Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Wow that was not a very good raw imo. I believe the Santino segment was funny because he is very good on the MIC. Cena looked like he seriously did get injured and that doesnt look good and isnt something to make fun of because you never WISH injury.

The best thing of the Night was actually the Promos and the short tag match with Londrick and Jeff versus the Rednecks and the Rodman wannabe. I hope London was allowed to do that shooting star press or his name might be on the next released list. I think its safer though than on the ring because when he flew outside the ring i believe the opponent was in standing form and he does the move standing up while the opponent is on the ground.

Well anyways i didnt see any secret messages in the promo.

Well the good thing about Raw was the Marella promo and the Cena and Orton Promo which was sorta creepy, and the return of Kennedy. I think it was a mediocre raw heading into No Mercy.
this Thread Is For Discussion About The Aftermath And Review Of Raw, But If You Want To Discuss The Jericho Video Using A Few Words Or Listing Video Links There Is A Thread In The Live Discussion & Spam Zone So Please Do That There.
RAW kinda sucked this week.It had all the big names& returns,but still was mediocre.The Orton/Cena promo was okay only if you didnt realise that John was hurt.Its always disturbing to see a visibly hurt guy continuying to job in a match or into a spot,possibly risking their careers or lives.
Ya you can cleary see that giant bruise on Cenas arm.. I knew he was injured as soon as i saw the bruise.. He couldnt even pick up his arm to lock in the STFU and some how Kennedy Tap Out.. He looked like he tap out to quick..
what, nobody's been watching SD for 2 weeks?

I watched this weeks SD like I have been since Edge has been injured, it's on in the background, and I only really pay attention to the MVP/Hardy feud.

And I missed the TV debut of Jesse and Festus (I will always call him Fetus) because I had to run to the store, and I was back in time to watch the end of the Khali/Rey match. I was pissed, I actually wanted to see it. Well, this will teach me a valuble lesson, no matter how bad SD gets, at least I'm not blind.... or something....
It was dreadful to watch Cena's match, I read that he hurt his arm by the hip-toss... When i saw that, OUCH! You could see Cena and the Referee talking once he had injured it. His arm was just danggling there by his side, he couldn't even lock in the STFU properly. I felt for him and I feel for Kennedy also as I think he will have major heat backstage for that.
I usually like it when Orton comes out and beat down Cena before/during/after his matches but this week I was actually screaming "STOP RANDY!" That probaly made Cena's arm ten times worse!
This week's edition of Raw did a 2.8 cable rating.

There could be an error here but I have not heard anything about it and am led to believe this is the final rating. This is downright scary for WWE.

The show did hours of 2.8 and 2.8, and this was on the day after a PPV where a new WWE Champion was crowned.

ESPN did a 10 cable rating for the Dallas vs. Buffalo game, which was up from the 9.0 that last week's game did.

The Indians-Yankees game hurt WWE as well as they did a 7.0 for the deciding game of the series.

Oh boy, that's gotta hurt. You had all of those factors, plus Cena not being on as champion. You had all of these factors, and a 2.8 is what comes in. This is another really really bad sign for the WWE. People might bitch about the IWC complaining too much, but by the looks of it, the IWC maybe the only ones left if this keeps up.

That is jawdropping.
Oh boy, that's gotta hurt. You had all of those factors, plus Cena not being on as champion. You had all of these factors, and a 2.8 is what comes in. This is another really really bad sign for the WWE. People might bitch about the IWC complaining too much, but by the looks of it, the IWC maybe the only ones left if this keeps up.

That is jawdropping.

You have to somewhat take into consideration that the Yankees vs Indians game stole a lot of the audience plus Monday Night Football gained a whole point in the ratings from last week.

So well the number is low, this is also the time of year where the WWE is facing its biggest competition on Monday nights.
Did anyone notice that shawn is loosing a bit of his hair?? Right on top, i think his age is starting 2 show....

