good.. WWE title for the main event? Whens the last time that happened? It seemed that for the longest time the main events were some stupid 3 or 4 man tag teams with all the top faces vs heels unnecessarily thrown together.. and that shit was seriously getting very stale... very glad to see an absence from that for atleast the past couple weeks.

Lets hope WWE keeps on showcasing title matches.. and dedicate a good part of the show to actual wrestling which it seems they are starting to do.

and yes.. I marked the fuck out when Punk returned :)

I havent been this excited about wrestling since the 'tude era... Keep up the good work WWE!
Boy, WWE fans don't like it when someone smacks them in the face with a chunk 'o truth, do you?

Remember what Punk said in his shoot promo? Let's review.

1. "You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored) yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family."

- So let's recap. Punk hates Vince McMahon. Fine. Punk thinks Triple H is a doofus. That's not exactly a compliment. This promo was cut about a month ago. Now Punk comes back. I'm asking - why? I thought he was pissed. I thought he was leaving because his face wasn't on every piece of merchandise and he wasn't showcased on TV shows. I don't see a ton of CM Punk merchandise. I don't see him on TV shows. So why did he come back? As of this writing, this makes absolutely ZERO sense, and something tells me they'll either never explain it or come up with some bullshit reason.

2. "Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face and get an autograph and try to sell it on Ebay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job."

- So Punk doesn't like the fans. Not just the ones who boo him. ANY fans. Now he comes back absolutely lovey-dovey, no fan hatred and even motions for them to cheer louder? Face turns happen, but what exactly sparked this change of heart? Or am I not supposed to question The McMahon genius?

Also, why did Punk get new merchandise before Money In The Bank? If Punk wasn't resigning, kayfabe wise, and he's on his way out, and he wants to humiliate everybody by walking out with the WWE Title, I doubt you'll be in any mood to make T-Shirts for a guy who'll leave in a couple of hours. I'm just looking for a little consistency with "the greatest storyline of the year". I can't find it.

Not only that. Let's go back to the Vince-Cena segment. Oh there is a bunch of shit there as well. So Vince takes the Cena vs Punk match off the MITB card because of what he did and suspends Punk. Okay, fair enough. Then Cena threatens to vacate the belt if McMahon doesn't reinstate him and put the match back on the card. McMahon does it because he wants Cena to stay and stay as the WWE Champion. He means that much to him. He's ready to bring back Punk and basically gamble and hope Punk doesn't walk out with the belt, because if he does he'll fire Cena.

*Screeeeeeech* Hold the phone! So you bring back Punk to keep Cena in the WWE and as the WWE Champion, but you'll fire John if he doesn't get the job done? Well, if you're ready to fire him if he loses that means that you're ready to go on without his merch-selling ass one way or the other, then why the FUCK did you reinstate Punk and give Cena what he wanted in the first place? You would think that if he's ready to give Cena the boot if he fails at MITB he'll have zero problem not having him around as the WWE Champion or a member of the roster, keeping Punk suspended until his contract is up and keeping the WWE Title in the WWE. But no, fuck logic, let's just insult everyone's intelligence.

So in the end we have WWE sweeping everything under the rug. Everything that was interesting about this whole ordeal is now nothing but a stinking pile of doo doo. Punk was leaving the WWE with the belt! That was AWESOME! Now he's back within a month to go up against Cena. He's a member of the roster and anything compelling is gone. Cena vs Punk - AGAIN, and this time there's two WWE titles on the line. Whoo-pe-doo. They have the same belt. That's never been done before. Now it's just about the belts. Who's the real Champion? I say ... who gives a fuck? It's a title match. They can't have an interesting stipulation like "If you lose you're fired". No one's leaving with any belt. There's nothing going on but a stupid title match. It'll be a good match, for sure, but you can't expect me to sit here and be happy with less when you gave me so much two weeks ago. It doesn't work that way. If you'll introduce a compelling storyline it's your DUTY to keep going and stop rehashing storylines from over a decade ago. Or is it okay for WWE to rehash? I forgot that they can do no wrong.

