New Destination America executive might save TNA

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
From this weeks Observer:

Mark Etkind, who had been the General Manager of Destination America and in-charge of programming moved to take a similar role with The Science Channel a few weeks ago. Jane Latman is now the new General Manager and is currently evaluating all programming on the network for either renewal or cancellation in early 2016.

ROH's deal expires in December as they only signed a 26 week contract. The upside with ROH is it's free programming, it draws above the station average despite its late timeslot and it draws similar advertising numbers as TNA. TNA will be off of the network in January and are looking at other networks but thus far I've heard nothing close to them even opening serious negotiations. After being cancelled by Spike last year and Destination America this year finding a new network will be tough. How many sitcoms have been picked up after two cancellations? An advertiser was looking at buying time on the network in early 2016 specifically on the wrestling shows and was told at the time (before Etkind left the GM position last month) that they would not be having any wrestling on the station. This could seriously change TNA's fate if the advertiser is interested and is willing to spend good money. TNA is the big issue because Discovery pays to produce the show and are spending more on it than they are on any other original programming. ROH is in a different situation where they could be renewed because of Discovery's relationship with Sinclair. It's only an hour of programming and despite never being promoted by the station has been doing reasonable numbers. Even if ROH don't get renewed their still more than safe as they still air in over 48% of the US on syndication on Sinclair Broadcasting, Cox Communications, New England Sports Network and unaffiliated local stations around the country.

I'd advise any TNA higher ups that get word of this to keep Dixie Carter as far away from any communicative device for the next two months and hope that this new GM has pity on their souls, otherwise it's YouTube and international distribution going forward.

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