2 be honest, i think the moment of the night wouldve been when hbk gave orton sweet chin music...
But the match of the night most certainly went 2 rhodes and holly, i think rhodes is a quality wrestler and with size and experience hes days are only going 2 get better...
I cant wait 4 holly and rhodes 2 team up..
as stated on the main page my shane o'mac in his review of raw, i just wanted to express my thoughts and concerns for what happened to her tonite.
and i would also like to express that beth phoenix should be stripped of the title and suspended. she grabbed her by the hair and by her busted shoulder, and dragged her when the ref could be heard saying it's over pin her. i mean c'mon they suspend for using steroids because it's a health hazzard, what about harming an injured co-worker, due to being a dumb ass! she needs to be disciplined for sure.
besides that every match was flawed, especially teh main event, freakin horrible in my opinion with all that talent that many errors, shouldn't be happening especially if wwe wants to boost the ratings. This raw was another example of potentially good matches goin all to hell..... and is it just me or has candice michelle actually been the number one wrestler for in ring entertainment. she's really been workin hard and has been pulling off some moves....
bottom line: raw certainly needs y2j back, and they certainly need to improve the writing on the show. everything is too predictable.. we need the AGGRESSION back!
i noticed a few spots in the main event that were flawed. mainly the HBK-Kennedy spots. I didn't notice any flaws with Hardy and Orton, but i could have missed them. I thought the build up at the beginning of raw was good. hardy seems to be getting better on the mic and his in ring work has improved a lot lately, no longer just a spot monkey, even though he hasnt done a single spot in a while. it just seems like they are building him into a main eventer slowly, along with kennedy. and they need some fresh faces for main eventers right now.

was it just me, or were they pushing for the street fight this sunday with triple h and umaga?

i just hope candice isn't too badly hurt other than her clavicle. she has improved tremendously lately and is getting better, that fall was just nasty. and beth phoenix is an idiot for that. she pulls an injured and possibly knocked out person by the hair after she fell face face first. thats real smart.
Steph is pset that the Jericho return was leaked? Is she out of her mind, it had to be the most obvious message in that dumb matrix possible. I had that one figured out the first second i saw it.
I thought last night's show was pretty good compared to what seems like the last few month's of RAW. I think the build up to the WWE was done really well throughout RAW, and I must say for a man who doesn't talk much Jeff Hardy did a pretty darn good job I thought. I was shocked how bad Kennedy and HBK looked last night, it was kinda pitiful. Sucks about Candice, that botched spot looked really bad. All in all a good show, and I hope Jericho's 2nd coming is next in Philly when I'll be there screaming like a little girl. Jericho is the man, how could you not cheer for him?
Kabby....Kabby Kabby Kabby....i dont know where to start with how many parts of your post is i wont even go there.

Great show last nighton Raw...ill be more impressed if they can follow that up next week.
Smart move by WWE and Jericho that he didn't show. Both parties would have been very stupid to have him make his return tonight. With all of the "clues" given including Jericho's schedule for this week, it would have been to predictable for him to make his hyped return and if indeed he was to make his return tonight, the WWE usually likes to keep surprises and seeing how news sites piratically tried to ruin that..... well you figure the rest. It's going to happen when we are not expecting it. Smart move with the schedule done by Jericho. He's not as dumb as some may assume he is for piratically giving out his debut date/s and trying to keep a surprise at the same time.

Well it looks like next week will be WWE Attitude featuring D-Generation X and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
ya good idea bringing dx and stone cold back in the same night. I like that they are trying to bring back the attitude era. Something caught my attention though. Vince seemed like he expected that and that he was happy about dx next week. This raises the question why? could the answer be the corporation. It could be hhh and hbk vs orton and umaga with kenedy and carlito interfering. Or it could be hhh turning heel. But expect something to go vinces way next week in the dx reunion.
I really don't think it would be a good idea to turn either Triple H or HBK heel at this point, as it'll be the same screw up when they tried turning Austin or The Rock heel later in their careers. They crowd will cheer them regardless of what they do. This time when they turned Triple H face and reunited DX, I feel as if they cemented him as a crowd favorite regardless of what he does now. We saw it almost "tested" in my opinion when he went to town on London and Kendrick (I think it was them) on raw after they ran in for a save angle. With HBK, he's been there for so long that the crowd loves him no matter what he does. He kicked Hogan's teeth out, still got cheers. Can't have a bigger test than that.

One turning heel just doesn't make sense to me at this point. Either have DX reunite for a season, or leave it be. Don't bring it back just to kill it again, quick deaths leave room for more reconciliation. Only reason I see Triple H turning on HBK, yet again, is another Triple Threat Championship involving Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and someone else, yet again. It's been done, no need to bring it back AGAIN.
The return of the corporation would be great. If not for any other reason than to bring stables back to wwe. Sure the survivor series is coming up and is a great set up solely for that. But hopefully they do some stables and the ratings go up and they get wise. HHH turning on HBK bringing back the corporation would be great. HHH, Orton, Umaga and Kennedy. Thats a pretty wild stable. Orton needs the support because he's been jobbing as of late.