Cena's fired if he loses! He did lose! OH MY GOD DEY GONNA FIRE SEENAH?! No. They found a way to keep him around. God forbid RAW had a show without Cena on it. The ratings would plummet.

Punk's back, he's going up against Cena, who wins is completely irrelevant because there's only a belt on the line, nothing groundbreaking. If Punk wins, he's the new WWE Champion and it's just a matter of time until Cena wins anyway. Expect The Rock to cost Cena the title. Or not. I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm sick of being disappointed.

If Cena wins (ughhhhhhhh .... ) we get the same old same old.

Even Triple H taking over is meaningless. Last week they cried like ****s in the ring, it was supposed to be this big big thing and this week .... nothing. Same show, same everything. Just more Triple H hogging the mic, "stealing the spotlight from the young guys".

How people like a show with ONE actual storyline that is/was at least half interesting is beyond me. Really? Does anybody SERIOUSLY give a shit about Ziggler and Kofi? Or Del Rio wanting his "revenge"? Or the Divas? Can you honestly say that you look FORWARD to seeing these things play out? Or do you just watch like a drone, every Monday, every single time, week by week, month by month, you ignore every shitty thing on this program because "you grew up watching it"? What's SO compelling about it? Tell me. Is it the roster? Can't be, 90% of them are below average. Is it the matches? Slow paced, 10 minutes long with one decent spot? Is this great TV all of a sudden? Crappy storylines that don't mean anything? What is it that makes you such a huge fan?

I'll never get it. But hey, at least you got Zack Ryder ... for 34 seconds. BEST ... SHOW ... EVAR!
Boy, WWE fans don't like it when someone smacks them in the face with a chunk 'o truth, do you?

Remember what Punk said in his shoot promo? Let's review.

1. "You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored) yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family."

- So let's recap. Punk hates Vince McMahon. Fine. Punk thinks Triple H is a doofus. That's not exactly a compliment. This promo was cut about a month ago. Now Punk comes back. I'm asking - why? I thought he was pissed. I thought he was leaving because his face wasn't on every piece of merchandise and he wasn't showcased on TV shows. I don't see a ton of CM Punk merchandise. I don't see him on TV shows. So why did he come back? As of this writing, this makes absolutely ZERO sense, and something tells me they'll either never explain it or come up with some bullshit reason.

2. "Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face and get an autograph and try to sell it on Ebay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job."

- So Punk doesn't like the fans. Not just the ones who boo him. ANY fans. Now he comes back absolutely lovey-dovey, no fan hatred and even motions for them to cheer louder? Face turns happen, but what exactly sparked this change of heart? Or am I not supposed to question The McMahon genius?

Also, why did Punk get new merchandise before Money In The Bank? If Punk wasn't resigning, kayfabe wise, and he's on his way out, and he wants to humiliate everybody by walking out with the WWE Title, I doubt you'll be in any mood to make T-Shirts for a guy who'll leave in a couple of hours. I'm just looking for a little consistency with "the greatest storyline of the year". I can't find it.

Not only that. Let's go back to the Vince-Cena segment. Oh there is a bunch of shit there as well. So Vince takes the Cena vs Punk match off the MITB card because of what he did and suspends Punk. Okay, fair enough. Then Cena threatens to vacate the belt if McMahon doesn't reinstate him and put the match back on the card. McMahon does it because he wants Cena to stay and stay as the WWE Champion. He means that much to him. He's ready to bring back Punk and basically gamble and hope Punk doesn't walk out with the belt, because if he does he'll fire Cena.

*Screeeeeeech* Hold the phone! So you bring back Punk to keep Cena in the WWE and as the WWE Champion, but you'll fire John if he doesn't get the job done? Well, if you're ready to fire him if he loses that means that you're ready to go on without his merch-selling ass one way or the other, then why the FUCK did you reinstate Punk and give Cena what he wanted in the first place? You would think that if he's ready to give Cena the boot if he fails at MITB he'll have zero problem not having him around as the WWE Champion or a member of the roster, keeping Punk suspended until his contract is up and keeping the WWE Title in the WWE. But no, fuck logic, let's just insult everyone's intelligence.

