*OFFICIAL* ECW Aftermath, Review, and Ratings Thread.

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Didn't actually get a chance to watch ECDub tonight, but I took a look over the results. Huzzah, Huzzah all around. Firstly, William Regal as the #1 contender for the title? Excellent! It has been far too long since he's had any gold around his waist (come to think of it, the last time he wore gold was tag team gold and that was back in 2005! I would love to see Regal win the ECW title.

Another highlight was (finally) the in-ring (sorta) debut of Hurricane. I wonder if Burchill/Hurricane will continue their program, of it Hurricane will move on to "better" things. Personally, I'd prefer the former, as it'd give Burchill something to do.

All in all, a step up from last week. Hopefully, the show will continue to improve.
First off, to the dude above me, Regal was IC Champ last year! I've never really done a review, but I'll do my best. Ryder v.s Benjamin. Well I'll be goddamned. Benjamin got a reaction. Shelton wins. Match was actually pretty good, call it 4/6. Kozlov vs Local Jobber 152467. Squash followed by Kozlov Zeke oneupmanship game. I like the buildup but damnit, do something with it already. Call the whole thing 2/6. Forgive me if I mix up the next two matches. Burchill vs Yoshi. Decent match, shit ending with Katie Lea causing the DQ. Afterwards, Burchill puts a beatdown to Yoshi only for The Hurricane to use his Hurri Powers on his bitch ass. 3/6. Reks has a shit match with a Jobber. 1/6 for that springbnard dropkick. Another shit Washington Segment saved by Christian verbally bitchslapping him. Regal announced as the 1 contender. Regal vs Dreamer. Kinda sloppy. 3/6. Decent show overall. 4/6. I'll try to do better next week.
Due to the overwhelming support of my last review, I have decided to make this a weekly thing. So lets get started. Hurricane Helms vs Paul Burchill. Why don't they call him The Hurricane? Easily Burchill's best match to date. A lot of unique offense and fast paced action. 5/6. Regal and Kozlov put the beatdown to Dreamer, to put him on the shelf tonight.Now we get to boo Abraham. Actually pretty funny to me, I am a KC native so I know the education level here sucks. Goldust and Shemeaus as guests. Not a horrible segment, some funny stuff mixed with the usual lame jokes. Goldust saved it from total disaster. Zack Ryder vs Yoshi Tatsu. Meh. Ok match but the finish was blown. 2/6. Regal and Kozlov vs Christian and.... Big Zeke. Sweet. Regal looks like he is really trying to bring the intensity tonight. Zeke turns on Christian to form what appears to be a new faction with Regal and Kozlov. Hmm.. Interesting. This turn of events could produce some entertaining television. 5/6. I liked this episode a lot.
Pretty good episode of ECW tonight, as usual.

Well, I'm extremely glad that my prediction of a stable with these three appears to becoming true. Koz and Zeke desperately need a mouthpiece, and there are few better than Regal. Thank God we get more TV time for Regal!

The opening promo from Christian was very good, and pretty funny. Hearing him contiously say "8 Seconds!" to Regal while Regal sheepishly responded "No! No! No!" was classic and had me chuckling. God Christian is gold on the mic. When the fuck is he going to Smackdown damnit?

I'm really liking what they're doing with Sheamus. Feuding him with Goldust is a great way to get him over, Goldust is great at making other people look golden (no pun intended). That was an enjoyable short little brawl, I'm interested to see where they're going to take that feud.

Unfortunately Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu already being paired together as a team does not bode well for those two. I imagine they'll be gone before too long.

I'm actually liking what they're doing with Ryder and Benjamin. I'd love to see those two given 10-15 minutes to go out there and steal the show, they've got the talent.

The main event was good, nice to see Regal and Christian given some time to actually work instead of that travesty of a match that happened at Summerslam. Those two are GREAT workers and I'm really digging their chemistry.

Overall, good episode. I'll give it the rating of a

Solid show once again last night.

Opening Promo: Man, do I love Regal. The current stable is looking awesome, and Regal is a great leader. The whole promo was entertaining, but the best part was Regal saying he wasn't a commoner. Gotta love snobby British guys.

