Night Of Champions: Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Jericho won't lose the IC title in the next couple of weeks. So it's all but confirmed (In my head) that he'll face Jeff Hardy. He only got the title because Jeff is a fuck up anyway. I'd actually look forward to this match. I really enjoyed the match where Jericho won the title, Jeff has really upped his game. Must be the meth. Although the point of the match is lost on me. The title on Jericho is pointless, and Jeff hasn't done anything with his subsequent title reigns, so this renders the match, and title pointess.
I think we'll more likely see a Jericho vs Batista match, especially after ONS.

Am I right in thinking I've seen somewhere that Batista is taking some time off? In that case can we expect to see Y2J injure Batista? Would be a big name for Jericho to bump off that's for sure.

Winner: Batista by DQ, Jericho doesn't break the Walls in a rope break
I think WWE will run with Jeff Hardy v Chris Jericho for the intercontinental belt. It'll be a very good match, more so if it gets decent time. Y2J was doing nothing with the belt. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just think it was pointless him having it - he should be booked 'higher up' than this, as a permanent mid-upper carder/world title contender.

So anyway, Y2J will drop the belt to Hardy. I then predict that Y2J will go on to continue his feud with Shawn Michaels.
Well, the draft is before NOC......and now that we know its HHH/Cena, we can guess that neither of them will be drafted over. Smackdown really needs some faces in the main event, while Raw has too many (HBK, Cena, HHH, Hardy, Jericho, Kennedy to an extent) so I can't see Hardy staying on Raw. I'd have thought Jericho might go over to Smackdown as well, but who knows now?

If Jericho does go over to Smackdown, then I assume they'll have him vacate the IC title and have a match to decide the new champ at NOC. I'd LOVE to see them do this and give the IC title to Kennedy. That gives him something to be proud of, a little bit of a push, but keeps him on Raw so he can build up to the main event by next year.

If they don't move Jericho over to Smackdown, I think he'll just be retaining the title against anybody he goes against, so it doesn't matter in the long run.
I guess they scrapped the idea of having Champion v. Champion. (meaning Raw v. Smackdown) So I'm kinda disappointed because in that horrible idea, it would've brought us Matt Hardy v. (possibly) Jeff Hardy, if Jeff could've won the Intercontinental Championship at last minute.

I think this is going to end up becoming Chris Jericho (Intercontinental Champion) defending against Shawn Michaels. I honestly see that happening, and for the midcard title no less. I don't believe Shawn would win.. but lets look at the options here.

Jericho wants to defend the Championship more often, but he truly doesn't have the greatest line-up of opponents. And a hidden feud with Shawn Michaels is there. H.B.K. seems all but gone from the Heavyweight Championship picture, until possibly Summerslam?? So why not give the fans a "what the fuck" type of treat, in having H.B.K. get a shot for the title thats "beneath him."

The only other idea I have remotely is.. Mr. Kennedy defeats Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship, then faces Paul Burchill and defends it. It'd build the title around a meaningful storyline instead of one thats unclear.
I think we may some different options like you guys have stated

1. Jericho could easily defend the belt against JBL again as I don't see where he fits into this card.

2. Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels which is obvious as to why.

3. Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy in a fight to reclaim what was his.

4. Triple Threat or Fatal Four way.

I'd love to a Triple Threat with Jeff Hardy, Jericho, and Michaels. I think it would be a great match and even brings back some luster to the belt. It could also steal the show.
Shawn Michaels would be a good person to be in this Match, He himself has always said the belt doesnt make the Wrestler, The Wrestler makes the belt. if he was to compete for it Doesnt have to win it just compete, it would give the IC belt some meaning, with Two Main eventers competing and winning the title it would be just what the belt needs. I really dont think Jeff will go back into the IC race, I think he is going to move up to ME status and probley face HHH at the ppv after NOC.
I couldnt really Picture JBL in the IC hunt, I dont think it would suit his character some how. So i really hope its Shawn that face's Y2J at NOC.
At first I had hoped that it would be Kennedy vs Jericho where Jericho would lose the belt and head over to SD. However, now that Jericho has made his heel turn, I can certainly see Jericho vs Michaels for the strap. They could also have Jericho get stripped of the belt and crown a new champion at NOC, but with the crappy booking of the IC title, there is really no clear picture of where their going with the belt.
After this weeks Raw it is pretty clear that it will be Jericho vs HBK.. how anyone sees any other possibility is beyond me.. Then you also have Triple H vs Cena of course.. Hardy i dont think will even be on the card simply because theres no where to put him.. There is also Kane vs Big Show obviously. And the tag title match with Dibiase Jr. The card is pretty much set with out a doubt so why anyone is even trying to see what could happen for the card i dont know.
Y2J's title reign has been a total waste of time IMO. He's defended it less than Jeff did without being pushed like Jeff was.
I personally wud prefer NOT to see Y2J v HBK again..... not yet anyway. I think this wud b a perfect opportuniy for a triple threat match involving Kennedy and Burchill or 4 way involving Hardy (jus to get him in the show). Keep HBK sidelined due to Jericho's heel turn, have HBK do a run in during the title match, cost Y2J the title (dropping it to either Burchill or Kennedy but not Jeff bcoz he doesn't need it), thereby adding an extra element to the Burchill/Kennedy fued as well as another layer to the HBK/Y2J fued.

