Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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There was some damn good wrestling on the show tonight.

Opening promo was more of the weird Triple H, Steph and Orton angle as all 3 tried to talk over the CM Punk chants. Bryan pulled them around though as he came out to a massive pop and took shots at all 3, to which Triple H gave him the night off.

The Wyatt's vs Rey & The Rhodes was an entertaining six man and Bray capped it off by hitting a wicked looking Sister Abigail on Rey for the win, then he sat down and cut another cryptic promo and called The Shield little soldiers that would fall before him.

Sheamus & Christian vs The Real Americans was the match of the night, just a fantastic, physical tag match with some thunderous exchanges between Cesaro (Who was VERY over in the Staples Center) and Sheamus. I wasn't surprised to see Sheamus pick up the win with a Brogue Kick on Swagger, they seem to be setting him as the weak link of the duo.

I was hoping for Bertie vs Ziggler to be another good match between the two, but it was a squash, Batista got a mini pop when his music hit for the run-in but it turned to boos and Punk chants as he set the table up to powerbomb Bertie through.

Batista kinda looked miserable and didn't really pose or interact with the fans and they had him do a thoughtful pause moment when he got to the top of the ramp so I guess that they are planning to make the switch with him soon. Afterwards his exchange with Triple H was interesting.

Lita being announced as the next inductee into the HOF was great, she was always one of my favourites and a real trailblazer.

Reigns "baby girl" line to Renee made me laugh, and him goading Ambrose into a US title defense was probably the first step towards the triple threat at Mania. It was odd though that WWE played it as an open challenge as if someone unexpected might pop up, and instead it's Mark Henry who they'd been advertising as returning all night. The crowd didn't care and the match didn't do anything for anybody.

The showdown with The Wyatt's afterwards was total money though, the crowd were going apeshit and it was like some old Wild West stand-off, the crowd heat was incredible and WWE might be wondering if they should have saved this for Mania.

Cena vs Orton was a good main event, one of their better matches in my view, and thankfully the crowd kept their CM Punk chants and Daniel Bryan chants to the appropriate segments and let the two guys do their job. Orton was really working the crowd well in full asshole mode and Cena sold two DDT's like death. I wasn't keen on the the instant kick outs of each others finishers but the height Cena got on the flying Leg drop before hitting a second AA for the win was impressive.
Now I'm a big fan of Mark Henry, but I so wanted Reigns to be the one to challenge Ambrose. I really did enjoy him goading Ambrose into putting his title on the line though. I'm just being impatient again though, I know Reigns and the push is incoming.
The only part of this Raw that didn't seem to be ruined by an asshole audience was Bray's vicious running Sister Abigail on Rey. That thing looked incredible. He's growing on me, but I still don't think he's very good in the ring.
The only part of this Raw that didn't seem to be ruined by an asshole audience was Bray's vicious running Sister Abigail on Rey. That thing looked incredible. He's growing on me, but I still don't think he's very good in the ring.

If you think a majority pro-Cena LA crowd was an asshole audience, you're going to hate Wrestlemania. Seemed pretty tame to me actually. I didn't expect them to let Cena and Orton just do their thing without Punk/DB chants, but they weren't bad at all to me. Unless you're talking generally about the last few crowds and CM Punk/DB chants.
Good show last night. Really enjoyed the backstage segment between Batista and Trips. It was short and did a good job of showcasing to fans Batista is not aligned with The Authority which is a good thing for his character so long as he remains a face. Liked the throwaway line Batista had when he said, "That would be a first." In reference to Trips saying he is watching out for Dave.

The star of the night would have to be Orton. He did a great job of playing to the fans during his match against Cena. So much so, that towards the end of the match the cheers for Cena were drowning out the boo's. That was top class heel work from Orton and he did it without saying a word.
The 6 man Chamber promo showdown that opened Raw was solid enough and Bryan vs Christian was a very good opening match. I'm not sure if Christian turned heel or just played it up due to the rabid Bryan support getting on him.
Either way the arm work was good and Christian looked more ruthless than usual through Bryan selling so well. I loved the HBK/Owen roll up Bryan used for the finish.

Kane vs Bryan was less well received, the crowd got up when Bryan got in some offense but Kane got the dreaded boring chant before the DQ came and he did a number on Bryan's shoulder which will act as a reason for him losing this Sunday I imagine.