Goldust v. Sheamus: Is this like the 6th time they've faced each other? Nothing too special about this, not their best match together nor their worst. I'm not sure where this feud is heading though, they should throw in a gimmick match of some kind. Personally, I don't really like Sheamus that match. Other than his music, he is just meh.

Yoshi and Tyler Reks v. Shelton and Ryder: Decent little match. I love the Ryder/Shelton feud that is building. Unfortunately for Ryder, it will likely end in Shelton kicking his ass. As for Yoshi and Reks, is it just me, or are they gonna end up like a real tag team? Maybe they can be fed to Jerisho after MarkVP.

Christian v. William Regal: Excellent match here. Both of these guys are great workers, and Regal is by far the best seller in the WWE. Predicatable ending with Regal winning after interference, but as long as he's on TV, I'm ok with it.

Solid show, I'll give is an A-, mostly due to Regal.
Very good episode of ECW tonight, with unfortunately one segment that was completely unnecessary and wasted precious time.

The opening bout with Shelton Benjamin and Zack Ryder was good, and that feud has some serious potential considering the talents of both of these young guys. They've only got an hour to work with here on ECW though, so of course this match doesn't run as long as one would like with two entertaining guys like these.

The Abraham Washington segment that introduced Tony Atlas as a sidekick to Abraham was simply spectacular. I'm loving what I'm seeing from Abraham Washington thus far, and though I've been a huge critic of Atlas in the past, he was damn entertaining tonight. He had that goofy laugh down completely. I loved that segment to death, but I can't wait to see when they finally put Washington in the ring. The guy can flat out wrestle.

The Zeke-Koz squash match being interrupted by Christian and Dreamer was good, especially to see Tommy Dreamer seemingly pull two singapore canes (not fucking kendo sticks) literally out of his ass. I really wish they'd give more time to Christian on ECW, especially the relationship he has with Dreamer. I'm also really liking what I'm seeing from this new stable of Zeke, Kozlov and Regal. Genius move by creative to pair those two monsters up with a great promo cutter like Regal. We need more Christian on the show though damnit!

Here's the only problem I had with the show; the terrible video highlights package of the Wrestlemania 25 match between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Did we really need to waste 5 minutes recapping a match from 6 months ago that has no current relevancy when ECW only has about 40 or so minutes of TV time to work with in the first place? I truly don't understand what the point of that was. Perhaps to try and bolster ECW ratings? They did advertise it as though they were going to show the whole match, and not just a shitty video package accompanied by equally shitty music from Shinedown.

The main event was good. I haven't been big on Sheamus so far, but I'm already loving what they're doing here by having him feud with an established guy like Goldust. Sheamus has already established himself as an impact player on ECW, and it's obvious he's been the most successful of the new talent initiative in ECW. Then again they haven't exactly given Reks or Yoshi the push they have Sheamus thus far. The two have good chemistry though, and I really do hope that ECW doesn't end this feud right away, but let it drag out for a while. Maybe for once in a lifetime we could have more than one ECW match on the next WWE PPV, what do you say Vince?

Overall, simply a great episode of ECW. I really enjoy this show, and after the debacle of a match between Chavo and Hornswoggle on Raw last night, I needed to be reminded of what a quality hour of wrestling and entertainment could be like, which tonight was a perfect blend of. I give this episode the bold rating of an

Do they not show the whole match, X? I assumed that's what it'd be, it certainly looked that way from the WWE website. I mean, I was actually planning on watching ECW just to re-watch it. I could just slip WM25 into my DVD player, but yano. I think you're right in saying it was to boost ratings for ECW. The match was great, and fans who only usually watch Raw or Smackdown could have been tempted into watching ECW simply because of that match. I wonder if it worked..
Do they not show the whole match, X?

