Who is your favorite action movie hero of all time?

Who is your favorite action movie hero

  • Van Damme

  • Willis

  • Snipes

  • Stallone

  • Schwarzenegger

  • Lundgren

  • Chuck Norris

  • Jason Statham

  • Jet Li

  • Bruce Lee

  • Brandon Lee

  • Harrison Ford

  • Vin Diesel

  • Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

  • Other

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Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If anything who is your most favorite action movie hero of all time and explain why as to how he is your favorite. Personally I am a Bruce Willis fan and why you ask? Because if you have watched any of his movies, you will know why especially with the Die Hard movies and not to mention he has the most iconic character in perhaps movie history with John McClane
Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This is largely due to the Terminator series which catapulted him to the top of the action genre and international superstardom. He was somewhat known for his roles in the Conan films, but Terminator was without doubt the film that made his career. From there he revisited the franchise another 2 times, worked with James Cameron again on True Lies, worked with sci-fi action great Paul Verhoeven on Total Recall and who can forget his turns in Commando and Predator too.

He dabbled in family films for a bit too. The contrast of a well-known action star dealing with kids and stumbling his way through 90 minutes of PG fare did what it was meant to; produce comic fare that made money.

Plus, he is The Last Action Hero, so it's only fitting.
Schwarzenegger easily.

Predator, the Terminator films (yes, I did enjoy Rise Of The Machines), True Lies, Eraser, Total Recall, and Last Action Hero was a great action/comedy film. Arnold's resumé is loaded with so many high quality films, and he truly is the king of action. Arnold's charisma really shines in Total Recall, True Lies, Last Action Hero, and Eraser, and his larger than life presence in Predator and The Terminator films can feel awe-inspiring. Also, Commando was a fine action flick. But Commando doesn't receive that much attention now a days, and it's easy to see why, when you look at Arnold's list of action films. Commando gets buried underneath a heap of classics, and it's a damn shame, because Commando isn't a bad film at all.

Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone can make entertaining action films, but they really haven't done anything memorable outside of their signature franchises (Die Hard and Rambo). John McClane and John Rambo have become action icons over the years, but Willis and Stallone's action careers have been pretty lackluster, when they step out of their comfort zone franchises. Arnold has achieved great success outside of The Terminator franchise, and that's why he gets my vote here.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, yeah. I really couldnt pick anyone else, I wouldnt count Bruce Lee as an action movie star and I love Chuck Norris but from his TV Show and not his movies. So Arnie takes the cake with me for Terminator, Predator, True Lies, Commando, the list goes on and on. It feels like ages ago but before he was the governator he was one of my favorite action heros and he still is to me despite the shrunken muscles and the suit. My favorite thing about Schwarzenegger has always been that he can play that crazy badass hero and still play a role like Jingle All The Way, that is a real man.
Robert Downey Jr. for me.
Loved him in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2, Iron Man 1 & 2, and recently in The Avengers also. He is quite funny, endearing and believable especially when he is playing a motor-mouth douche.

Liam Neeson is another one I really adore. Without him it is difficult to imagine movies like Taken, A-Team, etc. Even Batman Begins won't be same without him
Personally this is easy my vote is on Ford. With all the crazy stuff that happens in the Indiana Jones films there always good for excitement plus have a good story behind them to. Also him playing Solo in the Star wars movie space pirate blows stuff up falls for Leia good stuff. And a close second would be Willis the 4 die-hard movies alone asure you of one thing stuff go boom in his action movies plus , he has a good personality for excitement
Damn... this is actually pretty tough because there are some good choices here, Arnold, Van Damme, Snipes, Stallone all had some awesome action movies as I was growing up. However, the guy who had some of the best if you ask me was Nicolas Cage! He had a summer where he just released 3 of the sickest movies from the Rock to Con Air to Face Off (sick in that order). Face off should have been better but man it was cheesy, Rock and Con Air were perfect action flicks and 2 of my all time favs so for that Cage gets the nod from me.
My favourite is Harrison Ford. He is Indiana Jones, Han Solo and Jack Ryan. Don't forget Rick Deckard in Blade Runner. An ass kicking President in Air Force One, the Fugitive, and many others.

Next would be Arnie for terminator, predator, Commando, even Kindergarten Cop was 50% an action movie.

But then you have Bruce Lee who is an abolsute icon...
Arnold Schwarzenegger by far. His role in Terminator was played perfectly, in all 3. His one man army characteristics made him even more of an action hero.
I have to give props to the guy who mentioned Nicolas Cage. I voted for Stallone, and I stand by that, but Nicolas Cage is actually my favorite actor PERIOD, and he is a great action star as well. Cage is a guy who has a lot of good movies that have flown under the radar, but that should be more highly revered. I love Nicolas Cage, he is the man, and that is that.

Stallone takes the cake for me on this one. Now I don't know that you'd count them as "Action" flicks but the Rocky franchise is a major feather in his cap and it's hard to vote against Rocky Balboa in any contest.

Not to be forgotten, the Rambo movies are not just great action flicks but good movies in general, especially the first one.

Another great action flick that I think tends to go unnoticed from Stallone that just kicks major ass is none other than Cobra. Yeah, that's right baby, Cobra! Stallone as Marion Cobretti was fucking epic. He was a complete bad ass on par with any other action movie bad ass you'd care to mention.