Roman Reigns vs Mark Henry was short but solid with Reigns going over as expected. You can hear the crowd ready to really get behind him. The post match antics of Ambrose continue to set him apart from the other 2 as the one who will cause the split.

The Wyatt's popped up and Bray dropped another gem of a promo including a line about the streets of his kingdom being paved with the bones of The Shield. Reigns calls them out. We get another wild west stand off but like last week The Wyatt's back off. The crowd again ate it up.

Kofi vs Swagger and Big E vs Mahal & McIntyre were ok I guess, they glued the two matches together to try and get some build into the IC title match. Big E got very little reaction and it was left to Zeb to try and push the crowds buttons. Whoever gave Big E that horrible line he laid on Zeb needs a slap.

Cesaro vs Cena......oh yes, this was the good shit! I'd say this is right up there with Bryan vs Bray as the best match in WWE so far this year. The physicality, the feats of strength, the reversals, the inventiveness of these two superior athletes was a pleasure to watch and the finishing sequence was excellent and devoid of finisher kick outs!

I liked Titus O'Neil's promo, I thought he did a good job with it, WWE having Cole and JBL take snide jabs at him due to his voice nearly breaking during the the shouty part of it made no sense to me, it's like sabotaging the guys you are promoting.

In truth I didn't pay a lot of attention to the Uso vs Gunn match but Jimmy Uso was really stilted on commentary, I'm guessing his stuff was all scripted while Road Dogg improvised and it showed.

I think it was here that Batista earned his corn for the night in a 3 minute backstage segment with Trips, Orton and Bertie, no shits were given.

The Wyatt's vs Los Matadores & Hunicara was an odd choice, the three jobbers lasted longer than I thought they would and it really didn't achieve anything as beating three worthless guys obviously doesn't add to your worth.

Despite the crowd not giving a shit apart from when the table broke I thought Sheamus vs Orton was a solid main event. It was probably the weakest of the gauntlet matches Orton has had but that speaks more to the quality of the other 4 matches than to a deficiency with this match.

The Shield running in to help Orton who they haven't been helping for the last couple of months felt forced but I get it, it was used to set up the big brawl between all the guys involved in the 2 matches the fans care about at the PPV this Sunday. I just wish we could have got a bit more Shield vs Wyatt's brawling before everyone piled in and the show ended a little abruptly I felt. Solid go home show overall though.
My god, I was so impressed with the show tonight, i'm still shocked, I'm renting Elimination Chamber sunday.

I usually work late so I watch Raw in fast forward, watching only what I like, usually takes me an hour 15 minutes to go through the whole show, tonight, it took me the full 3 hours (minus the commercials + the moves I wanted to see again)

I'll try to summarize a great Raw with only the specifics of what I thaught was awesome :

They did a good job of moving the stories forward for the PPV sunday, I mean when is the last time I saw 7 matches announce at least a week before the PPV and stories were told during Raw? I don't know ... can't remember,

You have the 2 elimination matches,

1- The Wyatts vs The shield, by far the match I can't wait to see this sunday, I see Ambrose joining the Wyatts but we never know, I hope not, for the sake of the match sunday, I want to see it, the story telling was awesome, when the Wyatts left the ring early in the show I thaught they would save the confrontation for sunday, but when the lights went dark at the end I loved it. Can't wait for that match

2- The other 6, with 3 awesome matches, maybe the Bryan vs Christian would've needed more work ... when did they decide that Christian is a heel now? It seems like it was decided during the match, I didn't get that. But beside that, the Kane vs Bryan match for Wrestlemania is set in stone and I'm excited to see it, THEY HAVE to refer to their time together in their feud, it's like they don't want to mention it, they've been tag champs together and had some of the most hilarious segments of the past years. Cesaro vs Cena was golden, so was Sheamus vs Orton, (btw they need to explain why the Shield attacked Sheamus, cause it doesn't make any sense as they seem to want the Shield to be the babyface in the match sunday) ....

3- The 3 minutes between Batista and Del Rio were enough to move the story forward, Del Rio has this confidence when he talk that always makes me wonder : " Hey he might just beat him sunday " which will never happen but still ,

4- Big E's match with Zeb bein hilarious on the microphone, man that was good, Big E fightin right after Swagger was a good idea.

