NXT should take over the 1st hour of Raw


Jerichoholic since 1997
3 hour Raw is too long, the show is hard to watch all the way through and NXT talents being brought up do poorly when the crowds at Raw don't know who they are. This is a huge problem and I think I know a way to fix it. The first hour of Raw could be called "Raw is NXT" and be kind of like the Smackdown version of NXT. The NXT brand would be front and center to start Raw giving those talents a chance to compete in front of big crowds and get noticed. At the 9 o clock hour the main roster would take over for 2 hours of Raw like we are used to. This would give the 3 hours more variety while avoiding lame comedy or overly long talking segments. The NXT taping schedule would be a factor, though. I think it could work, and call-ups from NXT would go a lot smoother.
Smack down needs NXT more than RAW does. I'm glad recently Raw has had less 25-30 minute intro promos (which has coincided with less HHH & Steph) and decided to either cut them right down or have it lead straight in to a match.

Smack down is a show a lot of the hardcore audience don't give two shits about and needs a shot in the arm. Smack down has almost turned in to WCW Thunder. An NXT type invasion would be good especially going in to Survivor Series.

But I agree NXT being taken away from HHH and being booked by Vince & Dunn would ruin what's good about NXT.
I wouldn't mind seeing NXT talents on SD having matches with the guys on the main roster, but the problem is not enough people watch SD anymore. Those that do probably watch NXT as well, so you aren't getting your people out in front of new viewers.

RAW will never give up an hour of it's time to feature NXT stars, Vince would never let that happen. I have a feeling that for some of these guys it's sink or swim. We're not going to see very many more Shield or Wyatt combo's. Well not until Vince releases creative control, which I don't see happening for awhile.
I think NXT airing on a cable network would sap its appeal. There would be very little match time due to commercials and overlong promos, which I believe is one reason (among quite a few) as to why Raw has fallen in the ratings. I for one hope NXT remains exclusive to WWE Network, where it is given plenty of latitude creatively, and with regard to talent exposure and match length. I would also prefer SD become exclusive to WWE Network and its creative direction handled more by Stephanie and HHH as with NXT.
No, no, no and no.

The reason NXT is what it is comes from it NOT being on cable, and NOT having the responsibilities that come with it.

NXT is allowed to be a wrestling show, and not an overproduced 3 hour long infomercial.

Its pure purpose is to give Triple H experience being a wrestling promoter, and to provide WWE with alternative programming for a niche audience. Both things will be wrecked if you put NXT on cable.
I’ve said this elsewhere, but I’ll say it again. I agree that Raw is an hour too long, but giving that extra hour to NXT is not a good idea. You would be taking away what makes NXT. If anything, I would shorten Raw back down to 2 hours, and make NXT a 2 hour show, but I would not have “Old is New” or how akathelaw put it, “Raw is NXT”. I say keep NXT where it currently is, but add an hour to their timeslot. They are the WWE’s minor league, no matter how good they are...although some may argue that the WWE’s “minor league” is better than other companies’ “major league”.
Yeah NXT would be ruined by bad booking of vince mcmahon.... There would be no difference left then.... And NXT will become next smackdown then...
3 hour's is clearly too long, putting NXT in the first hour of RAW would make it just as long.. 3 hour's is too long for any wrestling program, even sitting through 3 hour PPV's is tough. Set RAW back to 2 hour's, that's what they should do. NXT is a top program to get people subscribed to the WWE Network, It should remain that.

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