Next Week: The Nexus vs. John Cena!

The Nexus will pick up a dirty victory next week on Cena only to have to RAW locker room come out and save Cena from getting the same treatment that Darren Young got last night.Oh and did anyone else pick up on the fact that Cena said he'd take them out one at a time and started last night with Young,even though thats been stated i haven't seen anyone come out and say if he knocked one more off every week from now it mean there'd be one member left by the week of Summerslam.
nice about the Summerslam-1 member left thing

And, Im not a Cena fan, but i kind a like the attiutude he showed last night, and the final explosive pop of the crowd with Cena screaming after destroyed Young ...I think it was a great moment, Raw has been kind of boring and no crowd reactions. And Cena acting now as a desperate brawler i think is good for him.
I think Sheamus will help Cena despite his hatred for him. Think Sheamus will just want to face Cena in the cage and hold a clean victory over him without any excuse for Nexus giving the assist.
I have a feeling this is match is gonna last 15 minutes first 10 john cena beating all there asses next five they start cheating and beat him down they raw locker room runs out to help cena and nexus ends up fleeing
Just now on RAW we saw John Cena go completely ballistic on Darren Young after refusing to shake Wade Barrett's hand. (It made sense in context). As punishment, the anonymous GM punished Cena by placing him in a match with all of the Nexus next week on RAW!

What do you think is going to happen with this match, and why?

Well, since it seems Young is out of the picture :)D), it looks to be a six-on-one handicap match. That is, if it ever gets going. There's the possibility Cena brings out his Frontline like we saw today, or that the Nexus dominates Cena before the match gets started.

Personally, I hope the match proceeds as advertised. The Nexus really need to get into the ring, and this could be a good way to show off the stronger members (Tarver, Barrett, Gabriel) while hiding the weaknesses of Otunga and Sheffield.

Plus, if Cena loses he can go down fighting, which would make for some promo fuel down the road. Or he could get dominated while the announcers put over how unfair it is. Several possibilities here.

What do you think?

I think that it would be fucking stupid if Darren Young is not in the match. He has to sell the injuries from a beatdown from 1 guy? Cena should still be in a coma from the beating the put on him when they showed up.

Nother instance of Super Cena, why don't they just cut to the chase. Run the match as advertised, have Barrett hit the road and Super Cena can thump the remaining 5 guys, because you know he can.

To much focus on John superman Cena in this angle.

An now Sheamus an Edge could care less whether the Nexus beheads Cena or not, what an about face a few weeks ago he wanted Cena happy an healthy for Fatal Fourway.


Sometimes I think the writers of Days of Our Lives and General Hospital could do a better job than the WWE creative team
I think Sheamus will help Cena despite his hatred for him. Think Sheamus will just want to face Cena in the cage and hold a clean victory over him without any excuse for Nexus giving the assist.

yea because Sheamus is such a fine upstanding heel. He should have let the Nexus thump Cena weeks ago. Having the heels interfere a few weeks ago was such a terrible move.
I still say in the swerve of the last ten years, next week Nexus is beating down Cena...Sheamus comes out to help and Cena joins Nexus and is revealed as their leader.....It would be the return to Heel form he needs and would just be great for Raw....Just My Humble Opinion...

Best Quote Ever

"I'm pretty sure the Orton could RKO Jesus at this point and get a pop"
I just think it'll be a beatdown the whole match until the end, then someone comes out and gets the Nexus out. This could possibly be putting Cena out to give him some vacation, or it could set up for a replacement in the Cage match at Money in the Bank, maybe even Barrett. Cena can just get put out the title match and then come back something like the next night and continue taking out Nexus members. This is all just a setup.
Someone has to come to Cena's aid here. I know he went physco on Young last night, but that was just one guy. He still has six to go. I imagine Cena will put up a good fight in this very lopsided handicap match, but the numbers will catch up with him at some point. But when that happens, who will come to save him? Will all of the face participants in the MITB match help him?