So in the end we have WWE sweeping everything under the rug. Everything that was interesting about this whole ordeal is now nothing but a stinking pile of doo doo. Punk was leaving the WWE with the belt! That was AWESOME! Now he's back within a month to go up against Cena. He's a member of the roster and anything compelling is gone. Cena vs Punk - AGAIN, and this time there's two WWE title on the line. Whoo-pe-doo. They have the same belt. That's never been done before.

Cena's fired if he loses! He did lose! OH MY GOD DEY GONNA FIRE SEENAH?! No. They found a way to keep him around. God forbid RAW had a show without Cena on it. The ratings would plummet.

Punk's back, he's going up against Cena, who wins is completely irrelevant because there's only a belt on the line, nothing groundbreaking. If Punk wins, he's the new WWE Champion and it's just a matter of time until Cena wins anyway. Expect The Rock to cost Cena the title. Or not. I don' want to get my hopes up. I'm sick of being disappointed.

If Cena wins (ughhhhhhhh .... ) we get the same old same old.

Even Triple H taking over is meaningless. Last week they cried like ****s in the ring, it was supposed to be this big big thing and this week .... nothing. Same show, same everything. Just more Triple H hogging the mic.

But hey, at least you got Zack Ryder ... for 34 seconds. BEST ... SHOW ... EVAR!

It makes zero sense that Punk came back? Why? Because they didn't explain the entire storyline tonight and basically blow what could be stretched out in one night? yea, what morons.

You said something about a Punk face change...what in the fuck about Punk walking out and raising the belt makes you think face change? Like I said, he could have more motives, they didn't explain them, it's a cliffhanger. We'll find out more next week.

You said why would Punk "make more merch?" Yea, because Punk sits there and designs his own shit. His T-Shirt says "best in the world" an egomaniac character like Punk's wouldn't be able to resist wearing a shirt claiming him to be the best in the world.

As for the part about restarting the Punk/Cena match to keep Cena and threatening to fire Cena if he loses not making any sense, well the gimmick was that Vince was going crazy with trying to control things. At the time it seemed a little crazy, but the board taking away his power because he's too crazy ties it together. Again, WWE doesn't explain everything in one night, they want you to come back to know more.

The new match with Punk/Cena hasn't even been fleshed out yet. That's why it's interesting. Why did Punk sign just days after a new regime started? Is he in cahoots? Is he not? Did he just need to get laid?

"cried like ****s"? What the fuck? I'm not even sure what that means. Since when are "****s" synonymous with crying? You have horrible comprehension skills. Do you even know what a **** is?

My guess is you're a troll. You bash everything the WWE does. You don't even have good reasons for it. Then again, I think your brain must think that stuff that actually does make sense doesn't, and things that don't, do. You're a TNA mark, and you bash the WWE for not being logical? That's the pot calling the kettle black, or if I wanna use a "cry like ****s" level metaphor, that's like the frog jump box couch red finger dry scab. I agree with pretty much everyone else. Your shit makes no sense to the point that it comes across as trolling or that you're being sarcastic in a "no fucking way can this guy be serious. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard." What's your education level? You seem to have no critical thinking or comprehension skills. You can't fathom the idea that a storyline isn't told completely in one night or that there are other motives a character has. Or even that this is a business that's traded on wallstreet so they have to balance making money and being artistic in a storytelling type of way. My advice, read some books. Read some classics, figure out why those are good stories, then read some business books. Then watch as many "secrets of the ring" style DVDs as you can. Then watch classic wrestling like Lawler vs Race Memphis 1978ish, Steamboat/Flair, some Mid Atlantic stuff. Really understand what an in ring story is. Then come back here when you can comprehend shit.
It makes zero sense that Punk came back? Why? Because they didn't explain the entire storyline tonight and basically blow what could be stretched out in one night? yea, what morons.

