New Gimmick matches.

For a totally daft match:

"Winner marries Mae Young" match, and it's a total comedy match with each wrestler trying his best to lose.

(I was gonna post something about a match involving water but in a few minutes couldn't come up with an idea involving water that wasn't 100x as over-worked as the worst TNA gimmick match)
i like the idea of the elimintion chamber/ladder match, with the chamber having a hole at the top and a belt hangin above then u would have to climb down the outside of the chamber with the belt in order to win

kinda like the terror dome that tna are doin but also have it a weapons filled chamber with the rule that cant go for the belt until all competitors are in plus eliminations

quite a compellin match without being too confusing
A 30 man battleroyal laddermatch where every belt is hangin high in the air a wrestler comes out every 90 seconds if you are the 30th entry you would have a disadvantage because all the titles could be gone before you enter the match except the World Heaviweight and wwe title cant be taken until all 30 me have entered
you can get eliminated by pinfall
Ladder 'N' Cage Match
Ok the wrestlers will start in a No DQ out of the steel cage. The steel cage is doorless. Then they have to climb onto the apron and over the cage. 1 ladder will be on a wall of the steel cage. Then the wrestler sets up the ladder and climbs it to get the title/briefcase/other object. Then they have to climb back up the cage with the title/briefcase/other object. Or if both the superstars are int the ring the one holding the title can pin the other but if they both hold it then there is no count (So basically they need to knock the other person out). Or that match scratch the 2nd climb or pin to win, just get the title/briefcase/other object.
Cant think of a good name but howthis for a match

A 2 out of 3 falls match but whenever gets pinned/made to submit they get a tag team partner to enter the match. I think it would be good because if you get the pinfall your a step closer to winning the match but your also stacking the odds against you since the match becomes a handicap match, then possibly later on a tornado tag match.
Here's a few ideas that I have thought of over the years.

Double Jeopardy Match - A 2 Falls Match where you have to both pin your opponent and make them submit to win. Can have any number of people in the match.

Pyramid Match - A pyramid shaped cage is placed over the ring, with the prize being held at the top of the structure. The object is to climb to the top of the pyramid (either on the outside or inside of the wall) and grab the prize. Works for any number of competetors.

Metal X Match - Basically a Cage Match combined with Ultimate X. 2 ropes are hung on opposite sides of the top of the cage intersecting at the middle where the prize is held, with the goal being to get the prize. The rope X could be replaced with a metal X, like how TNA once used the Elevation X structure for an Ultimate X match.

Unconditional Surrender Match - A tag team elimination I Quit match where you have to make both members of the opposing team quit to win. Could be a great way to end a tag team feud, and lead into interesting storylines where one teammate quits leaving the other guy alone if a team is to be split up.

Fight For The Flag Match - An Iron match of any length desired, where the object is to keep the flag in your corner for the greatest amount of time during your match. To start the flag would be placed in a neutral corner. So if the match is 60 minutes long and it takes 15 minutes for someone to get the flag from the neutral corner, they would need to keep possession for a total of at least 22 minutes, 31 seconds to win the match. During the match possession could go back and forth multiple times.

and the last one i dreamt up, though probably the silliest idea of the lot...but hey, its getting late here for me lol;

Drowning Pool Match - A ring shaped pool surrounds the ring, and the object is to throw a wrestler into the pool, and he then has 15 seconds to re-enter the ring or he loses the match.
Heres a couple of my own inventions that have worked well:

Tag Team Ladder Match with each title suspended seperate and who ever gets the title becomes half the tag team champs. Easy way to put new teams together, destroy other teams and start all sorts of new storyies.

TRIPLE QUITTriple threat rules match but with both the non winners forced to leave the company. Works well when booking best friends/brothers or a tag team into the mix as blue eyes.

LAST BLOOD MATCH its a last man standing match where your opponent must bleed before the count takes place. Great blow off crowds love in as its simple and graphic.
I thought of a few other little gimmicks and variations of current matches so I thought I'd post them...

King of the X Match - Just a variation here, basically a King of the Mountain Match with the Ultimate X structure instead of a ladder. 5 Men would still be best suited I think.

Ironman Roulette Match - An Ironman Match where a roulette wheel with various rules and stipulations (ala Raw Roulette) is spun to determine a (potentially) new stipulation for the next pinfall after every time a wrestler scores a win over his opponent. Same as a normal ironman match for the amount of wrestlers.