I thought Raw tonight was a little weak. But admittedly I was anticipating the return of Y2J. In all actuality though, where would he have returned? And for what reason? To feud with Santino? No Stone cold will handle that. Btw, Santino Marrella bringing up an Aids ridden Tom Hanks in the city of Philadelphia is unprecedanted comedy we've not yet seen. Even in the front row a couple of fans lit right up and started clapping unbearably that was the highlight of the show for me. But yes its good Y2J did not make his return tonight.

I was impressed by the tag match between Hardy/Smith vs. Carlito/Kennedy. D. H. Smith is ready. Period. And guess what folks...this guy actually has sound technical ability. Did anyone else smile when he performed the enziguiri? Shades of his uncle Owen. It's good they gave the kid his licks tonight too. They're building him up well so far, hopefully it continues. Aside from marking. Kennedy and Carlito as a tag team is fuckin perfect. And its too bad they're both great independantly or I'm sure those two could rejuvinate the tag division.

Speaking of which the London/Cade match was a dazzling squash. London had the momentum the entire time until Cade pulls out a nice sit out spinebuster for the pin? A little lame in my opinion that match could've been better I think. Both of those guys are greatly talented.

How much longer are they going to feature HHH in handicap matches? It is just fuckin' killin me.

Entertaining enough Raw AS PER USUAL. Nothing too exciting or over the top. Felt like a transition show. It's all going somewhere good I think though. I mean the wicked witch is dead after all (witch = cena).
Good RAW in my opinion. Did feel like a "transition" show as stated above, though. Like they're setting us up for a run of big angles minus Mr. Cena. Nice tease by WWE's part playing not one, but two "SAVE_US" videos tonight, causing every net-watcher to turn to his buddies and say, "I fuckin told you guys Jericho would be back tonight!" I admit, I was one of them.
what do you think some of these long run angles they are setting up will be? Also what do you think vinces plan is for next week? I think it was very important that he said that thing about having things happen at the right time.
I was at RAW and once camera's went off the air it was pretty awesome. The DX/Orton&Umaga match was pretty good. HHH knows how to work a crowd so damn well. All in all it was great show, except for some little girl behind who was literally Carlito's biggest fan. Seriously, I didn't think he had so obessed but good for him I guess. I wonder what stipulation will happen between HBK and Orton because there's no way Vince would sign that match without something happening. Quick question, if anyone was at RAW's show last night what was the name of the song playing during that Jeff Hardy tribute video that played later in the night?
just a quick question about raw tonight, was hbk really suppose to try an kick vince with SCM??

if so it didnt look to good that he attempted to kick him and totally missed and it looked like vince was gonna sell it but he missed him by so much. i read a couple weeks ago that the 2 had an argument backstage and even jr said this is gonna be very intresting (or sumthing to that effect), maybe a little hidden msg about the heat btw the 2.

anybody else think it looked off???
How about this Bring in Rikishi(Umaga's brother) and their Cousin Rosey dress all three of them up as Umaga type characters and have the 3 of them go against Dx in a one night stand? Stone Cold coming back destroy Santino or build him up as a character? as for Y2J I would have to say dissapointed but I can see Y2J coming back and fighting with Kennedy and maybe Carlito as another way to elevate both stars as well as boost Y2J's Legacy even more than it already is.
im so uber sick of RAW. tonight was absolutely the final straw, it was prolly the most horrible show in years. the womens battle royal was a total farce and vince knew it before he even put them out there thats why he put them in corny costumes and gave it a halloween gimmicky name so when people say it sucks as much as it did, he can just hide behind the fact 'it was supposed to be funny and not serious'.

the vince/coachman segment where hornswaggle came in and they talked took 15 minutes and was absolutely ******ed. its called wrestling but theres too uch blah blah soap opera shit. really sad.

the coachman/hornswaggle match was a waste of time and just hurt wrestling overall. one sideshow style segment per night please. this night had too much of this crap.

beth phoenix cant cut an interview. she needs a manager cause shes starting to get on my nerves whenever she opens her mouth.