You said something about a Punk face change...what in the fuck about Punk walking out and raising the belt makes you think face change? Like I said, he could have more motives, they didn't explain them, it's a cliffhanger. We'll find out more next week.

You said why would Punk "make more merch?" Yea, because Punk sits there and designs his own shit. His T-Shirt says "best in the world" an egomaniac character like Punk's wouldn't be able to resist wearing a shirt claiming him to be the best in the world.

As for the part about restarting the Punk/Cena match to keep Cena and threatening to fire Cena if he loses not making any sense, well the gimmick was that Vince was going crazy with trying to control things. At the time it seemed a little crazy, but the board taking away his power because he's too crazy ties it together. Again, WWE doesn't explain everything in one night, they want you to come back to know more.

The new match with Punk/Cena hasn't even been fleshed out yet. That's why it's interesting. Why did Punk sign just days after a new regime started? Is he in cahoots? Is he not? Did he just need to get laid?

"cried like ****s"? What the fuck? I'm not even sure what that means. Since when are "****s" synonymous with crying? You have horrible comprehension skills. Do you even know what a **** is?

My guess is you're a troll. You bash everything the WWE does. You don't even have good reasons for it. Then again, I think your brain must think that stuff that actually does make sense doesn't, and things that don't, do. You're a TNA mark, and you bash the WWE for not being logical? That's the pot calling the kettle black, or if I wanna use a "cry like ****s" level metaphor, that's like the frog jump box couch red finger dry scab.
So now we're waiting for an explanation, eh? We're still waiting on the Anonymous General Manager.

See, I'll have zero issue with this if it didn't all happen in a freaking MONTH. Why not have Punk come back a few months from now? Sell the fucking storyline for crying out loud. Have him come back, say he changed his mind (somehow), say that after months of negotiations he agreed to resign. The guy buried the company. You and I both saw the hatred in his eyes. No one comes back to something they hate SO much in a fucking month.

How they explain it is irrelevant. Punk was SO adamant about not wanting to resign. He was PISSED. He didn't care about the company, the fans or even the money he'd make in the WWE. He was out, done, gone. He tore up a contract that McMahon was ready to sign that was going to ensure Punk got ALL he wanted and he tore it up, didn't give a fuck, went to MITB, beat Cena, humiliated Vince, fucked with Triple H at ComicCon, paraded with the WWE title around and he comes back in two weeks all dandy? I thought HHH was a doofus. I thought the fans were a huge part of why he left. Whatever happened to that?

That aside, why not change the show up if Triple H is in charge now? Nothing radical but a little bit. Something! Why not have something different. A new opening promo, maybe a Main Event that doesn't involve Cena.

Triple H says they're moving on to the future ... and then he brings back Jim Ross. This is a new era .... and them Michael Cole has a match. Really? Once again, SELL THE STORYLINE. Make us feel as if we're watching a new era, not the same old shit.

And no, I'm not a troll. I was marking out like everyone else when the Punk thing went down. From the shoot promo to the MITB match. I generally hate the WWE when they deserve it, but I give them credit when they strike gold and pull off something amazing. They did with Punk. Note the past tense. Did. This is Nexus all over again. Just like last year I was excited for it, then slowly realized how they're ruining it while every other WWE fan boy was telling me I'm a mark and a hater and that this is a new era and I should wait to see what happens and that I'm wrong and this is awesome. Well, I waited. What I saw was the Nexus angle being demolished and considered a flop by even the die hard WWE fans. Something I knew very early into the storyline. Trust me, son, I've watched the WWE long enough and ate their shit far too many times. I know when they're fucking it up. This is one more occasion. If you can enjoy it - fine. All power to ya. Me? I'm just sad that the WWE can't do anything right.
This show was absolute shit top to bottom.

1. All of the matches were completely irrelevant aside from Rey vs Cena and Miz vs Rey. Miz vs Rey was absolute boredoom while I liked Rey vs Cena.