5- What about the Road Dogg and one of the Uso's on the commentary goin back and forth? I like how the NAO are evolving, they are not the youn fearless tag team duo anymore, they are the old " We know our best days are behind us " that still are in decent shape and are entertaining, I would love to see a little bit more emotion in that tag team feud but It was enouh to keep me interested,

6- One of the moment I actually hit the rewind button was when Titus did his promo, man that guy is getting good, I want to listen to what he says and wanna see him kick ass, I have hih hopes for this singles match,

Finally I enjoyed not seein Stephanie tonight, lately I find her to be awkward, we're not sure if she's sarcastic, her role is weird, keep her off tv for a while.

One last thing related to CM Punk,

I was sure it was a work, the Ziggler promo on saying he is sick and tired of the bs and Miz going to complain to the announcers table made me wonder if there wasn't some sort of "Enough bs" faction in the works with Punk as the leader, ... add Del Rio in the mix because he is gettin killed on tv by a guy who has been gone for 4 years... I was sure this was goin to happen, I even thaught for a second Punk was goin to come save Bryan vs Kane tonight.
What's happening with Ziggler, Miz, Punk and even Del Rio doesn't make any sense, they're all sayin the same thing but are not together sayin it... anyways.

This was my first thread, sorry for the mistakes as english is not my first language, Would appreciate your feedback!

Didn't read all that shit but it was a good show (even though this "year" has only had two PPV's lol).

Appreciated Big E, Titus, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, That Flippy Shield Member with the old CM Punk hair all getting promo time.

Only boring parts to me were Sheamus/Orton (Sheamus is so fuckin boring and pointless to me) and the Fandango/Santino dance off shit.

Would have liked to see a Ryback speaking segment and more on that Ziggler/Miz tag team. Sidenote: I hope they make Ziggler/Miz/Ryback a faction and at least let them get a strong midcard run with the IC and Tag Titles.

As a grand sign of my appreciation I will be illegally streaming Elimination Chamber this Sunday.
I am furious that Ryback was not apart of Raw it was an ok raw but the down side was definitely ryback not being there or apart of raw. I liked Daniel Bryans matches and cena vs cesaro, otherwise the show was crap and I believe wwe don't listen to their fans. Ryback and curtis axel must beat cody Rhodes and Goldust other wise I would like to see a Babyface turn by wrestlemania 30.
Well how difficult is that considering there has only been one other Raw prior to a PPV this year? With deep thoughts like that coming out of the OP, this just might be the best month of February he has this year. :wtf:
Well how difficult is that considering there has only been one other Raw prior to a PPV this year? With deep thoughts like that coming out of the OP, this just might be the best month of February he has this year. :wtf:

How did you get a rep like that with useless comments that have no added value like the one you just posted.

Of course I meant including 2013.

I made a mistake but the fact that you took some of your time trying to make fun of it absolutely ridiculous, either you have too much time on your hand or your deduction skillz are non-existent. :wtf:
Last night's Raw was absolutely awesome. One of the best in a long time.

The Cena vs Cesaro match stole the show. Flat out A and Cena made Cesaro look great. We saw some great build up for the Chamber match as well. The slight change in character for Christian was done very well and I liked Kane attacking Bryan.

This did exactly what a go home show should do and this was shown best by The Shield and The Wyatt Family. I'm fucking hyped for their match and the potential ramifications for The Shield.

Titus O'Neil gave a great promo which makes me excited for his future. They did a good build for the IC title match (Zeb was hilarious) as well as the tag-belts. Road Dogg was being the heel and was entertaining. The Uso was a bit awkward but got his point across.

It is weird. We saw no Divas and pretty much none of the mid-carders. Rybaxel, Sandow, Miz, Ziggler didn't wrestle. No Rhodes brothers either. Even with those names missing, it was an incredible show and this is a prime example why Raw being 3 hours is a good thing.
Good show last night with some good matches throughout the card. All the chamber participant matches turned out good with Cena and Cesaro turning in a great effort and the 2nd best match of the year after Bryan and Wyatt from the Rumble. Raw did a great job of pushing each match on the card.

Well done WWE.
What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.
Last night's Raw was absolutely awesome. One of the best in a long time.

The Cena vs Cesaro match stole the show. Flat out A and Cena made Cesaro look great. We saw some great build up for the Chamber match as well. The slight change in character for Christian was done very well and I liked Kane attacking Bryan.

This did exactly what a go home show should do and this was shown best by The Shield and The Wyatt Family. I'm fucking hyped for their match and the potential ramifications for The Shield.