the promo between shawn and vince didnt go right. shawn looked as if he had no clue what he was supposed to say and vince gave him 2 or 3 opportunities to say something and shawn only gave short one or two word replies. it felt as if shawn was just pissed about something we dont know about and he was sabotaging the segment on purpose. even before he got to the ring jr was talking about how angry he is and how he wants revenge but while shawn was walking backstage he was sort of smiling as if trying to ruin the image that he was supposed to be mad which was obviously the plan or else jr wouldnt have said it. jr doesnt speak unless its written for him. and that kick was botched, i have no doubt about that (even if it wasnt the segment was still 100% garbage). and vinces music hit way too early...just a horrible segment altogether.

cody and hardcore do not work well together. cody is pretty sucky in my opinion and doesnt deserve tv time on raw period. hardcore has always been one of my favorites but i dont feel like hes the same character anymore, hes too much the 'angry rough veteran' character and not at all fun like he used to be. people used to fear him hitting you with a brick or a chair or a weight scale but now his job is to get in and do a few chops. and they never did explain why the hell he is on raw now instead of ecw....add in the fact that they beat WGTT and you have a poorly written segment. is WGTT really worse than two guys who cant get along? one of them being a rookie with less than average skills? cmon they feed unknown goobers to that festus guy and his partner on SD! but they hurt WGTT with a loss to hardcore/cody. makes no sense.

whats with the whole staring into the eyes, brokeback mountain thing developing with cade/ not liking it and its gonna get worse and more blatant.

from wrestlezone: "Apparently there was another "Save.Us" video, though it didn't air in the UK" lucky you guys. personally im preety sick of seeing them. they say nothing and prolly mean nothing and regrdless, theres no possible storyline i could see where jericho is gonna help ratings anyway, i mean really what could he do that might help? sure the ratings will spike for a week or two, maybe a month but by the time a ppv comes around vince will have blown yet another opportunity and we all know it. so sorry, y2j, but theres not much you can do and i prolly dont want to see it anyway.

DH Smith is a gimmickless goober who doesnt deserve to be on raw either. maybe him and cody should be a team instead of hardcore holly. they should have brought in smith with a storyline or not at all. when they teamed him with hardy i was 10000000% shocked. i was sure they would do the usual 'jeff fights for a title to make the champ look good every week' angle. instead they stuck him in a tag match with a newbie and they win...sounds just like the cody, someone tell the wwe that teaming newbies who dont deserve tv time with stars and having them beat established stars DOES NOT MAKE THE NEWBIES STARS. win/loss records mean nothing so stop trying to get the guys over with wins vs top dogs. its looks like horrible writing and NOTHING ELSE. carlito and kennedy deserve so much more than they are getting....

the santino thing was mildy entertaining and maybe would have come off better if i hadmt already seen a ton of non wrestling bull by then. instead it just ended up being something stupid that took the time where i could have been watching WRESTLING.

diva contest...who cares. it was uber predictable and the only good thing i have to say is it was short.

the HHH match was ok but as with most handicap matches where the single guy wins it was sloppy and looked forced. its nearly impossible to have the single guy win and have it be a good match...can you name one?

the DX tease does nothing for me. i hated the last wanna be reincarnation of dx, it wasnt at all funny and i dont look forward to more of the same. maybe vince can bring back a more ruthless spirit squad too since that was the epitome of the last DX's success. yaaaay we get to see more poop getting dumped on people, candice giving head to hhh under the table, etc....

raw has officially been put on my ban list. i havent watched SD! in over a year (at least!) because everytime i try for just a few minutes i literally fall asleep (my friends and i call it nap-down) or its just so garbage i cant stand it. and ecw got me watching the first 3 shows or so and then i stopped watching it altogether, it a horrible mess, that show.

after tonights gimmick filledtalkfest of a show i expected at least some good matches but no. just newbies beating stars, too much talk/gimmicks, and the expected dx reunion for the 15th time in the last 10 yrs. so i give up. im opting out of my wwe fandom. i stopped getting ppv's after no mercy and now ill stop watching raw...i got better things to do.

im glad no one else was in the room watching this with me or id have been seriously embarrassed theres no way to defend my love of wrerstling when this garbage is on.

and not one mention of the 10 year anniversary of brian pillmans death...another example of if vince isnt currently making money off you, you dont exist and worse yet, never did.

sorry just had to have my final rant about the WWE.
Wow guys yours posts sended shivers through my body remeinding me of the Attiude era with all the Vince having a plan....Dx renioun....Stone cold Return a possible return of the Coporation :D.

But last night's Raw was BRILLIANT!!!! Really enjoyed it...they need to cut down on the hornsowagle shit but overall great episode...great match by SMITH.

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