I think that this will be the most likely scenario.......Cena begins to get the crap kicked out of him by Nexus, and then the faces in the MITB match will rush to his aid. Of course all of this will happen after the match has ended due to a disqualification because of something Nexus did(I just can't see this match ending without some shady circumstances) and then the big brawl will occur. And since Sheamus pretty much declared open season on Cena, then the heels in the MITB match will get involved. Another giant brawl, that's how I see this one ending. Also, an ending like this to Raw should be a good way to build some hype for the PPV.
I was thinking that after last week where Cena said now it's 6 on 1 after destroying Darren Young, he could attack each one of them backstage through the course of the show until it's 1 on 1 with Barrett.
Someone has to come to Cena's aid here. I know he went physco on Young last night, but that was just one guy. He still has six to go. I imagine Cena will put up a good fight in this very lopsided handicap match, but the numbers will catch up with him at some point. But when that happens, who will come to save him? Will all of the face participants in the MITB match help him?

I think that this will be the most likely scenario.......Cena begins to get the crap kicked out of him by Nexus, and then the faces in the MITB match will rush to his aid. Of course all of this will happen after the match has ended due to a disqualification because of something Nexus did(I just can't see this match ending without some shady circumstances) and then the big brawl will occur. And since Sheamus pretty much declared open season on Cena, then the heels in the MITB match will get involved. Another giant brawl, that's how I see this one ending. Also, an ending like this to Raw should be a good way to build some hype for the PPV.

I also see this happening as well. I see the Nexus just having all 7 in the ring at the same time some point in the match and just try to kick the crap out of Cena as well. All of the faces will come out to the aid of Cena, and clean house when Sheamus and the heels come out to charge the faces to avoid having problems with the Nexus in the future. This is going to be interesting what happens after with the GM as you know he will intervene some way some how when that match is over.

Business is picking up with this angle no doubt about it.
Purely depends on the type of match, we all know its going to be a 6 on 1 match if Darren young can make it then its 7, but it might be a tag match, where they have to tag, which IMO will be bowing as hell...

I would like this to be a Gauntlet match, each of the Nexus membets one by one, just like Cena said, and of course when Super Cena gets to maybe the last guy, they all jump him...thats how I expect it to go down!!
Hopefull y this will be an actual match, i've really enjoyed this who storyline/angle, and after seeing Cena's passionate beatdown of Darren Young was excellent. But i can see it being 6 on 1 next week, Cena will likely get a beating for 90% of the match, but come back and siah out punishment to all 7 guys, with more than likely the RAW Locker Room coming to aid him to fight of Nexus. The heels such as Sheamus wil likely try to intervene and to end the show it will turn into a brawl.

This whole thing is to help get the rookies over and to make them look legit which its starting to come off that way which is good, and WWE is going in a good direction with Nexus. Also its strong signs the GM is Stone Cold but we could all be wrong.
I just think it'll be a beatdown the whole match until the end, then someone comes out and gets the Nexus out. This could possibly be putting Cena out to give him some vacation, or it could set up for a replacement in the Cage match at Money in the Bank, maybe even Barrett. Cena can just get put out the title match and then come back something like the next night and continue taking out Nexus members. This is all just a setup.

I honestly can not see Cena being pulled out of this match that close to a ppv and he is in a great angle with the Nexus and he is not going to be put of tv any time soon. This match will definitely be a beatdown, but if you don't see any help coming out during the match then you are crazy.

This has 7 on 7 brawl written all over it and that is definitely how I see it going down.
This is how it's gonna go down, Cena will try to be Superman for a few minutes before getting overwhelmed and then all hell will break loose with the entire locker room spilling out and beating Nexus down. I am very excited to see some of Nexus in the ring though, mainly Barrett. I sure hope Cena doesn't just beat 'em all down, because that wouldn't be a good way to develop the angle at all.
Well its been awhile since I've posted so I maybe be a bit rusty. Please forgive me.