Titus O'Neil gave a great promo which makes me excited for his future. They did a good build for the IC title match (Zeb was hilarious) as well as the tag-belts. Road Dogg was being the heel and was entertaining. The Uso was a bit awkward but got his point across.

It is weird. We saw no Divas and pretty much none of the mid-carders. Rybaxel, Sandow, Miz, Ziggler didn't wrestle. No Rhodes brothers either. Even with those names missing, it was an incredible show and this is a prime example why Raw being 3 hours is a good thing.

I agree with everything except for the bolded part - it confuses me a little...

Do you mean to say Cena (a significantly less giften in-ring competitor, wrestler, technician, whatever) made Cesaro (perhaps the best wrestler in the company) look great in the ring? If so I'm not quite sure how? If anything Cesaro being so good in the ring meant Cena had to step up his game, thus making him look great.

If you meant to say that Cena made Cesaro look great because he put on a highly competitive, 20-minute match against the 14-time World Champion, then yes I agree :p

I enjoyed the show. RAW has only been aired live in Australia for 3 weeks and I've watched each one, but found myself doing other things during significant periods of the first two shows. However, I skipped only 1 segment during this whole show. When I saw Fandango I knew there would be some dance crap so I went and had a quick shower and came back to Roman Reigns vs Mark Henry.

Apart from that I sat through the whole 3 hours and enjoyed it! I'm glad they gave each chamber participant at least some time on the mic, and then each of them put on a good showing in the ring. In the case of Cesaro and Cena, an outstanding showing. (hell, even Christian vs Daniel Bryan was great)
I liked that they made Christian more aggressive and played him off as a heel, which I enjoy a lot more than him being a face.

The middle segments covering the IC Title, Tag Title, Titus/Young and Del Rio/Batista matches were short but did enough to create intrigue. Coulter/Swagger and Big E did all they could in the short period they had to build this match. Although Big E's match was sloppy, and his popularity seems to have died off, I think he and Swagger will have a good match.
There was some confrontation between The Usos and NAO. Road Dogg was gold on the mic and whilst Jimmy(?) (Jey?), whoever it was, was slightly awkward, it was still pretty cool to think that NAO used to face their dad. It's actually an angle they can build a bit around.
The pre-taped Batista segment did enough I guess, and Titus' promo I enjoyed thoroughly.

What I really enjoyed, for the third week in a row, was the Shield and the Wyatt Family's segment's. The tension in The Shield continued to grow, but not before Bray could cut another awesome promo. I felt let down that there was no confrontation after The Wyatt's defeated Los Matadores and Sin Cara, but that was rectified later.

I loved the final segment. Although there was no real point for The Shield to attack the faces, it was just a great moment having 12 of the top 15 or so guys just brawling to end RAW. Overall I thought it was a great go-home show that built the Elimination Chamber PPV pretty damn well.
How good was Cessaro vs Big E? I see three things they could do with Cessaro going forward.

A) Put him in a feud with Big E for the Intercontinental championship. That would be a great feud with some wonderful matches and would potentially give Big E a chance to work on his mic skills. Or give Big E a mouth piece and have him and Zeb go at it while Cessaro and Big E steal the show in the ring.

B) Cessaro vs Swagger. The finish of the match tonight alludes to conflict within the Real Americans. While I would love to see this team stick together and win the tag titles, an eventual matchup between the two is inevitable.

c) Cessaro vs Sheamus. The interactions they've had in the ring recently have been wonderful. This would be a great, stiff and intense rivalry. I think they'd work incredibly well together. They're both very intense and in your face. This rivalry could kick some serious ass!
I was disappointed with tonight's show from a personal perspective, I really thought they were gonna do an angle where Bryan got added to the WWE title match, instead they all but confirmed Bryan vs Triple H and they did confirm Taker vs Lesnar, two matches I simply don't give a flying fuck about.

Batista's match with Del Rio and his limp promo really did nothing to help his match with Orton, no one cares at all, and he was so fucking gassed he could barely get his words out.

It was great to see Hogan, he fluffed his promo a bit but that magic charisma of his was in tact, it's also funny how he now looks healthier than Flair.

Cesaro vs Big E was solid, not sure if Big E landed right on that Neutralizer though. I guess we got the first real tease of a split between The Real Americans.

Bryan vs Kane was ok but I honestly didn't feel like the crowd were up for anything after he challenged Triple H, despite what he said I don't think that is what fans want at all.

