Next Week On Raw: The New Age Outlaws VS Team Rhodes Scholars


It was revealed on the backstage fallout show for Raw last night that the New Age Outlaws will return to action next week against Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes.

They've had this match a few times at house shows and, according to what I read, the matches were well received.

Given that the NAO went over Primo & Epico last night and now have another match set for next week, I'm wondering if WWE is going to make them part of the tag team picture. It's true that Epico & Primo aren't exactly high on the totem pole and neither Sandow or Rhodes have any real momentum right now, so it may be just another special attraction that they're doing for WrestleMania season.
I personally hope this leads to NAO @ 'Mania somehow. I mean they're easily the best tag team in WWE and they're not even part of the active roster.

Team Hell No is played out and needs to be done but I figure dropping the belts @ 'Mania will lead to their upcoming singles feud.

The Usos are stiffs much like Epico and Primo. Rosa Mendes is smoking hot, but her team blows.

PTP has potential, but they should have won the tag belts by now. Titus is a main eventer in the making.

Rhodes Scholars are good, but they too should have won the belts already.

Rey/Sin Cara are going nowhere as the Fat Dancers can suck it as they're terrible. Too Cool was terrible and so are these two clowns.
Last night New Age Outlaws proved they could still go for a while if they so desired, and I'd be up for it. They always could pump a crowd up before a match. I think it could be a nice resurgence (for how long who knows) for the division after Team Hell No breaks it off.
Imagine if NAO took the straps off of Hell No. Talk about nostalgia! If even for a month or so, they could put over a team like PTP who have lost some steam in recent memory.

Good move by WWE.
I personally hope this leads to NAO @ 'Mania somehow. I mean they're easily the best tag team in WWE and they're not even part of the active roster.

I doubt we'll see the Outlaws compete at Wrestlemania, which saddens me to say. The only team I could see them facing at the pay-per-view over the belts are the Prime Time Players, but they jobbed to Team Hell No three straight times over the past 2 weeks, and in two of the matches Hell No were blindfolded and had one arm tied behind their back, I don't see how anybody can take the Prime Time Players as serious & credible opponents after that. And if they do face off on the card, tag titles or not, the match will likely take place on the pre-show. As for other teams, well like Jack-Hammer said, neither Sandow or Rhodes have any real momentum right now and the rest of the tag teams aren't exactly high on the totem pole. It seems like NAO will just be another special attraction for a few episodes of RAW for Wrestlemania season.

It looks like Kane and Daniel Bryan will compete against each other at Mania with the winner getting both the tag belts, which I wouldn't mind seeing.
While it's nice to know the Old Age Outlaws can still make a decent showing, at least on a limited basis, I certainly hope they're not being made a regular part of the tag team scene.

Isn't having these 50-somethings come in an beat the current stars like saying the Attitude Era was superior to what we have today? That even at their advanced age, the old guys can wipe up the mat with the new breed?

Sure, you could make the same argument with The Rock coming in and beating two of today's best, but he's only about 5 years older than Cena & Punk to start with.....and a mega-legend in his own right. Jesse and Billy are considerably older and were never main event material even in their best days.

Mixed feelings: I like seeing them, yet feel a bit uneasy at what Creative might be planning . Hopefully, this is just a short term measure.
Isn't having these 50-somethings come in an beat the current stars like saying the Attitude Era was superior to what we have today?

Well to be fair, Billy Gunn is 49 and Road Dogg is 43, so they're not in their 50's yet, but I do see where you're coming from.

I loved their match last night and I would love to see more matches down the road. Would I like to seem them as tag team champs? Of course I would. It would be awesome if done right and I don't see the AE era being superior to this era just because two older guys beat a few younger guys.

Both Gunn and Dogg are in shape, so it's not like they can't wrestle or anything. If they beat Team Hell No for the titles, it would be because Hell No self-destructed or something. Give the NAO a month or two with the titles and whichever younger team beats them for the titles will get a nice rub. We have Taker facing Punk this year at WM. Taker is 15 years older than Punk. If Taker wins, that doesn't mean AE > current era, at least in my opinion.

Win or lose, any team working with NAO can get a good rub if done right. No era looks like it has to be greater than the other if creative handles it correctly.

Although I would be fine if NAO have a feud with Rhodes Scholars. I'm sure the matches would be good and so would the promos.
Its always nice to see these guys when they come back to Raw and show they can put on good matches. Once Hell No get out of the tag division, theyre going to need a team to carry the belts and still have them mean something. I think having NAO feud with Rhodes Scholars is a great way to do that, and have Rhodes Scholars carry the belts after Team Hell No.
Kick it off the feud on Raw, and have a Mania match to cap it off.

