NXT - August 1, 2012 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Date: August 1, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Byron Saxton, Jim Ross

Back to Florida again and tonight is a big step forward in NXT as we’re going to have a major announcement. I won’t spoil it for you as you’re going to read about it soon. Why I’d be worried about spoiling something a minute away is beyond me, but there isn’t much else to talk about for this show and I need to fill in space. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review:

Dig That Progression Man!
Great show.

loved the intro by Dusty. Very good opener with Krugster and Steamer. Kruger is so good he can even pull something entertaining out of Ricky Steamboat's lame ass son.

Big E Lagston is ridiculous. Holy fucking shit. Like Zeke, with agility and talent.

Um, Aubrey Marie is...uh, pretty fucking amazing. Wow. Not in wrestling I mean. but she needs to be on the show as much as possible. Raquel Diaz is so blood curdlingly annoying, its great. That voice and laugh are just demonspawn....hmmm, wonder were she got it from...it SOUUUNDDDSS familiar...

Drew and Rollins have great chemistry, second straight very very good match they have had. Were is Rollins' Slipknot theme?!?! He is from IOWA and his gimmick is that of a metalhead....CM Punk got to have KSE when he debuted, sooo wtf! Eh...on the other hand, I cant really think of any off the top of my head that would make a great wrestling entrance theme.....I cann think of a few good Stone Sour jams that would though...

My only complaint is that the NXT title looks fucking atrocious. My goodness gracious. Would a design like the TNA title with the bit letters NXT in the middle have been so fucking hard to think of? gawwwlee, boy
I too gave this show a watch, and while I can't say it was a great show, it certainly was very very enjoyable.

The Richie Steamboat/Leo Kreuger match was very good, and I'm glad Richie picked up the win. Kreuger seems like he could work out very well in the WWE as he doesn't just rely on the fact that he's not from around here to make him bad. Still, he's going to need more than a sleeperhold as a finisher if he wants to get people's attention.

Big E. Langston was probably my favorite part of the show. He can move in the ring, he makes tossing around a 225+ lbs. guy look effortless, and he's got charisma too. I can't wait to see him in the WWE in a match against Ryback. I was also thinking Mark Henry's farewell feud could be to put over Langston, but the timing of that probably won't work out, sadly.

Audrie Marie is one of the most beautiful divas I ever done laid my eyes on. But holy fuck was their a huge discrepancy in ability there. Rachel Diaz's entrance was amazing, she was so at home on the mic and everything she did was so obnoxious and evil. On top of that, she clearly has some in ring chops as well. Good stuff.

McIntyre and Rollins was pretty easily the match of the night. I really liked McIntyre here, but I can see why he doesn't have the same impact on the main roster as he does inside the tiny Full Sail University arena: he just doesn't do much for the crowd. He's so intent on pulling off his moves that it almost seems like he forgets where he is. William Regal made a comment earlier in the night about showing off and bragging during a match, saying, "It's that type of thing that makes us the people we are," referring to wrestlers of course (that may have been horribly paraphrased). Drew McIntyre needs to keep that in mind.

Seth Rollins is the complete opposite. Everything he does seems to have something in there to electrify the fans (I think it's his hair: when you see that hair waving as he's running around the ring you can't help but get a little pumped), and he does it all without sacrificing precision. The match had very good back and forth and the finish was solid, despite the fact I think that finisher looks kind of silly on Rollins.

Very good show, I'll definitely be tuning in next week.

Edit: I forgot about the tag match! It was okay, but it got to be a little dull after a while. I liked that Hunico and Comacho were controlling, but there were long stretches in the middle that felt like they weren't doing much of anything, and it would have been better if they shaved a minute or two off the match. The surprise win was very cool, and I wonder what that means for Jordan and... the other guy.
The Richie Steamboat/Leo Kreuger match was very good, and I'm glad Richie picked up the win. Kreuger seems like he could work out very well in the WWE as he doesn't just rely on the fact that he's not from around here to make him bad. Still, he's going to need more than a sleeperhold as a finisher if he wants to get people's attention.

He's used a few finishers in FCW. He usually won by rollup pre-neckbreak but once he came back he started using a Fisherman's Neckbreaker he called the Final Destination. In his feud with Bo over the title he started using the sleeper, which became his primary finisher and used it brilliantly to build to the finish (literally people escaping/countering it but getting it locked in again to stir up the fains into thinking their guy could get out, putting the face over as someone who won't fucking give up and him as a man with a plan seeing it out to fruition). He's now picked up a hangman's facebuster called Kruger-end/Kruger-ed. I'm not quite sure which though.

In South Africa he finished people with a Sharpshooter (Dameon Device) or Cradle Piledriver (Dameon Driver)

Big E. Langston was probably my favorite part of the show. He can move in the ring, he makes tossing around a 225+ lbs. guy look effortless, and he's got charisma too. I can't wait to see him in the WWE in a match against Ryback. I was also thinking Mark Henry's farewell feud could be to put over Langston, but the timing of that probably won't work out, sadly.

I think it will Henry's in great shape right now and probably has one last run in him. And Big E is scarily strong. I'm talking 800 lb deadlift strong.