Nope, just a 5 or so minute long highlight package with a terrible song playing in the background. I thought they were going to play the whole match as well (since they, ya know, advertised that), but nope, just a terrible little highlight package. Totally a waste of time, if that was the only reason you were going to watch ECW darling I'd say just avoid it. It was a good show though except for that lame highlights package.
Outside of the big let down of that Undertaker/HBK match clip, the show itself wasn't too bad. I like Regal and his allies in Kozlov and Jackson going through the roster like they are the shit. Regal is in great form and great in the ring. The Washington show isn't too bad either and Tony Atlas' laugh...oh God just have him do that every week. Christian is the man there, which to some isn't saying much, but he's done soo much for that brand in the time he's been back and the show as a whole is soo much better with him running it. His feud with Regal just keeps getting better and better every week.
So, another good episode of ECW this week. The opening bout between Paul Burchill and the Hurricane was damn good, and I was in complete shock over the fact that the WWE is actually using Burchill for something other than being a jobber or comedic relief. I was also quite shocked how long they let this opening match go on. Helms appears to not have lost a step at all since his last time in the ring, and the possibility of a feud between these two is actually something to look forward to. I find it hilarious that ECW has time to build a midcard feud, but Raw doesn't.

Shelton & Sheamus vs. Goldust & Yoshi wasn't bad for a TV match either. I really like what they're doing with Sheamus and Goldust, and pairing Yoshi with Shelton in a program could have some very good results as well.

The main event as well was good, and I really love how they've been able to keep Tommy Dreamer relevant to the main event scene, and I'm really digging the feud they're having with Regal, Zeke & Kozlov. Nice finish.

All around a very good episode of ECW. It's sad that the WWE's "C Show" routinely puts on better shows than their "A Show" (Raw).

I'll give the September 8th edition of ECW a rating of a


Maybe an A-...​
Not a bad show Tuesday night. Zack Rhyder has some potential for sure but the match felt like it got off to a slow start, but Christian did a good job getting the match back of to speed. I'd assume it was just Zack having the jitters for being in the main event for the first time and it was for a singles title.

Hopefully Shelton really is turning face as the brand really needs it. Sheamus would benefit from facing a great veteran in the "Gold Standard". Yoshi Tatsu and Paul Birchill was also a nice quick match. Birchill has really shown some promise and has great intensity in ring.
Pretty decent show last night.

I freakin' LOVE the Abe Washington show, one of the best things going in the WWE right now. Tony Atlas is hilarious in his role and Abe plays his character perfectly. He's improved tremendously since his first night.

Morrison was rather unimpressive. Crowd didn't really seem to care much and he restorted to the Mr. Ziggles thing once again. I don't get why Ziggler didn't say anything at all, is he ******ed? Decent segment though.

Shelton v. Burchill was decent, nothing to write home about. I like the flash ending, you don't see that too much in wrestling. The Shelton/Sheamus feud doesn't really excite me though as I don't like either guy, would've liked to see Hurricane.

Main event was as expected, Yoshi getting the pin was cool, hopefully he'll be in some program against Regal's Roundtable.

Solid show of ECW, I'll give it a B.
I give the October 6 ECW a B+.

Each time I watch ECW, I get the feeling that there is a slow build to something that has yet to happen, but it should happen soon.

Christian turning heel.

The way last night's show ended could provide the building blocks for a Christian heel turn. I can only hope that such a turn would happen next week.

This is where I play fantasy booker...again.

Next week's show should be headlined by a six man tag featuring Regal, Kozlov and Jackson vs. Christian, Ryder and Tatsu. Instead of the obvious taking place (Ryder attacking Christian) it should end up being Christian turning on Tatsu and Ryder and aligning himself with Regal, Kozlov and Jackson. The next week, there will be a power struggle for ECW GM between Tiffany and Regal. Christian will find himself involved in a 3 way for the ECW title with Ryder and Tatsu but before that happens, they have to face Kozlov and Jackson. Ryder and Tatsu win thus solidifying their match against Christian.

It probably won't happen but it's a good storyline nevertheless.
Good episode of ECW tonight. The opening match with Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder for the number one contendership to the ECW title was good, and I was very glad to see Yoshi get the win. For some bizarre reason the fans have really gotten behind Yoshi, so I hope they continue his push. His match against Christian next week should be good, especially considering some of the backstage segments the two have had over the last few weeks.

I absolutely loved seeing Shelton Benjamin come out to beat up on Sheamus after he squashed some jobber. The fans popped BIG TIME for Shelton, and I think it's safe to say we can finally tell all of the Shelton haters to kindly shut their mouths, because he's over with the fans again and he's grown solid on the microphone.