2. We got literally one actual promo and it involved Triple H bringing back Jim Ross. Biiiig fucking deal. Last week he was crying like a bitch, this week he's doing stand up comedy with R-Truth. Not even a good one. And you would THINK that after such a groundbreaking thing like McMahon being fired they'd at least change the show up, make it be different so we can FEEL the change. But fuck no, this is WWE, it doesn't have to make sense. Let's do the same shit we always did and let's NEVER explain to the CASUAL fans how the fuck Triple H of all people got ownership of the fucking company. Casual fans don't know about Triple H's office position, you *****. They don't read the scum sheets. To them HHH replacing Vince makes as much sense as Max Moon coming back and saying he's the new COO.

3. Another Cole match? Are you FUCKING kidding me?

4. Product placement out the ass. Insulting our intelligence with this autograph that magically turns into a tattoo bullshit.

5. The belt switching hands 2 times in one night? Hold on, everyone was shitting on TNA about taking the belt off Anderson so quickly without even giving him a chance, and I've seen the WWE Title change hands TWICE in two fucking hours. I also saw the World Championship change hands in less than a week (Christian to Orton) and in five minutes (Ziggler).

So where's your "New Era"? Where's your improved RAW? Where's your ROH invasion (are you fucking stupid?) ? Where's your Attitude Era 2.0? Where's the excitement? Where's the compelling product? I thought this was supposed to be some good shit. What happened? Oh that's right! The same old boring show. Even worse than before mind you. Slow paced, LONG fucking matches that have no purpose whatsoever. The WWE title being made a mockery of by being passed around like a ****e. Michael Cole dressed up as Triple H and wrestling against that absolute joke Zack Ryder. Incredibly horrible Divas matches that make me want to shoot myself in the balls. Stupid, bromidic promos with no content. Meant to be funny but end up flopping. My fucking God why did I ever think that this place would ever be good again? And to think I was excited about the whole thing. Blah. Fuck the WWE.

Not to mention how they fucked up the biggest storyline of the year.

CM Punk wants out of the WWE because he feels disrespected. Vince McMahon was about to sign a contract with EVERYTHING Punk wanted, but he gets pissed off, wins the belt and scrams. Now Cena is supposed to be fired. But hey, there's no WAY WWE will last even three minues without Cena, so not only do they think of a way to keep him on the show, they put the belt BACK on him at the drop of a motherfucking dime!

But that's not all. Here's the fun part. Punk comes back in less than a month with a gay-ass theme song. So he resigned? Just like that? Why? Because McMahon's gone? Fine. Now Triple H's is in charge and you called him a doofus. You also went to ComicCon and bashed him. So why did you come back? Why did you even want to leave if you were gonna come back in two weeks? What the fuck is wrong with this company?

Now it's no longer good. It's a fucking rehash of Razor and Michaels. Who's the real world champion. Wooooooo soooo interesting. Way to shit on the storyline, WWE. At least you're good for something. You ruined Nexus last year and now you're ruining this. We all know Cena's coming out of this feud victorious. Punk either signed an extension or got a new long term deal. Either way you know they'll never let him go over Cena again and take the belt off him. Hell, they can't last a week without having him on the show with the WWE Title around his waist.

Congratulations, you fucked it all up ... AGAIN. Fuck this shit.

lol. no wonder nobody takes you seriously or likes you around here.

There wasnt a single thing you liked out of the whole 2 hour show? not a single match.. or single promo? maybe a spot? hell.. a move that was done well?

This was one hell of a show.. whether you agree with Cena getting the title or not.. Tonight's RAW was very, very entertaining.

You are so far up TNA's ass that you dont allow yourself to enjoy anything outside of it...and thats a shame. your missing out on some great shit.

oh well.. to each his own.
lol. no wonder nobody takes you seriously or likes you around here.

There wasnt a single thing you liked out of the whole 2 hour show? not a single match.. or single promo? maybe a spot? hell.. a move that was done well?

This was one hell of a show.. whether you agree with Cena getting the title or not.. Tonight's RAW was very, very entertaining.