I hope Cena is ok, at first I thought he'd blown his quad but if it's a hyper-extended knee he should be ok for Mania. The promos him and Bray cut were good but I feel WWE are asking a lot of John with this one at Mania, I feel it would have served as a better post-Mania program than going in front of that hostile Mania crowd.

Roman vs Bray felt a step to far for both guys as they could not keep the crowd invested. They both have huge potential and will be fine when in there with experienced guys, but one on one they looked a little green. The big brawl at the end was the only thing that really got a strong reaction and I feel it's because the fans want to see the groups fight again, not a Shield split.

The Usos tag title win couldn't have been any more anti-climactic.

The end stuff with Brock and Taker was well done I just personally have zero interest in the match-up.
What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.

I couldn't agree with you more man. Especially on HHH and Daniel Bryan side of things. I'm not sure about Wyatts because I haven't really watched and followed their development since I don 't watch anymore. Just like you, I skip 2 and a half hours of Raw and watch few selective segments a year . I think Daniel Bryan is an abomination to Wrestling/WWE . He's a great wrestler, I'll give him that. But he's not tall or big enough to be a credible WWE WHC contender, lacks the intensity and excellence of a Kurt Angle, and the fiery passion and mic skills of Eddie Guerrero(who was never a main-eventer anyways). Just due to some stupid chants, I'm sick of every Raw and pay per views being ruined because of that bastard Daniel Bryan and anybody who thinks he should main event WM XXX is a fucking ******.

I wish we had any power or say. I would kill that long-nosed bastard HHH . That bastard has been ruining pro wrestling the day since he married that **** stephanie. Stephanie and HHH and their offsprings are a disgrace to pro wrestling. I wish I could spit on HHH's damn face. That bastard caused CM Punk to leave. And he constantly shoves down his buddies down our throats. Fucking sheamus was never a main-event talent. Batista is an overrated steroid-freak who looks an ugly aftermath of steroid now. Look at his fucking body,. Looks like a joker. I hate HHH .
What a disappointment after last week's show.

Highlights: The breakup of the Real Americans is entertaining. It was cool seeing Rollins appear out of nowhere and Ambrose serving as the cavalry. Emma vs. Summer Rae was okay, despite the awful gimmicks. The Undertaker-Lesnar program should be damn good. Hogan calling the WWE network "the WWE universe" was a hilarious marketingspeak mix up.

Lowlights: The crowd had an awful case of snarky ADHD syndrome. No wonder Favre left. Kane may not belong in a ring anymore. The monster era (Kane, Show, Henry) is probably over in general. The fans want Bryan with the strap, and they know Bryan-HHH is a distraction. Hope Big E wasn't hurt. Not sure about Cena. Hope he's okay, but if this is a work, this wouldn't be the first time a purported Cena injury turned out mostly false.

Other notes: Feeling a little sorry for Batista at the moment. He should've come back heel. I think his character may evolve to a good place over time, but for Mania they should try to add Punk and make it a three way, since no one wants Orton/Batista. and they seem hellbent on Bryan vs. HHH. And I want Wyatts/Shield in HiaC at Mania. Which almost seems certain not to be happening, as the E seems to be going out of their way to turn Mania XXX into the Card I Do Not Want to See.
Crowd were terrible tonight. I mean if you can't get anything going during a Bray Wyatt V Roman Reigns apart from "Husky Harris" then you may as well just leave. They were really spoilt tonight with lots of decent segments and returning superstars, and the reaction was just so mute.

I did enjoy the actual matches though. Cesaro and Big E put on a good one as expected, and Cesaro actually got some decent cheers from the crowd. The Real Americans look like they're done and I'm assuming the break up will take place in a few weeks. Same with The Shield, but even Ambrose came to Reigns aid tonight, so we'll see on that one. I also enjoyed the Taker/Lesnar segment A LOT. I know not much was said, but nothing really needed to be, great stuff.

I tried not to let the crowd piss me off. I failed miserably. :disappointed:
Really sorry to double post but I can't edit my above post.

