New Super Mario Bros 2: A Cracked style look


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I once wrote a thread where I did a tribute to with a look at the Mushroom Kingdom. Since then I've made a blog and done a few of these and the latest is a follow up to that very one and was orignally posted at

A family feud?

Bowser, King of the Koopas has eight children. Seven are named after an array of music icons and are collectively known as the Koopalings whilst the eighth and youngest is named after himself. It's no secret that in recent times Bowser has favoured his smallest child over the other lot but why? The Koopalings were the apple in Bowser's eye during Super Mario Bros. 3 and World but as Sunshine came so did Bowser Jr. who shone during the Galaxy games and New Super Mario Bros. We saw them work together as a family during NSMB Wii, so why not again for 2? I guess it's almost like the story of Joseph with the other brothers (and sister) jealous of the favourite son of their father. Maybe they should go on Jeremy Kyle.

Why kidnap Peach?

I always assumed the reason for kidnapping Princess Peach was for money purposes and it makes sense; kidnap someone and collect the ransom. Yet it NSMB2 there is money everywhere so surely that would paint an ulterior motive behind the kidnappings. What is that?

There's the running joke that Mario is just an obsessed person taking Peach from her husband (Bowser) who is actually the father to her children. The Koopalings and Bowser Jr. just want their mother back and is strangely backed up by Super Mario Sunshine.

Then there's the theory that the humans have invaded the land and Bowser is the Che Guevera role who wants a rebellion. Peach is just a political prisoner in this fight.

Did they do it again?

During Super Mario Bros. 3 the Koopalings steal magic wands from seven rulers in the Mushroom Kingdom and after they are destroyed in their airships the Mario brothers take them back. The rulers are then transformed back to their rightful form and are never mentioned again. Yet in New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Wii the Koopalings have the wands back so does that mean that the Mushroom Kingdom rulers are also turned into things like Yoshi and Donkey Kong Jr?

Alchemy is almost achieved

In NSMB2 coins are everywhere and there are two things you can get that change everything into gold. There's the gold flower and the gold ring which lasts longer than the P-block does. The P-block, which we first saw in SMB3, turns blocks into coins for a short period of time and in NSMB2 the flower and ring do it for longer. The technology is almost there to turn bricks into gold permanently. Though I better not mention that the original Super Mario Bros. Manual mentions that the bricks are people from the Mushroom Kingdom turned into blocks by Bowser as that will open a can of ethical worms.

Can music be heard?


The thing that annoys me more than the theme itself is that during the BAH B-BAH bit the enemies do a little dance. In order for them to do a dance they must hear the music which is obvious but mind blowing at the same time. My theory is that the Mushroom Kingdom is littered with speakers which play this music as a mind control by Bowser over the Goomba and Koopas. Some may say it's a silly theory as we've not seen speakers in Mario games. Hey wait a minute...


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