You are so far up TNA's ass that you dont allow yourself to enjoy anything outside of it...and thats a shame. your missing out on some great shit.

oh well.. to each his own.
Like I said (you should learn to read more carefully), I liked the Rey-Cena match. Rey is VERY underrated and can work his ass off if given the chance. Alas, he's being misused so much. The guy looks like a fucking flea and he made me believe he can kick Cena's ass. Cena's not a small guy.

That's the only thing I liked. Miz and Rey was average at best. Proved why Miz is not ready to be anywhere near the Main Event. Slow paced, didn't tell a story (unlike Rey and Cena), a throwaway match.

Don't get me started on the Divas. Ziggler vs Bourne was also pretty boring. Bourne's a jobber, I can't expect better, even though I do like Ziggler. A lot. Another guy that deserves better.

Del Rio's match could've been so much better, but it wasn't horrible. I'm starting to like Del Rio but he's missing something. I think they call it credibility.

Uuuh what else did we have. Cole vs Ryder? What the fuck was the purpose of this match?

Then there was the beer guy with the Bella Twins. Big fucking chunk of entertainment. Of course Triple H's segment that didn't have to take so long (but hey, it's Triple H).

Morrisson is back and still can't get me to care about him. Cheesy comedy from R-Truth and HHH. Jim Ross is back. How exciting! As if I've not listened to him for the last 10 years.

Overall I can't see what was so great about this show. YOU tell me what you liked SO much about it. I'm dead fucking serious. I always see WWE fans marking out for mediocrity and I never know why. A lot of it is overblown delusions, but tell me - what exactly made this show great? Every time I call a WWE show shitty or bad I get the "YouR a TNA mark and you don't know shit". I never get REASONABLE arguments which show WHY exactly the show was better than I thought.

1. I saw no compelling promos. No good content.
2. I didn't see a good match with sweet psychology, pace and athleticism where necessary. (Aside from Cena-Rey and maybe Del Rio. At least it told a story.)
3. The storylines were either non existant or so uninteresting that they don't matter. The only storyline that matters and was continued was Punk-Cena. A huge buzz kill the way it was done, but still - it's a storyline.

Matches. Storylines. Promos. That's what I judge a show by. I saw only one good match. I didn't see any great storylines to make me CARE. I didn't see any good promos. Prove me wrong. Show me how the matches were all good (or for the most part), point out the great storylineS that MAKE you tune in to see what happens and please oh please show me the great promos.
So now we're waiting for an explanation, eh? We're still waiting on the Anonymous General Manager.

See, I'll have zero issue with this if it didn't all happen in a freaking MONTH. Why not have Punk come back a few months from now? Sell the fucking storyline for crying out loud. Have him come back, say he changed his mind (somehow), say that after months of negotiations he agreed to resign. The guy buried the company. You and I both saw the hatred in his eyes. No one comes back to something they hate SO much in a fucking month.

How they explain it is irrelevant. Punk was SO adamant about not wanting to resign. He was PISSED. He didn't care about the company, the fans or even the money he'd make in the WWE. He was out, done, gone. He tore up a contract that McMahon was ready to sign that was going to ensure Punk got ALL he wanted and he tore it up, didn't give a fuck, went to MITB, beat Cena, humiliated Vince, fucked with Triple H at ComicCon, paraded with the WWE title around and he comes back in two weeks all dandy? I thought HHH was a doofus. I thought the fans were a huge part of why he left. Whatever happened to that?

That aside, why not change the show up if Triple H is in charge now? Nothing radical but a little bit. Something! Why not have something different. A new opening promo, maybe a Main Event that doesn't involve Cena.

Triple H says they're moving on to the future ... and then he brings back Jim Ross. This is a new era .... and them Michael Cole has a match. Really? Once again, SELL THE STORYLINE. Make us feel as if we're watching a new era, not the same old shit.