Just to add something else. While I did enjoy Bray Wyatt V Roman Reigns as a singles match, and I have no doubt they'll have an almighty feud one day, it also made me realise how much I really am going to miss The Shield as a faction. Seeing Rollins and then Ambrose come out to save his buddy was still pretty fricking awesome. I've said multiple times to my friends, and on here too that I'm really excited about Reigns and his future, but at the same time I'm going to really miss them as a group too.
Decent show but I expected more. Even though every match is not official we seem to have 4 main event level matches in play based on the events from Raw and to me that's a good thing. As for those matches, I'm not a fan of WWE playing the injury card with Cena. Its a no win. If Cena beats Bray then Bray looks really weak as he losses to a man with a knee injury. If Bray beats Cena then you have the built in excuse of the knee injury which lessens Bray's win. The title match I'm sad to say is a lost cause. Fans just will not give it a chance because Bryan is not involved. I like the concept of the title match and the potential it has and I am scared to see how bad the fans in New Orleans will hijack that match. I will admit its not perfect and Batista while looking good has not performed like he used to in the ring or on the mic, but we still have 5 weeks till Mania which is plenty of time for Batista to work through the rust and be Mania ready. Triple H and Bryan (once its official) will be a good match with a great build because there is already so much there. I love how condescending Trips is to Bryan. On Raw when Trips told Bryan "I'll see if there's a spot for you," was just awesome. And the Lesnar/Taker match will be good and I am interested to see how the build goes. It got off to a good start on Raw and I will be interested to see if they bring up there past history or if they ignore it.
All in all, I've got no real complaints about last night's show. I'm glad that all the focus was kept on WrestleMania and that Hulk Hogan wasn't made the center of attention. His segment was short, sweet, to the point, gave people their nostalgia moment and that was that.

Big E vs. Cesaro was a physical 3.25 star match and WWE did a good job of protecting both of them.

I gave Sheamus vs. Christian 3 stars, they've had better matches, but this was still enjoyable. I wasn't wild about the ending for Sheamus & Christian. The set up for the Brogue Kick was too transparent.

Bryan vs. Kane was a strong 3.5 stars for me that featured good storytelling and had a couple of really nice near falls here & there. I also liked Bryan's intensity and I'm hoping that Triple H's smug, condescending attitude is altered in the coming weeks.

Reigns vs. Wyatt got 3.25 stars from me. I thought both guys worked hard, but the live crowd were just being dicks for the sake of it. I don't know why they weren't into the match. I thought the ending was a little too similar to Big E vs. Cesaro, but they still did a good job protecting both of them.

Bray Wyatt's interaction with Cena was well done and I'm sooooooo glad that Cena isn't cracking jokes about Wyatt. Cena sold his knee "injury" masterfully, I legitimately thought he was hurt.

The segment of Taker & Lesnar worked just fine for me. I'm still nervous, as a fan and a human being, that Taker will get seriously hurt in his match with Lesnar, but the segment was everything it needed to be. I really dug the notion of Lesnar looking as though he was kind of in awe of Taker, it made Lesnar seem more human and helped to establish the importance of this match to him. Taker stabbing his hand with the pen before chokeslamming him was a great way to end the segment.

Batista vs. Del Rio was about 2 stars for me, just nothing overly great. Batista definitely needs to spend the next 5 weeks or so focusing on his cardio in the gym. He was so gassed he could barely take in a breath to even squeeze out a couple words on the mic.

Emma vs. Summer Rae was also about 2 stars. The two girls did well in the ring, but Emma's dancing, or whatever the hell you wanna call that, just irritates the shit out of me. I really dug Summer Rae's outfit, a little skimpier than normal, and the little sexist piglet deep down inside me liked that.

Lots of good in-ring action, lots of focus on WrestleMania, the WWE Network hype wasn't rammed up our asses every 5 minutes like I thought it'd be. I'd give last night's show an A-. I know some were expecting some sort of earthshattering epic or something, but last night's show gave me, for the most part, what I was hoping for. I'd prefer to see Bryan in the title match as he's the only hope they have of saving it, but it is what it is.
That is the best RAW I've seen for ages. There is absolutely nothing in the show that I hated! What a great RAW! I don't watch RAw regularly but I'm glad that I watched it yesterday and it kept me interested in watching on next week too.

Hogan's appearance.
Well it was a bit of a let down from my point of view as I expected something bigger than just Hogan coming out here and cut a short promo and mainly promoting the network. Yet like Jack Hammer said it was short, sweet, to the point and gave people their nostalgia moment. Although I'd have liked to see someone interrupting him and make that feel bit more important, fair enough from WWE POV. He came and reminded fans why he was there. Im sure that we can expect more from the WM host in upcoming weeks.