Freebirds Three-For-All Match - a series of 3 back-to-back matches to end a feud between two teams of 3 (the name references the "Firebirds Rule" that any combo of a 3 man team that holds tag team titles can defend the belt). It would be a series of three matches between all combinations of the 3 man teams held right after one another. So if wrestlers A, B, and C were against D,E, and F; the matches would be AB vs DE, AC vs DF, and BC vs. EF all back-to-back.

The team with the most victories would be the winner. DQ's would count as a draw, and the tie-breaker if needed would be a No-DQ 6-Man Tag Team match. Obvioulsy this takes teams of 3 to work.

Metallic Jungle Match - A 12 foot high cage with thicker, stronger corners, and alternating open sides (aside from cross beams forming an X for structural support) and chain-link nets surrounds the ring, and 4 heavy-duty 8' long chains hang from a hard metal surface on the top of the cage. The object is to climb on to the top of the cage, and the scale an 8 foot tall truss attached to the cage roof to retrieve the prize hanging above the Jungle Structure.
I've said this in another thread, but my idea for a match is a "Prison Cage" match. The exact same as a cage match, same rules and all, only difference is the cage. Instead of thin metal mesh wiring, it's long think black polls. Pretty hard to climb out that way.
Tag Team Battle royal where one half of the tag team gets eliminated and the other guy has to leave. It could create tension between a team if one guy gets eliminated and the other is eliminated also even tho he didnt get beat.

It could also mean teams could gang up on the weaker half of a team to eliminate a team. Like to eliminate Kane they could eliminate his partner.
Tag Team Battle royal where one half of the tag team gets eliminated and the other guy has to leave. It could create tension between a team if one guy gets eliminated and the other is eliminated also even tho he didnt get beat.

It could also mean teams could gang up on the weaker half of a team to eliminate a team. Like to eliminate Kane they could eliminate his partner.

Every tag team battle royal that's ever happened has been booked like that. Quick examples, the post Mania 23 tag titles battle royal, the tag battle royal at Mania 14. It's not new. Personally I think it would be more intresting if when one is eliminated the other stays. Their partner can then try to aid them in winning.
a couple more came to mind:

Odd One out match: simialr to a triangle match, start with 5 but 1 must start out on the apron and be tagged in in order to compete, once its down to 4 3 compete, 1 stays outside, when its down to 3: it becomes a standard triple threat match.

7 sides of hell: on each side of the ring is a different "hazard" these could vary from match to match but one example could be flames on one side (like an inferno match), 1 wall from the steel cage on another, barbed wire ropes on the third and the 4th has no ropes but there is a kiddie pool filled with thumbtacks on the floor. in addition 3 of the corners have a weapon on a pole,

Key to Victory tournament: not exactly a gimmick 'match" but have say 5 or 6guys compete in a round robin type tournament (everybody faces everybody) each win earns that wrestler a key, after the tournamnet is over, they can try their keys on a safe, inside which is either on a contract for a title match or a title belt itself.

Stockade match: tag match: the losers of the match are placed in stockades and and the winners get to throw things at them, like tomatoes, eggs, pies etc. for 5 minutes.
Every tag team battle royal that's ever happened has been booked like that. Quick examples, the post Mania 23 tag titles battle royal, the tag battle royal at Mania 14. It's not new. Personally I think it would be more intresting if when one is eliminated the other stays. Their partner can then try to aid them in winning.

I swear I've seen that before, I can't remember.... possibly TNA? I really can't recall maybe because it sounds like a really good idea that I kind hoped I've seen it before, oh I don't know.
I swear I've seen that before, I can't remember.... possibly TNA? I really can't recall maybe because it sounds like a really good idea that I kind hoped I've seen it before, oh I don't know.

Yeah, TNA has done it where if one half got eliminated the other half was still in the match. Then when it came down to the final two wrestlers, their partners returned and it was a standard tag team match.
Race to the gold match

The wrestlers start off at one point and have to race through an obstacle course to a finish line in order to win the match. The obstacle course consists of fences, barbed wire, weapons filled rooms/ areas, and even checkpoints where the only way to advance would be to gain a fall over the opponent, the other wrestler would either be eliminated or would have to wait a preordained amount of time before continuing.

This match could work great with multiple wrestlers, or even just two.

Its could be contested for the title, a contract, for a title or even a WWE contact, or even a a grudge match.

