NXT Winner + Pro vs Tag Champs At Mania?

MizFit Brocko

'Dashing Brisbane Brocko'
Do you think the winner of NXT will cash in there tag title shot at Mania?

The tag titles really don't mean much anymore, but they will still be defended at mania. Perhaps the winner of NXT and his pro will be one of the 4 teams in a tag elimination match or something.

At this stage, there are 2 rookies left. Brodus Clay who's Pro is now Ricardo Rodriguez (was Del Rio but he's never there anymore) and Johnny Curtis who's pro is R-Truth. Based on this, im gunna say Curtis will win NXT as he has a Pro that actually wrestles and R-Truth really isn't doing much atm anyways.

Or, do you think we are set for Nexus vs Corre and the NXT Title Chance will be used at a different time?

i think its going to be Nexus VS. corre 4 man tag match. Any of the 4 members can get pinned. Corre will defend under freebird rules. i would be an epic match. it would create something that might somewhat draw. So far WM is shit. The only thing that will make people buy this is the Rock. Oh and 10 year old girls will buy it for justin bieber.
Yeah i think this will happen especially if it is johnny curtis who wins, i think curtis truth tag team would work and would rather see a gabriel/slater vs truth/curtis match instead of santino nd kozlov having another shot
No way, I don't think whoever wins NXT will have their match at WrestleMania. Nor should they.

I think that whoever wins NXT should have a bit of a build up on whichever brand they end up on first just to be introduced a bit to the people who don't watch NXT because it's an online exclusive thing now. I mean, what happens if you don't watch it and then one of the WrestleMania matches is them vs Slater/Gabriel? You won't be interested one bit. I don't watch NXT, I don't even remember their names so I wouldn't care about any of them in a match.

Wade Barrett took a while to use his WWE Championship opportunity too, I think WrestleMania is just going to be too rushed for whoever wins NXT. It would be a bit of a slap in the face too for someone who has just finished NXT to take up a WrestleMania match slot over someone who's been in WWE for a while.
Maybe have an ex-NXT competitor and their ex-pro challange. Such as MVP (if he wants to come back) and Watson (has nothing to do except for jobbing on WWE Superstars). But I like the idea of Curtis and Truth.
No. I do not see that happening at all.

At this point, because of a lack of proper angles, there seems to be some pretty well known veterans that could possibly be left off the card. So, I do not think there will be any reason to have no-names be on the biggest card of the year, and leave off other names that deserve to be on the Mania Card over some guys that are Rookies.
I can't see it happening. We're more likely to see the tag champs in some sort of multi-person tag match with the rest of The Corre - against either a Big Show led team, or New Nexus.

If WWE wants to give the winner of NXT any sort of push, they would be better giving them the match on Raw or Smackdown, rather than getting lost in the WM undercard.
There's no way you throw somebody that green out into the WM card, especially when you have so many proven performers that aren't currently on the card.

If they don't set up a formal match for The Corre, I could see this being a pre-card match though.

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