I also don't think having a veteran ME talent like HBK challenge for IC belt is going to help the belt. It sure didn't when JBL (not saying JBL is a veteran ME'er, but still) won the US belt after he'd lost the WWE title, because once he lost it, the belt was passed around Kennedy/Finaly/Lashley fairly quickly after that.
Building two fueds rather than one wud b miles better IMO.
I think it would be great if they involved the title in the Jericho/Michales fued. Two former world champions fueding for this belt would help bring some credibility back to the title. I'm hoping Jericho will be drafted to Smackdown and if he does then I'll expect Michales to win, unless Matt Hardy gets drafted to Raw(which I think is vey unlikely)
The most likely outcome in my eyes is an Open Challenge by Jericho at NOC and a mid card wrestler or someone who moved in the draft comes out and faces jericho

HBK interfers and Jericho loses the match and the title
With the whole setup with the tv from Raw last week, Shawn can either challenge him out of anger, or they can set up an angle where HBK is too "hurt" to challenge Jericho and somebody else does, which could be Hardy if he is not stuck into the HHH vs. Cena match, cause I'm sure Vince wants Jeff on the card somewhere. I think Jericho is gonna be keeping the title for the time being, unless he is drafted to SmackDown!, which could be a good thing cause its been awhile since we saw Jericho vs. Edge, but Jericho is now suddenly heel.
um. ya knoooow. This still doesnt have match two weeks out LOL. Wonder if they will be unimaginative enough to give it to Hardy. Most likely, as there isnt really any other option. Which will be impossible if Jeff gets drafted to SD! the week before NOC. So we have ourselves quite the conundrum. Seriously though. The IC title division is one man deep. Hardy. Thats all. Sooooooo. Im guessing Hardy, even if he does get drafted, then the belt will be "in danger" of going to SD!, Cade interferes on Jericho's behalf, Hardy loses, and they go back into a holding pattern until someone more suitable comes along to take the belt from Jericho.
Theyd better come up with a valid storyline for this one and fast! Clearly there will be some kind of controversial angle here, either Y2J gets screwed out of the belt, or some kind of outside interference causes a DQ.
is it likely he'll face HBK for the belt? probably not, they fought at Judgement day. So maybe Jeff hardy? I'd rather he was ina 3way for the championship.
So who's left? OooohManga? F_ck knows. No doubt after last nights Raw lance Cade will come to the rescue, so I guess Jericho retains for the time being.
I like the open challenge idea. Kennedy will answer the challenge. Burchill will "screw" kennedy and while jericho is celebrating in all his cockiness we get the "surprise" michaels sneak attack. Kennedy and Burchill are on ppv, jericho underhandedly keeps his belt and michaels starts his revenge. Everyone wins.
For the last few weeks I've been thinking that this match was going to be Jericho/HBK. But now I think they save that for Great American Bash or Summerslam. So I have to agree with the open challenge idea, with Jeff Hardy accepting the challenge and winning the belt with a little help from HBK. This gives the HBK/Jericho feud more time to develop and Hardy once again has the IC title, and maybe he starts something with Lance Cade. Or maybe Kennedy or Burchill get involved in it. Really have no idea.
I hope they don't rush Kennedy/Jericho. Jericho already has a feud with Michaels, Kennedy already has a feud with Burchill, so they should keep the two separate unless they were willing to have a tag team match in the future.

Another option people bring up is Hardy...but why? Hardy is being pushed to the main event soon, so having him win the IC title is going to do more damage to him than good. If he wins the IC title from Jericho, he'll be stuck feuding with Cade...sound like main event to you?

The only real choice is to have Michaels vs Jericho. Since Jericho's been on a losing streak, he'll have to win it, though, even if they have to play up the "injury" as the excuse. I'd love to see Michaels as IC champ (or ECW champ in the future since they'll be touring together), since he's said he doesn't want a WWE title reign as that's too much pressure...but he can't win it from Jericho, I don't think. That spot seems much too perfect for Kennedy...perhaps winning the title at Summerslam?
There's no build for this match at all, so it's hard to make predictions...

After this week, it seems like Jericho will go after the WWE Championship soon, especially if he really makes a new stable. So, he can't just lose the intercontinental to a mid-carder, it would make him look weak and waste his so nicely done heel turn. This will probably be a filler match where Jericho goes over a filler opponent...

But what I would like to see is Jericho intentionally dropping the belt to Lance Cade. It would boost the heel heat against them and plant the seeds of the stable.
One thing I can see happening is Jericho just giving the title to Cade, then someone appears (Kennedy, Hardy, etc) and challenges Cade. Cade wins with the some help from Jericho. I´m really looking forward to see who his opponent will be.