I dislike both guys in the main event, so I'll refrain from commenting on it.
No no, feel free.

Seth Rollins kind of annoys the shit out of me, but has grown on me. I felt he and Drew had fantastic chemistry together both weeks, what's not to like?
Allow me to demonstrate the Seth Rollins vs Richie Steamboat drinking game. It's the easiest way to demonstrate what Seth is like against someone who isn't a great/particularly good worker who can be trusted to lead Seth by the nose to something good.

Let's spice things up, every time Richie does an armdrag, there's a stupid sequence, or either competitor hits, attempts or kicks out of a finisher take a drink.

Florida Heavyweight Championship Richie Steamboat vs Seth Rollins (c)

We start slow, locking up until Richie hits an armdrag (drink). Another lockup, Rollins goes behind and takes down Richie and locks in a waistlock. Steamboat escapes, leading to more grappling, eventually reaching a stalemate. Richie gets a wristlock and hits his springboard armdrag (drink), Rollins gets up and eats another armdrag (drink) which gets secured with an armbar. Cesaro talks about how annoying those armdrags are. Brief wristlock exchange, after which Richie goes for an armdrag which Seth avoids by moving his arm away. Rollup by Rollins is kicked out. Headlock by Rollins is eventually fought out, leading to a silly sequence (drink) culminating in a chop to the chest by Steamboat. Failed pin leaves Steamboat to start attacking the arm as is his custom. Richie gets the better of a chop exchange, but gets hit with a one legged dropkick. Rollins picks up the pace, dropping Richie with his complete shot into the middle turnbuckle and clotheslining him to the outside so he can his a suicide dive, cue the adbreak.

We come back to Richie in a headscissors. He bridges into a pinning position on Rollins, who releases the hold. We get told Ambrose is getting a shot at the winner in two weeks. Fuck, not that shit again. Seth's still in charge, Richie gets scoop slammed for a nearfall, back to the headscissors. Richie gets to the ropes. Blows to the chest of Steamboat leads to a missed moonsault. This gives Richie the chance to start his comeback, hitting some nice looking strikes. Richie hits a modified Jackhammer (drink), Rollins kicks out (drink), Richie goes high risk but eats a dropkick to the midsection. He gets up and gets a superkick reversed (drink) into Rollins' Avada Kadavra (drink) but he kicks out (drink). Rollins sets up the curbstomp, but it's countered (drink) into a snap powerslam before he can hit it. The two brawl on adjacent ring aprons, and then while climbing up the corner (drink) Steamboat gets tossed down so Rollins can set up a phoenix splash, but get german'd off the top before can hit it (drink). However he lands on his feet, so Richie's the one who actually got hurt from the move (drink). However he's not going to sell bumps off the top rope (drink) so we get a pinfall exchange instead (drink), including the ref stopping the count inches before the mat when Richie was a split second too slow with his kickout (drink). Curbstomp (drink) gets the threecount.

Seth is absoutely dire when he's not wrestling someone on the main roster, Kruger, Sandow or Victor.
Yea, I could see that. Drew has always been able to put on good matches with guys like that (hello, John Morrison!!) and that is probably why I have softened my stance on Rollins lately. Im sure ill go back to wishing he didnt exist in short order.

Also, he is atrocious on the mic.
Rollins < Morrison. Morrison didn't rely on excessively using finishers to create a fast but cheap ending to all of his bigish matches.
Its funny...I both hate and love that finisher. Hate because its FUCKING SILLY, love because ooohhhh myyy the amount of variation and suddeness and creativity that could come out of it is on levels we havent seen since the diamond cutter days of DDP.

he could come off the ropes, apron, cage, from fucking anywere, out of nowere.
Its funny...I both hate and love that finisher. Hate because its FUCKING SILLY, love because ooohhhh myyy the amount of variation and suddeness and creativity that could come out of it is on levels we havent seen since the diamond cutter days of DDP.

he could come off the ropes, apron, cage, from fucking anywere, out of nowere.

He used 4 finishers in FCW. All but 1 of them were routinely kicked out of or countered.
Does he EVER hit that corkscrew moonsault?

he has missed EVERY TIME I have watched him.

If he IS allowed to hit it, that should be his finish, without question, That jump kicky thing feels like a signature move, not a finish
Does he EVER hit that corkscrew moonsault?

he has missed EVERY TIME I have watched him.

If he IS allowed to hit it, that should be his finish, without question, That jump kicky thing feels like a signature move, not a finish

I think he hit it on Hunico once.

Thing is though, he does it but never sells the consiquences of missing it. He rolls to his feet which is cool but diminishes the point of such a move being high risk. It's another case of Seth going I can, therefore I should.

It's also a corkscrew 450, not a moonsault.
The stomp definitely feels like a signature, kind of like Miz's corner clothesline or Christian's spear. They're all measured but none of them really seem to have the impact required to put someone out. It would be a great setup for his corkscrew 450...
Interestingly enough, it used to be just a signature. But seeing as all of his other finishers were devalued to the point of rediculousness it became a finisher.
Yeah. He's only used it once to my knowledge though... on a guy who has a surgically repaired neck.

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