I think its a great idea and that it would be both entertaining and fun to watch, and very suspenseful as you would have no idea who could come out on top in this.
i'd like to see what i called a "glass house" match
a box like dome made of fiber glass is made in the ring with three levels, there are differen t platforms, decks of glass, chains, etc around the house, on each level to jump off of and use on your opponent, in order to win the match you need to beat your opponent in one of the levels of the house, pinfall or submission only, and climb to the next level, then whoever stands up on the top of the glass hoiuse is the winner. this could work for tag teams or single matches, also ladders are used to climb the house if, or use the chains/platforms to climb.
Tequila Lighttube No Rope Barbed Wire 4 sides of hell Taipei deathmatch.

Rules:Before the match begins and every two minutes into the match,the wrestlers must take a shot of tequila.There are lighttubes inside and outside of the ring.Ropes are replaced by barbed wire.On one side of the ring there is a barbed wire wraped table,on another side there is a ball of razorwire,on another side there is a ladder,and on the final side there is a singapore cane.There are four men,a man for each weapon,to give the wrestlers the weapons and lighttubes.One fall to a finish,falls only count INSIDE the ring.Oh yeah,its a taipei deathmatch.
That is a ridiculous level of gimmicks all crammed onto one match. I'll admit I for one would never be watching that match just with how barbaric it sounds.
That aside, I really like the 'Key to Victory' idea and think it would make for an interesting tournament idea in my opinion.

I'd rather like to see some sort of gauntlet match reappear. I really like gauntlet format of matches, and would like to see some sort of submission gauntlet, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.
O everyone think about this

Race for Pride

The way this match goes is 2 competitors both start off at a certain part of the arena far away from the ring and when the Ref tells them to go it's all or nothing No Hold Barred anything goes the first person who makes it to the ring is the winner

with the right competitors for this it could work very well i was thinking Edge and Shawn Michaels would be perfect
I had the Elimination Chamber Ladder Match before, and I thought of another.

Triple Cage Elimination Match

The traditional WCW triple cage (as seen in Ready to The matches starts with five men, and to advance up to the next level, you must pin or submit one opponent. Pinfalls are not eliminations, however, a man is eliminated after he is pinned when there is nobody else left. Meaning, once the first three people record pinfalls to advance upwards to the second cage, the two left have to battle it out to see who is eliminated. In the next cage, same rules apply. Pinfall gains advancement, and once the third person makes it, the fourth and final guy is out. When it is down to three guys in the third cage, the first pinfall means elimination and the final two battle it out for the title hanging above the cages.
Deliver Your Fate Match: See im a Backyard Wrestler and in Backyard Wrestling you have to be some what original and try to be different from WWE/TNA. So heres what we did. We got 5 of our best guys, and we put em in a 5 way ladder match with teh winner getting a shot at the heavyweight championship. Suspended above the ring was a mail box with 3 peices of paper inside. The 3 peices of paper had 3 random match types on it. Whoever climbed the ladder and got the mail box was to take out one peice of paper, open it, and that would be there match with the champion.
my match would be barbed wire hell in a cell match

every side and the roof are barbed wire. there are boards on the ground covered in barbed wire and the ropes are also barbed wire u win by pinfall or submisson u can use anything as a weapon. i think it would be an amazing match for people like triple h and john cena for their upcoming feud i would love to see this happen
Eternal Deathmatch
Hell in a Cell fought by Texas Deathmatch rules. Basically after a pinfall, each man has a ten count to get up or they lose.

Glass House
A steel cage that has a glass panes instead of fencing, two sides of the ring ropes replaced with lightubes, and glass weapons.
I Couldnt Think Of A Better Name At This Moment So I Just Call It A Deathmatch Massacare Match.

Its In A Elimination Chamber Where Weapons Like Chairs Chains Tables 2x4 Baseball Bats And Sledghammer Attached To The Chamber. Instead Of Having Ring Ropes Its Replaced By Barbed Wire Standard Eliminations By Pin And Summit Also A Ladder Is In The Ring For Use

The Fantasy Wrestlers For This Match For Me Would Be
Sabu Vs Undertaker Vs Terry Funk Vs Rhino Vs Hhh Vs Mick Foley
i'd love to see some of the really dangerous matches from japan come here like the landmine deathmatch but i highly doubt that john cena could take that kind of match

who fucking cares bout fucking cena the crowds love him but look at on face book Acc group anti cena army and also soo many ppl hate him on utube

also my idea for a match is gona realy be used but its called DEAth match
a match where its a ring and any thing goes olny way to KILL YOUR OPPENT this would prob not happ cuz storylines are all kayfable

tag rumble lol is kind of like a royal rumble match but the last two wrestlers reaming will be tag champion does matter if there boy girl hate eachother the lst two not the last team but last two ppl

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