The main event between Christian and Jericho was good, but not what you'd expect from the two. That's not meant negatively though, because with ECW they were only going to get about 10 minutes to begin with, and they did great with what time they had, but if they had been given another five minutes, we could have really seen a classic. As it stands it was still a good match, and it was great seeing Christian go over Jericho cleanly, I think it's about time the WWE moved him to Smackdown and brought him up to a real main event scene, it's long overdue at this point.
Last nights ECW was great. Yoshi Tatsu over Zack Ryder was good and solid. Yoshi getting the nod was nice and he's a new challenger for Christian to face against will be a nice change. Tiffany putting Regal in his place was funny, but I wonder how long Regal can be kept out of the main event scene. Shelton is over with the crowd again and he's polished his mic skills at long last and is ready after such a long time of waiting to get that main event push.

I agree that the main event last night should've been longer, but it was still good to watch. Christian and Jericho put on a nice match and it was nice breath of fresh air to have Jericho on the show. He did a nice job on ECW last night and I think a high mid card heel would benefit Christian. ECW should have a high mid card or top heel and face. It would help put attention on the show and the top guys would really help the development of Shaemus, Yoshi, and Ryder as well as Jackson and Kozlov.
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ECW was pretty solid last night and another good week of wrestling. Vance Archer could be a legit threat to Christian in the future, but he needs a better finisher. The Abraham Washington show was short, but good enough with Yoshi Tatsu as the guest and he was funny to watch. But I'm going to cut to the main event.

The ECW Championship was on the line last night in England and was a ppv caliber match. Regal and Christian put on a great match and the crowd was into it the entire time. The match was given enough time, something that doesn't happen often enough anymore in my opinion. Christian sold his injuries throughout the match very well and Regal stayed on him the entire time. I was almost convinced that Regal was going to walk out champion after kicking out of the Killswitch. However, Christian came back and won and it was just a great 20-25 minutes or a match. Good job WWE!
NorCal NightCap Jan 19 2010

Solid episode of ECW, ive seen better, ive seen worse.

The opening contest couldnt have been more dead. The crowd just could NOT be bothered to give a shit about these Croft and Barretta guys, and I dont blame them. The WWE havent given anyone any reason to not like them, fucks sake they barely even cheat during their matches. This match was a true chore to get through until Goldust came in for a flurry towards the end, and did quite well. Please give these guys a bit of character development, or at least book their matches a bit more intelligently.

So yea, lets go ahead and slaughter Kozlov's character. Terrible idea here. Terrible, TERRIBLE idea. Kozlov was epic during his initial SD run, with a character that requires fuck all development, and one that I loved. It was also GARUNTEED to draw up heat, but for whatever reason, it just wasnt enough for WWE creative. I swear sometimes those guys could fuck up a ham sandwhich.

Good segment with Ryder and Hurricane. Hurricane needs to have cooler mannerisms if they are gonna try to push this character seriously, and make him look so badass. No joking around, no *swooosh* sound, lets give it a bit of realism. Clearly, realism with a super hero character is ridiculous, but this is fucking pro wrestling. Maybe if they gave the characters more of a chance to be taken seriously, then the product wouldnt be so uninspiring most of the time. The Hurricane is definately one of the characters who shows this. I must compliment them on the development of Rosa's personality however, its going quite well, and I love it.

Decent finish as far as I could tell with Christian and Regal. I didnt really pay attention. Loved the interaction between he and Zeke, I just wish Zeke couldve maybe gotten a bit of mic time for more character development. I will expect it next week, for the go home show. If they dont, it will be a true miss.

NorCal NightCap - Double post, infraction

Er, how can I do this without making it spam. Ummmm. Also, weird fucking reveiw to do. lets see. One very good match, a usefull promo, and a solid match.

Fucking LOVED the opening segment and match. About as perfect of a go home as you can get, for everyone involved. I seriously think Zeke might fucking win this weekend, becuase of this. Everyone worked the mic well, and it was a very long, entertaining, hard fought match, with Zeke looking badass. Fantastic.

Shelton, with a very coherent promo, until he got smashed on by Mr.tramp stamp. Well and good enough, I suppose.

A good six man tag to end things. Goodness, how much of a consumat professional to Goldust look like? These other guys couldnt generate heat with a fucking blow torch and gasoline. Goldust always comes in, and reminds the veiwers at home that there is, in factm a live audience in attendance. Good go home to The Rumble.

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