Music Videos

Aeon Mathix

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Im not sure if i am the only one who feels this way about music videos or not, but when you hear a song you really love and you see the music video for it does it ruin the song for you? Maybe not ruin the song, but I think all of us when we first hear a song we create in our minds what we see happening as the song is playing, and then I watch the music video for the song I like and it turns out to be completely different then what I had in my imagination and whenever I hear the song again I can't help but think about the music video and it sort of destroys the image I had in my head of the song. Now I am not saying at all music videos shouldnt be made anymore or any of that and I know the simple answer "just dont watch the music video dumbass" and all of that, but I guess the question is, do you enjoy watching music videos of your favorite songs or just enjoy creating your own music video in your mind?
Idk, it really depends. I like music videos if they simply feature the band playing their song. I think those are great as I can see how they play the songs and what they specifically are doing on their instruments, even if its not real time. I however do not like the ones where they have stories or random stuff going on that goes over the song itself, or when they edit the song down for time.

For example there is a part of the Holy Wars music video by Megadeth where the father turns the song off and then they resume it after a few moments. Things like that annoy me.
Well, music videos haven't really ruined the song for me. There are times I don't always like the music video are I'm surprised by the video because I imagined it differently in my head. Usually music videos help me appreciate the songs and understand the songs better.

There is one video I can't get into. I can't say I don't like it but I don't really Love it either. The song and video is by Trian and the song is Hey, Soul Sister. The song is great. But the video I don't know why I can't really get into it. To me the lead singer tries to act cool, and natural. He tries too hard to be cool or natural. He forces it.

A video that surprised me is by Rob Thomas and Her Diamonds. Just didn't see the video being the way it was.
It depends on the song, some songs suit their videos whereas others, like you said seem to fit better with the images that you create in your mind.

One I do feel suits its video is QOTSA- Go With The Flow. The video with the cartoon style characters in red and black speeding down the road in their car definately fits in with the song.

Others don't fit so well. Sometimes, when it is the band just playing it doesnt really adda anything to the song imo
Sometimes the video makes the song better though. I've used Pearl Jam's "Do the Evolution" a few times here. That is one case where the video is 100x better then I could have thought of. The ones that are from movies.. like Aerosmith's "Don't wanna miss a thing" are kind of annoying.. Maybe it was just the sight of Ben.. I don't fully agree with Fury though, as the video for Metallica's "Day that never comes" was amazingly done.
all depends on how the video is done, does it represent the song... I can't stand most concert videos or movies in videos, some, but not most, I like a music video to tell a story and not only fit the song but the band as well, if it does that then I'm all about the video, if not, well then meh, yeah I jus don't watch the video anymore

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