Big E vs. Cesaro
Great match up. I tell you what, Cesaro is really impressive! Really enjoyed his ability to dominate his opponent. Big E is big but I never felt that he was the stronger guy here. And they teased breaking him and Swagger which is indeed the right thing to do. I'm not sure but perhaps we may see Swagger vs Cesaro at WM? The crowd reaction for BIG E has toned down. Do they hate the big muscle guys bcz of Batista?

Sheamus vs. Christian
A physical battle. Sheamus is very underrated in the ring. He is such a great worker. Christian did his thing. Not sure whether they try to turn him heel? I won't complain about that. Sheamus is getting popular among kids so thankfully it's not the case of everyone booing him. Good for you fella..

HHH vs Bryan segment..
Well outta the blue WWE here found a way to tease HHH vs Bryan match at Mania. I didn't see it coming. And I am not sure whether it's logical to have Bryan blaming HHH for Kane's attacks. HHH has been acting more like a face in recent times until yesterday. Why would Bryan think HHH was behind Kane's attacks? Btw it was a good segment.. I like how HHH degraded Bryan by saying that he's not a worth enough opponent for him lol.

Bryan vs. Kane
It felt great to see Bryan getting better of Kane. Yes Bryan showed good aggression there which was what he exactly needs to do. Good promo after the match. I like this HHH vs Bryan feud. this is what Bryan should do first. Go through HHH at Mania. Like it or not HHH is a legend and go over him at Mania is HUGE for DB. Yes bigger than winning the title. Let's face it. The WWE title doesn't mean much these days. DB fans have to be patient. He'll win/retain the WWE championship at Mania someday(possibly next WM). this is the right time for him to face HHH.

Batista vs. Del Rio
Del Rio got cheered and stole a roll up win. Never saw that coming.
Poor Batista. I was actually excited to see him back and had high hopes for him. But WWE screwed it big time. They SHOULD NOT HAVE announced his return. yes it was leaked but still WWE and Batista could have denied it. Batista should have made his return at RR as a surprise entry. If it was a surprise entry the fans would have cheered him instead of booing. So WWE screwed this whole thing up. Now they don't know whether to keep him face or turn him. The obvious plan was to keep him face and make him the champion at mania.
I have no idea what they gonna do now. They are no more hiding that the fans boo him. And Batista too acts like a twinee (between face and heel). Fans don't care for both Orton and Batista. WWE is stuck here. What will they do?

Wyatts attacking Cena
I expected this to be more ruthless but then again we have a long road to WM so why hurry? Bray is getting better and better.

Reigns vs. Wyatt
WWE did well and protected both guys. this match may be a history making one in the future after both becoming bigger stars in upcoming years. Reigns is pure gold. And shield coming to his aid was a nice touch. I still wonder where WWE is heading with the trio.

Usos vs NAO
Well when NAO lost in such a quick time I thought it was a title match for a moment. But it wasn't. Usos vs NAO for tag team titles? WWE need to add something to this feud to make it interesting.

Emma vs. Summer Rae
First of all I enjoyed a divas match after a long time in RAW. Let me tell you why. It was of course a bad match from wresting POV yes but it's really REFRESHING to see 2 new hot divas who show some dif. personalities facing each other. I was sick and tired of seeing horrible looking Camran, Niyomi, that annoying screaming Bellas, Boring Nattie and Aj Lee who hasn't done anything relevant for a long time(not her fault though) over over over and over! I enjoyed the match bcz I like both Emma and Rae of them. I like Ema and her clumsy act. It's something different! I like Summer's typical heel diva attitude. I hope WWE continue to push other NXT girls to RAW rather than that same old boring hoes in the current divas division. Crowd got behind Ema (although it was full of marks) which is a good thing. At least they cared for divas after a long time.

Taker vs Lesnar
Yes they saved the best for last. That is one of the best segments I saw in RAW for a long time! Before yesterday, I was not thrilled about Brock vs Taker idea but that segment made the match the MOST IMPORTANT match at WM for me(and surely for most of you fans). I thought Taker would just have a stare down at Lesnar and the show would go off the air. I thought that the only possibility was Brock attacking Taker (may with a distraction). But I never thought, even in my dreams that taker would attack Lesnar first and in such a manner! That was gold! The intensity showed by Taker was priceless! That's the most logical way to book him with a BEAST! I can't wait to see how this feud unfolds!

Great show. I'd give A.

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