And no, I'm not a troll. I was marking out like everyone else when the Punk thing went down. From the shoot promo to the MITB match. I generally hate the WWE when they deserve it, but I give them credit when they strike gold and pull off something amazing. They did with Punk. Note the past tense. Did. This is Nexus all over again. Just like last year I was excited for it, then slowly realized how they're ruining it while every other WWE fan boy was telling me I'm a mark and a hater and that this is a new era and I should wait to see what happens and that I'm wrong and this is awesome. Well, I waited. What I saw was the Nexus angle being demolished and considered a flop by even the die hard WWE fans. Something I knew very early into the storyline. Trust me, son, I've watched the WWE long enough and ate their shit far too many times. I know when they're fucking it up. This is one more occasion. If you can enjoy it - fine. All power to ya. Me? I'm just sad that the WWE can't do anything right.
Who the fuck says he's all dandy? Vince left, and yea the "doofus" is now the boss. Who cares though, maybe he made him an offer he couldn't refuse? Not only that but this is the part where you aren't getting that this is a BUSINESS. Punk is hot now. The mainstream audience doesn't give anywhere near of a shit as you and I do about Punk. Because of this, they have to strike now.

Michael Cole's match made sense. He's an over heel. It doesn't fucking matter if you think you don't like Cole, he's an over heel, Ryder needed an over heel who wouldn't look bad in losing, that's michael cole. It was perfect.

Of course you were marking out for Punk, you're an IWC tool who LOOOOVES to rag on the WWE. Punk worked you. Punk is a very good actor and loves to work people. Sure he felt a lot of that stuff but I guarantee you that he spiced it up a LOT. Watch Punk's shoots, all he does in his life is work people. He worked some biology job into thinking he had a college degree. He LIVES to work people. It's why he's so good.

The Nexus angle was short lived because it wasn't sustainable. Let's see, 7 guys who nobody knows who the fuck they are being on the TV screen a lot? That's a dumbass idea. It's not even close to the same thing as the nWo. The Nexus attacking people will get people who are channel flipping to stay. A Wade Barrett match when he first showed up will not because they don't recognize him. Most of them were too green to carry a promo or a match. That's why it was so short lived. It was smart. It created interest for a little bit and springboarded these guys in a manner that there is no way in hell they could have done on their own. The Nexus angle wasn't a flop at all. You take 7 green rookies and get them that over. You can't. The nWo worked because it was the stars from the number 1 company showing up on the number 2 company. Totally different than 7 new guys taking over. It wasn't sustainable. It created a lot of buzz and jumpstarted their careers. It was a success.

You are sad "WWE can't do anything right". You sound like this "wah wah wah I want wrestling to be exactly how I want it and any other way sucks wah wah wah." If you hate it so fucking much then stop watching it. Stop bitching about it. Nobody else is complaining about the stuff you complain about. Don't call me son, I'm not a kid, I'm a grown ass man who has been in a wrestling ring and nearly died because of it. I have traveled all over the midwest going to shows, talking to guys, trying to soak up every bit of pro wrestling I can. I have talked to Harley Race and Terry Funk about pro wrestling. I have taken down the ROH set and ring with Rhett Titus and Grizzly Redwood. I talked to Mike Sydal (Evan Bourne's brother) about pro wrestling and life in general for a good 15 minutes. I have talked about comic books with Bobby Dempsy. I'm not some 15 year old who started watching wrestling because Stone Cold flipped someone off. I'm probably the most passionate person you'll ever meet when it comes to pro wrestling.

You come across as someone who doesn't love pro wrestling because you let too many people influence your opinion. You don't seem educated. You seem like you're nostalgic and want wrestling to "feel" how it did when you first started watching. That's probably why you like TNA, because it's an attitude era nostalgia show half the time. You don't seem to have an open mind and seem very pessemistic.

I'm not saying this stuff to make you feel like shit or to make me feel better about myself. I'm saying this because I want YOU to enjoy pro wrestling. Have an open, optimistic mind about the show and look at the positive. Try to have a more eclectic taste. Try to appreciate the little things like Cena not really trying to protect the leg early on, underestimating Rey, then being overly cautious about it later on. Which shows an in ring story and progression. For fuck's sake just try to enjoy wrestling. You sound this old guy I know in town who bitches about everything "goddamned sun was never this hot back in the day" "goddamned black president" "goddamned communists making me pay for water" "goddamned young people". Fuck man.

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