I don't see this match happening as is listed. We know Young is going to sell the injuries from Cena and not compete. So its 6 on 1. Even then I don't think that's going to happen because of Cena's statements last night to Barrett. He's going to take them out one by one. Leading me to believe that he will take some of Nexus out next week. Making it three on one most likely. I don't see the GM letting anyone get involved as he wanted "peace" and Cena went after Barrett. Cena can fend three guys off for a bit, but I think in the end he will get a beating one way or another. Least that's what should happen.
Personally, I'd like to see Cena go a bit heel and bring a weapon down to the ring and just start whooping some massive ass, but that has a little to none chance of happening. Whoever said the idea with Bourne coming out to help would be the best option.
It would be sweet and a tease if Cena brought an equaliser to the ring, to show Nexus that he is one pissed of guy, and he's serious about taking them out one by one, this whole storyline and angle, is helping most of the guys on RAW. You have Bourne whose getting a good push and always has been appearing during Nexus related segments, but thats not the point.

This whole thing has given us a different side to Cena, im a Cena mark to the fullest, i don't mind the superman character he has, but aggressive passion and heel tactics are two different things though, but we have to wait and see what happens next week.
I don't see any way this ends up just being another 6 (or 7) on one beat down of Cena. It has been done already and wouldn't serve a point. I think the Cena we saw at the end of Raw this week was a slightly different Cena. I can't remember him being that intense before (maybe when Orton punted his dad a couple years back).

The only way this works is if he takes them on in a legitimate tag match or gauntlet-type match with Barrett being the last person to essentially pick the scraps (i.e. a couple of the Nexus guys...likely the lesser skilled like Sheffield, Otunga, Tarver...blatantly cheat with chair shots or whatever and get DQ'd) and get a "clean" win over Cena (he didn't cheat after all, he was just the last one to come in).

Either that or Cena follows through on his promise to take them out one at a time and Raw opens with the Nexus in the ring with one of them (not Young) missing only to go to the back to find Sheffield laid out in a heap. That leaves 4 to get rid of (every 20-30 minutes) leaving Barrett v Cena for the main event.
Best Case Scenario:Just as the Nexus circles our hero in the ring,a familiar power chord rips through the atmosphere and the fabled veteran HHH storms the arena and destroys the Nexus one by one,slaying them with some sort of God-like fury.

Other:We hear voices and Randy runs out to an extremely unnecessary,Cena's Return like pop and he assists John in taking down the brash young upstarts

Other2:The WWE Frontline rushes down to assist and amongst the chaos and ballyhoo the sound of glass shattering reverberates through the arena and the emergence of Stone Cold as GM makes the crowd have a pop-gasm previously thought unattainable by a WWE crowd ever again.

I have more ideas,but those are my favorites
i LOVE the idea of a super pissed off just out to hurt people Cena.. been waiting for that for a long time now! as Evolution RKO said, havent really seen that since Randy punted his dad (HAHAH! i miss the random punts) to have the boy scout start out on some vengeance fueled hunt and take them out with some heel-ish tactics like a weapon? or a sneak attack in the back? would be a great step in cena's character. a little "if you wanna fight dirty, i'll beat you at your own game" type thing. still wont be as cool as when Austin did it, or when HHH did it, but still be some good TV spots, thats for sure
Triple H isn't gonna comeback this close to a PPV and not be in a match...Although, that would be sweet since we would probably get a Sledgehammer swinging Triple H that would clear the ring in about 1.2 seconds. An interesting turn to this if it happened though is that after Triple H clears the ring he slams the Sledge into Cena coming back as a heel.

Back on subject...

I really like Cena Running around back stage taking out Nexus members as the match grows closer. But another idea, why does Cena have to be the only one that takes out Nexus members? I could see Orton, Edge, JoMo, and a few others attacking Nexus in the Back.

If it does go 6 v 1, I think we can all agree that the match is probably going to end in DQ or No Contest. That is if the match happens 6 v 1.

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