Other thing that I would LOVE to see is a stable with Jericho, Cade, and The Burchills. It would be a nice push for Cade and Burchill.
I'm thinking we'll see an IC title change this Monday. I'm thinking that a match will be made between Kennedy & Y2J, HBK returns and costs him the title. It would make more sense that Y2J vs. HBK at Night Of Champions. That match just doesn't work for the IC title. But a Kennedy/Birchill match suits the PPV better. they can have the match, and end their feud at the same time.
I'm thinking we'll see an IC title change this Monday. I'm thinking that a match will be made between Kennedy & Y2J, HBK returns and costs him the title. It would make more sense that Y2J vs. HBK at Night Of Champions. That match just doesn't work for the IC title. But a Kennedy/Birchill match suits the PPV better. they can have the match, and end their feud at the same time.

I just don't see Chris Jericho v. Shawn Michaels at Night of Champions, unless they're going to toss this feud out the window and not build on it. The Intercontinental Championship would have a great push in a feud of this caliber but to be honest its also being forgotten about in a feud of this caliber.

I agree with Jake, that a match should be made with Chris Jericho v. Mr. Kennedy on Raw, in which the title is given to Kennedy, so he can defend it against Paul Burchill. I don't feel that'd be the right way to go about it, as the title change will mean next to nothing on Raw.. but since its the draft show, who knows.

Also, I'm thinking if Chris Jericho does keep the Intercontinental Championship, then he'll face a SD/E.C.W. drafted Superstar.. possibly M.V.P. or John Morrison. I'd love to see either get the match.

The final idea would be to have a multi-man match, in which you toss in all the top talent not on the Pay Per View. Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Paul Burchill.. and then possibly switch the Kennedy/Burchill idea out for Morrison & M.V.P. if they come over on the draft.
Once this PPV is over it'll be time for The Bash. So I don't think it'll end the Y2J/HBK feud. But if anything the IC title will hold the feud down. It's not like HBK would do anything with it if he did win. It's also not like Jericho does anything with it now.

I suppose Y2J could face some random wrestler at NOC, and then have HBK cost him the title. But I just see this happening at Raw instead. Like you said Will. It si the draft show, and these 3 hour Raw's usually have surprises. It's not like the title changes hand at PPV's anymore anyway.
Once this PPV is over it'll be time for The Bash. So I don't think it'll end the Y2J/HBK feud. But if anything the IC title will hold the feud down. It's not like HBK would do anything with it if he did win. It's also not like Jericho does anything with it now.

Thats just it. Chris Jericho is truly a midcarder through and through, and for whatever reason hes still trying to compete in Main Events. Hes only Main Event worthy, when its in an Elimination Chamber type match, or a 4 or more man match.

The only way I see this match being for the Intercontinental Championship, is if they either wanna push Jericho over Shawn Michaels.. in an attempt to also make the Championship look stronger, since it'd be defended against a Main Eventer and retained.

Or, if they give it to H.B.K., then I see them trying to repeat what they did (ironically) with Triple H. back in 2001.. when he won the Intercontinental Championship. As that was considered a step back for H.H.H., yet since he was (then) paired with Austin (who was World Champion) it made sense. Whereas now, if H.B.K. wins the title.. it'll just look strange and out of place.. again, short of them thinking of feuding H.B.K. with tons of midcarders, like Jeff Hardy, M.V.P., Mr. Kennedy, Paul Burchill & John Morrison.

And I'm almost 90% (if not more) sure, that Shawn Michaels will NOT wanna take part in tons of midcard level feuds.

I suppose Y2J could face some random wrestler at NOC, and then have HBK cost him the title. But I just see this happening at Raw instead. Like you said Will. It si the draft show, and these 3 hour Raw's usually have surprises. It's not like the title changes hand at PPV's anymore anyway.

While I agree that Championships normally change hands on televised shows anymore than p.p.v.'s.. (except the World titles) I still think the Draft combined with that Million Dollar crap is going to be huge enough. I would say this much.. if Jericho is fighting Kennedy, or Hardy.. expect a title change. If not, then don't.

I'm banking fully on the draft bringing over our next Intercontinental Champion. As they'll wanna push someone from the draft move in-line for a Championship. Since the Intercontinental Championship isn't doing anything.. it might as well start being passed around. People love title changes. Might as well give them some.
Thing is though. If it's Y2J & HBK at NOC then Michaels needs to win. If the match happens at this PPV you'd expect that to be the end. It could continue to The Bash, but there wouldn't be much point.

Jericho turned heel on HBK, he'll return. And he needs to win to gain his revenge. That's the way it's done with top line faces. If it doesn't happen like that it's usually because they really need to get the heel over. Prime example being HBK vs. Orton. But the majority of the time the face gains his revenge.

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