You can never forget Demolition Man either. Another great action movie from Stallone, and it didn't hurt that he was working alongside Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, and Dennis Leary. This is one of my favorite future based movies and an action flick for the ages that speaks to Stallone's position at the top of the action star rankings.

Cliffhanger, Cop Land, Get Carter, Over The Top, Lock Up, Tango and Cash, The Specialist, Judge Dread, Death Race 2000, F.I.S.T, Nighthawks, etc.... This guy has the resume. The other thing is, Stallone is still going and kicking ass as we've seen in the last few years with "Rocky Balboa", "Rambo", "The Expendables" and he has other movies about to come out and yet to be filmed, so at the least you've got to say he's also shown the staying power few others can even touch.

I don't discount Arnold by any means. If Stallone is #1 in my book, Arnold is #1A and I would be very torn to have to actually choose one over the other as I love both of them and they've both made a lot of great action flicks.
I voted for Bruce Lee. He forever changed what action films and more specifically, karate movies were to become for decades to come. His body of work is especially impressive because it is a relatively short career. He rose to fame quickly and then just as quickly died. He was an innovator of the genre and I'm surprized he didn't get as many votes as the other guys.

As for American action films, I'm more partial to Bruce Willis. He has more personality than most on that list and his films have that entangable element that draw you in. The Die Hard films are perhaps the biggest & best example of a great action series and how each one changed the overall series. Although I'm a decent fan of Stallone, I think Willis has abit more personality on-screen. Stallone has alot more films action-wise, than Willis does.

I do think guys like Van Damme and Arnold deserve honorable mentions, though. Both guys had great films that all had contributions to the action film genre. As with any actors, each choice had their fair shares of crappy movies. Their better movies are what people tend to remember, which is what I judged the list by.
I have to go with other. I like the other guys to, but for the most part, they've done some great work but they've also done some shit films.

Stallone had Rocky, Rambo, Cobra,
Schwarzenegger had Terminator, Total Recall, etc.
Statham has had the Transporter
Harrison Ford has had Indiana Jones, Star Wars,
Bruce Lee helped bring martial arts films to US audiences (if he didn't do so
Chuck Norris had his run
and the others on the list have delivered some great success.

I think the person who is truly an action star is some one who does their own stunt work, and that for me is .... Jackie Chan. His English isn't great, (it's his second language), but he does his own stunts, choreographs the fight scenes, delivers films with great action. When the story is good with his action scenes, you've got a great film experience.
Chow Yun Fat. The Killer,Hard Boiled,The Replacement Killers,The Corrupter etc. When it came to shoot'em up action flicks the man from Hong Kong stands in the top of the class. Mainly used with famous director John Woo, Chow Yun Fat became as big of an international action star as Jet Li and Jackie Chan before his first US film The Replacement Killers which opened up his catalog of Hong Kong action films.
Very hard to pick for me, Action is my favourite genre and I love all the guys in the genre, so my answer is all of the above but when it comes to who is the best action star, I'd probably have to go with Jackie Chan for pretty much the same reasons jacdnwarrior stated. He does his own stunts, choreographs fight scenes and he has some of the best fight scenes in movie history, he can deliver good comedy & good serious acting and he brings great action to the screen...basically the guy can do it all.
Arnold for me just for Terminator and predator alone. Two badass characters there. He played those characters perfectly. Always good for adding some humor into his ass kicking as well. When i think of action I think of Arnold.
Going out on a Texan's biased limb and say Chuck Norris.
Not necessarily due to any movies he was in- rather, "Walker, Texas Ranger" largely because he just kept coming back from every freaking bad situation he found himself in.
Norris and his fucktastic beard for the win.
Stallone and Arnold are my personal fav's. But Stallone takes this one because I absolutely loved the Rambo and Rocky movies and the characters of Stallone in them as well.

Arnold rocks in Terminator, Predator and Pumping Iron.
Bruce Lee was the fucking MAN! He had everything an action star needs, looks, personality and, the ability to do his own stunts and make it look good, as well as a natural ability to kick the shit out of his opponents.
I have to say my favorite action movie star is Vin Diesel. He's made some great action movies. Who can forget his fight scene with the Rock in Fast Five, his role as Richard B. Riddick in the Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black, he was in Saving Private Ryan, also he survived a Disney movie like any good action hero. He was the Iron Giant for crying out loud. Vin Diesel is the most consistent action hero today, he has never been in a bad movie, unlike the others Inidanna Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, almost any straight to DVD release, The Tooth Fairy, and worst of all The Peacekeeper. What about Babylon A.D. you say? What about it? I thought it was good.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, so many classic movie quotes. The Terminator series are legendary.

Bruce Lee as well just for the fight scenes, even though they have poor sound effects, they always entertained me.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the best action hero in Hollywood. Have seen his Expendable 2, Terminator (all parts), Last Action Hero and many more. So my vote goes to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is the real action hero.
I have a lot of favorites but if I had to pick one, it'd be Stallone. From Rambo, Rocky, and the Expendables, he has starred in some of the best action films ever. If you don't consider Rambo in that category then I don't know what you would consider an action film.

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