The WWE were doing a pretty good job of building the tag division, but all their teams were thrown together singles superstars and now we're seeing why that doesnt work for the long haul in tag team wrestling. Use NAO to keep the division interesting in the short term.
I want to see a fatal 4 way match. Hell no, Outlaws, PTP, and Rhodes Scholars.

The reason, back in 98 the Outlaws were in 4 way tag on raw (DOA, Nation and I forget the 4th team, maybe the Headbangers) Anyway, about 5 min into the match both Billy and Dogg were tagged in, and all other guys refused to tag them.. they went to lock up and Dogg fell to his back and Billy landed on top 1 2 3.. Outlaws retain... a month later they had a similar match but JR mentioned that "the Outlaw rule was in effect" which meant you cannot pin your own partner.

I'd love to see the NOA win the titles like that at Mania, you protect Hell No, but get the belts off them.. then they can drop em to PTP at eXtreme Rules...
Question, it might be a bit much, but what if the WWE did some sort of a four corners tag match for Wrestlemania? It could be a total train wreck, but what if it was NAO vs. Team Hell No vs. PTP vs. Rhodes/Sandow?

I know it's a lot to handle and would probably not get the time it deserves, but it would be a way to use all of these individuals and get them on the card.
Another question, what the hell is the WWE doing with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow? They've stated that their partnership was dissolved, but they've still tagged a few times. Either the WWE is going to move forward with these two guys as a team, are started locking them into singles storylines.
I would love to see the Outlaws get one last run leading up to wrestlemania.

I rate them as one of the best tag teams of all time, Great on the mic and they can still go in the ring. I see no reason why vince won't give them a storyline and have them wrestle a match at mania.
They still look like actual wrestlers, heck they don't seem too different than they did back in the 90's so why not. They can easily do a job for the tag division, it would be good if they gave the rub to a team that WWE plans on keeping together for a couple of years though.
I really hope WWE bring the NAO back even if its for a couple of months. Both guys looked really good in the ring and got a good reaction from the crowd. Hell No are looking likely to drop the belts and split up at Mania and whoever picks up the belts are going to need to get a rub of a top team to really get over with the crowd and the NAO would be the perfect choice.
I'm not a big fan of nostalgia at the expense of the current roster but the tag divsion is dead right now and the Outlaws could help spark it back into life and elevate the younger teams.

It's possible that this match with Rhodes Scholars is going to be used to that due back together with a big win over a legendary team and springboard them towards the tag titles at Mania.

One other aspect that hasn't been considered is they are Triple H's buddies and Brock Lesnar will be there next week, he may just come out and destroy them to send a message.
I can't see any reason for them being brought back and having another match set for next week unless the plan is to have them become the top contenders going into WM29. The only other team that is actually over enough to face Hell No would be Tensai and Brodus, but I doubt they will be the challengers. The Shield is obviously headed for a 6 man match with Orton, Sheamus and Show. Rhodes Scholars have had multiple matches for the titles and lost every time, and now both of them job every week on TV. Not to mention that it appears that Sandow has started something with Kofi & Truth, who apparently may be reteaming. I look for both of those teams to be on opposing sides of the obligatory Mania 8 or ten man match. Epico/Primo, PTP, and the Usos are all basically jobber teams, and Rey is out with an injury again, eliminating him and Cara. 3MB is a joke. The Outlaws will get a big pop and create excitement for the tag match, something that no other challengers have the ability to do. I get that they were fun to see on Old School Raw, but with them having done several house shows lately, as well as being booked for next week, it is more than obvious there is a longer term plan for them. I am actually glad that Hell No has not broken up yet, though I think it will happen at Mania, and they will drop the titles. If they split before WM, then that is yet another rematch that would be on the card. With only a month to go, I can't see them splitting up now, as it would mean building a match between them, and figuring out something for the tag titles as well. I think the Outlaws become the challengers and take the belts as Hell No finally breaks up.
I am all for a final run from The New Age Outlaws. WWE isn't really doing anything with the tag division right now aside from Team Hell No so why not let the Outlaws come in and have a few matches. If they would get to run with the titles then at the very least they could put another team over when losing them. By the looks of Monday they can still go in the ring. NAO vs Rhodes Scholars should be a good match up, and I will be interested to see where they go from there.
What I'd do:

Team Hell No lose the belts on RAW to PTP. PTP's credibility doesn't matter because Team Hell No will beat itself, solidifying their split. This leads to Kane v. Bryan at Mania.

PTP do something to piss Booker or Vickie off, and get stuck having to defend the titles in a gauntlet match at Wrestlemania. New Age Outlaws enter the match last and defeat Team Rhodes Scholars to win the titles.
Yay, finally something good for the tag team division. New Age Outlaws are currently better than any tag team in the WWE right now, and just simply because of their name, they should get a shot at the tag titles at Wrestlemania.

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