My ADR Exit Story, Should ADR Leave


Go Ricardo GO!
Lately, I've read reports of the possibility of Alberto Del Rio possibly leaving WWE once his contract expires. If I were a bookersaurus rex, here's how I would play it.

Put ADR in one last match with Batista, possibly the night after WRESTLEMANIA XXX. Have ADR's ex-sidekick, Ricardo Rodriguez, stationed at ringside at the Spanish announce table. Have Charles "Little Naitch" Robinson direct traffic. And have the match be no DQ, no countout, only pinfall or submission as the last match of the night.

Both men get bloody, both men give all they have (such as it is, as I like neither of them), neither man will quit. Suddenly, Ricardo Rodriguez leaves his spot at the Spanish announce table, takes off his coat, grabs a steel chair, and goes in, seemingly to bean ADR. But instead...


Out goes Batista from the chairshot. Then Ricardo, seemingly back on ADR's team, directs ADR to lock in the cross-armbreaker. Then...


Down goes ADR at Ricardo's feet, just as Rick Viktor, Conor O'Brien, Paige, Raquel Diaz, and Seth Rollins come to the ring.

Ricardo has re-formed The Ascension on the main roster.

Then, after chairshotting "Little Naitch" for good measure, Ricardo grabs a mic, gets down to both Batista's and ADR's level, and says, "You wasted your opportunities. I'm NOT going to waste mine." Then, he rises to his feet, laughing as The Ascension enters the ring, with Michael Cole shouting, "WHAT HAS RICARDO DONE?!"
Lately, I've read reports of the possibility of Alberto Del Rio possibly leaving WWE once his contract expires. If I were a bookersaurus rex, here's how I would play it.

Put ADR in one last match with Batista, possibly the night after WRESTLEMANIA XXX. Have ADR's ex-sidekick, Ricardo Rodriguez, stationed at ringside at the Spanish announce table. Have Charles "Little Naitch" Robinson direct traffic. And have the match be no DQ, no countout, only pinfall or submission as the last match of the night.

Both men get bloody, both men give all they have (such as it is, as I like neither of them), neither man will quit. Suddenly, Ricardo Rodriguez leaves his spot at the Spanish announce table, takes off his coat, grabs a steel chair, and goes in, seemingly to bean ADR. But instead...


Out goes Batista from the chairshot. Then Ricardo, seemingly back on ADR's team, directs ADR to lock in the cross-armbreaker. Then...


Down goes ADR at Ricardo's feet, just as Rick Viktor, Conor O'Brien, Paige, Raquel Diaz, and Seth Rollins come to the ring.

Ricardo has re-formed The Ascension on the main roster.

Then, after chairshotting "Little Naitch" for good measure, Ricardo grabs a mic, gets down to both Batista's and ADR's level, and says, "You wasted your opportunities. I'm NOT going to waste mine." Then, he rises to his feet, laughing as The Ascension enters the ring, with Michael Cole shouting, "WHAT HAS RICARDO DONE?!"

Nice use of Rodriguez unexpectedly attacking Batista with the chair and great dialogue.

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