New Lead Cast for Die Hard 5


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Die Hard 5 has a new lead
Jai Courtney will play John McClane's son
Feb 23rd 2012 By George Wales


Die Hard 5 has announced some big news today, with Spartacus: Blood And Sand actor Jai Courtney confirmed as the new star of the upcoming action sequel.

Don’t worry though, Bruce Willis hasn’t been condemned to the scrapheap just yet – he’ll be back on board as maverick cop John McClane, while Courtney will play his son, Jack.

Courtney reportedly beat out The Hunger Games’ Liam Hemsworth to play a character described by the official press release as, “an apple that has not fallen far from the tree.”

Indeed, the release goes on to claim that, “Jack may even be more of a hardass than his father.” You can see the pair together above, in an official image from the two actors’ screen-test together.

The film will see John and Jack relocated to Russia, with the McClane men looking to thwart some kind of global terrorist plot operating out of Moscow. Slightly glibly, the release describes out hero as a “true NYC fish out of water”. Hmmm.

Die Hard 5 will be directed by Max Payne’s John Moore, and will open under the somewhat cringeworthy title A Good Day To Die Hard on 14 February 2013. A lovely romantic number for Valentine’s Day then…


I intrigued. They idea that Jack McClane could be even more of a hardass than his old man could make for some very fun exchanges between the two. I also like that the two of them will be out of their element with the movie taking place in Russia. Ultimately as long as this movie is as much fun as the rest of the franchise has been I'll be happy.
Great choice to have Jai Courtney play Jack McClane. Hopefully the dialog between him and Bruce Willis will be gold. This is going to be a flick worth seeing.
I don't know who this actor is, but what bothers me is the idea of a character that is similar to McClane. Part of the appeal of the first four movies is that no one is John McClane, his closest confidants in each movie are very different from him (VelJohnson, Jackson, Long). I don't know if they are trying to continue the franchise beyond Willis' shelf life but I'm concerned the fifth movie might fail for this reason.

Regardless though, I'm just happy that they are making another Die Hard.
You know a franchise is getting shit when they introduce the main characters son who "maybe more of a hardass than his dad." Like Indy 4, and err The Mummy Dragon Emperor.

They should've cast Sean Connery John McClaines dad, then it has the potential to be as awesome as The Last Crusade. "Yipikaye Motherfucker!" "JUNIOR! What have I told you about shwearing?"
Looking forward to this movie, Die Hard 4 was still really enjoyabl, and there will almost certainly be some good banter between McClane and his son. And Bruce is always great in the role.

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